School Board Puts Out The Unwelcome Mat

An empty school board room may be the future of Oley Valley School Board. Although not on the agenda for the public to comment at the July 19, 2006 meeting, the board voted for the second time this summer to cancel a combined meeting, this time for the August schedule.
They canceled the July session in June.
Combined meetings are held prior to the regular school board sessions. They give the public the best opportunity to view and discuss issues that will appear on the agenda prior to the regular meeting. At the regular meeting, the board then votes on those topics.
These cancellations come at a time when the district is changing the public participation policy. The policy committee has been under fire from the community and the press for trying to prevent the citizens from speaking at board meetings.
The committee claims that new speaker restrictions will only be for the regular meetings. However, if the board cancels other sessions, then the community will only have the limited chance to speak at all.
The alleged policy revisions appear about the same as the initial submission. The First Amendment takes a hit with screened topics and speakers, three minutes per speaker,
thirty minutes for public comment on all topics, elimination of sharing time among speakers, presiding officer can terminate public statements at will, and forced removal by law enforcement.
A myriad of regulations for us to follow, and now cancelled meetings, await the taxpayers.
Scarlette Z. Gotwals, one of the three policy committee members adamantly claims the community has more than ample time, place, and opportunity to address the board.
Her and the other board members actions speak louder than their words.
Heard Cappa complaining to the newspaper last night that he does not like the blog. GUESS WHAT, WHO CARES!!!! You are going down fast!
Cancel meetings what a nice idea! Where they thinking our our gas tanks, time or mouths. I bet it was the 3rd one. They could care less if we waste our time and gas on them. Come on we miss you when you cancel meetings. Please give them back to us.
of instead of our sorry for the wrong word.
In the past, when the school board cancelled the combined committee meeting (the 1st board meeting each month) due to summer vacation schedules, they then allowed the community to speak throughout the only combined public meeting held each month.
The public comment time was then not limited as done so in the current formal meeting format. I asked the Board President to consider this for subsequent summer meetings and he said he would "consider it." Hopefully, he will decide to do so to the benefit of concerned taxpayers.
P.S. to rs
thanks for coming to my defense with the "weird" situation on the blog. I preferred to ignore these infantile rantings (you know, in an effort not to cast more pearls before swine); but I do appreciate your rebuttal on my behalf.
At the board meeting last night, I had difficulty hearing what was being said by the board members. I could hear everything else just fine. Are the board members always so soft spoken? Is amplification for the board members available? I stayed for the entire meeting, but it was not until the crowd thinned out that I could actually hear what was being said.
Hello Georgene, They the board do not want you to hear them speak at the board meetings. When you hear them it is usually when they start yelling at the people who pay the bills, the so called black, dark side, and many other words they used about us. They are very hateful people. They are out to get anyone that speaks in public about the issues of this district. I spoke to a teacher today and she could not believe that the board has $6mil. sitting and they the teachers pay for most of there supplies. What she said to me are they going to use all that money for: HAHA not for her or her children that she teaches. What a nice teacher it was a real pleasure to have spoken to her. I know at least we have a group of good caring teachers. Wow if they only new what all the board and Zackon are up to. A bet most of them would quit.
We're on this one now.
I lived here my whole life. I like it here. If I just moved here and read the bold statements on this site I would wonder why I ever came here. Do you hate everyone or just those that are doing better than you?
Dear old timer:
Would you like it if we told you that you could not write what you just did on this blog?
How would you feel if you went to a school board meeting and the board told you that you could not speak, even if you had a just question that you would like an answer to.
How would you feel if the school district wanted to take your house by eminent domain, and you came to the board to ask them why, and you were told that you could not ask that question, and that your house was going to be taken regardless of how you felt?
To Old Timer:
No, we don't hate everyone but we do hate injustice, arrogance, reckless indifference to the taxpayers of Oley and people who come on this blog and try to disrupt the conversation.
This "free speech" issue is not about hating people. It's about standing for our rights according to the Constitution of the United States and PA Sunshine Law.
Instead of facing the truth of the matter and exploring Constitutional rights, the board continues to ignore the real issue at hand and attacks the messengers.
Most of us don't hate anyone. We're just trying to stand for rights that would systematically be taken from us. If we don't fight for these hard won rights, what will the future be like for our children and grand children.
As the saying goes, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Once again, Dr. Cappa's letter to the editor this morning comes across as arrogant and condescending. It's just a rehash of all the tired excuses used previously to justify a flawed policy.
If this policy is only applicable to the regular board meeting then why have it? Al's comment in the paper this morning really sums up our position on this matter. The more transparent the board can appear the more confidence the public will have in them.
I won't go over Dr. Cappa's letter point for point because each of them has been refuted time and again. I just seems to me that all the time and effort the board is putting into this policy could be better spent preparing for the coming school year.
Also, I saw in the paper this morning that the district hired a new Business Manager and an Althletic Director. These hirings were done after the executive session without the opportunity for public comment on those motions. Since neither position was on the original agenda, the public was unaware of the hirings prior to the public comment period. Because the vote was taken without the opportunity for public comment, both of those hirings were done in violation of the Sunshine Law and, therefore, void. I think it's time each member of the board gets a copy of the Sunshine Law, a copy of the court rulings on the Sunshine Law and learns what their responsibilities are under that law. They each took an oath to uphold and obey the laws of this Commonwealth. The oath didn't say "except the Sunshine Law".
Good job, Cappa! Excellent points!
Jacobs, Swisher, Baniszeski, Swartz, and Dalton for School Board. Let's see what the public wants by standing up to a vote and possibly taking a direct approach to all the evils supposedly occurring within our school district.
For a subject that's not supposed to be about hating people, there are some very strong posts in the opposite direction.
For all the work Al Jacob's has put into this organization, the bloggers owe him one thing. A truce. We're getting nowhere fast with all these senseless digs.
Oh, and thank you Lindsay Cappa for your input. I suspect several students have taken a glimpse at this blog and we have not given them the best example to follow.
If we're truly all concerned about fiscal accountability and the welfare of our children, then let's get our collective heads together and get our mouths out of the gutter.
I posted this last night and thought I would give everyone an opportunity to read it on this new blog.
I would like to extend a courteous hello to all who participate on this blog. Tonight was my first experience and the anonymous name calling, dictionary definitions, home schooling debate and blatant lies were intriguing for a short period of time. I do agree with the folks who are disappointed that this blog has turned into a shameful display of adult name-calling, instead of a discussion of “real issues”.
As the daughter of the infamous Dr. Cappa I figure maybe I can try to shed some light on the life of a school board member. First of all, your elected school board members did not run to satisfy any type of alter power-crazy ego. They are concerned taxpayers and parents, not only for their own children, but for the children of the entire district.
Some finer points I would like to address:
Someone was complaining that every school board member did not make it to every single meeting to vote. Our full time paid delegates in Congress hardly vote on every bill while they are busy campaigning, is it reasonable to expect 100% attendance of people with families and lives and/or full time jobs? There was a meeting my father missed while he was away for a few weeks volunteering to help clean-up in Mississippi when he wanted to make a statement. He was accused of sending his son to berate the public, which is a purely fictional. He knew that a specific subject would come up at the meeting and wanted to explain his view on the balance that is involved with every right. There were no attacks or insults on the community.
In a previous blog Dr. Cappa was also told that instead of going away he might try sticking around and helping his own community. In case you didn’t know…. He is a member of the red cross and drives the truck in the middle of the night to fires to help and provide food and shelter vouchers. When we got terrible flooding recently he was in Reading at 5am setting up a shelter. Since the flooding he has worked for hours helping to clean-up the Schuylkill with a canoe club, and in the last year he has been away from his family for a month and a half helping to clean-up the devastation of Katrina… this is just to name a few.
