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Friday, May 19, 2006

School Board Member Attacks the Community

The Oley School Board is under fire for considering a policy change that will inhibit, intimidate, and prevent public participation at board meetings.
The policy puts extraordinary speech limitations and expense on citizens speaking at board meetings.
The author of this anti-First Amendment and anti-Sunshine Law revision is the policy committee. The committee is comprised of Chairman, Robert J. Cappa, Scarlette Z. Gotwals, and Christopher M. Hannum.
At the May 17, 2006 meeting, Mr. Cappa expressed complete contempt for the community when he had his son read a prepared statement. Mr. Cappa did not attend the meeting.
Free speech does not mean you can force others to listen, the statement said. A demonstration of this freedom is when some long-winded person calls you on the phone and you can just hang up. It is why in a closed environment like a school board meeting, the length of repetitious diatribes can be limited.
In other words, get lost Oley Valley citizens.
Mr. Cappa is also the board member who brought a camera to a meeting and filmed speakers. He was asked to cease his intimidating behavior, but he refused.
The meeting agenda called for a first reading and discussion of the policy. There was no reading or discussion.
Perhaps, Mr. Cappa's statment reflects the attitude of the entire board. They have remained silent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

By now, everyone in Oley should know that nothing is free, including speech. It has always been in the taxpayer's faces that the board considers the taypayer's input to be nothing more than a time consuming pain in the neck. We have less than one year to recruit suitable replacements for the current board members. Spread the word any way you can, but get out there and let it be known that our current board runs a very sloppy and ignorant ship. That's the kind of ship that sinks quickly and easily.

Don't let Oley become the TITANIC of 2006.

5/19/2006 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us hope the board has the sense to make these outrageous policy revisions just fade away. If not, then we can assume they brazenly welcome the donney brook they will have caused.

The attempted limitation of our Constitutional rights is a non-partisan cross-cultural issue. If our right to free speech is limited and/or denied at board meetings, what other rights are next? We simply cannot allow this policy to go forward. If it does, the board leaves us no alternative but to replace the lot of them. There are many of us who really do not desire or have the time to serve on the School Board. However, if that's what it takes, we'll have to do so in order to wrest control back into the hands of the "real" people who recognized that none of us is above the U.S. Constitution and all that it stands for.
And with God's help we will.

5/19/2006 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The entire board should silence Dr. Cappa from what he is trying to do to the public, or do they like that he speaks for what they believe but are too chicken to say for themselves. Do they really want this policy to change? Why has it not been done before now? What is wrong with the current policy? It has worked for years!!! Cappa has to find some other kind of work to do in his spare time! Leave the public alone. Abortion is allowed in this country but speaking at a board meetings is not, what are you people thinking. Human's are being killed and it cannot be stopped, but the public that pays your bills and salary are not to utter a word at board meetings, This will not fly!! People in this country have died for us so we could have the freedoms that makes the USA great, you will not take this away from us!!

5/19/2006 02:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCarthy who says she is Christian cannot even say hello when someone says hello to her just because we do not agree on board issues and openly tell the board how we feel and what they are doing half the time is wrong. She is another one who wants to silence the public. Next time we are at a meeting we will have ear plugs and tylenol for any board member that feels they cannot handle the public comments. Remember the public put you into office, the public can take you out of office in the next election.

5/19/2006 02:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to Mrs. McCarthy saying she is a Christian, I'm not sure that is true. It IS true that Dr. Gotwals, Mr. Maloney and Mrs. Bieber say they are. It is time for them to stand for something other than reaching concensus and not making waves. If not now, WHEN!

5/19/2006 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that is pretty gutless of Cappa to send his son to make a statement instead of facing the public.

This entire episode is a very sorry mess and an embarassment to our community.

I agree that this board is in dire need of replacement.

5/19/2006 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please... stop a second or two. Each and every one of us should be proud of the other 8 board members. Appreciate all they've got to offer! Any fool can agree or disagree with Cappa, but it takes pure GENIUS to realize that he is insane. From early in childhood, each one of us encounters a crazy person, and learns quite quickly to stay out of their way. See how smart those other 8 board members are to leave him ramble like that? It's clear that they don't want the Wrath of Cappa thrust in their direction.
Now, with that said, let's see if we can't get NINE BOARD MEMBERS WITH A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF SANITY AND A SMATHERING OF COMMON SENSE ....AND....THRIFTINESS...Then...!...we can get back to a normal sort of country life, and rid ourselves of this current ill-mannered board. It's sad that things have gone this far in the wrong direction, but this board should not confuse kindness for weakness. The citizens of this community are not weak. We are terribly busy raising our families, working, and doing GOOD THINGS FOR OUR FELLOW MAN. It's never too late to have a school board that can fill the same shoes. We all love Oley, lets show our children what they mean to us, and our parents and grandparents, too.

5/19/2006 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has Saddam escaped?????

5/19/2006 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has happened to this school district? We need major changes and next year we need the public to vote this board out of office!! This school board is a disgrace! The way they treat the public shows they do not have any christian values, GOD IS WATCHING!!

5/20/2006 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What has happened to this school district? We need major changes and next year we need the public to vote this board out of office!! This school board is a disgrace! The way they treat the public shows they do not have any christian values, GOD IS WATCHING!!

5/20/2006 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Christian values? How about no values of ANY kind. Many of the members profess to be Christians, but they must go to some strange kind of church. Any church leader that would suggest that it's okay to tax old folks out of their homes is nobody I'm in any hurry to meet...or give money to.
And this bunch wants to be in charge of our children's education? Wow, scary.....

5/20/2006 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


To use a gavel to bring an end to something or to stop discussion.

Cappa and his other two partners in crime...DO NOT HAVE A GAVEL.

Heckman is the head of this board, and it is on his head that this constitutional right is being abused. Don't give Cappa and the other two on that committee the satisfaction of knowing they are more than irking the tax payers. Instead, attend the next board meeting and make it known to the President of the school board that they are wading in "Lake Stupid."

Frankly, many of us never got past the part where they found out that mr cappa sent that ignorant letter to Mr. Levan. An elderly tax payer--that everyone knew was dying of cancer. How does any normal adult do such a sick and heartless thing and still have the nerve to appear anywhere in public?

Please pray for Mr. Cappa, that he will go and get help for his "condition."
Does the board of elections run any sort of sanity check on those running for office? If not, now is the time. After all, innocent children are being affected by decisions made, in part, by this person. Equally innocent senior citizens are being affected by the entire board's inefficient decisions.

5/20/2006 02:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heckman is responsible for this!! You are right. The next meeting is on 6/14 and I urge everyone to come and ask Heckman to stop this policy from being changed. He has been here too many years to not see what is going on is dead wrong. You are also right that they have no values or care for anyone. I wonder how they sleep at night! They are all snakes in the grass!! It is time for major change.

5/20/2006 02:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our daughter wants to go and serve in the Army after college and defend our freedoms that you the board want to take away, the freedom of speech. What do we say to our daughter that she should not bother going into the Army because her own school district wants to take away the freedom that she would go and fight for? You must stop this policy from going through. It is wrong and you know it. You take our money but you want us not to speak and ask questions about how you are running this district. What are you saying to my child and other children in this district that want to defend their country? This is wrong!!

5/20/2006 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Andy and Mary...and every parent of good, decent Oley School students:

The board's message is loud and clear. Their first concern is NOT for the welfare of each and every student. Their first concern is feeding their own super egos.

What your daughter wishes to do is extremely commendable, and the people of the Oley Valley, including the board, should be thankful that we have parents that raise a decent child, and that we have children that want to put forth the extra effort involved with serving our country. Three cheers for parents like Andy and Mary. Three cheers for children like the ones they are rasisng.

