Policy Committee Struggles with Free Speech

The committee President, Robert J. Cappa is pushing hard for drastic changes to the public's right to address the school board. He wants a number of rules added to the current policy that will prevent a person from their constitutional right of free speech.
The policy change will apply only to the community, but not to others who may address the board.
The procedure will limit a speaker to three minutes and a topic to thirty minutes. The presiding officer may terminate the speaker's statement at any time. He can summon law enforcement to implement his decision.
The other policy committee members Christopher M. Hannum, Scarlette Z. Gotwals endorse the basic intent to restrict public input.
An audience member stated that three minutes is not enough time to fully discuss a $25,000,000 budget. Another citizen indicated that if the board put a time limit on a topic, it would violate the Sunshine Law and would be subject to a lawsuit.
None of the people who attended the meeting spoke in favor of the committee's intention to restrict public participation. A number of them questioned the motives of the proposed action, since the previous meeting guidelines have been used successfully for years.
The Policy Committee said they will resubmit the changes to the school board at the July 19,2006 meeting.
Please come to the July 19th meeting to hear the new policy change and to see what now they have up their sleeve. They are not to be trusted. If we did not attend the board meetings the policy would of been passed and that would of been the end of our freedom of speech as we are used to in America. Cappa's picture is a perfect way of showing the people of this district who is behind these drastic changes. Shame on Cappa for wanting to end our rights that our service men and women are fighting for. He should live in Iraq or North Korea, he is just like them.
Cappa should loose his rights to live in America. He seems to be against everything America stands for.
Zackon is in on this policy change and so is Heckman. They are using Cappa's mouth for their own agenda.
Another reason we need changes across this district. From the top on down. Good-bye to the snakes of Oley.
Who is next to be hired? Zackon's step-son. Time will tell!!
Let none who may read this, mistake what is happening here. This act is a direct attack on the first ammendment, plain and simple. This measure of "order" has not been needed in the past 100 years of Oley valley politics and is only in need now to those who have no defense for the actions they have been taking for now seven consecutive years.
Seven years straight they have raised YOUR taxes Oley, and up until this year when WE the PEOPLE have voiced our opposion to their tax increase, there has been no problem with this policy.
I just wonder, at what point the colonials realized that the only way their dictators would hear them was by violent expression.....
The committee backed off the 10 minute per subject and, instead, went to 30 minutes. As I told them at the meeting it doesn't matter what time limit they put on it is a violation of the Sunshine Act. The first time they try to enforce the limit I will be filing a complaint before the County Court of Common Pleas. That isn't a threat, it's a promise.
The other change they made was to make this policy only apply to the regular board meeting each month. In the Committee of the Whole meeting (on the 2nd Wed. of the month) and all regular committee meetings the policy would not be in force or enforced. My question, then, is why have it at all if it only applies to one meeting?
The comments and questions from the audience last night certainly had an effect on the committee and helped persuade at least a majority of them that they were not going in a direction that would sit well with the community. We will have to wait and see whether the full board agrees...
Was Zackon's step-son the one that my kids were talking about everyday. He was the one that was a substitute teacher in all three buildings everyday this year. He is also the one that had children take the answer key of a major exam from the top of the teachers desk while he was substituting. A AP EXAM !! We need him as a teacher like a hole in the head.
Have Cappa go back into practice so you can all get med's to deal with the hole you dug for yourselves.
I heard that medications are cheaper when ordered from Canada!
It's sad to realize that we've elected the very people that are destroying our school district and taking the food out of the mouths of senior citizens and many others. Perhaps when they are forced out of their homes, they can camp out on Main Street. Some of those homes have big, roomy porches.
Med's is what they need. Maybe happy pills will do the trick. They are all nasty, miserable people that do not care at all for the children and the people of this district. Or maybe this: TIME TO GET OFF THIS BOARD AND STAY AWAY, DO NOT COME BACK!!!
What is Zackon's address on Main St. I need to know if I could fit my sleeping bag on his porch.
Cappa's face shows the guilt! He thinks he's the king of the board.
The board needs to shut him up. Watch out Heckman, Cappa is in your seat!!
Cappie's got a big 'ole porch on his house. Oh, and Kings has plenty of carts. I guess it'd be on a first come, first served basis. The carts are easy enough to push while begging for your dinner, and as those first affected start the "Main Street Shuffle," they can get the best bids in for porch squatting.
This world is full of evil people, too bad we have our own fair share of evil in this district.
Zackon your time is almost up. Time to step down and let an honest person do what is right for this district.
Its 7/8/06 do you know were your going to sleep tonight. Is your house being taken away from you. Can you eat and get your meds you need. Tell the school board if you are having any trouble with the above. They have $6 million to spend maybe they can give you some of it.GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!
Hey, lets march down Main St. Maybe we can get some candy given to us like we get during parades. At least it would be something to eat.
Speaking of Dr. Zackon's step-son. It looks as though a job was created for this individual, as he is on the guest teaching list. I believe he was hired at the beginning of October, and has been called to substitute almost every day until the end of the school year, except for about one week.
Perhaps the Oley School District should be renamed "All in the Family"!
Hopefully these people do not get paid benefits as well - but then what does the superintendent care - it's only the taxpayers' money!
Remeber now, every 30 days, the substitutes pay goes up an additional $5.00. They start out at $70/day, and can go up to $90 or $95/day. Pretty good pay for just hanging around!
I heard from an inside source that when this individual is not needed, he is watching ESPN in the lounge.
Since the school district has cable, I am curious to know what extra pay channels they might have, as it should just be the basic cable service. If the school district is paying for additional pay channels, then the taxpayers should consider the teachers lounge a gigantic family room and the taxpayers should be allowed to go up and watch their choice of programs!
I would also be interested to know how much time is spent watching TV as opposed to say, possibly DOING THEIR JOB!
$6 million plus sitting at our school district and they have the audacity (also known as brass ----)to raise our taxes. The nerve of these people.
Oh wait a minute there are ladies on this board. They must have brass ---- too!
Clearly the time has come for a radical change in the way our school district is run. Our school district is ROAD BLOCKED FROM WITHIN - and it is time for those road blocks to come down, and better yet, be run out of town.
I challenge each and every school board member, along with our administrators, to try each day to be a little more truthful, and see if you can get through the day without lying to your taxpayers.
Dr. Zackon cannot even look at the taxpayers who attend the board meetings and other meetings. At most meetings you will find Dr. Zackon not sitting at the head of the table where he would be very visible, but off to the side, either right or left, and when on the side, he leans back so no one can see his face. He even hides his face by leaning on his hand. Could that be to hide the anger and contempt that he has for the taxpayers who are paying his salary - the people who are just asking for some fiscal accountability?
If one looks through the minutes of the board meetings over the last year or two or three, I would venture to guess that there were perhaps 5 or 6 times that a NO vote was ever spoken at a board meeting - Everyone sitting on that board THINKS THE SAME, TALKS THE SAME, AND VOTES THE SAME!
Shame on you for not having any personal convictions!
Shame on you for being bullied into voting a particular way!
And just shame on you.!
Shame, shame I have seen Zackon in action and it is not a pretty site.
He also points his pointer finger at the taxpayers like a parent talking to a child. It should be the other way around. We pay his salary we should be pointing the finger at him for he has and continues to ruin this district. It is time to go Zackon. People are getting more and more angry with the way you and board are not being held accountable for the actions you have taken. The time has finally come! I will be the first one to celebrate the day I see you and the other so called board members walk out of the administration building and not ever come back.
Dang, that pic of Cappa looks like the only thing missing is steam shooting out of his nostrils and ears. Something bugging him?
That was quite an article in today's Reading Eagle pushing for football at Oley. Does anyone have any idea how much that will cost to not only initiate but maintain? Someone should check with other districts and see how much they have to budget each year for football. I would imagine that just the insurance would be costly.
Anyone saying that a football program will pay for itself is a liar. It wouldn't even come close.
Well, people, knowing the board they will collapse like a cheap tent on this issue. Maybe some of you are for football but I really don't care. To me it's a waste of money that should be spent on acedemics. Once again, a handfull of people with their own agenda is about to screw the taxpayers.
Adding football to Oley's tax budget would make about as much sense as putting another bank on 5th street highway.
What educational programs will the board cut to pay for football? With this new Act 39 the school board can no longer write blank checks.
A new, $1,300,000 synthetic track, a possible $1,000,000+ on a new "gym", and now a football program will face the reality of the Act 39 referendum.
The school board will not be able to fund all these programs and education as well without cutting programs and firing teachers.
The reason is that exclusions under referendum feature of the bill does not allow for non-educational expenditures.
In other words, the board cannot go to the state and ask for exemptions to the inflation index for their budget because of a track, a gym, or football.
In the past, the board ignored taxpayer pleas for fiscal accountability.
Now they will be forced by law to conduct the district business in a responsible manner.
This is a new day for the taxpayer. Some boards will adjust others will be defiant.
The community waits to see if the OVSD board needs remediation.
I'd bet that Oley will take the hardest route - I see the school board having to go to court and waste more of the taxpayers' money before they SEE THE LIGHT!
Oley School Board:
Coke...it's the real thing
Sam's Cola...3 liter..go flat before you can finish it type.
Oley School Board:
Filet Mignon
Scrapple...if we're lucky
Oley School Board:
Unlimited retirement benefits
Stay close with your relatives, you'll be sharing expenses as you camp out together
Oley School Board:
Pandemic flu shots
Store brand bottle of Vitamin C and a Bible
Oley School Board:
Cable TV/Internet
Black and White TV, tin foil antenna
Oley School Board:
Trips to Vale, Saratoga, Lexington, Ocala
Trip over broken shoe lace, or flip flop.
Oley School Board:
Help around the house
Wow, you still have a house?
Oley School Board:
Beautiful, healthy smile
Can't find dentures that we dropped in the dark while looking through worn, cracked lenses.
Oley School Board:
Big, gas guzzling SUV's
Schwinn...upper low class
Huffy.....lower low class
skate board..the rest of us
Oley School Board:
many, if not all relatives, in some way working for Oley School District.
Many relatives, all looking for work
Oley SChool Board:
Sneaking around town knowning full well they are totally despised by the general public.
Wow, you're still allowed in town?
Oh yea, the truth is finally being told up above. Now how does this board feel. Cappa, you have not written in a while, what is wrong can't take the heat. You know what they say: Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen and for that matter get out of Oley now and do not come back. Love always your beloved taxpayers!
I find it interesting that the board can find the money to fund the track and now the football program, but they found it necessary to increase the taxes to balance the budget.
What next?
My solution is simple--if one wants their child/children to play football, one has the choice of many,many districts. In other words MOVE.
Don't burden the taxpayers with another program that will be ever increasing in budget expenses. Now it makes sense. First the track, then the lights, then the artificial turf infield. All at a cost of $1.4 million+.
It seems more and more that we the taxpayers are not constituents. We are obviously subjects, subject to the whims of the board.
The board obviously does not represent the will of the people. The board represents the SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS.
