The Devil Is In The Details
The Oley Valley School Board has been trying to pass a policy, which prevents reasonable public participation at board meetings.
The board has not been getting good press or a favorable civic reaction to their plans to restrict free speech.
They are attempting to sell the idea that the new policy is harmless. This same school board tells the public that a $1,300,000, new synthetic, track will not affect taxes either.
A closer look at sections of the policy suggests it is anything but benign.
Section 7. Hearing of Citizens
The School Board shall establish guidelines to govern public participation in formal School Board meetings necessary to conduct its meeting and to maintain order.
In order to permit fair and orderly expression of public comment, the School Board shall provide reasonable opportunity at each open meeting of the School Board for residents and taxpayers to comment on matters of concern, official action or deliberation before the School Board prior to official action by the school Board.
"Reasonable" is the operative word. The board asserts that three minutes is enough time to talk about a 200 line item, $25,000,000 budget. It is not enough time and the taxpayers are owed the decency to express their opinions.
The board violated this section at the July 19,2006 meeting, when board President Robert Heckman made a motion to cancel the combined meeting in August. His motion should have been on the agenda for public comment, but it was not.
The board passed his motion and the community had no say in the matter.
The School Board shall require that all public comments added to agenda items be made at the beginning of each formal meeting.
If the board does not put an item on the agenda, then votes on it anyway, how can the public comment?
If the School Board determines there is not sufficient time at a meeting for public comments, the comment period may be deferred to the next regular meeting or to a special meeting occurring before the next regular meeting.
The board should make time at the current meeting to address the public's concerns. Deferring to the future is nothing more than a stalling tactic.
The presiding officer at each public School Board meeting shall follow the School Board Policy for the conduct of public meeting. Where his/her ruling is disputed, it may be overruled by a majority of those School Board members present and voting.
The chance that a board would be so outraged by a presiding officer's decision, that they would overrule his actions is slim to none.
Whenever issues identified by the participant are subject to remediation under policies and procedures of the School Board. They shall be dealt with in accordance with those policies and procedures.
This section is nothing more than a repeat of the new policy content so it is repetitive and verbose.
The School Board requires that public participants be residents or taxpayers of this district or:
1. Anyone representing a group in the community or school district;
2. Any district employee;
3. Any district student.
The board may have a problem with this rule. Any school which accepts federal funds, must be open to the public regardless if they are from the district or not.
A member of the public present at a meeting of the School Board may address the School Board in accordance with the School Board's rules.
Citizens who want to address the School Board must complete a blue card prior to the meeting for an opportunity to speak. The card must state name, address, and topic to be address to the School Board. Those failing to complete a blue card must seek permission from the presiding officer prior to speaking.
This obstacle can be easily abused. It is a process for screening speakers and topics. The First Amendment says nothing about screening public comment.
The public comment/period shall be for up to thirty (30)minutes,
including response from the School Board, as scheduled on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
The Reading Eagle editorial cited a case in Lackawana county where the judge properly ruled that time limitations are against the law.
Presentation of items of interest or concern by an individual citizen or by a group spokesperson(s) shall be limited to three minutes.
This is applicable to a casual comment or one question to the board. It certainly is not enough time to discuss a school budget or the board's effort to shut down public input.
If there is remaining time within the allocated thirty minutes additional speakers shall be recognized.
If the board does not want to hear what you had to say in three minutes, why would they extend the time?
Minutes may not be donated to other speakers.
This rule contradicts the US Congress's policy during their sessions. If the sharing of time is good enough for the Congress, why is it not good enough for the Oley Valley School Board?
If interest and conditions warrant, the presiding officer may extend the time period allocated for each topic.
If you do not bore the board, they will let you proceed. On the other hand, if you are considered a "diatribe" or "Fidel Castro", you shall be seated or removed.
If a participant reads a prepared statement in order to facilitate discussion a copy of the prepared statement may be presented to each School Board member, Superintendent, Solicitor, and Board Secretary prior to the individual reading the prepared statement. If copies are not available, district personnel will make copies prior to allowing the individual to speak.
This is another petty attempt to place an obstacle in front of citizens trying to address the board.
After a participant orally presents his or her statements or questions,
the presiding: officer reserves the right to do the following:
· Place the matter in its proper place on the agenda
. Request that the participant raise the issue before a committee of the school board or an ad hoc committee of the school board to raise the question administratively.
· Request that the administrative staff study the same and then issue a report at a future meeting:.
· Direct the matter be placed on the agenda of some future meeting:.
· Table the concern indefinitely, if decided it does not require immediate consideration.
· Deny the request.
· Direct that a member of the Administrative Team or another appropriate individual respond to the request at the meeting or at some future meeting.
· Take other action the presiding: officer feels necessary. is the circular can the board intends to use for public comment.
All statements. inquires or comments shall be directed to the presiding
officer; no participant may address or question Board members individually, administrative team members individually, school employees,
or members of the public individually.
Of course, if a school board member decides, for example, to verbally attack or intimidate a speaker, there is no protection for that citizen.
The Presiding: Officer may:
. Interrupt or terminate a participant's statement when the statement is too lengthy. personally directed, abusive, obscene, defamatory, or irrelevant.