5/20/2006 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on the bozo that cooked up the idea of silencing the hand that feeds them.

5/20/2006 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind comments, our daughter works hard and wants to serve our country with pride. She will be going to college to become an Army doctor. She wants to work at the field hospitals in Iraq or somewhere else they might need her. This board looks really bad that they want to take away our right to speak. Lets see if they have the heart to change their minds.

5/20/2006 07:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A good question would be, "Why is Oley so determined to keep the taxpayers from speaking at the board meetings?" Could it be that we are now asking the right questions, to which the answers will incriminate those in charge for the past 10 years.

Fact is, the Pennsylvania Department of Education now publishes the numbers that the school districts submit and the Oley Superintendent and school board can no longer lie to the public about those numbers, as they have over the last 10 years.


Dr. Zackon would have you believe that "We've just been unlucky," "What more can I say?" Could it be that these business managers were ethical employees and perhaps they were asked to do something unethical?

Why do you think Dr. Zackon makes the public jump through hoops just to get information that is public? What exactly is he hiding? Why was the public not allowed to speak with the Business Manager, Linda Adams, if they had a question? Why did Linda Adams have to look at Dr. Zackon at every board meeting before she answered a question?

Notice that the 10-year time period keeps popping up. Check out the auditor general's website to view the audit on the Oley School District.

FINDING NO.1 - Internal Control Weaknesses and Pupil Membership Errors Resulted in Subsidy Underpayments of $14,610.

Internal control weaknesses were noted for years 98-99, 99-2000, 2000-01, 01-02.

These included: Reporting Errors; Failure to Retain Supporting Documentation; Internal Control Weaknesses.

According to the Audit, internal controls are the responsibility of MANAGEMENT.

Management's response stated, The cause of the problem is not clear. Any comments on the cause would be strictly guessing.

I wonder which one of our crack management team said this?

FINDING NO. 2 - Internal Control Weaknesses Resulting in Questionable Transportation Reimbursements of $1,851,793.

This also included four years, 98-99, 99-2000, 2000-01, 01-02.

Included were Failure to Properly Report Odometer Readings; Underreporting of Contractor Costs; Failure to Retain Supporting Documentation.

Again, per the audit, internal controls are the responsibility of MANAGEMENT.

Management's response: What the cause of the problem mentioned above is not clear. Any comments on the cause would be strictly speculative.


FINDING NO. 3 - Inappropriate Investment in Commercial Paper.

The Oley School District invested $26,975,261 in Category 3 investments.

Category 3 investments are uninsured and unregistered and the securities are held by the counterparty's trust department or agent, but not held in the government's name. Commercial paper is not an authorized investment for school districts under the PA School Code!

The audit stated that the district's investment of capital project moneys in commercial paper was inappropriate.

Management's response was in disagreement with the Auditor General's finding.

The Auditor's conclusion was that the investments in commercial paper are not allowed by Pennsylvania School Code, Section 4-110.1 and the finding will stand as written.

You can find this report on the Pennsylvania Auditor General's website.

This was brought up at a board meeting, and of course no one had anything to say, and I believe there was a letter to the editor by one of our distinguished employees as to where I got this information.

Please read the report and make your own decision as to the MISMANAGEMENT OF THIS SCHOOL DISTRICT.

Just another little tidbit - this is Oley's year to be audited by the Attorney General.

What is going on in this district and what kind of DICTATOR is this Dr. Zackon?

5/20/2006 09:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The preceding article needs to be read by more people that are currently reading this blog. It needs to be in THE NEWSPAPER. Odds are, the local paper would be scared to death to print something like this, because we all know how slanted the eagle is, and always was.
Anyone with a fresh pack of copy paper can feel free to run copies of this posting and distribute any way they can....our taxpaying public has their head everywhere but where it should be. How many wake up calls do we need?
Zackon's slippery zig-zag format is becoming see-through at a rapid pace. What idiot would volunteer to be part of this mess now? That's the real question. The real answer is:
We already have a crew of idiots on the board, we don't need 5 replacements, we need the entire board tossed out on their ears....and start from square one.

Any time questions are avoided at any cost, and now the questions are getting monitored well in advance...means that there is one big thing in question. It's all about the money, and where it's going...and where it's NOT going.

5/21/2006 03:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One would have to wonder how the son of a board member, himself, felt....as he was "used" in the recent letter reading. Father or not, normal children would not be all that proud of a dad that acts like that, then, drags his child into the act.

Of course, it's always a possibility that as soon as sonny boy is old enough, he'll be running for board.


How 'bout you, Pops? Got any long-distance lap top comments to attach to this bloggeroonie? C'mon, yer not too pooped to blog, now are ye?

5/22/2006 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theeeeee Carpenter's hammer goes rrrrrrrapppp rrrrapppp rrrrrappp...
and his saw goes seeee saw seeee.

5/22/2006 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would hope that someone from the Reading Eagle would be taking some interest in this story.

I agree, the more publicity, the better. We can't allow this to be swept under a rock.

A totally fresh start is what is required, toss 'em all out on their butts!!

5/22/2006 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

rump roast?

5/22/2006 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a music teacher a long time ago who's name was Miss Rump? Gadz, that's enough to make you get married to ANYBODY!

5/22/2006 08:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may be thinking of Miss Grupp or Grumpp, one of those was teaching musick.

5/22/2006 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who on earth would hire a teacher named Miss Grumpp? Geez, that's crazy. I think you are really mixed up on this one.

5/22/2006 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ding dong...
who gives a hooooot?
Isn't this a blog to inform the overtaxed and under appreciated taxpayers of Oley?

5/22/2006 08:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you don't have to get so touchy!

The thing is, we are so over taxed, and treated so rudly, we can hardly think straight. To me, the stress level that the Oley school board has put all of us under, is the very worst part. Shake the tree they are all clinging to, make sure they get the message, we're not standing for their pathetic excuses any longer.

5/22/2006 08:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And who did Miss Grumpp marry? Mr. YouGottaProblem?

5/22/2006 09:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, we're mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!

Out with the tyrants on the Oley Valley School Board!

5/22/2006 10:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow people have been busy on this blog site. It looks like new people have concerns as well. Keep reading and being informed and try to come to the next meetings on 6/14/06 and 6/21/06 at 7PM in the administration building. The more concerned citizens the better, we need to take back this district and make it the way it should be, our children, parents and grandparents are at risk. The board has been hurting the people that pay the bills and the salaries way tooooo long. It is time for changes.

5/23/2006 09:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is an outstanding way for us to communicate the issues of this school district. Keep us informed. Thank you Al!

5/23/2006 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hats off to Al Jacobs! Does he have any brothers? We could use a few more good men!
How about sisters?
All kidding aside, Al is a hero to the Oley Valley. He's got a great handle on how things are, and how they should be. We need to give Al all the support that we can, because we all benefit from his hard work. First and foremost, the students! Why is it that the citizens of the Oley Valley are trying so hard to do what's right, and a hand full of board members are trying to crumble all that we've worked so hard for? Listen up board members, one day, the shoe might be on the other foot. Better make sure it will fit!

5/23/2006 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that nobody mentioned anything about missing ole doc cappa while was/is away?????

Because he's been away for ages, right?

5/23/2006 06:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cappa is in Mississippi says his son, but he does not need to go that far away to do community service, what about berks food bank, meals of wheels and other local service that is needed. Cappa has to come back and face the music, his policy is a joke

5/23/2006 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr President Heckman, you have the power to stop this policy from being changed. Do it now!! You want the president title, then use it to end this policy from being changed, it is wrong. Do something right for a change!

5/24/2006 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To every thing...there is a season.

And, seasons change. Now, it's time for this school board to change. It's TIME.