What they do not seem to understand that we as taxpayers are a SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP also. Our objective is to provide a decent education while watching the purse strings so that the board does not give away the farm, so to speak.
Come on you guys! It's not like FOOTBALL doesn't lead to great and exciting careers. Remember this one???
See, there's plenty of excitement that can come from a kid getting their start with high school football!
With the escalating interest in sports, will the board be instrumental in making sports related activities count as majors and throw in subjects like Science, Math, and History just to balance out their credits?
There is not enough kids or money to go into football. Another sport would fall apart. Look at the number of kids in each grade, it keeps going down. Nobody can afford to have more kids, if they want to live here in RICH OLEY!!
Here is a preliminary list of expenditures that would have to be made to have football at Oley:
Salary for head coach and assistant coaches.
Training and weight equipment plus a place to put them.
Uniforms and all related equipment and their upkeep and replacement.
Upkeep for football field. Probably have to hire more custodians.
Security at home games.
Cost of hiring busses and drivers for away games.
These are only what I could think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there are additional costs that we don't even know about.
I heard that the pro-football group is going to run five candidates for school board next year if the current board drags their feet on approving the program. I have a feeling that the whole thing is a done deal and the board will just go through the motions of opposing it before they finally approve it. Unless the community rises up loud and clear in opposition there will be football at O.V.. You can bet your house on it (if you have one left to bet after they are done). Of course, maybe I'm all wrong and a majority in the community want football...
Don't forget that those costs are just for high school football. The district would also have to spend nearly as much putting in a middle school football program, too. Also, they would need to hire another cheerleading coach or two. It will end up as another money pit.
I can see 5 pro-football people running for school board, look what we have now: MALONEY WHO WANTED A TRACK AND GOT ONE. HIS KIDS ARE BIG TRACK STARS it sure looks like the board is out for their own agendas, they are not looking out for the majority of the public and children of this district.
Here we go again, another big spending non-educational item. I guess everyone thinks that not being able to read and write and do basic math when the children reach 12th grade is no big deal. Well people it is. Our children of this district will not make it out in the real world. WAKE UP!
R. Swisher is right. The people that cannot continue to pay these high taxes must start speaking out. Now is the time to make major changes in this district. Basic education comes first. We are not Wilson and the other big schools in this county. If you want football MOVE!
I love your opinions on football, since not one of the opinions are based on FACTS.
If you want to know the actual cost of a quality run football program, contact the athletic directors in the 13 berks county school with such programs.
It does not increase insurance as someone incorrectly cited.
Before you jump on the ney saying band wagon, maybe you should look at it from a factual stand point.
I personnally like the idea of football in Oley. It may actually something that could provide the community with something to take pride in, and even give the Oley band somewhere to play, besides the high school parking lot. I look forward to a Friday night game, or a Saturday afternoon game in the same way I look forward to going to the Fire Co's. Peach festival and the Oley Fair.
prove that fact to the board, and more importantly...to the overburdoned taxpayers. It's awfully hard to believe that initiating a football program would sort of just fit in with current expenses. In fact, it could not. Adding ANYTHING will raise the tax amounts...and it's never a one time thing...but I guess it could be good though. As we, the starving taxpayers...reach our final destination...those big, strong Oley Football Team players can double as paul bearers to sink our sorry butts into the final resting places. Get real, Oley can't even comfortably pay for the new track, why...why....why should we take on anything else....until we have a balanced budget and everything we have is PAID FOR IN FULL?????
Hey football lover with the dimwitted opinion that other school's football programs hardly cost anything:
You wanna watch Oley Football? Get out YOUR check book and write them a check to cover 10 years full expenses for Oley School Football...and we mean EVERY expense...you'll be the town hero and the rest of us old farts won't have to give up our food money so you can enjoy local football games.
Before the end of the 10 year gift..talk one of your affluent buddies into continuing the tradition.
There's got to be a darned good reason why Oley did not have football in the past. Money is nearly always the answer....so...why would it be any different now?
Rah...Rah...Rah ! ! !
Just what we need. More excuses for dragging our kids out of class for traveling to away games, and lengthy practice sessions. Do the sports fans behind this actually want to see the kids fail or what?
Well, Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous, the big difference between going to a Peach Festival or the Oley Fair and a football game is the taxpayers aren't footing the bill for your entertainment at the Festival and Fair.
Tell me which one of the items I listed will not cost the district more money. I served on the school board for 13 years and heard that story more times than I care to remember. Everything from girls soccer to the distance learning fiasco cost us more money after we were told they would "pay for themselves".
I have not heard one legitimate reason given by those in favor of football why Oley has to have it.
Certainly you haven't given me any
reason other than you want to have something to do on a Friday night. The fact is that there isn't a good reason to have football at Oley but there sure are 100 reasons not to.
Swisher your right again. If the person above wants football he can pay for it out of his own pocket. My money is to go to education only. I am sick of my taxes going up and education taken a back seat. Just look at the PSSA scores. This district is going down the tubes and these so called caring parents do not care. They want to see their kids in the paper. What happens when their kids flunk out of college then what. Maybe they can come back to Oley and do dishes or work on the grounds at the 3 buildings. People in this district seem to be sitting on their brains. They sure do not know what they are talking about. They are out for there own agenda. People are becoming more and more angry with the state of this district.
IS that what people want?
For everyone's information, the Board has not approved a $1.4 million track, but a plan to accept bids in the Fall without an obligation to accept any of them. The Board has not taken on the costs of a football program, just made fields available as with the Youth League and Little League programs.
Come to the meetings for the facts, bloggers tend to exaggerate.
to the board member writing the last comment:
For all the time you had to submit the information we're supposed to swallow.....and don't.....why is it that you feel the need to remain anonymous? There's only 9 of you, and through process of elimination, it's easy enough to figure out who's the author of the above fairy tale. If you truly believe what you wrote, then proudly sign your name. Then, proudly suggest to other board members that none of the taxpaying public trusts any of you.
"For everyone's information, the Board has not approved a $1.4 million track, but a plan to accept bids in the Fall without an obligation to accept any of them."
The board paid over $30,000 for an architect to submit plans for a new synthetic track.
They also had a resolution passed they were committed to a track.
The board will pay at least $1,000 for each bid.
The base cost of track will start at $850,000, about the same amount of taxpayer money they transferred from the general fund into the Capital Reserve fund.
They have spent a lot of money and time not to build to track.
"The Board has not taken on the costs of a football program, just made fields available as with the Youth League and Little League programs."
The added use of the fields will be an expense to the district.
The article in the Reading Eagle made it clear that the ultimate aim of the football supporters was to have a football program for the Oley Valley School District.
"Come to the meetings for the facts.."
Perhaps some of the football supporters should come to the board meetings and read the paper.
House Bill 39 will not provide additional funds over the inflation index for non-educational expenditures. Football is a non-educational expense.
In order to pay for football then, what educational or extra-curricula programs should the school board cut?
"...bloggers tend to exaggerate.."
Common sense dictates that football will add significant costs to the school budget. Perhaps, someone could provide documentation to the contrary.
Al Jacobs reports FACTS, not fantasy.
He is as concerned as a citizen can get and is giving 100% + to get the board in the direction of fiscal responsibility and improve the education of our children. This effort on his part is selfless and very much appreciated by those that are not able to attend every school board meeting. It stands to reason that when the taxpayers out here spend more time getting the best that's available for the students, that the board won't like them or want them around. The board wants no one telling them what to do, even if they are screwing up bigtime, that's okay with them. Because the mistakes are not coming out of their pockets alone. They've got the entire tax paying school district here bailing them out, year after year after year.....
Al Jacobs is 100% correct. Cappa you finally wrote but it is a bunch of ----. You know darn well that you are going to be putting in a new track and most likely artificial turf, lights and whatever else you feel the need to spend at the moment. You are full of ----!
The public is seeing the light. The board needs to be replaced. The football families need to get a life and come to reality that football costs alot of money. We are a small district. Move if you want football. Our children need to educated to get on with their lives and be successful adults. You will not take our childrens education away from them. It is bad enough here at Oley, let them get what is right under the law of the PA DEPT. OF EDUCATION. Football is not required under the law of this state.
Cappa get on some mental pills will you. You have finally lost your mind!!!
Hey Cappa, it is funny that past board members are still coming to the meetings with concern of this district. They have seen the light even if it is after they left. At least they care enough to talk the facts of this blog site. Maybe when your sorry --- is off the board you will join the "OTHER SIDE" as you call us now. Or maybe even better you will leave this state or even country if we are lucky! A BIG PARTY FOR YOU FROM US IS WAITING. LET US KNOW THE DATE OF YOUR DEPARTURE.
Anyone that's been around these here parts for a few decades already knows who will call the shots. We don't like it, but we know it.
This blog spot is the greatest. Finally, the meek get a chance to get some of this grief off of their chests. It is FEAR that keeps so many anonymous. Fear of what would happen to their children or grandchildren. And fear of what price would be paid at their places of employement. This is NOT a forgiving board.
They have taken awards away from children in the past who parents speak out about issues. They are very nasty people.
To: "A daily Blogger with facts"
You're mistaken, they don't refer to you as "THE OTHER SIDE". In their private meetings and conversations you are referred to as "THE DARK SIDE". Now you have some idea the contempt in which they hold you.
Why am I writng this? Because I have witnessed a change in this board that is not healthy, an arrogance that needs to be exposed to the light of day.
There used to be a few good people on the board who actually wanted to do what's right but they have been beaten down and, now, appear to have just given in to the pressure brought on them. This board doesn't just need a house cleaning, it needs to be fumigated.
9 board members all with one brain. Do what they are told by the big guy and everything will be fine. They always vote yes, they are all chicken. They do not represent the public. Get off the board and let some people with guts make this district what it should be. The people with good morals and care about the quality of life for all the citizens.
Sorry my mistake, THE DARK SIDE and I am sure alot of other words have been spoken about us. My ears ring two Wednesday's each month, if I am at the meetings or not.
Mr. Swisher, are you having fun yet? Thank the Lord for this blog site. If we could talk like this at a board meeting and actually make this board be held accountable maybe it would be all worth the time and effort.One day when we have and honest board we will be able to have open conversations and do what is right for this district.
No, Mary, I'm not having fun but I'll bet the board isn't either.
If the board is upset, it is there own fault. They are the ones that are causing the big mess we have here in OLEY!
The Oley School Board realized at the past meeting that this policy that Cappa wanted to create is not in the best interest of this district. Read today's paper B3. We need to keep of top of this because you never know when they will try to sneak in another policy.
Listen up the board will still try to silence the public. Keep a watch out. The snakes are always up to something. They hate public comment. They hate to hear the truth. They hate the truth to be told at meetings when the newspaper is there. They have even told me in the past please tell us outside of the board meetings. Another fact: Richards and Gotwals get tax breaks on there land with green and feed I think that is what it is called. So when they increase our taxes it does not directly effect there own homes and land. They get tax breaks. Also Richards works for a bank that we do business with. Another conflict of interest. Does he get any kick backs from this? There are so many things going on in this district it is hard to believe these people are still running the show. We could not even write a book on this, it is tooo hard to swallow.