This is very subjective and subject to exploitation by a partisan presiding officer.
We have witnessed the lack of objectivity and caring by Mr. Cappa.
. Request any individual to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum.
· Request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly person when the person's conduct interferes with the orderly process of the meeting
.Call for a recess or an adjustment to another time when the lack of public decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting.
A potpourri of choices the board can use to keep you silent instead of answering questions.
This maze of new regulations is not designed to make you feel welcomed at the school board meetings.
This policy was meant to have a first reading on July 19,2006. There was no reading because there was no discussion on this matter by the board.
The next policy meeting is Thursday, August 3,2006 at 7:00 PM at the Administration Building boardroom.
The board has not been getting good press or a favorable civic reaction to their plans to restrict free speech.
They are attempting to sell the idea that the new policy is harmless. This same school board tells the public that a $1,300,000, new synthetic, track will not affect taxes either.
A closer look at sections of the policy suggests it is anything but benign.
Section 7. Hearing of Citizens
The School Board shall establish guidelines to govern public participation in formal School Board meetings necessary to conduct its meeting and to maintain order.
In order to permit fair and orderly expression of public comment, the School Board shall provide reasonable opportunity at each open meeting of the School Board for residents and taxpayers to comment on matters of concern, official action or deliberation before the School Board prior to official action by the school Board.
"Reasonable" is the operative word. The board asserts that three minutes is enough time to talk about a 200 line item, $25,000,000 budget. It is not enough time and the taxpayers are owed the decency to express their opinions.
The board violated this section at the July 19,2006 meeting, when board President Robert Heckman made a motion to cancel the combined meeting in August. His motion should have been on the agenda for public comment, but it was not.
The board passed his motion and the community had no say in the matter.
The School Board shall require that all public comments added to agenda items be made at the beginning of each formal meeting.
If the board does not put an item on the agenda, then votes on it anyway, how can the public comment?
If the School Board determines there is not sufficient time at a meeting for public comments, the comment period may be deferred to the next regular meeting or to a special meeting occurring before the next regular meeting.
The board should make time at the current meeting to address the public's concerns. Deferring to the future is nothing more than a stalling tactic.
The presiding officer at each public School Board meeting shall follow the School Board Policy for the conduct of public meeting. Where his/her ruling is disputed, it may be overruled by a majority of those School Board members present and voting.
The chance that a board would be so outraged by a presiding officer's decision, that they would overrule his actions is slim to none.
Whenever issues identified by the participant are subject to remediation under policies and procedures of the School Board. They shall be dealt with in accordance with those policies and procedures.
This section is nothing more than a repeat of the new policy content so it is repetitive and verbose.
The School Board requires that public participants be residents or taxpayers of this district or:
1. Anyone representing a group in the community or school district;
2. Any district employee;
3. Any district student.
The board may have a problem with this rule. Any school which accepts federal funds, must be open to the public regardless if they are from the district or not.
A member of the public present at a meeting of the School Board may address the School Board in accordance with the School Board's rules.
Citizens who want to address the School Board must complete a blue card prior to the meeting for an opportunity to speak. The card must state name, address, and topic to be address to the School Board. Those failing to complete a blue card must seek permission from the presiding officer prior to speaking.
This obstacle can be easily abused. It is a process for screening speakers and topics. The First Amendment says nothing about screening public comment.
The public comment/period shall be for up to thirty (30)minutes,
including response from the School Board, as scheduled on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
The Reading Eagle editorial cited a case in Lackawana county where the judge properly ruled that time limitations are against the law.
Presentation of items of interest or concern by an individual citizen or by a group spokesperson(s) shall be limited to three minutes.
This is applicable to a casual comment or one question to the board. It certainly is not enough time to discuss a school budget or the board's effort to shut down public input.
If there is remaining time within the allocated thirty minutes additional speakers shall be recognized.
If the board does not want to hear what you had to say in three minutes, why would they extend the time?
Minutes may not be donated to other speakers.
This rule contradicts the US Congress's policy during their sessions. If the sharing of time is good enough for the Congress, why is it not good enough for the Oley Valley School Board?
If interest and conditions warrant, the presiding officer may extend the time period allocated for each topic.
If you do not bore the board, they will let you proceed. On the other hand, if you are considered a "diatribe" or "Fidel Castro", you shall be seated or removed.
If a participant reads a prepared statement in order to facilitate discussion a copy of the prepared statement may be presented to each School Board member, Superintendent, Solicitor, and Board Secretary prior to the individual reading the prepared statement. If copies are not available, district personnel will make copies prior to allowing the individual to speak.
This is another petty attempt to place an obstacle in front of citizens trying to address the board.
After a participant orally presents his or her statements or questions,
the presiding: officer reserves the right to do the following:
· Place the matter in its proper place on the agenda
. Request that the participant raise the issue before a committee of the school board or an ad hoc committee of the school board to raise the question administratively.
· Request that the administrative staff study the same and then issue a report at a future meeting:.
· Direct the matter be placed on the agenda of some future meeting:.
· Table the concern indefinitely, if decided it does not require immediate consideration.
· Deny the request.
· Direct that a member of the Administrative Team or another appropriate individual respond to the request at the meeting or at some future meeting.