5/24/2006 03:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Special message, only to those concerned about Christian values on the board:

"This school board is a disgrace! The way they treat the public shows they do not have any christian values..." "McCarthy who says she is Christian..." "As to Mrs. McCarthy saying she is a Christian, I'm not sure that is true. It IS true that Dr. Gotwals, Mr. Maloney and Mrs. Bieber say they are." "GOD IS WATCHING!"

The posters of the above comments must be a "different" kind of Christian than those I know. You're right, God IS watching. God is watching YOU announce just who is or isn't WORTHY to carry the title of "Christian." God is watching YOU say that the board must not have any Christian values. God is watching YOU judge. I'm pretty sure there was just one man who had the ability to judge (starts with a "J"), and HE didn't do it. Wonder why?!

Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (From a special book, I'm sure you all have it.)

Don't worry, I'm sure a lot of good Christians won't judge you for anything you've said :)

5/24/2006 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tammy Fay,

Christian values on the school board? you ought to hear the closed session comments.. .. ..

WEll....Judge not, lest ye be judged? That goes for everyone, correct? So, those that hide behind fancy Doctor titles, President titles, etc, are no different than anyone else. A crook is a crook, and anyone with a brain will call 'em as they see 'em. The Bible teaches that it is wrong to be judgemental, but it also teaches us to use our God given talents. That means...use the brain you were born with. Use it or lose it. When we spot shenanigans on a school board, being polite is not going to bail out anyone. Speaking up and standing for your rights means you've used the brain the good Lord gave you. Allowing senior citizens to be ousted from their rightful homes is a SIN. A big, dirty sin. Twisting the constitution to suit and satisy the ego of ignorant board members is also a sin. And, it's also a crime. Laughing at the taxpayers...as if you're better than them? THAT'S JUST PLAIN STUPID.
We will never truly have a separation of church and state. It's impossible. The three most common words heard in succession at any Oley School Board meeting are, and have always been...."OH MY GOD....."

5/24/2006 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you think walking on water was a real eye catcher....imagine how He'd have performed if he had a synthetic track to get in shape!

5/24/2006 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

since cappa sends his son in place of himself, when he's off being a do-gooder, the rest of us should do the same. Send our children to the school board meetings. All of our children. Let them see first hand, how "adults" attempt to set a good example.
The board can wear their new shirts, the ones that say..."Do as I say, not as I do....."

5/24/2006 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The do-gooders are not that good are they??? God would never want to see a person lose the home they have lived in for many years because a school district wants to use their hard earned money on non-educational items. What about doing what is right for a change. Give us a no-tax increase. Maybe you will get some brownie points from the man upstairs, if you believe in him, he is watching!!! Amen!

5/24/2006 09:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, lets us bring the children to the meetings. I have brought my children now and then and they plead with me not to go anymore. They see first hand what these board members are like. They do not care if children are in the board room, they treat their mother like dirt. Maybe if more children see what this board is like they will have more common sense to tell their parents to vote the board out of office. I see children in this school district that are smarter then the adults!!

5/24/2006 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Reading Eagle did something right. Read the editioral section in today's paper. Cappa you are wrong!!

5/25/2006 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRING IT ON Oley School Board! Looks like the law stands behind the PUBLIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5/25/2006 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/25/2006 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, the board sets a
STERLING EXAMPLE for our students!

5/25/2006 11:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do not put on CAPS for how many minutes you get on this blog site, Reading Eagle is right in today's paper. Oley Valley School District needs to leave the policy the way it is. NO CHANGES, we also let the public write what is on their mind and the concerns they have with this district and the people on this board. And I cannot forget the facts that they write on this blog site, facts that this district wants to hide under the big braided rug.

5/25/2006 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oley is in the paper again!!!

5/25/2006 11:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our prayers go out to Danny, the most devoted, concerned taxpayer Oley has ever seen. God Bless! We are thinking of you.

5/25/2006 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Computer etiquette gets set aside under conditions such as these. Since you can't underline or use italics on their font, CAPS is the only way to stress how outraged we are by the actions of the Oley School Board. Spelling and punctuation are not a big deal on here. The main thing here is the CONTENT of the blogs. And, it is well worth the time to read them, and to respond. We all know that the board members and teachers alike, are snooping on here, out of pure guilt. So, fellow taxpayers, pour your hearts out. That's why we have this blog. Then, do something about all that ails this school board. Get rid of them!

5/25/2006 05:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was talking about the amount of time allowed to vent on this blog. It is unlimited, not like what this school board is trying to do to the public. silence is not going to happen!!! Yes I am the one that uses CAPS most of the time because I need to get across the problems and concerns of this district. Let us get rid of them is fine by me....

5/25/2006 06:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unlimited time sure is a good thing, as opposed to the board meetings, where they really don't even want you to breathe the same air they're breathing, let alone ask a question.

Fact is, they are the last people I want to be in a closed room with, but they are not going to continue to intimidate any or all of us.

Thanks to AL, we are getting want we want and what they hate....


5/25/2006 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Al, we can finally speak. Your the best. The public is sure glad your are here to help us with these so called humans that are running this district right to the ground. Remember everyone the next meeting is 6/14/06 in the Admin. bldg. at 7pm.

5/25/2006 07:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there, Tammy Faye! Haha! I must say, I know a couple of us who are going to have fun with that one! Knowing you, and being well aware of who Tammy Faye is, I find that response to your entry ridiculously hilarious! Thank you, dear "letter" writer, for providing us with some wonderful "inside" humor!
In all seriousness though, dearest "Tammy Faye"... I find your comments insightful and written out of love. Kudos to you for that! What a wonderful example you provide in a world that is too often overcome by anger and hate!

5/25/2006 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, you can use italics, bold, and underline via HTML technique. Thank God the Oley School Board implimented those computer technology courses however many years ago. They certainly served ME well! :)

5/25/2006 09:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,

"I have brought my children now and then and they plead with me not to go anymore. They see first hand what these board members are like. They do not care if children are in the board room, they treat their mother like dirt."

I certainly sympathize with your child. However, take one moment and really challenge yourself to think of the feelings of the children of the school board members. While you may consider yourself "treated like dirt," their folks are angrily badgered and asked "how they can sleep at night.." So, after all, are you REALLY thinking about any child?

Love, Peace, and GOD BLESS,
Tammy Faye

5/25/2006 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tammy Faye! hahahha...well that is a good one, and just for laughs, I'm sure.

The feelings of the children of school board members? Of course we think of them, they are children, too. My first feeling was pity, and it has not changed. The very young ones don't know the difference yet, but in a short time, they will be hearing the comments that other children's parents make about the board. As for older children, like "the letter reader," if he's being raised to be as arrogant as his pop, good luck to all that have to deal with the son. More than likely, as long as he's getting his way, he'll be the sweet country boy he appears to be.
Honestly, I think we all feel sorry for any relative of this board. God help the ones that actually believe that they are doing a good job.

5/26/2006 04:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okey-dokey....we can all see that Oley has a bunch of God fearing adults that don't like high taxes and do like kids. Uh...church and state?

5/26/2006 05:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/26/2006 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like Cappa is back

5/26/2006 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


....Alas.... I remain....

Ann O. Nymis
Concerned Citizen

5/26/2006 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




5/26/2006 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/26/2006 03:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, ladies, the spelling bee is usually in January.

5/26/2006 05:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, the little Mrs. does not have a big butt. It's just right....

5/26/2006 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, where's Mother Theresa tonight? Out on a lecture tour about Peace, Love, and no taxes?

5/26/2006 06:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

exactly what will it take to get decent people to run for the open positions on the school board?

5/26/2006 07:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should get together with all the other school districts in our local area that are not happy with the job's their school boards are doing. We need to attract more attention to the situation, and the best way is to involve large crowds of people. Timid taxpayers are more comfortable attending a group meeting, like in a firehouse, when it's not just a handful of local faces.