That's called:
clean and green
and it sure is hard to figure any of that crew as CLEAN
We all know what the GREEN stands for...........
And they like and enjoy taking as much green as they can, even if it means that your going to be put out onto the streets. I can see people walking down Main St. with their hands out begging for food, clothes and shelter and do not forget the meds to stay alive.
With all the land Gotwals and Richards have we could start our own tent city of their property. That should be the least they can do.
Since most of you have a difficult time spelling...maybe you are the ones that should look into becoming more educated. I don't think I would consider any information coming from sources that can't spell "learned" or "remember." By the way...double check those PSSA scores. Are they as bad as you say they are? Why would you even put so much emphasis on them anyway...How many times do you take a PSSA test in the "real world?"
We are hard working people that care about the issues and facts of this district. Who really cares if we spell a word wrong ever now and then. Cut me a break. Can you come up with anything better than that. The PSSA are a big deal just ask the administration. They want great scores or the state will be watching over them again like they have done in the past. So again you do not know what you are talking about.
'...Are they as bad as you say they are? Why would you even put so much emphasis on them anyway...How many times do you take a PSSA test in the "real world?"...'
The PSSA scores are nothing to be overly excited or proud about. Average, or slightly above average is not what a successful organization should strive to achieve. We should strive for our children to excel in each of their activities, including PSSA scores.
I agree that the PSSA score is an almost worthless excercise. However, until a more efficient widely accepted measure to judge the progress of the HIGHLY paid professional staff is available, it is our only benchmark to which we can hold our school, school board, administration and teacher accountable.
If you can provide a better benchmark for the public's evaluation, please do so.
If you can provide quantative information of alumni who, after Oley, go on to be successful and productive members in the community, I would take that in lieu of PSSA's. However, until something like that is made measureable and available, PSSA's are the standard, and our 'adequate' scores are just that, Adequate.
To be honest, showing improvement, to merely slightly above average means that our past performance is less than acceptable.
We're not on here to prove our own spelling bee scores. We're on here for what every decent taxpaying adult should be concerned with....
It's about OUR CHILDREN, AND THEIR EDUCATION. So, so sorry if we're overworked and don't have time to correct our quickly typed errors. It's not about US, it's about our children, the students....the one's we deeply love and care for and want the best for them. I can clearly see that fact never entered your mind, did it? Your whole problem is what you see in the mirror. Would you like a clear image? If you're honest with yourself, you stand before your mirror and you see an over rated, stuffed shirt. You obviously have no heart, or you would not be doing the things you do and saying the nasty things you say and put into print. Does it make you feel good to put down folks that make a few typos? Does it also make you feel good to know that it's people like you that are putting decent people out of their own homes? You know our servicemen and women are putting their lives on the line for all of us to have a better life. At least WE appreciate it.
Oley is a great place to live. It's beautiful, and MOST of the people are very nice.
For the bloggers that are trying to change Oley into WYOMISSING JR,
we don't want that change. If you don't like the way Oley is and always was, then pack up your belongings and move to WYO, or head up to Connecticut or Maine. They like big money ideas, so you could be really happy there. If you're not happy here, it would make more sense for YOU to leave.
While looking for an independent measurable apart from the PSSA scores, why overlook the end product? 80% of the 2006 graduates will be going on to higher education - a record percentage. Obviously thirty some technical schools, colleges and universities find our students' educations acceptable.
Where ever the 80% figure came from, did it mention anything about the 80% that go on to FINISH the higher education they've applied for and been accepted to? Of course they are accepted. It's a business. What percentage of those institutions of higher education report how many of these wonderful students find extreme difficulty 'round about the second cemester? Much of what is heard around town, come the following Spring, is...."Guess who has dropped out of college?" Have any percentage on those facts?
One does not have to seach very long to bump into graduates of Oley and then KU, RACC, etc, and hear the stories of how they're still living at home with mom and dad because they are NOT GETTING HIRED. We should not lay all of the blame on Oley School District. Kutztown University is not much better. And, the grammar/spelling of said KU students also has something to do with not getting the job of their dreams. "I seen it," and like grammar trageties eventually play a part in each student's future.
It's still obvious that only a handful of "local names" get catered to, the same as any other small town. The funny part is that those school board members with children passing through the doors of Oley schools, think the rest of the taxpayers don't realize why they chose to run for school board. As soon as little Johnny or Susie get their 12th grade awards, you're suddenly off of the board. If not immediately, shortly therafter. Unless, of course, they get a teaching degree, then mom or pop board member can make sure you get hired somewhere in the Oley system. And you think we don't notice this. Well, we do. We notice many things we don't like, approve of, or appreciate. Noticing is one thing. Thinking we can do much about it, is something else.
Sorry, Chatty's coffee didn't kick in yet!
you need more than coffee!
Getting ready to pay my higher TAXES...so, coffee was all I allowed myself to consume. After all, we don't want our overpaid staff at Oley to go without!
I do not know the teachers in the Oley Valley District but I know teachers in other districts. Are teachers truly overpaid? I think that many people do not give them enough credit. Could you do what they do? Before you answer that, why don't you go into the schools and teach? It may not be as easy as you think. By the way, many teachers need to get a second job during the summer months to make ends meet.
Since I am the only person I can recall who left the board after their child graduated I guess you were referring to me with your comments. While I don't have to justify my actions to anyone I would be glad to tell you a few things that led to me getting off. However, I won't do that in an open forum. You can e-mail me at RSwisher@comcast.net or call me at 610-376-9594. I doubt that you will do that, though, since it seems nearly everyone on this blog is afraid to be identified.
All of you should have the courage of your convictions and put your names behind your comments. Especially you "brave" people who are either board members or board apologists. You come on here and snipe at people but don't have the courage to identify yourselves. Your lack of character is telling.
Going on to higher education is not a good benchmark. A previous comment is accurate is stating that education has diluted itself from an honorable profession to a business.
Kids graduating are expected to enroll in college, as a means of delaying responsibility. A better indication of the students is what percentage of graduates enroll with a declared major and graduate from college in 4 years with the degree that they originally started towards.
That percentage would be a more accurate indication of whether they recieved a good well rounded education at Oley, and were educated to what the real world has to offer, and where they may best fit in with the ability to succeed.
As for bashing KU, I personally like KU. I have several friends that graduated from there, as well as the other state schools, and they seem fairly satisfied with there education.
The problem with higher education (primarily colleges, community colleges and universities) is that they offer so much 'liberal arts' oriented curriculum. Then the kids realize it is an easy way to graduate, only to find out there is no way to utilize their degree towards a productive career.
Bottom line - percentage to college or higher education is more worthless of a benchmark than PSSA's. Furthermore, it indicates that those individuals that pursue the military and/or family business, or even the building trades are 'less than' versus those pursuing more schooling.
The few children that actually have very good futures after college that graduated from Oley does have something to do with a handful of very caring good teachers, but the bottom line is that the parents of these children are the ones that head them into the right direction. You cannot think that Oley will help your child get into a good college. I have heard horror stories of children that wanted to go to certain colleges and the guidance office did not help them. PARENTS LISTEN UP: YOU NEED TO HELP THEM GET TO GOOD COLLEGES AND STEER THEM IN THE RIGHT CHOICES AND DIRECTION IN LIFE AND STUDIES. THE SCHOOL DOES NOT DO IT!!
R. Swisher left the board because I am sure he could not take it anymore the things that were going on behind the scenes. And further more 13 years on the board is enough or too much. I feel we need term limits. Like the President of the United States, 2 terms is more then enough. Heckman on for 17 years is way toooo much. Now that his daughter was hired to our district he can finally get off. Unless he wants to put his name on another plaque on another new building. He seems to get great joy when he sees his name in big print. He thinks he is the reason for all the students successful achievements. You should see him at board meetings when he gives out certificates to students. He looks so stupid with his grins and red face and comments. Heckman it is your turn to get off. THE TIME HAS COME!!! I would put my name on this but I want my children to get awards that are due to them!! The past 2 years my oldest has gotten nothing!! You see what I am saying!
Lets hope that any teachers that need to get part time jobs over the summer are doing so to pay off student loans. Look at the figures here. If our teachers can't survive on what they're being paid, then they are probably as wasteful as the board is with our money. Many families are doing with far less than what the teachers earn.
Teachers taking part time jobs is a riot. Not only are they taking every extra cent we earn for taxes, now they admit to scarfing up the part time jobs some of us need to pay those taxes. I can hardly see through the tears in my eyes. Crying? No. Laughing at the thought that we're supposed to believe that teachers HAVE to work extra to make ends meet. Holy crow, the person that wrote that should be writing for some comedy show. Contact Dave Kline, maybe he can help.
Nobody on here should be pointing a finger at Mr. Swisher. He and Al both put a lot of work into what is for everyone's benefit.
There seems to be a truly supportive community in Oley Valley! Many parents want their children to get a great education yet I don't see anyone on here saying they would like to help in making THEIR children more educated. It ALL starts at home!
The people on this blog are the ones that do care about the children. That is why we want to have this board and administration held accountable for spending on non-educational items and not for education which should and must come first. If a child is in school 6-8 hours a day, they need to be getting the education they are required to get under the law. This district spends way tooo much money on non-educational, salaries, benefits etc. Then they have $6 million there and continue to raise our taxes to balance the budget. CUT ME A BIG ONE!!
80% going off to higher education you say, well what about the other 20% and tell me this of the 80% how many will actually finish 4 years of college? Are any of them going to out of state schools, leaving this lovely place they call home? People need to realize that there is more to life then Oley. I have heard that our drop-out rate is high for this size district. What is the reasons for this? Does anyone try to talk to these kids and help them get on the right track? Too many kids are falling through the cracks!
PUBLIC NOTICE: If you have anything good to say, don't say it here. The advocates for freedom of speech only want to hear from those who are like-minded. Vilify anyone else! This blog has disintegrated into a cauldron of hatred.
Has there been even one attainable suggestion to specifically improve education?
Six or seven of "the faithful" are not The Other Side or The Dark Side, they just enjoy being Chicken Littles. The vast public outcry appears non-existant.
Running on the platform of "Oley stinks and lowering taxes is the all-encompassing solution" may garner minimal support in the next school board election for the Dooms-Day Hate-Monger candidates.
Oh please, do you really think we like telling the facts of this district? You people want to live in fairy tale land. We want what is due to the children as far as education plain and simple. We want accountability from this district. What is so wrong with that? If you do not like what is being said and facts as they are do not read this blog site anymore. We are here to inform the public. We do not get any great joy telling these facts. We feel it is important to get it into your heads the real issues, so maybe you will have the urge to run on this school board and make the changes for the better. Also there is way more than 7 of us, people are afraid to come to meetings as what will happen to their children, just like what happens to mine. Even if I was to stop coming to the board meetings you people do not forgive the past facts or present facts that I brought before the public.
Well, then, if there is no intention of lowering taxes, then get ready to meet a lot of new neighbors. How long do you think the current residents can keep up with these tax figures? You call that hatred? I call it FEAR.