· Take other action the presiding: officer feels necessary. is the circular can the board intends to use for public comment.
All statements. inquires or comments shall be directed to the presiding
officer; no participant may address or question Board members individually, administrative team members individually, school employees,
or members of the public individually.
Of course, if a school board member decides, for example, to verbally attack or intimidate a speaker, there is no protection for that citizen.
The Presiding: Officer may:
. Interrupt or terminate a participant's statement when the statement is too lengthy. personally directed, abusive, obscene, defamatory, or irrelevant.
This is very subjective and subject to exploitation by a partisan presiding officer.
We have witnessed the lack of objectivity and caring by Mr. Cappa.
. Request any individual to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum.
· Request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly person when the person's conduct interferes with the orderly process of the meeting
.Call for a recess or an adjustment to another time when the lack of public decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting.
A potpourri of choices the board can use to keep you silent instead of answering questions.
This maze of new regulations is not designed to make you feel welcomed at the school board meetings.
This policy was meant to have a first reading on July 19,2006. There was no reading because there was no discussion on this matter by the board.
The next policy meeting is Thursday, August 3,2006 at 7:00 PM at the Administration Building boardroom.
That is an excellent and thorough analysis of the proposed policy revision. Members of the board would do well to read it objectively and take from it those points that we are concerned about.
The time limits are, I believe, the most objectionable. Three minutes per person is not long enough especially if the person asks a question or two. The 30 minute per subject is just plain illegal and should be taken out altogether.
The Board is within its rights under the law to allow only taxpayers and residents to comment. Courts have interpreted the Sunshine Law in that respect. I have no problem with that.
People who comment before the Board should always address their remarks or questions to the presiding officer (the board president). Likewise, however, board members, under the Roberts Rules of Order, must direct their comments and questions only to the board president. If this board adhered to the rules of order that they advocate then there would never be the occasion where a board member would confront a member of the audience.
Some people on this blog can't understand why some of us are making such a big deal out of what they see as a trivial issue. Someday you might have an issue to bring before the board that, in your mind, isn't trivial. When you do, don't you want the time to express yourself and receive the satisfaction you seek? The board has the opportunity here to reach out to those opposed to this revision and find common ground. Instead, I am witnessing them digging in their heels. If anyone is making more out of this policy revision than it should it's the Board.
I suppose one would wonder why former board members put such a similar policy in effect...
Is the current board allowed to respond to any subject or question objectively? When questions are asked of our board, their most common reaction is akin to someone sitting above a trap door. They look like an incorrect answer will prompt the head of the board to pull a giant lever, and they'll vanish from sight. Their lack of ability to give the taxpayers appropriate answers is equally disappointing.
The current board members could benefit from this book:
"School Board Etiquette for Dummies."
Could "former board members" put policies into effect any other way than by majority vote?
Shake the hand of any board member with the conviction to vote "NO" on anything. It's like "NO" is a dirty word.
To anonymous:
I guess you would have to ask those "former Board members" who wrote the original policy that question. It was there quite a while before I got on the board.
The question you should be asking is why, after 30 years of never even needing to refer to the policy (it sat there unnoticed and unenforced), does the board suddenly have the overriding need to change it? Now that is an answer I would like to hear.
Would anyone live that asked that question....and got an answer? It's like telling a favorite old family recipe. Scary, isn't it?
Russ, we need you, and a few other good folks to run for board.
As a frequent blogger, I can say that I am not whole heartily against amending the current policy if in fact it is flawed and unenforced. Regardless of whether it 30 years old or not, if the old policy is not and has not been adhere too., then it needs to be either properly enforced or changed.
After saying that, here is my question that I ask for an answer too. Why is the policy comittee reinventing a wheel? Is this not a standard policy that all similar boards have? Could they easily go to four neighboring school boards, request their policy regarding public comment and pick the one that is believed to be best fitted to the taxpayers of Oley?
This confuses me.
I don't know, but I would have thought that former board members who saw a problem with the policy would most definitely have addressed it then. The policy was unenforced then and it is unenforced now. Until that has changed, we're basically dealing with a very similar situation.
"Why are the board members reinventing the wheel?"
The answer is clear:
The problem lies not with the amount of time allotted. The problem lies with the questions asked.
Up until the last two or so years, the public really did not have access to school finances (numbers) until the Department of Education started to publish the school district's numbers (general fund balance, etc., on the internet).
Even though some of the citizens sought this information from the school district, they were not given the numbers that now appear on the PDE website, and this in addition to the new questions that the taxpayers have, are currently being asked by the public, so now the policy has become a problem.
We are now starting to question the district's finances in more detail, and they do not want to have to answer these questions.
Why would that be?
Not wanting to answer specific, or even general questions, points in only one direction.
When it comes to providing honest answers, the board gets a big, fat "F."
Combine this with the newfound arrogance which abounds at board meetings, and the outcome is clear.
To the 8:25 anonymous,
I don't know of any former board member who saw a problem with the policy as it was written. We never had an occasion to even refer to it. The audience was given ample opportunity to speak and ask questions and the board responded (not always to the satisfaction of the questioner but they did respond). I'm not the only "former board member" who frequents this blog and, I believe, they can attest to what I'm saying.