5/26/2006 07:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mother Theresa went to heaven, hopefully she will never meet up with you.

5/26/2006 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is wrong Cappa, are you lost for words?

5/27/2006 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We do need to get the whole county involved. Our voices must be heard in volumes! Get on the radio and in the newspaper is the best way to get the word out! a one county system is what we need!!

5/27/2006 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an aside to our school board trying to silence the public - THEY ALSO BROUGHT IN THE POLICE AT THE LAST MEETING!


5/28/2006 04:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they lure them in with free donuts, or were they actually required to be there?

5/28/2006 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were called in by the school district. I would imagine to quell any violence that the public may have.

They do this every time they make moves that disuse the public's money, such as the track. I have been going to meetings for three years, and the first time I saw the police was the night the board meeting was at the elementary school when the public came out en masse. The second time I saw them there was when the meeting was at the administration building and it was the evening that they called in the students to rally for the track.

I find it interesting that they think the public is as stupid and arrogant as they are. I guess they were trying to intimidate us.

I wonder who we get to call in for having to financially deal with the motions that this school board passes. The motions that they really do not discuss in public, even though the meetings are public.

On another note, Dr. Zackon and some of the board members held private meetings with the group that wanted the track. I certainly did not see him or the board meeting prviately with the majority of the taxpayers who will have to fund this project.

Can you imagine a school board passing a motion without knowing the cost of the track and not knowing how the district is going to pay for it? I would make a wager that there have been no more than perhaps 8 votes over the last year that have been NO! Maybe less.

And on another note, there are quite a few conflicts of interest on this board:

1. Mr. Heckman's daughter works for the school district and was hired during his tenure. I do not believe that he abstained from voting on the teachers' contract.

2. Dr. Zackon has quite a few family members working at the school district - his sister-in-law, his stepson - who is next?

3. Mr. Madeira's wife is a teacher.


5/29/2006 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hit publish before I was ready:

4. Mr. Hannum and Mrs. McCarthy both work for LTL (this is a double whammy).

5. Land was purchased from the Gotwals for the new elementary school and middle school.

6. I believe Mr. Richards works for Wachovia Bank, with whom the school district has had dealings.

7. Dr. Cappa's wife is a teacher - he too, did not abstain from the teachers' contract vote.


Has anyone figured it out?????????

5/29/2006 09:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figured it out? Sure we have. They are a stupid mix of two favorite tv shows. old and new...

The Andy Griffith Show


The Sopranos

It's so close a mix, it's scary. They have old country town looks, with an arrogant aire of mobsters. One problem, or two...
The cast of the Andy Griffith show was nice...and they were all likable.

The cast of the Sopranos get paid to act crooked....and the cast of the Oley school board charges US.

5/29/2006 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I basically agree with your list I believe you have one wrong. The land that the elementary and middle school is on was not purchased from the Gotwals. I can't recall the old gentleman's name (he's since deceased) but I think the district paid $100,000 to him and his wife for the property. Correct me if I'm wrong (it won't be the first time or the last.

5/29/2006 11:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about that. Perhaps it's the new building in the mix that will come from Gotwals. Something is up - we have too much money in too many funds - they want to build something, yet to be determined.

5/29/2006 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DeTurk is the name you're looking for.

Supposedly a grandparent to gotwals.

Everything is relative, and NOBODY tells the truth!

5/29/2006 12:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should contact The American Center For Law and Justice to see if they would be interested in filing suit on behalf of the O.C.C. to stop this policy in it's tracks. Even the threat of a suit will probably put an end to it.

5/29/2006 02:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the Military, we all know that they call this tactic "casting a diversion." You know, throw a pebble in the water...over there...and that is where everyone looks. And what is happening on the other side of the pond? Who knows? Everyone is looking at the ripple from the thrown pebble.

When organizations such as our school board....cast a diversion, it is not by mistake. Everything they do is calculated. Nothing is done on a whim or by accident.

If they want to get yet another sneaky deal through, it's common practice to create waves in one way, SO the entire village reacts to that created uproar. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, they're pulling the wool over our eyes in many other ways.

When a handful of folks attending the meetings have the predicted reaction to their nonsense, they have the upper hand, because they make US look like we're the irrational ones.

Saying, "We can't let them get away with this," is not nearly enough. We don't need 10 or 15 concerned citizens. We need several hundred concerned citizens that are not going to stand by and watch those crafty sneaks line thier pockets with our hard earned money. It's far more than just shoving through expensive tracks and things like that. The only time high rollers get upset, is when their personal money is at risk. There's big trouble in Oley, and they know more and more people are sniffing the money trail.


5/29/2006 08:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Yey!! What a statement!!! The above blogger knows alot more than us!! Keep writing the facts!! Thanks for the info! This proves again what we been trying to get across to the concerned citizens of this district. Zackon and the rest are not sleeping too good lately. The truth is finally coming out!

5/30/2006 12:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is important that we should not let any of this attention go to their heads. Although the board would like to take full credit for setting this town on it's end, they should not. They are not doing anything that thousands of other school boards have tried. Some successful. Some, not. The bottom line is this:
The school board has all the money it needs to efficiently run a first rate school system. What they don't have, is the willingness to do what they require their own students to do. They don't want to LEARN how to run a great school on exhisting funds. And they sure don't want to learn how to actually save any money at all.

5/30/2006 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/31/2006 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5/31/2006 06:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In your spare (!) time, log on to www.readingeagle.com and click on school district news. Just for the heck of it, if you haven't already, check out what goes on at surrounding school district board meetings, and, how they are also squandering hard earned tax dollars. Our Oley school board is far from innocent, but they stand in a mighty long line of Pennsylvania school boards that act like they are on a guilt free shopping spree.

5/31/2006 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the more reason to band together as ONE really big organization. It's only a matter of time before ALL of the school boards in our vicinity crank up the millage. Areas where they "don't think they have it bad for taxes" will eventually be in the same boat as the rest of us. The school boards fall under the mindset of "What's good for the goose...."
Getting Oley's taxes under control will be easier and more feasable when it's not JUST OLEY.

6/01/2006 04:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want a good laugh look on page B-2 in this morning's Reading Eagle. The Conrad Weiser School Board instructed their administration to come up with $300,000 in cuts. Last night, when the administration presented the cuts as requested, the board shot them down. First, the board should tell the administration what cuts to make. After all, who's the boss? Second, it's all a game to school boards. All they care about is getting the millage increase down to a psychologically acceptable level (usually 1 mill or less). They initially present a bloated budget containing every "wish" item they can think of (or hope they can get away with). Then, when they meet opposition they take some of the items out and pat themselves on the back for "cutting the budget". Yep, to them it's just a game...

6/01/2006 06:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Letter to the Editor in the paper this morning. Good one, Al.

6/01/2006 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job Al, and I want to say that we have been telling you in this blog site that we need a county wide school system, and we need to get all the districts together to fight for fair taxing. Enough is Enough. Look at the people that are lossing their homes, people that do not have 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,000 a year for taxes, our money has to be spent for education, not for fun time items. Our children depend upon us to make the right choices for them, the school board should do the same.

6/01/2006 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blame for the current condition of the board and the district must also be shared with the hundreds of parents and "friends of the board" who support and enable the kind of actions they take. You know who I'm talking about. They have been brainwashed into believing this district is one of the best, the teachers are the best and the board is doing a fantastic job. Woe to anyone who disagrees. By the way, let's not kid ourselves. The union runs this district, not the board. Every policy that is passed has to be run by the union for their OK.

6/01/2006 08:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy Soprano....