The most recent school board meeting…First of all the school board was in Dr. Zackon’s office before the scheduled meeting interviewing a candidate for the position of business manager. This is no secret, and they were not scheming to make your lives more miserable. I would imagine my mom and brother went to the meeting for their personal enlightenment, I don’t think my father particularly needs them as back-up.
A final thought… as a so-far surviving college student I would like to take the time to thank the Oley Valley School District. We have a dedicated faculty of gifted and caring teachers and staff, and a school board that does its best to make improvements and keep things running smoothly. It is not a perfect system but I believe with interested parents and community members we can work for it. Also, a virtue I was taught at Oley was to take responsibility for my actions and words. Although I don’t always manage to do this, I try, and thought I would begin by signing my name. Sincerely, Lindsay Ann Cappa.
If a quorum was present in Dr. Zackon's office prior to the regular board meeting, and that interview/meeting was not announced at the beginning of the open meeting (which it wasn't) then the board, once again, was in violation of the Sunshine Law.
Section 708b of the Sunshine act states that "the reason for holding the executive session must be announced at the open meeting occurring immediately prior or subsequent to the executive session". The board had every right to meet and interview the candidate prior to the regular meeting. However, they also had the obligation to announce that meeting and the reason for it at the beginning of the regular board meeting.
Thanks, Lindsay, for pointing out that the meeting occurred but I think the board should have been the one to do it.
"...Also, I saw in the paper this morning that the district hired a new Business Manager and an Althletic Director. These hirings were done after the executive session without the opportunity for public comment on those motions. Since neither position was on the original agenda, the public was unaware of the hirings prior to the public comment period..."
I also found this odd. However, I believe if you look at the blue agenda sheet that they hand out, personnel committee report, motion 13, the Athletic Director is noted. Unfortunately, I believe that a motion was made for items 1 thru 15, without specific mention of any of the personnel matters. This was a POOR example of a democratic system. It would not and should not take more than 10 minutes to take the motions one at a time.
As for the business manager - they handed out an addendum right before they voted on her. Again, less than what should be acceptable.
In the same daily paper, the Alsace Twp. Supervisors meeting report indicated we will be going into debt over $3 million for the new sewer system.
What the various government entities don't seem to understand or care about is that the taxpayers are not only being hit with higher school taxes, but also the burden of increasing County and Township taxes.
I stand corrected on the Athletic Director. The agenda item for hiring the Business Manager was not handed out until the board went in to executive session. When they came out and before the position was voted on they should have allowed time or opportunity for public comment or questions, even if there would have been none.
I'm not saying the board did this intentionally or to keep anyone from speaking. They just need to know the law and abide by it. Sometimes, because things have always been done a certain way a board can become lax and cut corners to save time. That's no excuse for by-passing or not knowing the law.
Hello Lindsay,
Thank you for the insight you've provided the readers with on this blog. It should be printed and posted where ever that is possible. I'll be happy to pass along your letter to anyone I run into that does not have access to a computer. (Alot of us old folks don't.) I'll pass it along because I consider it good news. My wife and I already knew your folks were good people, but I imagine there could be many that don't know how good they are. One should never try to size someone up and cast their opinions carelessly onto a blog, or anywhere, until they have all the facts.
What we seem to have in Oley is a growing number of people that are just plain scared that they will not be able to pay their taxes, meaning they are also scared that they will eventually lose their homes. Lindsay, I can tell you that I've never experienced that but can feel the apprehension these folks experience because there is the fear of the unknown involved here. It's not like many of us did not plan for retirement. It's more like retirement did not plan for us. Ask your father! Health care in the USA is keeping people alive much, much longer than retirement plans and Social Security were counting on. The result is this: Alot of older couples or now single folks that used to have sufficient incomes, and now we don't. If we're very, very careful, month by month, we have what we need to stay in our homes. But, if any problems come up that were not "in the plan" then we're pretty much up the creek. If the taxes go up past what average retired people can afford, what are we to do? Many of us have already sold posessions at a fraction of what they are actually worth, to be able to pay taxes, and even to eat.
I am not trying to depress you or lay this in your lap. After all, it appears that you're the only young adult that has had the interest to address this situation. I praise you for that, you have done a great job of explaining alot of things about your father's situation that are really nobody's business but his, and your families. Frankly, we should all consider ourselves fortunate to have ANY people in our town that volunteer the way your dad does. It is wonderful and surely those that now know that will thank him for his efforts, the same way we thank our veterans when we see them in town or at the mall. It falls under the same umbrella. People that don't have to give anything, giving more than others know. I don't think your father did any of that work for a pat on the back. I think he did it because he is a good citizen, a good husband and father, and he should be thanked for all that time he donates to his work on the school board, too. I bet it's way more time than most would think that it is.
In closing, and you're probably saying..."finally..." All the regular old folks in our town are asking is for the consideration of our limited incomes and our desire to keep the only homes most of us have ever known. If there is a way to do both this AND contribute to a proper school system, then we are behind the community 100%
I commend you for coming to the aid of your father, however, I wonder if you know some of the off-the-wall comments that he says to people.
He has made statements to the effect that he doesn't care about certain topics such as the budget or the understanding of the budget and is not going to make any attempt to understand things, along with a statement which he directed at me during a meeting in which they were breaking for an executive session.
I have five children whom you know, and I work two jobs and come directly from work to as many of the board meetings that I can make. I work as a scheduling clerk in the OR at The Reading Hospital and Medical Center and I do not get home to change from my scrubs, as I have to rush to make the meetings in time. Your father made a derogatory comment on my attire as he was leaving the board room, which was totally uncalled for.
Unfortunately my family is not in the same financial situation that your family appears to be in, and the mere fact that your father is an M.D. and should know what scrubs are, I was deeply offended by his comment. I do not have all day to myself. I work at the hospital six days a week and do medical transcription almost every night, along with raising my children and working on homework and projects with them and attending as many of their functions as I can get to.
Your father has some said some absolutely ridculous things and there are times that he sits at these meetings with a very apparent, "Let's just get this meeting over with" look and he does laugh at comments the public may be speaking about. However he is not the only board member that does this.
He wrote a letter to a taxpayer who was dying of cancer and told him to stop his whining. What kind of person would say this and on top of this your father is a doctor. This poor man knew he was dying and wanted to make sure that his wife was taken care of and did not want her to have to worry about losing the home they lived in for many years.
In the three years that I have been attending board meetings, there are times that your father is not even listening to any one.
It is apparent to me that your father really does not want to participate on the school board, and I personally do not have a problem with that, but if he does not have an interest in being on the school board and dislikes hearing anyone's comments, then perhaps he should step down. He made the choice to run for school board, as did the other members, yet they like to throw in our face that fact that they do this for nothing. No one twisted their arm to run for this office.
You also compared the elected government officials to this school board, which is ludicrous. That is their full time job, and that is what they are elected to do and they have many more meetings than just three to four meetings a month.
Over the three years that I have been dealing with this school board, I have spent at least 80+ hours a month on research regarding the PA State Statutes, speaking with the Department of Education on certain issues, learning as much as I possibly can about school matters. I try not to speak on topics which I do not fully understand and I make every effort to research things I do not know.
Two policy committee meeting ago, your father was making comments on wanting to change the wording in a particular policy, and it was already there, and he did not even know that. I politely told him that it was included and told him the number, which Dr. Zackon confirmed, and he said that he never read it. In fact, I corrected him on two policies.