Anyway, just because a policy is old doesn't mean it has to be revised. What other districts have in the way of a "public participation" policy is of no concern to me and shouldn't influence how ours is written. Show me one area of the policy that will be an improvement for the residents and taxpayers who attend board meetings. Finally, if this policy only applies to one specific meeting a month then why in the world do they need it?
"...What other districts have in the way of a "public participation" policy is of no concern to me and shouldn't influence how ours is written...":
Throughout this blog, bloggers, such as myself, have consistantly referred to the error of our board incomparison to other districts. Although I do agree that Oley is not identical to other communities, I do not believe that we have any complexities that others do. I don't believe that we here in Oley have concerns that are fundamentally different than the other districts. We all are striving to promote a strong education for our children, so that they have a fair chance at success in life, without bankrupting ourselves.
Therefore, I would have no objections of reviewing and evaluating what others districts have, and whether they have similar conflicts. If not, what makes us different, and why not consider adopting their policies if they prove to be successful.
Furthermore, I would also like to see all all meetings have time limatations. Say, ALL meeting must end by 9:30 pm. I find difficult as a parent, w/ children, to be able to attend meetings where the meeting goes beyond that time.
This generally would not be an issue if the board had a policy eliminating the use/abuse of 'executive sessions'. If the board needs an executive session, then the topic discussed in that session should be prohibited from vote that evening. That topic should be tabled to the following meeting to allow for a cool off period where the board members can adequately consider the matter.
My final policy inquiry relates to subcommittee meetings. Is it allowed that the public records the meeting, and then posts the meeting on the net?
I have no objections to reviewing and evaluating what other districts have. I do, however, object to our board using other district's policies, even where they are flawed, to justify changing ours. The fact that Exeter or Fleetwood has time limits on subject matter is no exuse for us to have one but that is how our board is reasoning.
I can't agree with you on having time limits for meetings. While I never thought meetings should last beyond 10:00pm there were occasions when they lasted much longer, even up until midnight. I know many of you will not agree with me on this but the board has meetings to conduct business, not to accomodate the public. Sometimes there can be alot more on the agenda than can be covered in two or three hours. When that is the case then the meetings have to go longer or unfinished business would have to be continued into the next month and, therefore, make that meeting even longer.
Conducting executive sessions is spelled out in the Sunshine Act. Your suggestions on implementing a procedure for executive sessions are good ones and should be considered by the policy committee.
As to your question on subcommittee meetings I do not believe that official minutes have to be taken at any meeting where a quorum of the board is not present. Usually only three or four board members are present at a committee meeting and no official votes are taken. Therefore, there are no minutes of the meetings to post. That is why it is important to attend some committee meetings when time permits. Any public meeting may be recorded or taped.
As a former board member, having served with Russ Swisher, Barbara Frey and David Miller, I can speak confidently that none of the four of us ever reviewed a policy as a means to squelch public comments or rights.
Because Barbara Frey, David Miller and I often voted against new programs, additional personnel, and discretionary spending, we were pretty much hated and vilified by most of the soccer Mom crowd, administration and teachers union. However, as I believed the board was to represent "every" facet of the community I reviewed EVERY issue as to fiscal responsibility and ramifications far down the road. Every time the board hires a new teacher or begins a new program, it means exponential growth of the budget -- beyond usual cost of living items. We don't just hire a teacher for this year, we take on the responsibility of years of salary increases, education expenses, medical coverage and pensions -- even when future enrollment shrinks.
Most program grants are 1X only, or good only for 3 years; and after the start up period, the taxpayers are left holding the bag for future costs, which always grow and grow and grow.
No matter how much Barbara Frey, David Miller and I were disliked, we (and Russ Swisher) NEVER attempted to limit public comment on any subject. In fact, the only time we reviewed policies was to bring them current with new laws and/or legislation. After my tenure, I believe the Board hired the PSBA to review our policies and bring them up to date -- again just to stay current with laws .... NEVER to deny public access. But that mustn't have been a very good investment if they didn't catch the Sunshine Law and 1st Amendment violations in the public comment policy.
As to following other Districts' policies and procedures, when those are flawed we have a legal responsibility and obligation to put things right within our own District. Never mind what the "majority" is doing -- we must do things correctly.
As to general comparisons between Districts, Oley is unlike the majority as we have NO major commercial tax base. In fact, the school is the largest employer. When we raise school taxes here, we are taking it out of the pocket of one "individual" to put it into the pocket of another. Besides, no business ever paid a tax ... the end consumer pays for everything within the selling price.
To Mr. Swisher and Ms. Baniszeski, thank you for the response(s). I may not wholly agree with all of your assessments and opinions, but I do truly appreciate your cander and your well articulated responses. It is helpful to recieve such civil responses. Especially since so many of us have not had the opportunity to view the issues from so many different opinions and viewpoints.
Those well articulated responses are the voices of experience speaking. As nice as Linda and Russ are, that's how "not nice" and unprofessional some current board members are. Like minded bloggers, this is the time to compliment Linda and Russ, thank them for their past services. And ask them, "Do you have any ideas for appropriate candidates for the next election?" We need more people like Russ and Linda, and less people with important sounding titles and ineffective qualities.
Linda?? Russ? We're awaiting your responses!