6/01/2006 11:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Andy Soprano"


6/01/2006 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The board still has the final vote, the union sets the demands but the whimps on this board are the ones that say yes to everything. Get some guts and do what is right for a change. NO TAX INCREASE, REPLACE THE BOARD, ADMINISTRATION AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT HAS SCREWED UP THIS DISTRICT.

6/01/2006 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is our board bored? Maybe they need to cook up new ways to attract the attention of the general public.

Here's a few suggestions:

Think of the student's actual education first, not how impressed other schools will be when they see a fancy new track, and/or a sparkling new building....mold and all.

Consider being as polite as the students are supposed to be.
Consider it.....? NO, we--the taxpayers---should DEMAND it.

Entertain the possibility of initiating N E W ideas for improving our school system. Necessity is the mother of invention. So, come on....MOTHER...INVENT.

A penny saved is a penny earned. The taxpayers know how to save, so, why doesn't the board?

The board knows how to spend, and they must truly love spending other people's money. They get so much practice, it's amazing.

Neither a lender, nor a borrower be. There's something our board never learned. BUT! It's never too late. Bail yourselves out, Oley School Board. Bail, bail, bail....

The Oley Tea Party??? History repeats itself.....

6/02/2006 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before anything can happen to reduce our taxes it is necessary to get the full attention of the school board and Dr Zackon. This can happen providing Dr Zackon is not on a trip or Mr Cappa is not on one of his one his rampages. It will not happen with this school board. We must go above the school board and Dr. Zackon. We need to get to someone that will give us not only an ear but controls the money from the State of Pa to Oley School District. We also need to get our own people on the school board. People who care enough to make the change. All the words in the world will not change what is going on in Oley. The only thing that will change the things that effect our pocket book are the right people with the right atitude. Sometimes I wonder if these school board members pay taxes. It must start from the top down and that means CHANGE in the school board and the School Superintendent. Have you noticed that when we have a tax increase the school superentendent also gets a raise, is that to cover his increase in the school tax ?

6/02/2006 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His increase in school taxes? On that dinky little hut on main street? How much could that possibly run? I'm guessing he's got some better place he goes than that joint.

6/03/2006 09:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hut on Main St. might be owned by the district, ever think of that! He most likely does not pay anything on that joint and the taxes that goes with it. You never know though do you! I would not be suprised if this is the case. They have hidden columns of funds that is very hard for the public to figure out what exactly the funds really go to. They will tell you one thing and then they will sneak the funds to somewhere else. Ask the teachers why they have to spend their own money on supplies when this district has 5 million put into different areas of the budget, then they look at you when you ask why we need a tax increase with all this money sitting, they refuse to answer!

6/03/2006 06:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's no wonder there aren't any good people to run run for school board when all they have to look forward to are personal attacks and smears. There are plenty of valid issues with this board without crawling around in the gutter making things up as you go. If you have proof, or even suspicions, bring them up with the proper authorities. As far as the district owning Zackon's home is concerned, that is a matter of public record. Look it up! Why make yourself look or sound so stupid. You play right in to the other side's hands. And then wonder why you can't get the majority of the public on your side.

6/04/2006 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The above comment is right. We have alot of real issues to deal with in this school district. I do think we have alot of public on our side, hopefully they will start getting more involved with the going's on of this district.

6/04/2006 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The grammar used in this area of Pennsylvania is absolutely terrible. You ask a question, in print, and end the sentence with an exclamation point. Does that make sense to anyone?

Are you Oley graduates? We can only hope the answer is no.

As for slamming the board: It is a painfully true statement. "Our side, their side....etc..."

Our side is the USA. We, in the Oley Valley, are on the same side. Why not use your time, talent, and energy to work in the same direction as the board, school staff, etc.? Would that be so difficult? "We tried, and it didn't work," is not a good answer. It's only an easy answer. Things that are worth the effort are rarely easy.
The person or persons that constantly blurt out statements about coming to the board meetings and seeing how it actually goes, is only seeing what they view at a brief few minutes of each monthly meeting. If you're bound and determined to want a change in our board, make sure the change turns out to be for the better, not the opposite. If you're boasting that you could do better, run for the office and prove it to be a fact. If you choose to run, go to RACC first, and brush up on your grammar, as it is pretty sad. If you can't speak in a professional manner, or write in an educated way, ask your children for help. "I seen it... we been there... them teachers.....?" It's "I saw it." We've been there," and, "those teachers."
Welcome to America, folks. You don't want to hear Latinos speaking in Spanish, but if they had to learn English from you...(or youz...) they'd be up the creek.
If you're a parent of a student at Oley, ask the student for some help with your letter writing and especially your spelling.

And for the love of all things good and holy, don't use all caps in a sentence which you consider to be very important. Believe it or not, nearly all readers can tell all by themselves, which word or words get emphasized.

If a newcomer to this area were to read any of these blogs, do you really think there's a shot of having them show up at school board meetings? Do you think they'd show up twice?

The issue of utmost importance here is education. We want the best for all of our children!

6/04/2006 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asking a question and ending it with an exclamation point is not bad grammer, it's bad punctuation. All of us slip up on that at one time or another. Otherwise, I agree with everything you wrote.

6/04/2006 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How parents speak and write has a direct and daily impact on their children. That's why you do, in fact, hear children and adults with terrible grammar. They don't seem to know the difference. Poor grammar is only cute when the child is around 2 or 3 years old. Past that, it shows a lack of dicipline in the home and at school. Be proud of yourself, and your school. Show everyone you care. It's not that difficult!
Does any of this really matter? Why not ask a job interviewer? Within two spoken sentences, they know the whole story!

6/05/2006 06:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's get back to the issues of this district.

6/05/2006 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not everyone is perfect, even if it is with the way they write something, but they are passionate about this school district.

6/05/2006 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the board going to meet on the budget prior to the meeting on the 14th? In the past they had budget committee meetings between approving the preliminary budget and adopting the final one in June. It gave them the chance to cut additional spending but I guess this year they just want to push this through and not even try to cut any more.

6/05/2006 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are having a budget meeting on 6/14/06 before the regular meeting at 6PM.

6/05/2006 08:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The preliminary budget is currently open in the district office for the public to view. I would think that copies are available since it is public information. How many of you picked up a copy and reviewed it? You have until the 14th.

6/05/2006 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get back to the issues of the district? Heck, I thought that paying all of these taxes to insure a good/great education for our children actually was the issue.

Go out in public and listen to what today's children sound like. I'm not talking about swear words, which is bad enough. I'm talking about the way they speak. Poor, or lazy grammar, makes you sound stupid. First impressions are lasting impressions. Make sure your children make great first impressions. They will thank you for that down the road.

6/05/2006 11:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We, in the Oley Valley, are on the same side. Why not use your time, talent, and energy to work in the same direction as the board, school staff, etc.? Would that be so difficult?"

Cooperation is a two way street.

The board refuses to answer questions honestly or at all.

Now, they want to silence the public at meetings.

They are not interested in cooperation.

We need new faces on the board not more cheerleading.

"If you choose to run, go to RACC first, and brush up on your grammar, as it is pretty sad. If you can't speak in a professional manner, or write in an educated way, ask your children for help."

There are plenty of elitists on the board,as well, yet their accomplishments don't match their pomposity.

The Oley Valley School Board is the laughing stock of Berks County with their publicized antics.

"The issue of utmost importance here is education. We want the best for all of our children!"

You might attend a board meeting and ask why the school board wants to spend over $1,300,000 on a track and not education!

"All the children" are the children of a select group rather than that of the entire community.

If you want to attack people because you do not like their writing and punctuation, you should at least get up to speed on the facts.

In that way, you can become credible.

6/05/2006 06:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern,

I'm aware of my limitations, and my talents. I thank God every day that I do know the difference.