Each year the non-teachers are paying more and more into their medical coverage. And, if you have not noticed, the rate of inflation affects all of us, not just those with union salaries. Not everyone gets a cost of living increase, full benefits, and an entire summer to earn extra cash.
Since I work right in Oley, I pretty much have to just sign my name as...
"Mrs. K."
Mrs. K. you are right! It is fear and they do not care. Do you see all the houses with sale signs on the lawn. How sad!
Not only sale signs, but public auction signs including all personal contents. How sad is that?
Here's one thing to take notice of while looking around our fair town. Alot of these big, new homes are not being filled by a mom and dad and 1 or 2 children. They are filling up these big houses in multi-family fashion. A couple of generations going together to get a place to live that is decent. Our new neighbor has a divorced mom, her boyfriend, an unwed mother that looks to be around 16, a brother (?) that's maybe 17, a young man that could be the 16 year old's boyfriend/father of the baby, and maybe 3 or 4 aunts/cousins. Yes, this is in Oley School District, and it's in ONE HOUSE. Never less than 4 cars in the driveway at any given time. Oley, you want sky-high taxes, then this is what you will see: Houses that look like a remake of the Waltons. These folks are friendly, but have trouble keeping their lawn nicely trimmed and also have a vision problem when it comes to rubbish that is not in any can, ever. Keep cranking up those taxes, you will see more "property sharing" like this...legal or not.
Many don't attend board meetings and speak up because of the way their children could be affected by the parent's "big mouths." But another thing that must be noticed is this:
Alot of us work in the area and our nosy board members know where we work and that is not a feeling of comfort, either. The more you read about this and think about it, the more is seems like how they told us about life in Russia and China, when we were kids. They told us that in those countries, people lived in buildings with several generations packed into them, and they worked whatever jobs they could get. And the Governenment made sure they had barely enough food to scrape by. Sound familiar?
The parents that are writing on here are spending far more time with their children than YOU realize, and that is why those writing on here... ARE writing on here. Because WE CARE. Finding solutions to the problems at Oley School IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE JOB OF THE SCHOOL BOARD. If nobody notices or cares to notice that the board is more interested in putting in sports facilities than it is in seeing that the 4 % of the time our children spend in school turns out to be the most important educationally,then we would all be guilty of child neglect. The parents writing on here are very visible at school functions. Try pointing your crummy little finger in the direction of those parents that don't even know what classes their kids are in. Try criticizing the parents that need A MAP to get to the graduation ceremony.
Your script resembles the jibberish muttered by a boring old hoot that has no children. Small wonder. God works in mysterious ways! Those of us that were blessed with children, treasure our time spent with them and LOVE doing things with them and for them. Any "whining" on here is because of one main thing. FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. It is lacking within our school board.
What ever fortune you may be living off of, we pray on your behalf that should you fall on hard times, which can happen to anyone, that it is not YOU that gets the boot out of your own home. There are many citiziens in our area that are truly having trouble getting the tax money together each year, and it is certainly not getting any better. How kind of you...OVCIT....to imply that we are not aware of rising prices on absolutely everything. This is the deal here, the school board has nearly 6 MILLION BUCKS which could be used for EDUCATION and to defray tax expenses, but instead, they look you right in the eye and deliberately do what Pope Zackon instructs them to do. They vote as if electric cattle prods are aimed at their feet. They can't answer one simple question without having their heads snap directly in line with the head of the group. In case you have not attended any of these meetings, here's what you are missing:
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes
5. abscent
6. yes
7. yes
8. absecent
9. yes
WHAT WERE THEY VOTING ON? IT DOES NOT MATTER, THEY ALL ANSWER YES, THEY ARE IN FAVOR. Now they want to tell us we can't question, really, anything. Why does that not upset YOU?
We don't know what system YOU'RE following.
B. Ross
B. Ross, it is great that you care about your children but that is NOT the case everywhere. Unfortuantely, there are more parents not involved than there are involved. Oley, compared to surrounding areas, does not pay that much in taxes. Of course they are going to go up every year...but then again...doesn't everything else?
Many people on here are upset and seem to attack others for comments that are being made. These same people tell those who would like to see changes (ie. football, etc.)to move. Well if you don't like the taxes, then go find somewhere else to live where you won't have to pay such high taxes. Change can be good!
Change can be good in every direction.
Taxes in Oley are not the very highest, but they sure are on their way. Most residents here are concerned about the improvements we're getting for our buck.
The greatest concern is the fact that our board feels they owe the taxpayers nothing. No real accountability. No courtesy. No good news. Nothing but a crisp, clear visual message stating:
We're in charge here, you're not. go home.
Time for a new face or two on that board. And, time for many, many more concerned citizens to attend these meetings. Writing on here and not showing up for meetings is exactly what they want.
Obviously you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
How do you think this situation should be handled?
I am more than happy that you can afford life, but alas that is only YOU, nobody else.
Everything is all about YOU, YOU, YOU, right?
To the person who believes the taxpayers should go to live somewhere else if they do not want to pay high taxes.
What part of this situation do you not understand? If these people had the MONEY, they most likely would move.
It is unfair to ask the older taxpayers of this area who have lived here their ENTIRE LIVES, and for that matter, all the taxpayers who live in Oley, to move because they do not want to pay for your child to play games. The Pennsylavnia Statute states that "every child is entitled to a free and appropriate education" not for the school district to spend the taxpayers hard-earned money on football, a new track and sports in general. Had the State felt that football teams, new tracks, etc., be the major and guiding force behind education, then the State and Federal government would be allocating funds to pay for these items. The taxpayers do not begrudge the children their sports, however, I would prefer my children to learn to read, write, and have the ability to add and subtract so that they can FUNCTION in their lives.
It would be interesting to see a football team who learned nothing but football, go out on a field and not know how to talk, not know the meaning of words or not know how far to run to catch the ball if they did not have basic education.
so you're saying football and any other sport produces "dumb" people. I could show you many people whose lives were changed for the better because of sports. It made them want to become better educated.
Please do not put words into my mouth. I did not say football produced dumb people. Please reread the last paragraph in my blog.
EDUCATION seems to be the word that keeps popping up.
I have questioned the board's taxing and spending practices, the need for football, and pointed out to them that their proposed policy that limits topics to 10 minutes violates the Sunshine Law. If that constitutes whining then I plead guilty.
Your unthinking, unquestioning,uncaring attitude is what elected officials love. Of course, since you show your cowardice by hiding behind OVCIT you could be one of those elected officials for all we know. Try looking beyond the personalities and personal attacks and look at the issues. You're implying that we shouldn't even question and, certainly, not disagree with anything the board does? What arrogance!
Finally, don't tell me to "get a life". I have a great life but I also want that for others, too. You, on the other hand, seem to want everyone to be as miserable as you are.
I have been off the board for almost four years and in all that time didn't attend any meetings and didn't have any reason to. However, in the last couple weeks issues have come forward that I felt needed to be addressed and so I started attending some meetings again. During that time I have seen the arrogance of some board members and people like you who love to belittle and look down your nose at well intentioned people. You might not like me or what I say but I'm here to tell you that this time I'm not going away. There will be changes forthcoming...
Hello there pragmatic!
You might be correct on the 4% of school time, but look what spending time with mom and dad has bred.
And for the impressive vocabulary that you seem to have, you obviously did not learn grammar.
Reading this blog has become the highlight of my day. Not for the name calling and finger pointing, though. It's refreshing to learn that there are, indeed, this many truly caring adults in the Oley Valley. I'm not surprised, I'm just thrilled by it. The oley School Board has a long way to go before they make desicions that will suit a fair percentage of our taxpaying public. For a long, long time, there were not many complaints voiced about our school board. Tell you anything? It tells me plenty. The current board is ill suited to work efficiently with each other. Let's ask Mr. Swisher if he'd consider running again. I would give him my vote and so would countless others. The same with Al Jacobs.
Here is a great start:
Swisher and Jacobs in....
Cappa and Gotwals out....
AMEN! I DO AGREE with your picks for school board, we do need 5 not only 2. Are you up for it?
They might have a big set but they do not know how to use them.
Been away again for a few weeks. Whew! thngs are heating up. And for good reason.
As to teachers being underpaid. Not true. They are the highest paid, part-time workers in America. Moreover, they have the summers off, more holidays than most, Christmas and Spring breaks, best healthcare and "guaranteed" retirement benefits. Taxpayers fund their continuing education and they receive automatic pay raises when they achieve another degree. Where else ON THE PLANET does any "working" person have that kind of deal? If teachers don't like it, they can QUIT teaching and discover the REAL world.
Oley Valley will never again be the absolutely wonderful place it used to be -- because so many newcomers apparently think high taxes are a status symbol, nomatter the hardship to the little people, elderly and less fortunate. Heaven help us, these people and their children will soon be running our country and the world. We'd all better keep praying.
However, that doesn't mean we will give up without a hearty fight within our Constitutional rights. What a shame those who scorn the taxpayer revolt are so very ignorant about our form of government and the concept of "individual rights and responsibility." It has become more commonplace to embrace socialism and globalism than individual accomplishment, and the proud heritage and history of Pennsylvania the United States of America.
As to our being "whiners," we have lots of company ... all across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and throughout many other U.S. states. But, it isn't called "whining," it's availing ourselves of the guaranteed rights of self expression and "free speech" -- you know, the rights the latest policy revisions would squelch.
Remember the primary election upsets? The Fall elections are yet to come. Oley also needs 9 new School Board members who recognize their roles as public servants instead of tyrants. And, the 2007 Primary Elections are only 10 months away. This should be an interesting, upcoming election cycle.
Welcome home, Linda!
Your well researched thoughts and comments are always worth the wait.
Care to Join Jacobs and Swisher? Sounds like we're sending in Special Forces! Gotta love the thought of it, for sure!
Avid blogger
Welcome home Linda from Mary Swartz. Love your comments as they are the truth. As always the current board will try to say it is not the truth. What else can they say that maybe they are the ones that are wrong. I do not see that happening anytime soon. They all need to be replaced with thoughtful, good moral people that can relate to all of the public not just the ones that are out there for their own agenda. See you soon.
May the force be with you.
Dear nasty bloggers:
Do you see the most recent comments listed above? They are the heartfelt feelings of THE REAL OLEY VALLEY. WE CARE.
"Oley Valley will never again be the absolutely wonderful place it used to be---because of the NEWCOMERS," oh so now we get to the root of it. Quite a telling statement madam.
Think what you want! You are the ones that twist words around. I am a so call newcomer and I do not want this board spending all of our money on non-educational items and not caring for the children, I want them to be held accountable for what they are doing to this school district. The newcomers that was written above are the ones that only speak out when it is for their own agenda, i.e. track, football etc. They do not come to the meetings like I do and see the real issues of this district. So there. Shut up until you have the facts. Start coming to the board meetings and start really caring like we the dark side do!!
Dear Pragmatic:
My use of capital letters was to be emphatic, not because I use capital letters to type.
Also, grammer should be grammar.