I'm glad you said "some board members" when referring to being unprofessional and "not nice". I would not paint the board with a broad brush. There are some good people on the board who, if they have a fault, it's that they don't speak out enough and don't vote the way they really feel.
I thank you for the kind words. I think anyone who wants to run for the board must be prepared to have their life change almost overnight. It takes alot of time and energy to serve on the board. It also means many nights (and some days) attending meetings, workshops, and school events. All of that for no pay but plenty of headaches. That's why it's always
difficult to attract people to run. I think that anyone who ever served would agree that when you finally get off it's like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Some present board members really need to experience that feeling. My advice to anyone would be to serve no more than two consecutive terms.
Do I have any potential candidates in mind? Not at this time but why not you (whoever you are)?
RS: I take your warning under advisement as to the commitment of time. As for an run to the board, it may happen provided the spouse gives blessings.
Curriculm is my greatest concern, and has always been. I have concerns that the children are not being taught what they need.
Has the current board ever attempted to limit someone's speech? I'm not referring to the policy which has long been in effect.
Yes, there have been occassions when the current board has told people that their time was up for asking questions. This occurred at meetings when the board room was filled to capacity. The feeling in the room becomes uncomfortable and that is one reason why many taxpayers attend a few meetings, then you never see them again. Especially if they have family members that are either connected to the school board as employees, or students. Being the largest employer in Oley does not help. Everybody knows everybody.
A greater concern to me was (and is) the aggorance connected to the situation. It is ONE main board member that carries the most offensive traits. His actions are weighing heavily against the good that other board members contribute. One might wonder why the balance of the board allows this behavior which is displayed time and time again by ONE board member. For all the good he may have done in the past, and now, it's all undone by his unstable, unprofessional, arrogant performances. His rude comments which were made to senior citizens will ring in the ears of those that were there to witness those events, for a long, long time. Also, as long as we're not filling out little blue cards here, and this is a place to blow off steam!!!...why does the President of the board say NOTHING to this board member when he speaks out of turn? Not to mention being so rude? If the people attending the meetings attempt to ask questions out of turn, they're promptly addressed by the board and are told that "it's not your time to speak or ask a question." The board is correct in saying this, but are at fault for not putting the big mouth board member in his place when he breaks the rules.
We've all heard and read about the letter that was written to the old man that was dying of cancer and wanted to question this board member about taxes. And I'm sure the entire board has either seen or heard the letter this dying man received in return: "you're always whining about your taxes." Whining? Please, tell us all, which person in this world deserves to receive such a downright ignorant letter, weeks before their death? Honestly, how does that board member look at himself in the mirror?
Then, of course, there's the matter of...conflict of interest. Nobody says much about a board member that votes in favor of his wife's pay raise...and THEIR medical benefits package. Why?
There should be no per speaker time limit or a time limit for public participation.
A non-partisan school board should not have any problems with open meetings.
Since most of the public's interest is in the budget, the board should have a special meeting devoted entirely to this issue as they have in the past.
Currently, the district consumes most of the budget discussion presenting their views on spending and leaves little for audience questions or participation.
Also, school awards and other presentations should not be taking place at board meetings. The students receiveing those awards would better appreciate the recognition by their fellow classmates and the teachers, not by a tiny room with a handful of adults in attendance at the board meeting. That orchestrated move is clearly placed in that time slot to eat up meeting time, and only for that reason. Why does our board think anyone feels differently on that count?
In the olden days, student awards were made at assemblies and covered in the school newspaper for everyone to see. But then, common sense was not so rare in those times.
As to seeking another term on the school board, I appreciate the kindness and confidence shown in me by those who have suggested this. However, I have no interest in doing so. There needs to be a younger group of "realistic" fiscally responsible people acting as "watch dogs" and taking over the leadership of the school and community, whose own future's are at stake.
My husband and I are still not sure whether we will stay in Pennsylvania after I retire in 4 years. We will, of course, continue to speak for our and others' rights, support "common sense" candidates for school board and stand behind them as long as we do live here.
To Linda:
You hit the nail right on the head:
"Commom sense was not so rare in those times...."
Well, it surely is rare now. better spread the word fast that we need clones of Linda and Russ...
Also, be advised that the old timers of the Oley Valley know that class and manners do not have to be cast aside to become a school board member. There was plenty of both when both Linda and Russ were on board. Well, we need to replenish what we've lost.
So, we finally found out what brings the irate bloggers of Oley under control:
A true heatwave.
Hi, I'm a homeschooled kid (of 19) and I just want to say that it was great for me, but no picnic for my parents. My mom worked harder than any teacher I ever had up to 8th grade, when I switched to homeschool education. Both my mother and father spent many, many hours with me (and my sister), so we could get a real education, not the watered down version which is offered in many schools today. It sickens my parents that so many are paying way more in taxes than what they are receiving in return for a so-called well rounded education. My sister and I are lucky because my parents wanted the very best for their children. And where did they get it? Not at Oley. I don't even want to guess where I'd be able to go to college, if it were not for the dedication of my parents. By the end of 8th grade, they knew what their decision had to be, and it was not to have us remain in classes at Oley. My teachers at Oley were nice, but that did not make them good teachers. It made them nice teachers.