I try to read more than one newspaper daily, and for as much as I can stand it, I watch the news. Every school is going through the same thing. It's nothing new. Read the Reading Eagle online. Browse the school district news. Everyone wants big toys, nobody wants to pay for them.

As for getting up to speed:
I am 84 years old, and speed is a thing of the past. I'm just happy to get up! I do, however, try to keep abreast of the situations in our beloved Oley Valley. I have been blessed in many ways, and I don't take a one of those blessings for granted. I am one of the older folks that (hopefully) will not have a problem paying my taxes. I do realize that I am not in a typical situation. I feel terrible for those that fall under hard times and can't pay the price it now takes to reside in Oley. But I feel even worse when I think that for all we're paying in taxes, we don't always see or hear the results of this modern education.

Although I don't get out much these days, I do get out enough to see things I don't like and hear things that curl what little hair I've got left.

Up to speed....?

Sign me...

Old fashioned

6/05/2006 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Cappa, are you that fried! Oley Valley School District is in the United States of America. We have the freedom of speech. We are not Oley Valley School District in Cuba. Maybe if you do not want to hear the public speak, or you do not want to agree with the newspaper, it may be time you step down off the board. The public elected you to hear all the issues, if you choose not too that is your right, but you cannot stop the public from talking. We live in America. It is time that you retire fully from this district, board and all.

6/06/2006 08:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That letter to the editor this morning was certainly disjointed and poorly reasoned. That usually happens when a person is intellectually lazy and unsure of their position.
I don't think Cappa should step down. Let him stay up there making a fool of himself for everyone to see. Then, next year, vote his sorry *ss out.

6/06/2006 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting that "Mr. I-Like-to-see-my-name-in-print" drew a parallel between Cuba and Oley. They have so much in common.

Wait, I stand corrected. I see a whole lot of differences between Cuba and Oley. The main one being that Castro is over there. And look who we've got!

6/06/2006 11:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Reading Eagle editorial:

"Public comment can be of value?" Can be? Looks like a subliminal message from 'Ole Doc C." if ever I saw one.

"Can" be of value," would most certainly translate into:

"you've got to be kidding, we don't want, like, or need the public comments at OUR school board meetings." Can...at our school board meetings...gets turned into CAN'T pretty darned fast.
We, the taxpayers, are good enough to cough up any and all funds needed or required to fit the bill. We are not, however, made to feel like we count for 2 cents under almost all conditions...at the board meetings.
Since they suggest that we vote in a better choice come next election....Thanks for the push we all needed, pal. You're a cubic zirconia in the rough.....

Our trip to Harrisburg might be a bit more interesting than little old Oley's round table wants to acknowledge.

6/06/2006 11:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been away for two weeks, and see this has certainly been a busy site. Having watched the actions and methods of the Oley School Administration and some of the existing Board members since 1991, I cannot help but to respond to many of the thoughts expressed in this section of the blog:

-Dr. Cappa has proven the citizens' points as to attempts to restrict 1st Amendment rights and Sunshine Law violations through his letter to the editor in the "6/6/6" "Reading Eagle."

-Someone who thinks they know what Jesus Would Do, and is apparently ALSO an apologist for the board, ought to read the Bible and study notes (many times) from Genesis through the book of the Revelation.

-Jesus would not approve of the less fortunate or struggling young families being forced to sell their homes because they can't afford increasing school taxes to pay for non-essential, excessive accoutrements.

-As to "personal attacks," many tenured members of the board and administration are the "masters" of personal attack -- and NOT in public to a person's face, but in slimy ways. Many of us will comment publicly on "issues," and "the board's lack of response and/or attitude toward those who pay the bills." However, certain board members and administrators are the ones who've taken part in circulating written "anonymous" character assasinations of previous board members in the past. When they can't answer facts they don't like with equally verifiable facts, they side-step the issues and attack the messengers.

-This board is also proficient in what is known as the "Delphi Technique" -- see "Education Reporter" November 1998. Those who don't walk in lock-step with the controlling majority, are frozen out until they comply. If not, they are ignored and treated with contempt. A weak willed person cannot withstand such treatment. They comply or walk away -- either way the controlling faction wins.

-Finally, this Board's way on ALL issues is the ONLY way. In all these years, I have NEVER see them change positions based on "doing what is right," or in compassion for others. They have only ever waivered when they could see they were on thin ice from a legal standpoint.

-Many of us have NEVER asked the school or government agencies of any type for ANYTHING in our entire lives. All we ask for is fiscal responsibility, integrity, that they "not take so much" and leave us something of what we've spent a lifetime earning to live on. For that we are maligned, condemned, lied about, and accused of belonging to subversive organizations and having evil agendas.

Many have asked the board over these past several years to "at the very least," THINK what it would be like to be an 80 year old widow with $800 to $1,000 a month income, trying to pay $3000 a year property tax on a home she loves, plus utilities, doctor and medicare co-pays, prescription drugs, food and transportation. If only they'd do some research and actually talk to the people who are hurting. The tax collector could supply them with a long list of such people if only they cared.

-To whomever made statements about people not using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation: you will have missed knowing some of the most wonderful characters and people in the world if that is your measure of the worth and wisdom of a human being. Moses had a "speech defect," and God called him to go to the throne of Pharoh, used him as the means to do great miracles, receive the 10 Commandments and lead His people out of Egypt at the age of 80.

Please, everyone who cares about how OUR hard earned tax dollars are spent, the integrity of the Oley School District, and the plight of the "little people," please remember that "evil prevails when good people do nothing."

Sincerely, Linda Baniszeski

6/06/2006 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear readers,

We don't think that pointing out the lack of grammar skills, etc., was a slam to our citizens or students. We think it was a message. Doesn't God want his people to be the best that they can be? That was our understanding since we were old enough to know what was expected of us. WWJD? Well, we suspect that Jesus would think we were not using the brains we were given. The Oley Valley is filled to the brim with great people. We love them, one and all. What is wrong with showing those you love how to better themselves? That is part of education, too. Our parents raised us to be the best that we could be, in the eyes of the Lord, with a love for our country, and a neverending quest for knowledge. Now, it seems, education revolves around million dollar tracks and moldy schools which were built on or in a swamp.
As for attendance at Oley board meetings:
The police cars rounding the bend are not a welcoming sight. What is it that continually forces the board to "work in the dark?" A gentleman friend of ours has attended meetings over several decades. He is, in fact, a walking history book. He deserves respect for being dedicated to our community. What respect did he receive at that really big meeting in the middle school? His question was responded to with laughter. Laughter by the entire board. Snickers, chuckles, and whispering amongst board members....in front of the entire audience. We shall never forget the impression that board made with their response to an honest question asked by an elderly senior citizen. We are in big trouble, Oley, when a decent man asks an honest question, at the proper time and place, and gets the response of rude snickering. That is a big, bold, sham on you, Oley school board.

As for the Reading Eagle commentary in the letters to the editor: yet another bold effort to silence the taxpaying citizens of our school district. We suspect that some folks just can't give honest answers to honest questions.

We are glad to have access to this blog, as it gives us a chance to spout off, safely, how we really feel. We senior citizens feel "used." We have paid taxes our whole lives, and our reward seems to come in the form of..."pay up or pack up and move." Thank you very much for that great feeling of comfort. Perhaps you could mail out a pack of Tums along with the tax notices.


Wilma & Walt, Jake & Daisy
Oley, Pa.

6/07/2006 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Folks like Ms. Biblezeski may mean well, but the religious quotes are best kept in church or your own home. Nearly all of us have a religion which we practice at home, or in a church building, or daily...in our hearts. And, according to our government, that's where it's supposed to stay.

6/07/2006 11:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Criticizing our school board members is a waste of time. If you find yourselves with an abundance of extra time and energy, ask someone how you can help!