How can your father be head of the policy committee and not know the policies? Every board member should know these policies inside and out. It is their duty as a school board member to come to know all the intricate workings of a school district so that they can make informed and intelligent decisions when the need arises.
Besides, the school board does not even follow their own policies, and they break the law almost every meeeting, and this I can confirm. And speaking of the policy that your father wants to change, he has mentioned at meetings that the board is not following the policy. That is not the public's fault, it is the fault of the person who is running the meeting. If he chooses not to follow the policy, why should a policy that has been in effect for years, now suddenly need to be changed?
So please do not think that everyone is out to get your father, but there are times that your father provokes situations and does deserve some of the comments made to him.
As you get older and get out in the world, you will find that some things are not what you thought they were, and I hope that you never find yourself in the situation in which the taxpayers of this school district currently find themselves. I for one am not asking for the school board to come up with all the answers to every situation that arises, however, I do expect honesty and accountability for the decisions that they do make and speaking of honesty, a little bit goes a long way.
Please have a good evening. I just got home from work, and am now getting ready to type for a few hours on my second job.
Cindy Smith (five adopted children)
Lindsay was caring enough to write her feelings about her father in a mature and respectful manner, for which she should be commended. It's interesting that you found enough time in your very busy schedule to spout off to this young woman about things which apparently only involve Dr. Cappa and yourself. Following Lindsay's good example would be very big of you. The Bible teaches us to turn the other cheek. If you run out of cheeks, try sending your true feelings in letter form to Dr. Cappa at his home address. When he's caught up with his family matters and volunteer business, odds are he will find it in his heart to read your letter and at that point the decision would be up to him as to whether or not to address your personal concerns. You mentioned in your letter that he's been insulting to you on several occassions. As a mother of five children, you must run into some situations which are similar to this. The only difference would be that you are normally dealing with children. Well, frankly, being insulted time and time again, prehaps it is you who needs to deal with the problem. As for Dr. Cappa, sometimes what one person thinks is funny or comical, another could find quite offensive. If the joke was on you, then the ball is in your court and it is up to YOU to address him, on the spot. It is not up to you to write volumes and volumes of complaints to a board member's child. I bet you'd flip if someone did that to one of your children. Also, the fact that they are adopted is of little concern to the children or other adults. Your children are your children, and they need no other introduction.
I found it embarrassing that you wrote all of those things and addressed them to the young woman who had the courage to address an entire blog site in defence of her father. In her shoes, I'd have done the same thing. I never met Lindsay but I am proud of her. If she is what Oley High School graduates are all about, then our board and staff are doing a fantastic job.
Keep your sunny side up, Cindy. Try to be as honest and cheerful as Lindsay was in her letter. People have insulted her father verbally and in print, and she still was able to put forth an impressive letter of explaination. If your read the letter she wrote and were not impressed, I can not imagine just what would impress you.
To Lindsay:
My children read your letter (13 & 17). I thought it was important for them to know how things come up in life that we may not anticipate. You took the bull by the horns! And, you did the right thing!
caring Oley family
What is your real name sunny side up? I think and know Cindy Smith's blog to Lindsay was not I repeat not offensive. She was again stating facts about her father. I guess you never go to a board meeting sunny side or you would see the real Dr. Cappa in action. So come in August and see for yourself. Stop picking on the messenger. I will save you a seat at the board meeting.
Please, please stop the drama all you cappa fans. How many are you? It is propably 1 person signing different names.
When does college start? When does retirement start?
To whoever wrote that last letter,
if you think that I was rude in that letter, you could not be more wrong. I was not writing volumes and volumes of complaints, and if you reread what I wrote, it was not all about Dr. Cappa.
As for stating about my adopted children, that really is none of your business, and this was to let Lindsay know who I was, not the fact that I have adopted children.
I do not know who you are, but I did not say anything nasty about Dr. Cappa.
What were you reading? It seems that people like to keep putting words in my mouth. I very seldom write on this blog, and I mentioned ONE (1) situation in which Dr. Cappa addressed me, and no more. The other things that I wrote about were observations from where I sat.
Who are you and what did I do to deserve this. I have not written all the other blogs that you are referring to, and quite frankly I think you have a problem, as this is the first time I have referred to Dr. Cappa at all. If need be, I can prove this to you, whoever you are.
Who said I was not impressed with Lindsay's letter. Did I say that. I merely asked her a few questions.
Where in my letter did you get this from. Everything I wrote in my letter was the truth, and I did not say anything disrespectful to Lindsay and certainly did not mean any disrespect.
Perhaps Lindsay should write back with her own comments and you should stay out of it.
It looks like you do not like freedom of speech either.
As for my being honest, nothing I said was untruthful.
As for my relationship with Dr. Cappa, except for that one incident, I really never have had any problems with him and he usually always is polite to me.
You need to reread my blog, and stop adding statements that I did not make.
Cindy Smith
Cindy, how much good have you accomplished with your 80 hours a month of investigating?
I commend Lindsay for coming on here and defending her father. I would hope that my daughters would do the same if I were in his position (which I have been and they did). However, this blog shouldn't be about one person. It should be about issues and ideas. Let's try to refocus from Dr. Cappa back to the issues.
In fact, it might be a good idea for all of us to take a break from this for the week-end, enjoy our families, go to church and resume the "discussions" on Monday. I know I am...
"I commend you for coming to the aid of your father, however, I wonder if you know some of the "off the wall" comments he says to people." You don't think that's a rude comment?
"Your father has said some absolutely ridiculous things..." ..I guess that's complimentary, too?
Sorry Cindy, but most parents reading this letter, whether they are a fan of Dr. Cappa or not, will find your comments directed at Dr. Cappa's daugher....out of line. Again, we suggest that if anyone made those comments to your children about you or your husband, I think you'd be more than a little ticked off.
Like you, many of us work two jobs and it is either difficult or next to impossible to attend meetings. For older folks, frankly, we're ready for bed by 7:30 or 8:00. We're sure there is no perfect time to hold the meetings, that would suit everyone. For those of us that fall into that group, we can only get our information from the Reading Eagle or from neighborhood chat. This blog would be a good place to share the school board news, but mostly it seems to be used for alot of little quips like the person that has a SNAKE fixation. Everyone is a SNAKE for some reason. The bloggers are certainly makeing quite the impression on our children and grandchildren.
You don't need to know who we are, you only need to know that even though you mean well, you have a poor delivery. Technically, you're way out of line. Even though Lindsay felt compelled to address this issue as a young adult, you, as a mature adult, should know when to listen and know when to react. Her letter was your time to listen.
Obviously you believe that everything the school board and administration does is good and correct, and do not want to hear anything negative, so perhaps we should end our conversation, as there are many things that you do not know, and probably do not care to know. Time will be the telling factor here, along with the courts.
Russ has good advice for us. Take the weekend off and enjoy our families. Good idea, Russ! But first, I'm going to call MY FATHER and tell him I love him.
The Cappa family has made some excellent points today, both on the blog and in the newspaper. Even though many of us are thankful for the dedication and devotion of the board members, we know your positions may very often seem to be thankless - as evidenced by reading this blog. The majority of Oley Valley citizens do not agree with the anger filled bloggers, a very vocal (very small) minority of citizens. Thank you, board members, from one citizen who truly appreciates your hard work and dedication. You sacrifice your time, without benefit to yourself, so that children such as my own are able to receive a quality education.
To Cindy Smith -
I work about 55 hours a week at one job. I don't "research" the Oley School District 80 hours a month as you say you do, and I don't endlessly blog the volumes and volumes that you do here. I have only 2 children, not 5 like you and I can never get enough time with them. When do you ever spend time with your children or do you never sleep? This endless redundant blogging you do is no cure for insomnia. Take a few days off with the kids.