Policy Meeting August 3, 2006:
A group of Oley Concerned Citizens attended the Policy Committee Meeting.
We had discussions with the committee about the proposed revisions to public participation rules.
The committee made the following revisions:
The thirty minute time period for public comment will read "designed for 30 minutes" rather than "up to 30 minutes".
The change softened the hard and fast original time limit implications.
Speakers will not have to supply mounds of copies to various people at meetings. Rather they will provide one copy to the presiding officer.
If he wishes to share the statement with the board, he will have copies made. The time to make copies will not be charged against the speaker.
Two matters need further reading by the solicitor.
The voting on an issue by the board that was not on the agenda and the exclusion of non-Oley residents or taxpayers from addressing the board.
Mr. Cappa argued against all the changes, but common sense prevailed.
Thank you for the report on the Policy Committee meeting. I was unable to attend due to family matters.
It sounds as if the policy is being revised toward being a more resident/taxpayer friendly document to which I say to the committee: thank you.
As far as voting on an item that is not on the agenda, I believe that a vote can be taken but time must be given for questions or comments from the audience prior to the vote.
There have been several court interpretaions of the Sunshine law that supported the notion that a board may limit comments to residents and taxpayers. It is at the discretion of the board whether they allow non-residents to speak.
Thanks again to everyone who attended the meeting. This issue should have no "sides". Eventually it could effect anyone or any group who wants to petition the board on any issue.
ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !
One should not be too sure of one's self.
"One should not be too sure of one's self."
Why not? If you are not sure of yourself no one else will be sure of you either.
Well, then, we may all rest easy?
Has anyone heard comments from other schools, as to how their board meetings are going? Is everyone so filled with discontent and outright anger?
"...Since most of the public's interest is in the budget, the board should have a special meeting devoted entirely to this issue as they have in the past..."
I don't believe this to be a true statement. I will not argue that it is not a material issue that the community is as well as should be concerned about, but I would not believe it is the number 1 item.
I believe that the Quality of the school is a bigger community concern.
Oley is blessed with a huge percentage of extended families, alumni, grand parents, etc., living in the area. Their primary concern is, as well as it should be, that their children, grandchildren, neices and nephews, etc, are recieving the proper education that they will need to succeed.
Without a doubt, the budget dictates the curriculum and program, and the board s/b much more fiscally responsible, but the budget is not only or biggest concern, the education is still the biggest.
Nobody wants high taxes, of any kind, whether Income, FICA, Sales, county or school, but what many of us are most angry about is that we are not getting what we are paying for.
It is hard to sell a home in an area with high taxes, but it is even more difficult if the area doesn't have a school that house buyers want to send their kids too.
Do all senior high students take the economics classes? If not, why? Anyone with 3 cents worth of brains and some checks from Daddy's bank can bluff their way into local schools these days. It would be good to know that if they don't succeed at their chosen profession, at least they might not become a burdon to the part of the community that has accepted the fact that a good income comes from hard work, not a big title. They do not always go hand in hand.
It is annoying to read, time after time, that adults focus on the children being well they can turn out to be successful. The education part is very important, but of equal importance is the total understanding...from a very early age...that just because you want something, you feel you'll get it. (I wanted to be a dancer...but I seem to have two left feet. In the end, you may say your prayers and be thankful for having two feet!)
What's the object? There seems to be a lot of focus on $$$ equaling success. It's all we hear about. Such and such works for Merck/he makes close to $150,000. Does anyone ask such and such if he enjoys his work? Or does he mainly enjoy the money? Think about it.
Happy people are usually healthy people. You can't put a price on your health. Encourage your children to strive for a career in what will make and keep them happy. If they manage to combine those features along with a nice paycheck, lucky them.
No, most high school students don't take Home Economics. Many years ago, economics got watered down to 'home economics', and it became a sewing class, which is great for entering thing at the oley fair, but not much more than that.
Every child should be required to take courses in the management of individual economics - cash, banking, insurance, mortgage, etc. These areas change so frenquently that parents knowledge are obsolete, and can no longer adequately educate the child.
As for the comment about dancing comment ???
I hope the moral of the story was don't set goals (lofty goals) and strive for them, be realistic and settle for average, because then it is true, the American dream is apparently out of Oley's reach, and the community (local and nationally) truly failed the next generation.
I am truly confused about the post, but more than willing to discuss macro and micro economics and the underlying theories of supply and demand, capitalism and what truly makes america wonderful.
I conclude that a well educated individual will be more capable of finding a career that he/her is suited to pursue which makes them happy, which I define as successful.
Economics is also offered as a class... not just "home" economics
Me thinks the writer meant ECONOMICS..the subject, not the ins and outs of sewing and cooking. I'm an old geezer and I know things have changed in subject titles, but the idea was on the money. Too many kids (which are soon adults) have no clue as to how to balance a budget, or stay on one. We can all thank the credit card industry for alot of that. Add to that, parents of the past generation or two that don't want to hear Johnny cry and moan about anything, so they GIVE them everything. Even if THEY- THE PARENTS- can't afford it. It often becomes a matter of shutting the kid's mouth.