6/07/2006 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shame on you for making fun of someones religion beliefs and the bible. I would stand next to Mrs. Baniszeski anytime.As for the board and us wasting our time on this blog, the board and administration of this district is the reason we started this to get the public informed of what is going on. If you do not like what we are writing do not look. No one is twisting your arm.

6/07/2006 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I think it's neat that there are people over age 80 writing on here. I hope when I'm as old as they are, I can still afford to live here, and pay electric bills, medical bills, etc. God bless each and every one here in Oley. Never let anyone take God out of your everyday life, either. You can still pray in school, you can pray anywhere. The way our school board is going, everybody better pray. Hard.

6/07/2006 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't forget to ask your friends and neighbors if they need a ride or directions to the evergreen

6/07/2006 09:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The word....."Bible," is always capitalized. Always. You didn't want to know that either? Look it up! Enter Bible in your online dictionary, it will capitalize it for you.

6/08/2006 03:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see, the same people who think we should not personally attack school board members or administrators have no problem attacking Mrs. Baniseski and making fun of her religious convictions. What a hypocrite you are (whoever you are)! Your total lack of knowledge of what it means to be a Christian is astounding. Christians do not hide in our churches and homes. We are instructed to proclaim the Gospel everywhere and to everyone. I know Linda to be a woman of faith who cares deeply for others. Your attacks will only make her (and all of us) stronger.

6/08/2006 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant BIBLE

6/08/2006 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to what the "government" says about religious expression to be a secret issue ... it isn't what the United States Constitution says OR the Bible.
As Joshua said, "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15

6/08/2006 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Fidel Cappa, what a great new name for you.

6/08/2006 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name calling was popular when we were in the second grade.

6/09/2006 04:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain what a union free school district is all about?

Many NY schools are listed as union-free. Are there any in Pennsylvania?

I'm John Q. Taxpayer, and I approve of this message....

6/09/2006 05:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can anyone explain what a union free school district is all about?"...
"Many NY schools are listed as union-free."

From "http://www.nysed.gov/About.html"

"Meanwhile, the Union Free School Act of 1853 (Chapter 433) permitted common school districts to consolidate for the purpose of organizing tax-supported public schools." Hence "union = consolidated" and "free = public."

6/09/2006 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, then, does it make a better school system? NY schools participate in Regents, which claims to be superior in credits for college bound students. How do they compare to Pa diplomas? Just curious, but interested in whatever is better for our kids.

John Q.

6/09/2006 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not really certain about your second or third questions. That is a “Harrisburg” issue. The only thing I am certain about is that “Union Schools” (“Free” or otherwise) are the “Area” school districts of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Remember the sign on the Administration Building...”Oley Township Consolidated School”? That was a “union” (consolidation) of several one-room school houses. Not really relevant to the 21st Century...just a few name “artifacts” from earlier times.

6/09/2006 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the input. Never can learn too-o-o-o-o-o much!

John Q.

6/09/2006 11:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling names, you are the one that wrote about Fidel in the newspaper. We the concerned citizens are called all kinds of names when we even ask one question to the board. You call us the dark side. We the taxpayers have a right to ask questions and to hold you accountable. Call us what you want, we know the truth and we will continue to question this board. We have rights in this country! Bring your ear plugs is you do not want to hear us.

6/09/2006 02:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry if not is

6/09/2006 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You tell 'em!

Attempting to silence the taxpayers is a lot of bull. Anyone with military experience should know better. Through our tax dollars, WE trained you. When you were in the Army, whose side were you on, anyway?

Three big, loud, long, and energetic cheers for the citizens that can stand on their own two feet!

While we're at it, three cheers and Praise The Lord for Christians that are not intimidated by the likes of these sad characters. Please remember, God loves you , too. He is very forgiving!



6/09/2006 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We think it's time for a change in Oley. How's this strike you? In September, how about if the school suggests that vast numbers of students attend all the school board meetings, when they are NOT campaigning for a new track, etc. If the board and the administration have the desire to encourage the students to attend school board meetings when they are instructed to show up, or they won't get that big, new toy, then let them suggest having the students show up at meetings, in great numbers, just to see how their school district works.
Do you see what our school board is teaching our students? They are teaching them to stamp their feet to get what they want. Now, I wonder where the board ever got an idea like that?

I'm Jane Doe, and I approve of this message.

I used to be Jane Dough, but the board took care of that....

6/09/2006 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They could also attend meetings to see how the board DOES NOT WORK.

6/09/2006 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell all of your neighbors to attach a sizable red ribbon to their mailbox or front door. And, explain why we're doing this.

6/09/2006 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put mine on my mailbox and I will pass the word!

6/09/2006 06:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading Eagle online:

school district news...

date: July 22, 2005

Board member Dr. Robert Cappa said that Oley should not spend that
kind of money on a track at a time when many districts are rethinking their sports spending.

"We are not in New York City. You can always find 3 or 4 miles to run in this district," he added.

Another member, Robert Moore
agreed. He said the track should not be a spending priority.

Okay, that was a year ago. What brought about the big change?
How did they go from the above input, to "okay, let's spend money we don't have?

Like many others, I am unable to attend school board meetings, because they are held while I'm at work. The Reading Eagle online coverage for school district news is the best shot I've got at a compact view of what's going on. I'm thankful for this blog, and I think anyone reading this needs to print out the information and pass it on to as many people as possible. Although not everyone has their own computer, more than likely, their neighbor has one and can invite them to share the news, or print it out for them. We have a great need to bond as a strong and faithful group. It's for our own good!

Oley Gal
Born here...not moving!

6/09/2006 06:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weekend shopping list:










GONE SHOPPIN'.........

6/09/2006 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only one prayer card for the school board? Boy, you're an optimist!

6/09/2006 06:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are they available in a 9 pack?

6/09/2006 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evergreen Country Club and Red Ribbons?! Have some activities been decided upon and not announced?

6/09/2006 07:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not born here, but not moving, like the area, school and people just not the way this school is being run.

6/09/2006 07:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See Al's June 5th and June 8th email.

If you didn't receive those emailings, let Al know.

6/09/2006 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether we were born here, or moved here, we're HERE. It's a great place to live, and the people are awesome. Our kids loved the schools. Our grandchildren love Oley, too. All we really want to do is be able to rest assured that we can all stay here, and not go broke doing so.

6/09/2006 07:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's 7:00 a.m.

Do you know where your red ribbons are?

6/10/2006 06:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know where your brain is? Cappa, leave us alone! You and the rest of the board are the reason we are here blogging our concerns and the facts about this district.

6/10/2006 03:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Referring to any and all board members, good-bad-or indifferent- should probably be addressed on a blog as...only...THE BOARD. Name calling is lowering ourselves to THEIR pathetic standards.

Yes, we realize that there is not much good to point out, or indifference. Just the same, common sense would point in the direction of omitting the actual board members names if you are inclined to write derogatory comments. Expressing our low opinion and/or negative criticism about our board should be satisfying enough, the rest borders on slander. That's not worth the trip. We have not been able to trust our board so far, so why would we be comfortable with them now? We're not, so let's not rock the slander boat.
Anyone on this blog already knows the names of the parties in question.
Take that information for what it's worth. I'm no lawyer, just someone that has enough common sense to know THE BOARD is out of control and needs to be replaced.


6/11/2006 06:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear "Not Johnny"

You are right. We all know who the guilty parties are on THE BOARD.

Get those red ribbons out in a visible place, and tell your neighbors, too. If you bought a roll of red ribbon, you can give them a strip when you explain the meaning behind them. Our red ribbons are a clear sign to THE BOARD that we do not intend to be silenced at board meetings, or anywhere else, AND that we do not feel our taxes are in line with the results we are getting. Potential employers for our graduates are not going to concern themselves with how fast the employees can run, or, what kind of track they ran on in school. The potential employers will care about how they were EDUCATED. The same goes for the colleges or trade schools our students move on to attend.
No matter how rich or poor any of us are, if we're paying our taxes to Oley by the decisions of THE BOARD, we are paying the bill for items we were not in favor of to begin with, and we're not going to take that sitting down.