As for the comments about newcomers:
many are a welcome addition to our area. They are good parents, good neighbors, etc. Those that aren't such a welcome sight already know who they are. You can't pick and choose who moves into the homes that others have willingly or not so willingly vacated. You get what you get. Sad as that fact may be.
p.s. This is a BLOG. Thoughts jotted down here and there, we are not concerned with the writings as if they were going to press. We don't need the constant reminders about CAPS, Grammer/grammar, run on sentences, and spelling. If we all had the luxury of lollygagging around all day and night, with absolutely nothing else to do with our time, then we'd all use the online dictionary. Well, folks, we don't all have that much extra time. We're mostly WORKING so we can feed our ever lovin children and oh yeah...pay our taxes.
Al is to be commended for starting this blog. It seems obvious that there are a lot more people reading this than some have calculated. Don't you wish that's all you had to do in a day's time was worry about how many bloggers are actually on here? Some of you doctors must have extremely dull lives!
chow !
just added that for the fun of it. We ARE still allowed to laugh at something, right???
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a a a a a
"Has there been even one attainable suggestion made to specifically improve education?"
Surely those of you IN THE KNOW could tick off eight or ten items since this blog began. Or are you more interested in tearing down than building up?
Remember, its all about the children!
Forget eight or ten examples - can we name just ONE? (lowering taxes doesn't count) (and eliminating sports will contribute to obesity) Can you meet this challenge with both fists tied behind your back?
Welcome, to the bloggers who disagree with fiscal and educational accountability in the Oley Valley School District.
Unlike the school board, we do not put a time or topic limit on your comments.
Although we think there is a better use of our hard earned tax dollars than, for example, extravagant athletic facilities, we are interested in hearing other points of view.
Well, you issued the challenge, I'll give it a shot.
1. We used to have more AP courses in the high school than any other school in the county(yes, even the great Wilson). I would like to see our AP classes independently reviewed and retooled with an emphasis on quality over quantity. Are we doing what is necessary to attain the best results in our AP courses?
2. I would like to have a proficiency test administered to all eighth graders prior to going into the high school. This could help measure where we needed to do a better job in preparing the student for secondary education. Maybe they have done this since I left the board. If so, great! If not, why not?
3. It is vital that faculty, administration and the board work as one unit to improve the quality of education at OV. Even those of you who believe our school is the best can't be naive enough to believe it can't be improved. The time is gone when problems will be solved by throwing money at it. It will take brains, imagination and innovation to solve the problems of our district.
I'm going to stop at three but there are many more I could go into. If you notice, though, not of them will cost the taxpayers a penny. This canard going around that if we are against higher taxes then, by extension, we want to eliminate sports or the arts is rediculous. That game isn't going to be played in the next election, either. There are serious and responsible alternative ideas out there to be tried that do not need a sack full of money to initiate and most of us realize it. Too bad the board doesn't.
Mr. Swisher,
You are a breath of fresh air! We sleep better at night knowing you are involved here with input that makes sense. Please, keep up the good work, we're behind you 100%.
Has this blog taken a turn?
Interested in hearing other points of view.
Improvement ideas.
Breath of fresh air.
Maybe its time to put Mr. Swisher on the ballot. Voters have short memories anyway. Back in the old days he was criticized as being a Swish-Swasher, now he's a blog hero to some. The pendulum swings.
Like a fine wine, many things improve with age.
I said, "Wine." Not, "Whine."
Former school board members, of course, can improve with age and experience. So can former doctors. And when, pray tell, would that take place?
Hopefully anyone can learn from their past mistakes and errors in judgement. You're never too old to learn.
As to "Improving" the school, we should:
#1. Actually teach the children how to read.... which might eliminate the need for "9th grade" remedial reading teachers.
#2. Have all of the teachers dress like the professionals they purport to be, thereby providing an example to the children.
#3. Increase physical education class time and reduce study halls.
#4. Administer Stanford Achievement Tests in addition to required PSSA tests, thereby ensuring that our children are "academically" tested -- not
simply compared to the rest of the state/nation.
#5. Hold administration accountable for moral behavior, measuring teacher proficiency and code of ethics within the school.
#6. All children (or none) receive special field trips ... not just the "gifted" program members.
#7. Stop nepotistic hiring and seek the "best" for open teaching positions.
#8. Institute a $50 per child activity fee, which the parents can spend as they like-- so those who benefit from the sports programs help to pay for them.
Well, I could go on for another hour or so .... have also been on the board at one time and seeing the waste and lack of vision of the administration. But, must get to work for another 10 hour day so my retired husband and I can pay our school taxes.
My apologies to the newcomers who do not want to make us into where they came from, or where they really want to live. I do know there are many of you who are also concerned about the educational and fiscal irresponsibility of the school district, and am sorry to have offended you.
You did not offend me. I am with you on all the issues. You, Al,Russ make great points in the above comments. This is what we have been trying to tell this board for a long time that we need education to come first. We are lacking in alot of areas.
Hey current board members writing on this blog, or board member family members tell us your name. Why are you hiding behind your blog blasts at the people that care more about this district then you do? Come on tell us who you are, we do bite!
"Has there been even one attainable suggestion to specifically improve education?"
1. Fiscally accountability.
To fully understand this suggestion, we need to look at the history of school board financial blunders.
They spent over $200,000 for the middle school general obligation bond underwriting expenses. At the time, long-term conventional borrowing would have cost only $50,000. The board overspent on the Middle School by $600,000. This is way too high for a building project. There is still a lawsuit concerning the Middle School. This is why the board is holding $1,200,000 in the Capital Project Fund. The board "negotiated" a five-year teacher contract that has become the gold standard for Berks County teacher contracts. They gave an unwarranted and unjustified $13,000 one year pay increase to the Superintendent along with a new five-year contract based on the higher salary. The board wants to spend up to $1,300,000 for a new synthetic track, when the track can be refurbished for $350,000.
If these examples is not enough, the board approved a five-year bus contract that, according to public comment, does not have a fuel escalator clause to protect taxpayers from exorbitant gas price increases.
Neither the state nor the federal governments mandated any of these decisions. They were the decisions of the school board.
We could have saved millions that could have been spent on education, and still have reasonable school property taxes.
Instead, the board is in footrace to raise taxes to cover their mistakes.
2. Educational Accountability.
We have increased local spending by millions on education, yet the independent student test scores are not much different from those in 1999.
Whether you are looking at PSSA or SAT testing results, the conclusion is that parents are not getting their return for their school tax dollars.
The ultimate responsibility for education rests with the Superintendent and the school board.
In business, if executives do not meet their goals, they are replaced.
Board President Robert A. Heckman said the district must manage its affairs like a business. It is time that happens.
The words fiscal and educational accountability are not academic nor the "whining" of taxpayers. These concepts are resonating at the federal and state levels government. They are instituting financial and educational controls on school districts.
If the school districts do not meet these standards, those in charge will be replaced.
"Six or seven of "the faithful" are not The Other Side or The Dark Side, they just enjoy being Chicken Littles....Dooms-Day Hate-Monger candidates.."
Instead of name calling, it is incumbent on you to suggest a way to improve education at a reasonable price.
Blank check budgets do not count.
Finger pointing? Yes, you are right, being rude will make all people stop and listen. It gets old after awhile.
Retired teacher to run for school board. That person would be just what the "doctor" ordered. One we're familiar with could be just as devious as the current board, but could be counted on to "see" all that is going on around him, since he's about 9 feet tall. He's already made himself conspicuously visible at many board meetings, squalking about flawed legislation. He's been a pillar of the community standing post at the local polls, which is where he broadcast loud and clear messages about how the retirement checks for teachers were...GUARANTEED. It sure made us feel good to see those harsh words fall on the ears of elderly couples standing in line to vote. Those faces told the whole story. They worked hard their whole lives and are so smart to realize that it was all to benefit retired teachers that had a good part of every single year off...with pay, and have health benefits akin to what is provided to the President of the United States. It was particularly disgusting to hear the teacher repeat his message over and over and over, until he was literally unable to speak, due to laryngitis.
Oh, perhaps he could sit the little doctor on his lap and play puppet. Coochy coochy cooooo!
Yes-sir-eee-blob, he's exactly what we need on our board. When are you throwing your beret in the ring, pal? Come one, we all know you're heavily involved here, and now that you've got even more free time, what's the delay?
Dear Al,
Please change the photo which is at the top of this area. Some of us are trying to eat.
I must be Mistaken. You folks seem so concerned and so sure about what's wrong with the Oley Schools that everything I have thought good appears wrong! Thank you for sharing your astute wisdom and vision about our educational system, its leaders, and the needs of our children. I am surely not capable of making my own intelligent decisions, and am not at all concerned about my taxes or fiscal responsibilities. I know that our community is very different from others in fiscal regard. I don't mean the schools, I mean the township of Oley. Is it true they allow no new business or revenue producing industry into their township? Is it true they want to spend your money to buy preservation land? Wow, that is wonderful. We can all help pay the difference for that cost any potential lost revenue in our taxes. We should also feel better that we can afford to pay for six full time police officers to protect our two stores and one hiway. I am sure proud that there has been no recent roberies or crime in our community. I am so glad you folks are pointing out the errors of the school and our townships on fiscal matters. What about the state, who controls the tax system? When are you going to their next meeting to point out their errors? I need to know so I can come join you. How about the federal mandates that offer no money? Lets blog about them too. They must be idiots! Surely your wisdom will help all of us "Less Concerned Citizens."
You seem to be so on righteous, especially when you slam people with personal remarks and character judgments. I am glad that you use words like Amen in your blogs, and that some of you identify yourself as Christians. I must be sure to let my children read how Christians in our community publicly express themselves. God Bless!
PS. You have previously "Mistaken" me as Bob Cappa. I can assure you that he is not this writer.
Actually, WEEU reported a gun point robbery at the Oley Turnpike Dairy....YESTERDAY, July 13th.
And Redner's at 12 & 73 has been robbed over 10 times in the past 3 years.
Oley may only have a handful of stores and one main highway, but that highway is a main truck route, which brings all sorts of characters through the local towns. Ever notice how many wrecks take place on rt 73? Did you know that over 18,000 vehicles pass through the main intersection, each and every day? It's been a long time since George Endy could handle all of that himself. Kind of interesting, isn't it? Those are facts we learn at township meetings.
p.s. I'm not Bob Cappa, either.
well you might not be CAPPA but you sound just like him. We do not live far from a major crime city so Zackon and the rest of you cannot say we will not have crime like we saw yesterday and at the Oley Valley Inn. You need to reread the blogs and get it into your brain if you have one the concerns and problems that are in this district and that we want to change this district for the better. You keep thinking we are the ones that are causing trouble but we are the ones that care the most. Having Dale of the board would be the end of this district. We know it has problems now, if he was on the board the problems would double. He is another Heckman buddy and snake. He is not, I repeat not to be trusted. The worst of the worst is Dale B.
Would you lookie here...some educational suggestions have finally appeared, after how many months?
Until now its only been a slice'em & dice'em show with a Gerry Springer mentality.