Hold the phone!
Are there TWO Cappa families in Oley?
Hello to those who think that all the endless blogs are me.
What I wrote on this subject were the first two times that I have written in the month of July.
Please identify yourself, since you are accusing me of endless blogging, or better yet, you have my permission to call Al Jacobs who can get that information for you.
Contrary to what you think or believe, it is not me, not that I have to justify myself to you or anyone else.
If you're counting, there are others newer to the blog who have written more than I did.
Cindy's schedule?
I bet many were wondering how many hours are in her day, too. If she's putting in that much time, where DOES she find the time for 5 kids, too? Maybe her husband does the parenting thing full time. Who knows?
We've got one child, and both parents work full time. We have church related activities which often, but not always, include our child. As a family, we grab each minute together that we are able to.
I'd have to wonder if those 80 hours are considered research, or snooping. Do you wear a Peabody hat? How often do you stumble upon information and whisper, "Ah ha?!?" Well, as many will point out, that's none of my business. But the way Oley school is run IS my business, because they are responsible for educating my child. So far, we have no complaints. Good luck with searching for whatever it is you're searching for, we hope you find it. Soon.
Go ahead now bloggers, instruct me to keep my two cents out of this. Just like you, I don't have to listen! Oh, and don't bother asking me my name. Unlike the bloggers on here, I don't want any of my opinions taken out on my child. By the time September rolls around, EVERY KID will know what Cindy has been up to, and I'm not so sure that's fair to her five children. Most kids just want to fit in with the other kids, not stand out like a sore thumb.
I'm heading to King's now. I used to enjoy shopping locally. Now a one hour trip takes 3 hours. One to get the food, and two to avoid irate bloggers in nearly every aisle. Maybe I'll start shopping in Exeter and see how King's like people like me spending my local money elsewhere.
So there you have it folks, according to Cindy Smith, Al Jacobs can identify who all you "Anonymous" bloggers are. Keeping score Al? Free speach issues Al? Where's my right to privacy Al? Can we declare this blog officially dead now?
Thanks Cindy for uncovering this conspiracy, your 80 hours have paid off!
To anonymous shopper:
Bloggers in every aisle? How do you know? Almost everyone on here is anonymous. Besides, if we are such a minority then how are there enough there that it takes you three hours to avoid us? Sometimes it just pays to think about what you are saying before you say it. It will make you sound much less ignorant.
How can you people live with yourselves. Cindy Smith cares more for this district then you will ever. You all are like minded people that do not have a life. Look in the mirror. And you are going to go to church tomorrow? God does not like to see the evil that the Cappa clan and his so call friends are doing to a hard working parent of 5 children and the most caring public member in this district. You people want to live under a pillow of happiness. Please don't you think we want happiness in this district. People like Cappa and his buddies on this blog make in impossible to be happy. I cannot stand this anymore. I am going to be calling someone in NY in the profession of the law and ask him if what you are saying to Cindy is harassment. You people are down right cruel. All we have said on this blog is the truth and that is why you people have to keep defending yourselves. Look at the blog site below this one. People are writing on that too!
Al might know who you are but he has not told anyone yet.
Now that you know we know we can find out who you are you better think twice before you start typing!
So there you have it folks, according to Cindy Smith, Al Jacobs can identify who all you "Anonymous" bloggers are. Keeping score Al? Free speach issues Al? Where's my right to privacy Al? Can we declare this blog officially dead now?
Thanks Cindy for uncovering this conspiracy, your 80 hours have paid off!
Did Al say that? I do not think so!
It is up to us to know and to you to find out! Afraid now? Why do you care if we know who you are or not? If you have something to say say it with your name! Are you scared for your kids well being as we are? You must agree if you put your name on this and speak out at meetings your kids will be picked on. So there you have it we agree on something!
Cindys kids thank her for trying to make this school a better place for them and if she uses 80 hours trying to do that which she has been doing her kids are fine with that! They know mommy cares and loves them. She would do anything for her kids. You try to work 2 jobs, take care of 5 kids and still make it to the board meetings. I give Cindy all the credit she is entitled too. She is wonderful. She should get mom of the year award.
Hello out there, I know why you do not come to meetings? You have heard what it does to your health! I get physically sick every month before the meetings. I am a caring person and I just cannot believe what I hear and what this board does every month. I can thank Barb Bieber for telling me about 5 years ago to come to the board meetings. I feel that is my duty as a mother of 3 gifted children to know what is going on in this district. Too bad the others out in the public does not think it is important to know all the issues. I guess that will never change. I figure you people know who is writing this message.
There is more to life then Kings! If you can drive a little further out of Oley there are many other food stores to go to and they are cheeper. You must like being stopped in the aisle.
Sat. Reading Eagle page B3 has an article about other groups going to Harrisburg to protest the property tax issue. I see Brandywing Heights and Hamburg Districts' taxpayers groups were there Friday. Were the Oley Valley Taxpayers Group present? Do they plan to join forces with these others?
"Sat. Reading Eagle page B3 has an article about other groups going to Harrisburg to protest the property tax issue. I see Brandywing Heights and Hamburg Districts' taxpayers groups were there Friday. Were the Oley Valley Taxpayers Group present? Do they plan to join forces with these others?"
Now you're on the right track. If you are truly interested in lowering your property taxes, the state and federal government is the place to start. You can move anywhere in Berks County or Pennsylvania for that matter, and you will likely still complain that your property taxes are too high. I agree with those of you who wish property taxes were lower, but the fact is that it is a state and federal problem, not an isolated Oley Valley problem. I have friends from districts around the county, and they all complain about property taxes.
Secondly, no one should be made to fear writing on this blog! It is very unlikely that anyone knows your names. It is likely that the web page designer knows your computer ID number and your IP address (simply a computer code). In fact, any of us who are saavy enough on the computer can find that information. It would take an abundance of time and energy, however, to go through the steps that would be required to find the actual names of the bloggers.
On the other hand, if the designer of this web site endeavors to take the exhausting measure necessary to find my name (and he would have to painstakingly research each computer ID# separately - a long, difficult process),that is fine with me. It will change nothing. I don't know him, and he doesn't know me. In fact, I don't believe that I personally know any of you. I'm sure many of us who are expressing our opinions on here fall into that same category. The following statement(written, ironically, by an anonymous blogger) should not discourage anyone from writing on this blog.
"Now that you know we know we can find out who you are you better think twice before you start typing!"
I have made it a point not to bash, name call, or take cheap shots. I have no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed of what I have written on this blog at any time. That should be what we think twice about, and the measure of what it is that we are willing to write.
Let your good judgement be the guide as to what you write, not the "We versus You" mentality that is attempted to be established in the above quote.
The state and federal gov. is a mess but the local boards are the ones that can stop the high property taxes by not spending our money on non-educational items that are not mandated by the state. Plus Oley has $6 million that they could of used to balance the budget. They only needed $600,000 to balance the budget and they raised our taxes anyway. It is a true disgrace that they look at you do not answer when we ask them why they will not use some of the $6 million for the budget. Now here we are again for the 7th year in a row with raised taxes. People in this district cannot keep paying these taxes. They are not getting big raises and some have even lost their jobs. What are they to do? Not eat, take meds so they can pay their taxes? I guess that is what the board is saying by their actions.
Hey I have not used the word snake in a while. Aren't you proud? I am using self control, why don't you do the same.
We're proud of you for not using the word Snake for a while! We're also completely understanding as to why you used it in the first place. Snake was used for many years to describe a person or persons that commit acts that are low. Like lower than a snake's belly.