Now a days, it's not at all uncommon for some children to be raised in families that don't even cook dinner...ever! Go out to a diner, fast food joint, Pizzaria, whatever. Or have the junk delivered. And what do you see....? Parents ordering more than they can eat...with the intention of heating up the leftovers at the dinner table the next night. And THAT'S considered a home cooked meal. How pathetic is that?
Two left feet? I understood that one immediately. Who wouldn't? It's a matter of being thankful for EVERYTHING YOU WERE BLESSED WITH, BECAUSE MANY OTHERS DON'T GET HALF OF WHAT SOME OF US HAVE. Not that we have to feel "guilty" for being born with both of our feet, or being able to dance!!!..just to be thankful we've got a body that has all the working parts. We should not let go of those feelings about our blessings, because we usually don't have to look very far to see someone that would be thrilled with what we, ourselves, have.
You know that old story..."When I was a kid there was nothing under the Christmas Tree," and the other guy says..."Wow, you had a Christmas Tree?!?!"
I also don't think the moral was to NOT set lofty goals, so as to not be disappointed. I think it was:
Get an appropriate education for your desired future, do you best, go as far as you can go. Don't be surprised, or disappointed, if there are not some that get further than you get, by way of unconventional means. (Entering a well established family business, etc. Sometimes you see some of the least intelligent folks making tons of money at a family business that they, themselves, had absolutely nothing to do with being profitable.It happens) You do what makes YOU happy, and don't fret about how others make their way in life. There is an awful lot of focus on the big old dollar sign as being the ultimate goal. If you push and shove your way up to what you consider the top, but don't have a good family and some good friends to share it with, how happy can you be? Money is necessary, but it's not everything.
As for each student facing life....economics class...true economics...should surely be the top choice for a must pass course. In addition, a class which explains, in depth, how to have a successful marriage and raise wanted, loved, planned for children....well, does that class exhist? You need a license to get married, but need no verification for your capabilites of raising even one child. Something to think about!
On the whole, I have always thought that Oley's graduates have turned out to be some mighty nice folks. It's a nice little town with very nice things going for it. Oley has HEART!
Economics is a class that the seniors have to take! The other class about family should be put into our high school for the children to learn about. Now a days kids are having more kids then ever and do not know one thing about raising them and need to be supported and loved forever!
The people of Oley have heart, not the board. There are more nice people out there that out number the bad ones! Thank God for that!
If the BOARD had HEART, this blog would probably not exhist. Truly, those are the most cold hearted, narrow minded bunch of yahoos we've ever had to deal with. BRING BACK THE GOOD GUYS!!!!
OUR KIDS DESERVE THE BEST, AND THEY ARE FAR FROM BEING THE BEST BOARD. The only thing we know for sure, with the board...the ones with school aged kids will have NO PROBLEMS.
Tonight - 7PM
Property and Transportation Meeting?
Is the Track coming up this evening? How can one find out in advance if that is slated for discussion and on the agenda?
Eye dew knot no, dew ewe? Eye'm knot shore.
The track is a done deal. The board said they will pay half and they did not say that the big bill of $1.4 mil was to high for them to pay so I am sure the track will be completed by the end of this school year. I wonder why the track kids did not do any fund raisers, the football families did them and are still doing them. They even have football goals behind the middle school. Too bad soccer is going to suffer. We do not have enough kids for all of these sports! The board likes to spend our money on non-educational items! I guess education comes second, third or fourth! On another subject lets us all stop and hug our children and spouses. Pray for our fallen police officer from Reading who can no longer hug his family. This was a terrible tragedy that should not have happened. I hear from the news he was one of the best, devoted officers serving Reading. God Bless Officer Wertz.
Sadly, you're probably right about the track. A done deal, behind our usual. After all, we're just the dopey tax payers that fund this stuff, and our wishes come DEAD LAST.
Yes, that is a very sad thing about the fallen officer in Reading. God bless his family and all those affected by his passing. What would it take to turn around the violence in Reading?
How long will the word "pledge" be spelled incorrectly on the Oley Valley School District Web Page? On the Board Agenda section, it's spelled incorrectly...TWICE! Is that site run by the students? Or is it the teachers that can't spell OR proof read?
There are several typos on the school website. In an advance reply to those that don't consider that a big deal: The end of this month, when we write out our higher-than-ever tax checks, think about what we're getting for our bucks. Perhaps we should all PLEDAGE to do better!
Yes, according to our school's web page, it's PLEDAGE. Hopefully our neighboring schools don't glance too long at our web pages.
Good grief! That blogger is correct! That's not a typo or misspelled word on a BLOG, it's our school's website. That's not good. Not good.
"School Board Etiquette for Dummies"...2nd printing
"How to get a Gorilla-Masked Prankster off of your school's roof...FOR DUMMIES..." ONLY ONE VOLUME
"Constitutional Rights for Dummies"
N E W...Berks County Edition...
"School Website Spelling for Dummies"
Another Oley Valley exclusive
HOW TO PROPERLY BUDGET FOR A NEW TRACK Not available in these locations: OLEY
And they tell me I spell wrong! There are alot more people looking at the districts web site then this blog, so you people should check your spelling, practice what you preach! $25 million business and you cannot even check your web site before you post! Shame, shame. If this was a real business you would not have a job one more day!