Keep real ideas flowing. Focus on what can be done in the classroom.
Bring real ideas and present them in a reasonable way. Who can resist good manners?
That is not being nice up above. We always made suggestions for the better of the district and education and of course the children and all the citizens, you people are finally reading and understanding after all these months, we have been telling you for how many years what needs to be done. Now that you are understanding them are you going to change? Time will tell! Actually time is running out.
"would you lookie here...some educational suggestions have finally appeared, after how many months....?"
So, then, YOU have been reading this for...how many months....and what suggestions have you contributed to the hopeful solutions? Any?
What we've got here is a mixture of all classes and income levels....with one thing in common. The "rich ones are offended and mildly amused by the replies made by the less affluent. Well, it would be a nifty idea if we put all of this energy in the same direction. We're looking for only two things, really:
The best we can get for our children...
At the most reasonable price.
I think that's about the end of the story. Every school is going through this, and it's nothing new. Oley should get their combined acts together and make it happen....and set an example to our children and other schools, too.
Please don't tell me to "dream on," because it's not impossible. Look at tonight's coverage of the world wide news. Fighting over new tracks and tax increases is kind of trivial, isn't it? It's 2006, so act like you know it. If you're sleeping in Oley, and not IRAC, count your blessings and make what we're blessed with count.
Not Cappa
Not Bietsel zel zle, whatever
Not Heckman
Just a citizen that thinks we've got an awful lot to be thankful for, and it does not look like we are.
God Bless America. The middle east crisis is getting totally out of control. We all should take a minute and thank the Lord for all the goodness living in America enable us to live in peace. Lets not make Oley another country in itself like the middle east countries. The school board wants to take away a key right that we Americans have which is the right to speak and speak the facts. Lets make the Oley District stand out as one of the best in Berks. We need to get some new faces and ideas on this school board. Time has come for change.
Mr. Thankful Citizen who is not Cappa, Beitzel,or Heckman: You've got it just about right, except that this is not the offended wealthy vs. the poor who reply.
Rich or poor, old timer or newcomer, I hope we all want what's best for children at a reasonable price.
Oley's at a lower tax rate than most. Who wants to keep complaining about that? We're not sleeping in Iraq!
Dear Bloggers,
I agree with this thought:
We want what's best for our community's children and would appreciate getting this at the best price. That can be accomplished by really cutting back or eliminating frills and concentrating on education first and sports items...when we've MET the educational obligations.
If any of our children are reading any part of this blog, I hope it's this one that they remember. We care about you and don't want you, the children, thinking that the slams and finger pointing is how you should try to get things when you grow up.
Most sincerely yours,
Mrs. Tofinetti
To Mary Swartz, Please try to find a new derogatory creature name when you go on your libelous little rants. You have used the word snake 74 times (unofficial count). You could try viper, or serpant. Maybe you could mix it up with weasel, rat, skunk. Some warm blooded but otherwise unattractive animals.
To the person addressing Mary Swartz:
Why should she change that term? She's 100% correct.
By the way, what do you do all day, watch the nature chanel or count specific nouns on this blog?
Mary's right.
You can get off of Mary Swartz's case. SHE attends school board meetings on a regular basis. DO YOU?
If there were more parents around like Mary Swartz, you'd see less kids sitting in the guidance office. Mary and Andy are good parents, and we wish we had more parents that were involved with their children's school work and family activities like they are.
...a caring teacher!
When it comes to great parents that will do anything for their children, Mary and Andy Swartz are #1. They are not affraid to speak out regarding issues or their childrens education. They want only the best for them.
Snake is being nice.
Teacher, or the Queen of France, who's to know?
ps:The gifted students and their chaperones pay for the additional field trips they take.
Do the chaperones or Zackon pay their way to Spain or Germany?
In Fleetwood, we don't care what you guys say about Mary, we know she's right and we're behind her 100%. Anyone criticizing her should try half as hard as she does!
I'm one of those new comers that some have so much to say about. Anyway, in NY and FL, there's no such thing as a paid school trip. They plan what seems like the best trips and send home announcements well in advance as to the cost per student. The ones that have notes from parents that just can't foot those extra expenses...the Catholic church funds those kids so they can be as lucky as the rest to see the sights. The Catholic church funds PUBLIC school kids trips. I'm proud to say that there is a bunch of really nice people in NY that go so far out of their way for kids, it's not funny. There is nothing saying that the well-to-do in our area could not do the same sort of thing, if they were so inclined. Maybe they already have something like that in this area, but if so, I have not heard about it. My family would gladly donate to such a cause, because the kids are worth it.
In Jacksonville, it is similar to NY. Most trips cost around $15, which mostly covers the cost of running a bus to the destination and a small admission price to a museum, etc. Back in the 60s, we took trips all the time, so it's nice to know our kids get the same deal, or close to it.
The longer this pic is on here, the older Cappa looks!
I am another friend of Mary's and do not live in Oley, however what I see in the paper and listen to on WEEU about Oley tells me that Mary always tells the truth to you the public. I agree 100%. Oley needs to do what is right for a change.
Quit picking on Mary Swartz. She and the rest of the taxpayers have a right to speak out about the "people they employ" in the Oley School District.
Many of those we employ and some who have sought office as school directors certainly have no compunctions about calling us names, treating us with contempt and circulating lies and inuendo. It's been that way for the past seventeen years that my husband and I have been involved in Oley School issues.
The concerned taxpayers' detractors parse words and attack the messengers, while ignoring the problems they are either incapable of fixing or refuse to acknowledge.
Mary and Andy Swartz are concerned, involved, principaled parents who take their responsibilites very seriously. It shows in the character, behavior, accomplishments and personalities of their fine children. They also have the courage of their convictions and are willing to identify themselves and take the heat for their comments and opinions. That's more than can be said for the edurats and their faithful posse of apparently mindless drones. I'm proud to call Mary a friend.
As to individuals paying for field trips. That's not always true. When a substitute teacher is needed to fill a teacher's place for other classes, the taxpayers pay for the additional temporary teaching staff.
Many years ago, qualified administrators often filled in the vacant classes so an extra teacher salary was not required for those times.
There are myriad ways to cut costs if people really wanted to.
Please everyone, let's not forget the 1,144 teacher absences in 110 days of school.
Yes, that's correct.
From the first day that the children were in school this past school year, August 31 through February 13, 2006, there were 1,144 teacher absences in the Oley Valley School District. We only have 162 teachers.
There were days were 45 teachers were out.
This translates into 1,144 substitute teachers called in, with additional FLOATERS to do whatever it is that they do.
These substitute teachers(and guest teachers who are not real teachers, but people with college degrees that took a very quick certification course) being paid $70/day, all the way up to $90/day by the end of the school year. I believe for every 10 days that they work, their pay goes up $5.00.
This is at the minimum of $80,000/just for 110 days of school.
This also translates into 1,144 classes not being taught, as substitutes rarely do anything, except show some movies.
Please remember that the teachers are also being paid for these days.
In fact, most of the absences were okayed by Dr. Zackon and were not charged against the teacher.
Amazing that this can happen in a school district with 9 board members supposedly knowing what is going on.
In fact, they did not know of all these teacher absences until I brought it up.
I would like to know how many other employees abuse this system.
How do we know that Dr. Zackon is there everyday.
I for one would like to see a full accounting of each teacher's attendance, just to make sure that the policies are being followed.
Better announce that next meeting on here every day, make sure all these no-names know when and where, then...THERE'S NO EXCUSE!
When I don't go to work, I don't get paid. How about the rest of you? Maybe 3 or 4 sick days a year, not a whole multitude of them!
I'd be willing to bet that what THEY call sick and what the rest of us call sick....is two different things. Their sick days are nearly all being abused. If the teachers got sick that many days a year, how did they ever get hired? Where were their interviews held, at the Mayo Clinic?...(And how is your health? Do you often get sick? Oh, yes, as often as I'M allowed to!)
Is it true that the sick days acrue and you get a bundle of dough at the end of your teaching career, if they're not used? At least I think that's what I understood them to say. Is that anyother one of the things they are "forced" to deal with? Being paid for NOT being sick? And when they are actually sick, their coverage is at what percent? Uh....nearly all of it is paid, correct? Where, pray tell, do they come off complaining so much? We listen to the countless complaints from the teachers stating, "You don't know what this is like, teaching these kids, they are like animals that don't listen and don't care!!" Well, guess what? I don't recall any recruiters going from college to college, dragging the graduates kicking and screaming and forcing them to accept these union terms and teach for a living. Anyone else recall that ever happening? No, I don't think so. In that case, why are they constantly moaning that we don't know what it's like and don't know what they go through? THEY CHOSE THAT PROFESSION.
IF YOU like the PAY & BENEFITS...
We don't see any ball and chain attached to the teacher's legs, do we?
It would be a neat thing to have this requirement for teaching:
Well, Bravo, usmc vet!!!
Another usmc vet agrees 100%
semper fi
As quoted in a recent blogger's entry....
"To the person addressing Mary Swartz:
"Why should she change that term? She's 100% correct.
Mary's right...
Well, you people certainly are sending a message to those of us who share your community and whose children share your schools. It's dissapointing to know that this is how some Oley Valley adults go about attempting to facilitate a change. Very mature indeed!
...and no, I am not Cappa, nor am I a school board member or teacher...just a satisfied parent of Oley Valley students
It's easy to criticize someone until you live in his or her shoes. Maybe teachers get sick days because they are exposed to a multitude of diseases...children coughing without covering their mouths etc. (Shouldn't this be taught at home, before they come to school...MANNERS!) Leaving nasty comments is a GREAT way to persuade people to follow in suit. Our children are real lucky to have such great role models.
My wife and I put three children through Oley schools, and then on to Military and/or college. We were not disappointed. Now, however, we are observing our grandchildren passing through the doors of good old Oley High School. It's become necessary to hire private tutors to compliment the "free" education they're recieving in the same school that their parents did so well in, and we still see the need for improvement. In our estimation, Oley has slipped a notch or two over the years. So, what happened? The teachers are making more than they ever did, and giving us less.
Unsatisfied grandparents
Served in the US ARMY
Know what sick is.
Know what SICK ISN'T.
We've raised a bunch of pansies, and now they're teaching our kids. Heaven help us when our pampered teachers have to take on real responsibilities in life.
If anyone likes to respond to that, first walk in the shoes of the servicemen and women that are doing it all to make it possible for you to have your sick days.
Who is responsible for raising these "pansies?"
Wow someone else is up early!
Hello to all my fans and friends out there in blog land. I thought the word snake was not that bad, sorry to have offended you all. But remember the words you call us is way worse then snake. We are the ones that care the most but you will never believe that. I am glad my children at least thank me everyday for doing what is right and standing up for them. My husband and I are always trying to teach our children to do their best so that they can be successful adults. It is a shame that they see their mom upset do to the actions of this school board and how they run business. Time has finally come to give some happy faces out to the ones that deserve it. Time has come for change!
"Who is responsible for raising these pansies?"