Opting to force old people and lower income people out of there homes is ...low. So, if the snake skin shoe fits.....wear it.
Most that are familiar with the actions of our school board completely understand where Snake came from...
To gmc:
I disagree completely! It is not understandable why the term "snake" is used to describe school board members. Issues can be discussed intelligently without resorting to derogatory comments such as "snake." The school board members are human beings just like you and me. They have a difficult job to do, and I wouldn't trade places with them for any amount of money! Remember that they completely volunteer their time. No one has the right to call them snakes! As for the snake skin shoe doesn't!
"Like lower than a snake's belly."
A statement such as this brings to mind acts such as murder, adultery, even terrorism. ...a far cry from a school board member whose views on spending differ from that of yours.
It would not be a bad idea for Cindy's and Mary's kids to write a letter similar to Dr. Cappa's daugher's letter. Post it on here, why not? I'm sure your children feel as strongly about your comminity and school involvement as Lindsay does about her pop's. There does not seem to be any other place to do such a thing, and I don't think any caring parent would object to a few inches on space on here for children to state how they feel about such things. Honestly, why not? We are already aware of the main problems, and we're all trying to get more people involved. But let's not forget the kids. After all, who really asks them their opinion?
I think you guys should have just accepted "snake" and got over it. The term was very mild compared to how people really feel.
We all know the board consists of volunteer type work. We also know that one hand washes the other. Why do you think there are so few people that attend those meetings? Most people that attend once or twice, never come back. It's not just in Oley, it's everywhere. Listen to the news and you'll hear the same thing in neighboring communities and across the entire country.
You will never get an entire community to be pleased by what the board is doing, no matter where you live. But when you add the current arrogance that is quite obvious on our board, and even with pointing it out at meetings, still nothing changes. If the students in school acted like some of the board members, they'd get detentions, etc. Not all of our board carries themselves in this manner, but a handful are about enough to gag you. Since it would be terribly rude for taxpayers to act the way some board members act, we either leave early, or don't attend at all.
"Snakes...?" Really, the person that used that term was soft pedaling, the comments could have been much worse.
"local boards are the ones that can stop the high property taxes by not spending our money on non-educational items that are not mandated by the state."
Perhaps using the phrase "mandated by the state" is not completely accurate. More accurate would be to say that the state mandates much of what is required of school districts. Beyond what is mandated, the state holds the schools accountable for PSSA scores (perhaps a good thing). Many districts have hired additional teachers and reduced class sizes to help students achieve the scores that are necessary to meet the state requirements. It is therefore, more accurate to say that much of the money is required to meet the state's mandates as well as the state's expectations.
As yourself this: If I moved to another district in Berks County, would my tax problem disappear? We all know the answer to that question is an unequivocal "NO." All districts are facing the same issues. The problem is a national problem, not an Oley Valley isolated problem.
"Snakes...?" Really, the person that used that term was soft pedaling, the comments could have been much worse. "
Oh my, we are harsh now, aren't we? tsk tsk
"A statement such as this brings to mind acts such as murder, adultry, even terrorism....a far cry from a school board member who's views on spending differ from that of yours...."
Oh, really? Well, what terminology would you attach to a table full of people that knowingly and willingly raise taxes to the point that people are put out on the street? What would you call them, huh? People that increase taxes 60% now in just a few years? And for those of you that don't realize this, many, many people have medical conditions that require staggering amounts for prescriptions...which if they don't take them, they will DIE? What do you call that? Swell folks? Super people? Pillars of the community?
Please note that it was YOU who most recently utilized the word..terrorist. Try comparing the two for a second. Terrorists frighten people into doing what they want them to do. And, sometimes it ends in disaster.
How is that different from school boards? I repeat the same definition: they frighten people into doing what they want them to do. And, sometimes it ends in disaster. Do you see much difference there? Money Crazy school boards ARE frighteneing people and forcing them to do what they want them to do. It's very simple, pay your taxes, or leave. And for some, where would they go? There will be a lot of people for Dr. Cappa to pass out food vouchers to when he's down at the Red Cross. Or should I say alot more people. How do you work both ends of that story? He is part of the vote that raises your taxes, he writes letters to old men dying of cancer and tells them not to Whine about their taxes, he in part gets people booted out of their homes, and then out of the goodness of his heart, passes out food vouchers for the Red Cross. Wow, I'm just welling up with pride here.
Don't forget that many, many companies are paying less and less towards medical care and prescriptions. Many companies say that cost of living increases are a thing of the past. So let's see, the average man makes no extra money, pays double or more than before for his won healthcare, and gets it sideways with higher and higher taxes. And on top of that he gets an ignorant smirky look from anyone he questions on the board, IF they even let him talk. It's sounding less and less like the good old USA to me Do the math. Are our teachers that get the summer off and get paid pretty nice bucks all year round worried about local kidney patients, etc, losing their homes so the teachers can have the crazy darned benefits pack they've got? Does anyone on the board give a darned who's working two and three jobs, and still just squeaking by? Doesn't look good, does it?
Wow! That last entry doesn't even deserve a response!
and yet you just gave it one
Please examine the photo that heads this current blog. It shows the board members that voted no for a tax increase this year.
It's become clear that we need two blogs:
one for working class people which carry the load for Oley teachers
one for teachers, board members, friends of board members, and lottery winners
no, one blog is fine, thank you. Oh, and don't forget to add taxpaying citizens who are satisfied to your list
You people certainly do provide entertainment for a boring Saturday
If you're bored on a Saturday night, it's probably just because people don't like you! Just kidding, really. This blog is at least good for letting off steam, or, reading some very funny stuff!
Well, I'm not bored. My wife is an invalid and here's where I plant myself once my chores are done. It looks like there are a great deal of people worried about taxes and basic survival. We should not be surprised, it's not just here, it's our whole country that is pretty much in trouble. No one person's fault. We're in this mess now and all we can do is try to straighten out the economy, etc, so that we don't leave our mistakes in our children's laps.
Good points, Jack! We are all in this together (our whole country) and we should work together to solve it.
Caring for an invalid spouse takes a lot of work. You must be a dedicated husband!
My husband and I would not let our children talk on this blog site. They have gone to board meetings in the past and they have seen enough. They let the adults in the home speak, their kind,loving parents who they totally agree with. They see things at Oley that could be changed to make it a better place for them. I Thank the Lord that they get through the day. They are the best and do very good in school. Just as any principal.
That is just ask any principal
Leave the kids out of it. That is what they have parents for. If they did not agree with their parents, the parents would not waste their time on this blog and at board meetings. When they are 18 they can talk all they want. They can agree or disagree and talk now but not to the board. They do not want problems for themselves when they are at school and I do not blame them.
Let kids be kids, they do not need to be involved.
Just came back from church. I prayed for everyone. We all need some of the Lord in our lives. Think about what he went through. God Bless the taxpayers of the Oley School District and of course the children.
Thanks for your prayers. I will add the entire support staff, teaching staff, administration, school board, and renters to that list for prayer. We are all in this together. Although it can be easy to be drawn in to the harsh criticism and personal attacks, I hope some will think twice before engaging in it again. Consider how our Creator works with human beings of all dispositions: for it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentence.
Blessed Assurance
Although we pray every day, Sunday is always special. Let's not forget to pray for The American Red Cross. They've got their work cut out for them, too.