We can and should still feel free to use their individual names in reference to particulars, but THE BOARD should be sufficient for the name calling part. When it comes to the Oley School Board...Our entire region already knows what we're dealing with. The Oley taxpayers are tired of being the laughing stock of Berks County.

Mr. and Mrs. Agreeable

6/11/2006 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see everyone tonight

6/12/2006 11:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is the next school board meeting scheduled?

6/13/2006 11:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/14/06 at 6PM in the admin. bldg.

6/13/2006 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At last nights board meeting it felt like the board was guilty of all things. They could not take the facts that were being presented in front of them. New people from this district coming to the meeting for the first time were amazed at what they saw and the reactions and mouthing off to us the taxpayers. It was a true disgrace to even be part of such a nasty district. Our poor children and citizens to see what this board does, WOW that is all I can say. My heart and body were on fire as I was totally disgusted at what was happening. At least we can say we are making our points clear to the board and we will not stop telling this district the truth and facts that they do not want the public to know. There is no reason that we need any tax increase this year as the money needed to balance the budget is sitting in 3 separate columns, but the board continues to say they will increase us anyway 1 mil. Please everyone come next week to the board meeting and express your disappointment of what is going on in this district. Meeting is at 7PM on 6/21/06. Thank you all for your time. It has been nice to have gotten to know the real caring people of this district. At least I can sleep at night knowing I am trying to better my childrens educational institution and making the higher uppers and the board held accountable. We the nice people are doing the right thing no matter what anyone says.

6/15/2006 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

House Bill 39, finally some help in stopping school boards with their blank check budgets.

6/15/2006 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers Day to all the nice, caring, loving fathers.

6/18/2006 06:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard on WEEU that Oley's elementary principal won some sort of award?

6/19/2006 11:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke that is, if you see her in action at school would know this award was a feel good attempt from Zackon

6/19/2006 05:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figured as much. Just another smoke screen....

6/19/2006 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the facts finally coming out on this school district, Zackon had to do something quick, getting her this award was his answer, too bad it is not true. You should come to the school and she her in action.

6/19/2006 08:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what next? School Board awards?

For that, we suggest sidewalk chalk and heartfelt comments....in public places.

6/20/2006 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although she is rough around the edges, at least give some credit for a positive accomplishment. She set a goal at the beginning of the year- every kid to voluntarily read 25 books (outside of school), and she accomplished this goal. Not a bad Thing!

When complaining, do so about bad things, don't complain about positives. Besides, this blog is centered around pointing out the poor management by the board, not the accomplishments of our children.

I would hate to hear what negativity we would hear if our teachers won awards or if a child won a spelling bee, etc.

Reminder - Board Meeting - Tomorrow, Wed 6/21

6/20/2006 12:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a person deserve's an award than that is great, but I guess you do not volunteer in the Elem. School because you would see the real principal in action, and it is not a pretty site. Come work in the Cafe and you will see what I mean.

6/20/2006 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hands down, this is the most negative bunch of "adults" I have ever bumped into, anywhere. If something's wrong, fix it. If something's right, be happy. Is that too much to ask?

6/20/2006 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not read this blog site if you do not want the truth. Are you one of the do-gooders of Oley? We are trying to fix all the mess this district is in, but you people must live in fairy tale land and do not want to hear anything. What is the problem telling the public about the issues of this district. Anything we say even if it is good is attacked.

6/20/2006 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do the children feel about this principal? Do they like her?

6/20/2006 08:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have seen her talk to the children on many occasions, and if she is mad watch out!! Why don't you ask the children, some will look at you with fright and not want to answer, the little one's for sure.

6/21/2006 02:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way, way, way back when I was in school.....every kid was afraid of the principal. And I think that was the idea. They commanded good behavior, and respect. And do you know what? They got it.
We were not split up into special classes for this and that. First grade was first grade, period. The teacher knew every subject and by the end of each year, so did each kid. Being left back was almost unheard of. Generally, if a student was left back, it was due to illness which kept them out of school an unusually long time. It
was never because the pampered teacher and her "staff" of helpers didn't succeed in teaching the children good and proper. Back in those days, teachers did their job to the best of their ability, because they loved teaching. Now, it seems they do their job because they love an outrageously large income and expect to get it for doing as little as possible.

6/21/2006 08:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is right! Last nights meeting was again another stab in the back from the whole board. They all voted yes to increase our taxes 1 mil. They have over $6 million sitting is 3 balances but they continue to ingnore that fact. What is it going to take to get these people held accountable for their dirty deeds. Why do they need all this money and continue to increase these balances? Is there another school or admin building in the future? They all stink for what they continue to do to us the taxpayers, and that is being nice.

6/22/2006 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We thought the board had $5 mil sitting and now after they raise our taxes again we find out they have another hidden $1 mil for a grand total of $6 million. Come on people start speaking up and run for school board next year!!! We are desperate for change!!

6/22/2006 10:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is coming up with those figures?

6/22/2006 03:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The board gave us these figures last night at the meeting, we looked at the figures right in front of the board. What more do you want us to say, go ask for the figures yourself. What do you think we can make this up? GET REAL!! You people have to get in touch with the facts and stop living in LALA LAND!

6/22/2006 04:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These numbers are right from the boards balances. You cannot make this up. It is like reading a scary novel, to bad this book we are reading is the sad truth. And further to make anyones hair stand up on the back of their neck, the board is still trying to silence the taxpayers by changing the policy that has been in the newspapers and it is for sure against the American way of life, free speech is for every American. Look at our soldiers that were killed this week and then look at what our board is trying to do. HELLO is anyone listening, our soldiers are dying for our freedoms that this board is trying to take away. GET MAD WILL YOU FOR ONCE, STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!!

6/22/2006 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About the principal award, please if would see her and the way she acts and treats the little children of our future she is way worse then the nuns I dealt with as a young child. By the time our children get to middle school they are so stressed out and uptight they go completely hay wire, when they are given the freedoms that the middle school gives. Now that her own secretary is leaving, maybe she can give you some inside info on how the principal runs our elementary school.

6/22/2006 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you telling me that she has so much contact with the students that she can make them stressed out and uptight? If she puts the fear of God in them it sounds like she's only doing what principals have always done. Oh, I forgot, we aren't supposed to damage their self esteem.

6/27/2006 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is one thing to discipline but to scare the innocent is wrong. Then they go to the middle school were there is almost 0 discipline and what happens, the kids go nuts because of all the freedoms and happy hour they are given.

6/27/2006 01:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the few of you interested in the truth, rather than Al's twisted version of it, the comment he alludes to regarding "obnoxious phone calls" and loathsome accusations, refers solely to him and not to "the community" since he's the only one guilty of it. The referral to "repetitive diatribes" also refers mainly to him since,until recently, his presentations were of the "heard one, heard them all" variety. He trots out the same misunderstood facts and unstable conclusions over and over again. The comment again referred specifically to him, and maybe one other frequent board basher. It did not refer to the overwhelmingly more reasonable majority of the community. Of course, in his eyes, he represents the community -since he has chosen himself to do just that. He apparently feels any comment about him MUST be about the whole community if not the whole world.
Incidentally, it seems that many of the more reasonable anonymous comments that show up on this site are attributed to me by the blog squad. I appreciate that, but do not deserve the credit. My comments, except for two several months ago when I was blissfully unfamiliar with blogging, can be identified by my initials. RC

7/31/2006 10:21:00 PM  

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