It started with Dr. Spock. And so started the crumbling of discipline IN THE FAMILY SETTING, WHERE IT BELONGS. If families set the ground rules for life, and stick to them, here are the benefits:
Happier families that stay together
Better cooperation in the classroom setting, because a good kid would not dream of acting out in class when they know their parents will be the ones that deal with them. I mean the parents that aren't afraid of their own children. It's those parents that have put teachers in the position they're in today. The law is not on the teacher's side, nor is it on the parent's side.
You need a license to drive a car. You need a license to get married...in the rare event that you do actually get married
But you don't need a license to have a baby. The young parents have absolutely no proof that they are financially capable of raising the child, if the parents are even done growing up themselves.
That blogger a way back was right about the service. It would be a great benefit for teachers to serve a year's time before being givin a teaching degree. And, it would make sense for ALL 18 YEAR OLD'S to serve, at least one year. Look at the shape our world is in. Do you want YOUR child unprepaired, or do you want to arm them with not only education, but the common sense and training that will help them survive? You don't get that in any high school.
It's time for a big change, and not just on our school board.
Hold on every one. When I wrote the above blog, it was not to discredit the teachers regarding the absence days, it was directly related to the person running the show - DR. ZACKON.
My point with the 1,144 teacher absences had to do with the fact that most of these absences were not for illness, they were approved scheduled days off for the teachers.
These days were scheduled by the Grand Pubah for the teachers to attend workshops, meetings, etc. during our childrens' classtime.
Why wound anyone running a business, as Mr. Heckman likes to call it, schedule 45 teachers off to attend workshops.
Why are these workshops not scheduled for in-service days or on the teachers' time?
Most of the parents do not really know how much school time actually exists during the school day. Speak to your children and you might be surprised.
But getting back to the person in charge of scheduling this horrific amount of time off for the teachers.
Here is the substitute call-in sheet key:
A - approved
AWOP - absent without pay
I - personal illness
FI - family illness
JD - jury duty
P - personal day
F - death/funeral
FI did not even appear on the key, but when I asked the administration what this meant - I was told that it was for family illness.
How do we know that our teachers are being charged for their sick days.
As the previous blogger stated, these sick days are transferred from year to year if they are not used, and then the person gets a nice big fat check when they retire.
This not only pertains to the teachers.
Dr. Zackon has got quite a cushy little contract too:
1 - he is allowed to also do consultative work, speaking engagements, lecturing, adjunct teaching or other professional services. I wonder how he has time to do all this. I also believe that according to the PA School Code or some PA statute, that he may not be paid for this. Can you imagine Dr. Zackon doing anything for free, and not getting any reimbursement for it?
2 - The school board agreed to a no more than 3% COLA each year for the remainder of his contract, plus additional compensation based upon performance and evaluation by the school board.
He also gets FRINGE BENEFITS -
A) 1-5 YEARS of service to the Disctrict - 20 days per fiscal year
B) 6-10 years of service to the District - 25 days per fiscal year.
C) Over 10 years - 30 days per fiscal year.
The Superintendent may take vacation anytime during the fiscal year, but must be present two weeks prior to the opening of school.
Holidays shall be those listed on the district calendar for school year, and shall also include July 4th and Labor Day. Parents check it out, I believe there are 17 or so holidays that some of our employees get paid for.
A) The Superintendent will have an accumulation of unveed sick leave from year to year at a rate of 18 days per year.
B) All or any part of such accumulated sick leaev may be taken in any one or more school years.
C) Accumulated sick leave cannot be used to advance the date of retirement - thank God.
D) Upon retirement the superintendent will be paid for each day of unused sick leave at the rate of $40/day.
The superintendent shall be entitled to two (2) personal days per year under the following conditions:
A) Personal days may be taken during the first or last weeks of school or on the days before or after a holiday, with Board Approval.
B) If several Administrators request leave for the same day, seniority shall prevail.
C) Personal days are not cumulative.
The superintendent will be granted three (3) emergency days of absence per year with full pay. Additional emergency days may be granted for urgent matters. These days are not to be included as sick leave time and may be granted for the following reasons:
a) Legal matters of the immediate family.
b) Disaster to home or property of the immediate family.
c) Birth of a child in the immediate family.
d) Graduation - mother, father, husband, wife, son or daughter.
e) Religious festival observed by the superintendent.
f) Accident or illness in the immediate family.
There shall be no deduction in salary should the superintendent be absent from duty because of death in the immediate family, for a period of three school days per family member. The period of absence may be extended with pay.
Members of the immediate family shall be defined as father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, parent-in-law, or near relative who resides in the same house, or any person with whom the superintendent has made his house.
There shall be no deduction in salary should an administrator be absent on the day of a funeral of a near relative. The period of absence may be extended with pay.
A near relative shall be defined as a first cousin, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law or grandparent-in-law.
The employer shall pay the premium cost for coverage of the superintendent in accordance with the Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Major Medical plan approved by the Berks County Schools Health Consortium or any equivalent subsequent plan, and adopted by the Oley Valley School Board, subject, however, to the following co-premium schedule:
Year 1 of Contract - monthly co-premium by superintendent - 10%
Year 2 of Contract - monthly co-preumium by superintendent 10%
Year 3 - monthly co-premium 10%
Year 4 - monthly co-premium 12.5%
Year 5 - monthly co-premium 12.5%
The district will provide the superintendent with a medical pool through the duration of his contract as follows:
Years 1 and 2 - $400
Years 3 and 4 - $500
Year 5 - $600
The employer (WE THE TAXPAYERS) shall pay for 100%of the cost for the Basic Family Dental insurance policy in accordance with the Delta Dental Plan or any equivalent subsequent plan as approved by the Oley Valley School District.
The employer (again the TAXPAYERS) shall pay for the following riders for the superintendent and ELIGIBLE FAMILY MEMBERS:
1. Oral Surgery - reimbursed 100%
2. Periodontal sesrvices -
reimbursed 50%
3. Prosthetics and crown, inlay and only restorations - reimbursed
I believe this means that according to the dental plan, the patient is responsible for 50% of the cost, and we the taxpayers are then reimbursing the superintendent for what they paid, so in essence he pays for NOTHING!
In the first fiscal year following the date of retirement, the superintendent shall receive his medical insurance premiums paid 100% by the district with no co-premium applicable. The district shall thereafter pay 50% of medical insurance premiums until the superintendent reaches the age of 65. This benefit will be available only if the superintendent completes the term of his contract.
This my taxpaing friends is only part of what you are paying for. Teacher salaries, administrator salaries (we need to get an accounting of who is condisered an administrative employee), and all these benefits.
Is there anything left for the childrent and their EDUCATION?
Is is any surprise that our taxes keep going UP, UP, UP!
And they would have us believe it is for the education of our children.
Dear School Board and administrators:
Hear the temperature on Tuesday and Wednesday is supposed to be in excess of 100 degrees -
I am sure in your seating area, it will feel more like "DOWN BELOW" with all the expected taxpayers coming.
The "heat" won't keep the taxpayers from finding out what the board is up to. NOTHING will!
We are all taxpayers. Why is it that some of us don't mind being ripped off?
The wife and I attended a different church today. We were surprised to see some interesting faces there. One minute you're in church, the next minute, you're acting less than Christian. Not pointing a finger, just pointing out the humor of it all.
Bottom line is that Zackons package is way more than he should be getting and thanks to the current board he is here for another 4 years at least. Than he will retire hopefully but we will still be paying for him and for all the mistakes he caused while the chief. We need justice!
It is hot and is getting hotter!
To all the anti blog people out there: DO NOT READ THIS! Nobody is forcing you too! I guess the truth hurts. Why don't some anti bloggers make some meaningful suggestions on how to improve this district and have accountability for the mistakes. In a regular business our school would be closed down. The Accounting Dept. would be sent home. The chief would be sent home with no pension, health benefits etc.
We were in church today, just like any other Sunday. When we had our moments of silent prayer, I prayed for the Oley School Board. I think they need all the help they can get. Although God is pretty tied up with Iraq, Iran, Korea, Israel, Lebanon, etc., he still cares about us. He still cares that old folks and young alike are getting taxed out of house and home. Were you there? Did you see the look on God's face? He's not happy. We better fix the little things ourselves and let him concentrate on the big stuff.
Oh, and don't count on that, "There is no draft," thing. The USA seems to want to help absolutely every country, whether they want help or not. We're already spread way too thin. There IS a draft in the works, count on it.
The anti-bloggers CAN'T stop reading this. They are gutless, but afraid to miss anything.
See you at the meeting, anti-bloggers.... if you can pry that silver spoon out of your mouth, maybe you'll have something to say.
Since there are now some new bloggers, are you aware that the Oley School Board inappropriately invested $26,975,261 in investments that were uninsured and unregistered securities between 2000 and 2002.
In other words, we could have lost that money very easily.
The "such a controversy" over apolicy you refer to seems to have been mostly over the misinterpretation by you of a few provisions in the new policy. Incidentally, all of the new provisions are common in most of the other county school boards and have not caused any problems. The revisions also only apply to the one formal school board meeting each month and not to the committee meetings, including the combined committee meeting when most of the actual discussion on various matters including responses between board members and the audience actually take place.The following items are those you apparently considered as being major changes and worthy of a major fuss.
The 3 minute limit per speaker:this has actually been in effect, though not specifically in the policy, for years with no apparent problem, until now.
The pre-registering with blue cards in order to speak, allows the board president to group topic commentors together, see how many different topics are being commented on, and get some idea of the expected number. This has also been used for years with no apparent problem, except now. You apparently thought that it would suddenly become a means for picking certain people to talk and excluding others, especially yourself. As if everyone doesn't pretty will know what you're going to say, again.
The 10 minute topic limit (which you misstated as a 30 minute topic limit) is the centerpiece of the OLD policy and has never been a problem. At the first meeting, you insisted on going back to the old policy with that limit.
The 30 minute limit for all topics represents one opinion of a reasonable limit that will allow the rest of the board activity to proceed. Variations of this are also in common usage without any known problems and together with the 10 minute topic limit can be extended by the preliding officer, if interest warrants. His decision can also be overridden by the other board members if they disagree with it.
You also had a problem with a requirement that anyone with a written presentation make a copy available to the board for distribution to members at the beginning of a meeting. It was your interpretation of a later part of the policy that the later provision referred to the oral presentation.You thought this would allow the president to dispose of your comments without you standing in front of the imaginary lights and cameras and getting your 3 minutes of glory by reading them and challenging the powers that be.The other school boards with the same provision never used it like that. The possibility never even occurred to us and was not really possible given the wording and meaning of the whole policy. The reason for the pre-meeting copy was to allow us to follow what are often debatable comments and possibly respond to them, instead of thinking about one point and missing the next 3 or ignoring the whole speech. That was changed from a requirement to an option in order to mollify your concerns.
Of interest to those who find this tempest in a teapot interesting, is that at the subsequent policy committee meeting, the whole focus seemed to change. The major subject of contention became the old policy's 10 minute topic limit which you all had wanted to leave as the official policy at the first meeting. Even the ex school board member who had chaired the policy committee when the old policy was last reviewed and left in effect, was threatening to sue us if we left 'his' policy intact.Flip/flop.