This is a note of recognition to Cindy. Short and sweet. I babysat my grandson this weekend. ONE child. One little ball of energy. We had a great time. I can't think of anything we did not do this weekend. Round about hour 48, I did stop and wonder how I did this with my children, way back when. I could not take my eyes off of him for a minute. He's 3 and pretty inquisitive. I did not get any of my work done this weekend. No big deal, that's why they make Maxwell House! But I did stop and think, more than once, how does that woman I read about on the blog...the one with 5 does she do all she does? Well, it does not matter, what matters is that SHE DOES do it all. And, her efforts are not just for her children, they are to benefit the whole town's children. If you don't know Cindy, but read this blog, you may thank her right here. She knocks herself out for her family, and yours!
Way to go, Cindy!
Thats right, way to go Cindy!
I had a great week-end and hope everyone here did likewise.
I have read on this blog, from
people who are obviously anti-Oley Concerned Citizens, comments to the effect that our opinions do not reflect the majority of the people of the Oley Valley. Further, that because we don't represent the sentiments of this majority our opinions are somehow invalid or of no consequence.
First, how does one go about measuring what the "majority" thinks. In almost all cases fully 1/3 of the public doesn't know or care about any particular issue. That being the case, it seems neither side can lay claim to representing the "majority".
Frankly, I don't really care what the "majority" thinks nor am I swayed by it. The opinions expressed here are my own without regard to whether one group or another agrees with me. To me it is arrogance of the highest order to claim that our opinions are illegitimate simply because they don't reflect those of a real or perceived majority. After all, time and again history has shown us examples where the majority was wrong and the minority voices ended up being right.
For all of you on here who have been ridiculed for speaking your mind and "not speaking for the majority" I say good for you and keep it up. The minority today could well become the majority in the future.
The board members (and their groupies) truly feel that their way is the only way. Why wouldn't they? They are getting what they want.
I don't think they are as flexible in their thought process as they should be, considering the decisions of that board sway the future for all of the people, not just the students of the Oley Valley.
I, too, applaud those who are utilizing their freedom of speech. It was the intention of our forefathers. They, too, were in the position of being a "minority voice" many times. And without those minority voices, where would we be?
The way the board is going, their motto should be:
Sorry arrogant board members, this undercurrent you commonly refer to as "the dark side," does not think like you. And, we're not going to leave. There are far more than "9" people that are concerned with the education of our children and the welfare, safety, and comfort of entire community.
$70,000 given to the school system for a track from the dept. of education, come on the board says that they have mandated educational items that they say the state does not give them funding for, but they give 70,000 for a track. What is going on here!
A new business manager for how long?
Oley has what the call:
Business Manager of The Month Club.
How about Business Manager of the WEEK? (Or WEAK)
Hey whats up with the $70,000 for a non-educational item from the state? What about the mandate funds? Why don't Oley use that money for a educational item that we need instead of a track? Hello what comes first, education or sports?
Nobody wants to play rhythm guitar behind Jesus. Everybody wants to be the lead singer in the band.
Cindy revealed it.
Mary confirmed it.
Al hasn't denied it.
For those interested in TRUTH and FACTS scroll up to 6:15am (about 40 comments up) to find out what the word "Anonymous" means on this site.
cindy revealed it
mary confirmed it
al hasn't denied it
and the rest of us don't care about
Yes, everyone, Al is so terrible. Look at what he's doing. Trying to get our school board to spend appropriately on all avenues of education. Trying to get a handle on how limited income taxpayers can keep their homes and not get booted out on the street. Trying to get citizens to be aware of how their tax dollars are NOT being spent wisely. Terrible, terrible Al.
Unless someone posts his or her name voluntarily on this blog, there is no effort to identify that person.
There is no effort to confirm the identity of the person who signs their name.
Only Google can attempt such a feat and it can only be done through a long, legal process.
Unlike, the school board, there is no requirement to fill out a blue card with your name and your topic, so that it can be screened for its appropriateness.
This blog will not limit your comment to three minutes or the time for comment to thirty minutes.
You will not be ushered off the blog by the police because you exercised your First Amendment rights.
This blog welcomes public participation. The school board does not.
Alright Al! The above blog says it all!
Well phrased, Al. And on top of that, you mean every word. Wish we could say the same for our school board. In three minutes or less.
The feature you chose for us to remain anonymous, Al, was a wise choice. The citizens of the Oley Valley are far too leary of saying anything that's on our minds at meetings, and it's quite clear that those that have the most to lose in this concern, are the ones that are bothered the most by this blog.
Thank you, Al, for your time and effort. You are caring and honest. Two terms we rarely hear in the board room.
Oley born and bred
Not liking the changes, but glad for the efforts of Al Jacobs and all those faithful supporters on this blog.
You are right, Al. Once when I was blogging on here, I heard a knock on my front door. I feared that it was the Oley Police, but it wasn't. It was my neighbor. She's an elderly widow. She wanted to ask me if her tax notice could possibly be correct?
Is it fair to expect this 83 year old woman to pay that much in taxes? (over $3,000) It's as if she's being punished for living in her own home for all these years.
Instead of bogus fund raisers for a new track, perhaps the "good folks on our board" should consider fund raisers to allow these folks to stay in their homes for as long as they're physically able to do so.
Any government agency has access to speedy processes to identify bloggers. It is, however, not aimed in the direction of small town gossip. We're in a war, remember? There is where the true efforts are being concentrated.
For all those wizened ones that feel this blog is their latest form of intimidating the taxpayers, please stand corrected. Neither the board, nor those who support it, shall successfully stifle the spreading discontent of the taxpayers of the Oley Valley. Oley citizens are becomming more and more aware of the boards' antics, and less tolerant by the minute.
Any efforts for this organization to joing with the 17 other organizations that unified their efforts in Harrisburg yesterday.
I read part of press release where other taxpayer groups are unifying on several points, and to me, one very important goal, elimination of teacher strikes.
Can this blog tell me more about what happened yesterday, and if this group is planning to add their weight to the statewide debate.
Al could easily remove any post on this blog that he deemed offensive, inappropriate or with which he disagreed. Has anyone's comments been deleted?
I believe Al's committment to free speech and the airing of all views, regardless of what side of the issue a person is on, is apparent for all to see. He is providing a forum for EVERYONE to expess their opinions and for that he should be commended.
It is very sad that the plight of the 83 year old lady, shocked by her tax notice (discussed above by Jenny's neighbor) is the norm among our elderly in the Oley Valley rather than the exception. It is also very sad that the majority of the board members (as evidenced by their recent votes to again raise our property taxes) don't really care what happens to the elderly and less fortunate in this disrict.
Oh, the board constantly tells us how much they care ... BUT their caring is apparently very selective: they care about buying "everything the special interests" want and demand at the expense of everyone else -- whether everyone else can afford it or not. I guess we're just supposed to move away from our lifetime homes into a tenement somewhere or public housing. Can't they just once put themselves in our place.
I am new to this and don't fully understand why the school board appears to be hesitant about having questions asked at board meetings. Their actions should be an open book, shouldn't they? This is not a private school, so why does everything seem to be private information?
While driving around the area Ihave seen quite a few signs that say Public Auction including contents. What does this mean? Are these homes lost to taxes that were not paid?
Can't figure out the pblic auctions signs huh? People do die. Ever hear of estate sales? And even if someone dosen't pay taxes they might have their property taken and sold at a sheriff sale at the court house, not a public auction at the site.
Well, then, thanks for that info listed above. "People do die..."
How else do people learn these things if they don't ask?
I'm slightly relieved to learn that those homes I've seen probably didn't get sold because somebody didn't pay their taxes. Although it's kind of odd that some of the places I've seen the signs, months later the people are still coming in and out of the house. (They don't look dead, but then I'm no doctor.)