My paronoia detection sense must have been on vacation since I never anticipated this confused and misplaced furor over such a relatively benign matter.Uou call it an infringement of freedom of speech and demand as much time as you want (which is your interpretation of "reasonable") to force us to listen to you attack us. Would you agree to a separate meeting to listen to me return the ferver for hours or days-that's how long it could take.(don't agree, I see no benefit from it and don't have that particular and peculiar need to the extent that you do.)
Perhaps Rudyard Kipling had this blog site in mind with,
"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools"
(But who's who?)Twist on bloggers!
Cappa you are signing your name. If the policy was working before as you state why are changing it now? The answer is obvious that you do not want to hear other peoples point of view. The first amendment is more important than your ego!
Dear Cappa:
I find it interesting that you refer to yourself and other board members as the Powers that be.
Also, you want to talk about flip-flop - I remember that you voted NO to the track.
What happened. Why did your opinion change? Did the real Powers that be tell you which way to vote?
Dear Mr. Cappa:
If everything was all right with the current policy, then why did you pick this particular policy to revamp?
Why did you vote for your wife's pay raise? I thought there was a statute or some kind of policy that states that you should have recused yourself from the vote.
Flip-Flop Cappa, what a nice ring! You say one thing and then do another. You should not be talking about flip-flop on issues. This board flip-flops all the time. You should not of voted for your wifes contract as it benefits you also. You should not have been elected to this school board. Who did you have to pay off to get on? How many years left do we have with you? I hope we are nearing the end!
Change of story lines for the track?
It's well documented.
school district news
Oley Valley
Latest School Distritc News
July 22, 2005
"But not every board member was enthusiastic about the idea. Board member Dr. Robert Cappa said that Oley should not spend that kind of money on a track at a time when many districts are rethinking their sports spending. We are not in New York City. You can always find three or four miles to run in this district." Another member, Robert Moore agreed. He said the track should not be a spending priority.
"Dr. Jeffrey Zackon said that the project will be dropped if residents could not raise the $175.000."
Well, in one year, how did we change all of that to where we're supposedly at right now?
If anyone wants to stay in shape, for FREE...
You can volunteer to help clean out the homes that people are losing to increased taxes which are past our financial limits.
"new provisions are common in most of the other county school boards and have not caused any problems..."
Now, genius, do we get to guess why? Ohhhhh, pick me, pick me!!!
Is it because with the exception on Brandywine, hardly more than a few folks go to their meetings? Could that be the answer? And, could it also be that there's not a school board out there that genuinely wants to hear what any of the taxpayers have to say? We are guilty without a trial.
Going to a school board meeting is like going to confession in a really big parish. The longer the line, the quicker the sentence.
"You don't want to pay for a new track?" "Okay, 3 Hail Marys' and you're out of here." "Next..."
Hey RC?
..."You thought this would allow the President to dispose of your comment without you standing in front of the imaginary lights and cameras and getting your 3 minutes of glory by reading them and challenging the powers that be....?"
Excuse us, but weren't YOU the one with the camera? Ask Barb Bieber, she's the one that placed her back to Your camera.
...the powers that be?
Pass the Rolaids, please. I sense that all bloggers reading this part will bristle at that thought. Bristle? Nay, barf!
"The "such a controversy" over apolicy you refer to seems to have been mostly over the misinterpretation by you of a few provisions in the new policy."
There is no "misinterpretation" on the public's part. When you add a labyrinth of new rules to public participation that is not designed to encourage the community to speak at school board meetings, we fully understand the goal and motivation.
"Incidentally, all of the new provisions are common in most of the other county school boards and have not caused any problems."
Perhaps, the other school districts do not have citizens as interested in fiscal and educational accountability.
Why do questions make the board nervous?
"The revisions also only apply to the one formal school board meeting each month and not to the committee meetings, including the combined committee meeting when most of the actual discussion on various matters including responses between board members and the audience actually take place."
This can be described as the Trojan Horse approach to impose the same regulations on the rest of the meetings.
Once you start the process, it never ends.
"The following items are those you apparently considered as being major changes and worthy of a major fuss."
What you describe as "fuss", relates to the First Amendment.
We think freedom of speech is important to everyone regardless of political persuasion.
"The 3 minute limit per speaker:this has actually been in effect, though not specifically in the policy, for years with no apparent problem, until now. "
Maybe, that is because speakers could share their three minutes with others. Now, you are forbidding the same process, which Congress uses in their sessions.
Three minutes is hardly enough time to discuss a $25,000,000 budget. The board gives itself meeting after meeting to promulgate its budget propaganda.
The board's fear of granting more than three minutes for the taxpayer response speaks volumes.
"The pre-registering with blue cards in order to speak, allows the board president to group topic commentors together, see how many different topics are being commented on, and get some idea of the expected number."
Yes, we heard that the effort to provide "structure" to meetings is nothing more than an innocent exercise of the board.
However, the screening of topics and speakers by politicians lends itself to skepticism.
The raising of objections to suspect actions is called democracy.
"The 30 minute limit for all topics represents one opinion of a reasonable limit that will allow the rest of the board activity to proceed."
A court case in Lackawana says you are wrong. You cannot impose a limit on a topic.
The board appears ready to waste taxpayers dollars on preventing free speech.
The board's business should be the people not their convenience.
" Variations of this are also in common usage without any known problems and together with the 10 minute topic limit can be extended by the preliding officer, if interest warrants."
"If interest warrants" is the operative phase. You do not want to hear from the community unless they agree with you.
"His decision can also be overridden by the other board members if they disagree with it."
This is a joke, right !?
When has a board ever overridden a presiding officer's decision on a major issue?
".....You thought this would allow the president to dispose of your comments without you standing in front of the imaginary lights and cameras and getting your 3 minutes of glory by reading them and challenging the powers that be"
It is curious you would accuse others of using cameras, when you used one to intimidate a female speaker.
Are you going to write a policy about board members attacking the public?
"The reason for the pre-meeting copy was to allow us to follow what are often debatable comments and possibly respond to them, instead of thinking about one point and missing the next 3 or ignoring the whole speech."
Nine school board members, a superintendent, and a solicitor are unable to listen to a comment and not be able to respond!
Perhaps, they should improve their listening skills.
Pencil and paper are marvelous inventions.
"The major subject of contention became the old policy's 10 minute topic limit which you all had wanted to leave as the official policy at the first meeting. "
You are "misinterpreting" what was discussed at the policy meeting.
If the old policy and its variations worked in the past why is there a need to change it now?
Listening is not a bad thing.
"My paronoia detection sense must have been on vacation since I never anticipated this confused and misplaced furor over such a relatively benign matter."
Belittling people seems to be your only contribution as a school board member.
You are trying to make your personal vendetta a board policy.
"Would you agree to a separate meeting to listen to me return the ferver for hours or days-that's how long it could take."
We fully understand your contempt for different viewpoints.
You can have all the meetings and all the time you deem necessary for your demagoguery.
"If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools"
Only a knave and a fool would try to sell the idea that trampling on the First Amendment is in the public's interest.
...would you agree to a separate meeting to listen to me return the ferver for hours or days-that's how long it could take.....
return the "ferver"
Ferver....I don't see that word in the dictionary. I see "fervor"
Is that the word you were searching for, RC? The Encarta Dictionary "English" states:
1. intensity
extreme intensity of emotion or belief
2. great heat
Which one did you want to use?
You wanted to know if we would allow you to return the extreme intensity of emotion or belief? Is that it? Or were you just interested in returning the "great heat?" You seem to be good at heating up the room.
Either one raises a question in my mind. If this seems like it bothers you so much, and it certainly does look that way by the length of your manuscripts, then why, WHY are you on the board? What did you expect? Sparsely attended meetings with folks that were there because they had nothing else to do those nights? Raise taxes 60% in a few years time and what do you think you're going to get? Hugs? Singing telegrams? Congratulatory bunches of Mylar balloons? Pats on the back for a job well done? Winks of approval for voting for your family's medical plan, etc? Well no wonder you brought the camera. I'd be tempted to get that on tape, too!
The impression you are making on most of the public is this:
We are currently stuck with a board that is not even close to being honest with the taxpaying public. You're neither polite nor courteous. You're arrogant and laugh like Batman's Joker at everyone that has the nerve to stand up and question...well...anything.
Is that name calling? It's not meant to be. It is, in fact, the gut reaction that NORMAL people have to your attitude. By your own admission above, you don't want to be bothered by the concerns of those that are not in your "powers that be" group.
A few vets put comments on here in the last day or so. It's rumored that you served in the Army I believe? You're certainly the exception to the rule when it comes to what Uncle Sam can do for you. Were you and Rudyard Kipling forced to be around Agent Orange for extended periods of time? If so, we could then feel sorry for you. And we do. We really do.
RD...aka Reader's Digest
I guess when retired docs have this much time on their hands, they just pour over and over the old Reader's Digest magazines, and study the "Enrich your word power," articles.
To R.C.
Neither I or our policy committee reviewed any of the policies in the policy manual. The reviews were done by the PSBA at a cost of $5,000 to the district. The purpose of the review was to make sure each policy conformed with current state law at that time. It was not the intent to rewrite current policies. Since that time there have been court rulings on this section of the Sunshine Act. You are correct when you say the 10 minute limit per subject has always been in that policy. The problem with it arises if you try to enforce it. We never considered enforcing that ( in fact, I don't recall even paying any attention to it) limit and to do so would have violated the law.
The reason I focused on that particular part of your policy change was because it is the most glaring violation of state law. If your board were to enforce ANY time limit it would be subject to penalties. I didn't say (or mean to imply) that I would sue the board. I believe the words I used were I would file a complaint in the County Court of Common Pleas. That is the procedure spelled out in the Sunshine Law. Either way, though, if the board puts ANY time limits on per subject and tries to enforce it we will have to have a higher authority settle the matter.
Otherwise, the policy revisions you were proposing are all legal and within the right of the board to adopt. However, with so much ill-will, distrust and downright hatred between the two parties why do you think this needs to be done? It's like you want to rub the collective face of the "Oley Concerned Citizens" in this policy and show them who is the boss. We all know the distain in which you hold all of us but I will try to get beyond that. Instead, I will appeal to the entire board to table this policy as a gesture of good will. Oh, and take out any limits on subjects.
re: RS
"It's like you want to rub the collective face of the "Oley Concerned Citizens" in this policy and show them who is the boss."
That is exactly what is going on here. They may as well make an announcement at the beginning of each meeting stating, "Welcome to the board meeting, here's your hat, what's your hurry?"
There are several things that are making the board and it's dictator uneasy. As the meeting procedures attempt to be changed by them, did they expect no reasonable opposition? Well, may we suggest that they bring along a really tall glass of iced tea to assist in THEIR cooling process?
...bet they need more than iced tea...
It was Barbara Frey, not Barb Bieber that he was taking videos of. Barb Bieber sits with him on the board and votes just like him. Him meaning Cappa!
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