Sorry if I asked a question that seemed to have such an obvious answer. It was not obvious to me. What got my attention was the large number of places I'm seeing these public auction signs. If it's from people dying, they sure did decide to die all at the same time. It looks more like an epidemic to me.
p.s. your reply has a familiar smack of arrogance.
More people are auctioning their homes because of the higher commissions (6%) they have to pay Realtors. Auctioneers negotiate rates as low as 2% in some cases.
People are selling their homes and are moving in with relatives or sometimes are moving out of state and yes it is because of the high taxes, medical, gas and you name it. The board does not think of this when they increase our taxes when they have $6 million they could be using so the poor people can have a break for a year. People on social security only cannot keep up with the increases every year. I do not know how this school board sleeps. If they fell into a situtation like most older folks are in maybe they would think twice before smacking us with another increase. When the money is there, there is no reason to have increases us.
I'm glad somebody else asked about the auction signs. I was wondering too. I have lived in my own home nearly my whole life, so those facts never concerned me. But I did notice a whole lot of those signs around Oley and surrounding areas. Maybe it's a sign of the times. What I noticed lately was the items people are selling at yard sales. Some of these folks look like they're selling everything that is not nailed down. A couple of old folks did say they had to pay their taxes one way or another. Like someone mentioned above, we are going to see the country revert to the way it used to be. Two and three generations all living under the same roof. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes not. We are spoiled by our huge homes with 4 and 5 bathrooms etc. But we worked hard to get them, and should not have to worry about losing them due to taxes. I don't mind paying my fair share but I do mind paying around 3 times what I had planned on. I am still able to provide as such, but my heart goes out especially to the seniors that no longer can and to the young couples. Some young couples may never see the day they own property. How sad is that? And, who do we have to thank for that? In part it is the area school boards that are having a ball spending everyone else's money as if was burning a hole in their pockets.
let's hear about fiscal responsibility...
everybody sleeping tonight?
When is the next board meeting?
I believe the next board meeting is August 16th. Remember? They cancelled the Combined Committee meeting scheduled for the 9th.
Are there any committee meetings scheduled for August? Those are the meetings you need to attend, especially since there is no Combined Committee meeting in August. Those committee meetings will be doing all the discussions
and business for the regular board meeting to rubber stamp.
It might be helpful if someone could put the committee meeting schedule for August on this blog.
Respectfully submitted:
(an accurate link to an accurately updated site)
Respectfully received. Thanks!!
Policy Committee meeting next Thursday evening (Aug. 3rd @ 7:00)
The policy revision on public participation will be probably be discussed.
Alot more robberies in our school district. Yesterday a desperate woman robbed a couple of places and one was the old Spayds Deli which is in our district. When you cannot take it anymore anything can happen. We have had our share of robberies in this area over the past months. People cannot keep paying high taxes etc. People need to be able to stay in their homes. They bought them they have a right to stay in them.
Oops the robberies were for drugs. But people are still desperate for money!
Question: Last SB Meeting had the "1st Reading" of the proposed/controversial policy!
Why is it referred to as a 1st reading. It was not read to the public at that time. Therefore, it wasn't the first reading.
Can some explain, because I have yet to actually see the actual policy. I have had the opportunity to hear pro's/con's etc. from various people, BUT I have not actually see the policy.
It is not posted on the under used school web site.
Please help and tell me where I can find it WITHOUT having to make a special trip to the admin. If the school board doesn't want to utilize the web site for this stuff, scrap the darn thing.
You tell them! They do not want the public to see it. If you ask for a copy they will get a nasty look on their faces. I think Al was able to get a copy after asking Dr. know it all for one. The policy should be available on the table outside the meeting room for all to get a copy if you want one. Another reason not to trust this board. They will try to sneak it in without us seeing it. Thanks to Al for alerting us in the beginning about this policy or we would of not known about it. Good job again Al.
It's called the "1st Reading" because the Policy Committee gives it to the whole Board for the first time to read. Then it is sent back to the committee to rewrite with any changes the board wants. After that it is returned to the whole board for the "2nd Reading" and a vote. The public has the opportunity to review and comment on the policy at the Policy Committee meetings or the board meetings.
As far as copies of that policy are concerned, you can get one at the committee meeting on the 2nd or, maybe someone who was at the last board meeting has one they could copy and give to you. They did hand some out.
Rush Linbaugh would probably call some writers "drive-by bloggers."
A drug addict commits a few robberies in the area and suddenly it's assumed that she's a desperate Oley home owner scavenging money to pay the property taxes.
Someone decides to sell their home, and the for sale sign out front must mean that they can't afford the taxes.
Traffic is heavy at times on Rt.73, it must be that evil Board at fault somehow.
What could be next?
Where are the WMD's?
There must be a conspiracy somewhere!
hehehe...that's Limbaugh, and Rush does sort of like to see his name in print, spelled correctly!
Rush would also be quick to point out that many may have missed the point:
We probably don't have too many desperate Oley taxpayers...yet. The good folks of Oley are, for the most part, doing well enough to make ends meet and their tax increase has not yet reached a level that gets their attention. It is inevitable that with some area businesses slacking off, or closing, there could be families that get hit harder than others. Those will be the ones that suddenly attend school board meetings and will probably demand instant explanations for the jump in taxes. And, of course, they won't want anything to do with new sports items. Face it, we're in Berks County, land of the eternal feast. Generations of local folks here eat BIG, and not just at the Oley Fair. Look around, you see one heck of a lot of chubby kids, heavy teens, and downright obese adults. If you think it's the norm for our country, look around. Berks County is noted for it's extremely high cholesterol levels. If better sports programs can help our kids, why on earth would anyone be against that?
Alot of sale signs here and there? Some of the owners passed away, of course. Some moved on to retirement communities in Florida, etc. And some of them could have gotten sick and tired of their belly aching neighbors that know all the answers about running schools, etc.
WMD? Hehehe...yeah, they are probably hiding them in the quarry! Let's ask Mr. Snerdley!
Better get that track Able bodied young men better get used to it. Your Military career is closer than you think!
Hello, if you read the blog below the robbery one you would have noticed I corrected myself and said the lady was try to get drug money, but I also said after talking to many people in this district, people are getting desperate to make ends meat. So do not be surprised if we do start to see a jump in robberies, or alot more homes for sale. The public of Oley do know what we are talking about, they just do not want to be put in the lime light at a school board meeting. They know what happens when you speak at these meetings. It is not a good site to see. Actually it makes anyone with a heart there bellies hurt with anger. So have a nice weekend and remember we do not live in a plastic bubble. Oley and the surrounding areas are prone to crime.
Hey everyone heres some info you might find interesting: I was talking to a parent that has a son interested in football and she said that they have done many fundraisers and have gotten alot of money started for this program. She also said that the soccer parents are mad because they are now down to 2 teams this year instead of 4 teams. Well we told you this was going to happen. We do not have enough kids in this district to support all these sports programs. Also why hasn't the track kids and parents done any fundraisers? I have not been asked to buy anything to go towards the new big mamma track. Oh thats right the board said they will pay the big majority of it. How nice of them to use our money for such a big non-educational item. We should have been allowed to vote on a new track in November at the polls! Another kick in the butt. My butt is getting sore. I think it is time to take a break from this for a while. My children miss me spending good fun time with them. They are more important then looking at the school board once a month giving their mother nasty looks. God Bless the Dark Side and I will always stand by all of you. You all are what makes me have a little hope that something one day will happen with this district and it will be what we always thought it should be when we moved here.
Fundraisers for the track? Time was, Oley school kids were selling stuff all the time to raise money for things they wanted for their school. Nobody in my entire family has ever been asked to contribute in any way for the benefit of the new track.
To Mary Swartz-
God bless ya, and have a great weekend also, but please have one of your gifted children proof read what you blog. You couldn't write your way out of a brown paper bag.
Hey Dale, Rob and my other fans, I do not proof read to satisfy you. The public knows what I am telling them, if it is mispelled or not. Have a great weekend, and remember to go to church. You need prayer big time.
Your head is in a paper bag boys!
Do not talk about Mary and her children. She is the most caring parent I have ever met and her children are polite nice young ladies. Mary and Andy do a great job raising their girls. Who cares if words are not spelled correctly. You always try to upset the messenger. Mary does not care what you think of her she is doing what is right for the children and public of this district. She cares deeply for all people.
Don't even listen to what those creeps are trying to say to you or about you. Anyone with a brain knows that you and your husband have a REAL family. You have great kids, and the people that really know you, really like you. Heaven only knows what THEIR homelife must be like. It must be terrible, because look how miserable they are! Jealousy does terrible things to people.
Keep up the good work, Mary, you know you're doing the right thing!
We will all pray for the likes of those that throw digs at caring parents. That experience must be new to them, because it seems as though they just don't understand it.
As for the proof reading: tell them the truth! If you didn't spend nearly every waking hour being the good parent and wife that you are, you'd have more than enough time to proof read. This is a BLOG...not a term paper!
You've got alot of friends and we know your first concern is what is best for all children.
to 5:41
May God continue to bless you and yours. Hopefully you will never need the friendship or help of a person as good as Mary Swartz. Even though you found time in your busy schedule to insult her in print, if you needed her help, she'd probably come to your aid, no questions asked. Shame on you, you're a creep. Hope I spelled all of that okay for you. I don't have any children to proof read for me. I have two cats though, and they are nicer than you.
"My children miss me spending good fun time with them. They are more important then looking at the school board once a month giving their mother nasty looks."
Wow! That's truly a sad choice. I hope you choose to spend more time with them in the near future. They need you!
To those who have determined free speech to include unwarranted bashing:
Al, Mary, Cindy, Linda, Russ, and all others that have chosen to remain anonymous....are working for the good of their children, grandchildren, and all children of the Oley Valley. They are also concerned with a fair tax system. They are just like the rest of the Oley Valley. They want what is right for the children, and are demanding that the board spend our tax money in a fashion that is both beneficial to the students and at a level that is workable for all of Oley's citizens.
There is a growing list of people that question the above basher(s) as to why they feel motivated to attempt to stand in the way of these well meaning people. If said bashers are kind enough to take the time in their busy schedules to point out, in print, that someone didn't check with the head of the English department before they hit "Publish Your Comment, then perhaps they also have sufficient time and interest to attend all of the board meetings. You will find all of the people you're so quick to criticize....sitting in one room. Knock yourself out...point out their shortcomings right there, to their faces. I've heard that a few folks find it suitable to film such events.
If these comments are actually being made by board members and/or people they have prompted to act on their behalf, then...We, The Concerned Citizens, may request that said bashers fill out a little blue card. Incidently, all citizens are granted police protection, not just those sitting at the big tables up front.
Al, Mary, Cindy, Linda, Russ and others:
Since you are "concerned with a fair tax system" as mentioned above, have you attended any of the meetings at the Capitol, are there any plans to organize a trip to Harrisburg, are the Oley Concerned Citizens scheduling local meetings with our legislators? There's never been any mention of getting involved at that level. It seems the Daniel Boone and Brandywine groups are. Or are six people at a board meeting and this blog as far as it goes?
Ain't you a little ray of sunshine?
Yes, there are several groups planning trips to Harrisburg. Wanna drive?
Welcome to the Blog,
Where every question, comment, or suggestion will be promptly criticized.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. It's what we're used to by now. A handful of people trying to do something that will benefit all the kids and all the adults, too. My apologies for coming off gruff. Truly, it's all we hear. Please address that sort of question directly to Al Jacobs, as he's got more time invested in this concern than any of us. And thank you for your interest. Again, I'm sorry I came off soundling like, really, all the rest. I only want what's best for our kids, and if we could get it without anyone losing their home to it, that would be a real blessing.
"or are six people at a board meeting and this blog as far as it goes?"
I understand where the 12:11 p.m. reaction comes from. Are you one of those six people at those board meetings? If not, are you able to attend any of the board meetings at all? I'm not picking on you, honestly. I'm just asking the questions now. Do you ever attend the board meetings? Does your schedule permit your presence there, or is there always a conflict between meeting times and your other obligations? See, that is what many people have a problem with. Either they are working a night job or a second job, or they are still shuttling kids back and forth to activities, or they're attempting to have a family meal. For the most part, the meeting times are not convenitent for alot of us. But if we truly want to address current issues with the board, something has to give. The board is getting alot of bad press re: the sunshine law. If, in fact, they are breaking the rules by curbing free speech, and if it truly bothers the taxpayers, then way more than 6 people have to attend the meetings and make the point that we want to know exactly what is going on with the Oley School District, and, if we don't understand or agree with any of it, we sure as all heck better be allowed to have the time to ask the questions we have AND get an answer. You see, that is the crux of the problem. Many questions are asked at meetings, and the answeres are not given. Actually, the board often looks like they have no idea exactly what answer the people are looking for. Well, if any board members are gazing at the blog and read this, I can help you out on that one. The only answer we want to any question is the truth. Plain and simple. If you don't know the answers to the questions asked by the taxpayers, then maybe you don't belong on a board that is handling something like $25,000,000 a year. That's a business. A big business. When stockholders ask questions of any other business, they expect answers. Correct answers. They don't expect to get ignored, blown off, laughed at, or have questions shifted onto another subject or taken up at another meeting...which gets cancelled, and cancelled again. If I'd invested in a business that turned out to be run like that, they'd have a nice big gap where my money used to be.
As far as getting organized like Brandywine and Daniel Boone, yes, we should be ONE GIANT GROUP. And other surrounding districts should be invited to form a very large, very serious minded group of parents/taxpayers that want real changes in our school and tax systems.
ho hum! yadda yadda yadda
"yadda, yadda, yadda...."'re dating yourself!
sure am!
dear ho hum...
Have you come up with any constructive and workable ideas/plans for improvement of our school board's efficiency?
The Oley Concerned Citizens have been represented in Harrisburg, at both the big rally as well as contacting a number of representatives.
The politicians are well aware of our position on school property taxes.
An e-mail was sent to our supporters requesting they forward a request that the House Bill 39 exemptions to the back end referendum be eliminated.
The e-mail addresses of the Governor and our representatives were listed so that the OCC recipients could present their views.
If anyone posting on this blog is not on our e-mail list, contact us at
The other taxpayer groups in the area seem to be asking that House Bill 39 be repealed.
At the present time, this does not appear to be a good idea. Anything is better than the former tax system.
As weak as the back-end referendum is under HB 39, it will serve a purpose and it would be not in our interests to throw it away.
There is no substantial support in Harrisburg for the Commonwealth Caucus tax plan.
The Governor and the legislature will not support a true tax reform package.
Therefore, at this juncture, we need to protect the referendum the PSBA and the PSEA want to eliminate.
Both these special interest groups are in a frenzy to dump any referendum on spending.
This speaks volumes as to the effect HB39 will have on blank check budgets.
We stand with all taxpayer groups who want a fair tax system.
The only time I have felt "unwelcome" around members of the OVHS school board was when I tried to convince them that we needed our boys to have a football team. Some people don't like hockey and soccer, but do like to watch a good high school game, or a bad high school game for that matter. Remember the scholarship potential for football players. Our male students are being short changed in this department.
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