I checked the website. The blog is correct, several typos AND misspelled words. I hope it was not our English department that put that together. If so, turn in your teaching degree, you flunked!
It doesn't matter whether a word is spelled wrong as long as the person spelling the word feels good about it. After all, who are we to say a word isn't spelled correctly? You don't want to be accused of being judgmental, do you?
Scott Davis - Chairman
PO Box 877
Edgemont, PA 19028
Well they are the first to make it known that we spelled a word wrong on this blog, so maybe they should be the ones checking their own web site for spelling errors and leave the blog site alone.They like to dish it out but they do not like when they are wrong. Oh well, now they know how it feels and it is not nice.
Did you all ever consider that the school board may have thrown the public comment at board meetings issue at you to distract you from the tax increase, lousy techer contract and the new track proposal. The public comment issue was meaningless and will result in no real changes, however it sure kept you people busy for several weeks. You are so easily distracted. Like giving a new toy to a puppy.
Well, RS, the Oley Valley School District website...probably should have things spelled correctly. I'd like to hear the school board's opinion of misspelled words on a SCHOOL WEBSITE. (if their reply would be..."anyone can make a mistake," then we could agree with them and note our own poor voting decisions)
Don't think there's much judgemental about that. Mental, maybe, but not judgemental. Just kidding about that part. See, anyone can be sharp, even at 10:00 p.m., after chasing 4 kids around the pool, carting two off to the dentist, getting the car inspected, and finding out that my youngest now knows what Grammy's old saying means..."Leaves of three, let them be!"
The person that noticed the multiple misspelled words should not be considered judgemental. I think it was being observant. I'm sure most people don't take that personally.
I'm quite tired, if I misspelled anything here, I'll say "I'm sorry," in advance!
The folks on this blog know all about the diversions cast by our sweet, loving, cuddly, adorable school board. We're basically sadists to go to meeting after meeting and be abused by the likes of the "Nifty Nine."
All kidding aside, their attempts, no matter how rude, arrogant, and well orchestrated, to zip the lips of the very people that pay the bills..was pretty darned annoying. Tell you what...points of view like yours seem to make many of us wonder...did you ever serve your country? It's really easy to take things lightly, like our CONSTITUTION...when you never did anything yourself to preserve or protect it. How about your Pop, Grandpop, brothers, etc. Ever lose a close friend or relative that was serving our country so that YOU would still be able to chatter and blab here, and anywhere? Walk a mile in the Veteran's shoes. If you did, you didn't remember too much.
"as long as we feel good about it..."
feel good about spelling stuff wrong? What the heck is in your coffee tonight?
are shood i say, whut the hek iz in yur kofee 2nite? hahahhaaa
You're kidding about the official school website not having to spell things correctly, right?
On the official Oley Valley School District website, some smart cookie has corrected ONE of the two misspelled versions of the word "pledge!" The second column still has it spelled...Pledage. Keep trying!
I'm welling up with pride!
Well, folks, at least we know SOMEBODY from the staff is reading our jibberish!
Thanks to who ever started this blog, it's the best vent for our frustrations with the school board.
I almost fell off my chair when I just read that someone corrected ONE of the misspelled words...which were the same darned word..and they were right next to each other. Wow, they sure are sharp!
I will know better next time than to try to be satirical on this blog... I WAS POKING FUN AT THE PC CROWD AND HOW THEY WOULD RESPOND TO MISSPELLED WORDS.
By the way,
The correct spelling is JUDGMENTAL (no E).
To the person who wrote that maybe the public comment policy was a diversion: Your use of the phrase "you people" gave you away. Nice try but we are all more than capable of dealing with more than one issue at a time. We have to be when dealing with this board...
Yes, you're corret on that one. The "you people," thing was, indeed, a dead giveaway. Also, the "you people" thing has always bordered on rude. I guess that's because as soon as anyone reads that phrase, they know the composer of the note has placed themselves above the ordinary folks. Sadly, they are missing out on getting to know a whole bunch of nice people. We care about the future of our community.
Now, if only the board (bored) would (wood) quit trying to trick us! Kind of silly, isn't it?
Shame on me, I must have been overly have missed your true comic genius. Sorry! Your reply realy was funny. Not that there's anything funny about most of the subject matter that concerns us, but "We, the people..." can't afford to lose our best qualities! Or let this Board take them away.
Keep smiling, and keep up the good work!
I am writing a persuasive essay in college on "Why the School Board Should Allow the Public People to Speak Longer than Three Minutes". There was a scheduled meeting last nite @ 7:00pm. I showed up, quess what sign on the door said "MEETING CANCELLED" again? I was hoping to get some good input for my paper that is due on Monday 14th of Aug. at this meeting. Next meeting is on the 17th.- school is over that day! Can anyone out there help me with some more of your up-to-date input and thoughts. I know there are many comments from the public, I'm looking for the specific comments on the "First Amendment". Also does anyone know more about the "Sunshine Law" and maybe where I can retain a copy? I have e-mailed Mr.Leh, no response to that yet. I am a resident of the Oley Valley for over 15 years, 3 children went through Oley, 1 in the middle school yet. I was unaware of all of this nonsense! My neighbor up the road told me of this website and WOW, what you don't know CAN hurt you! I will pass this info. onto our other neighbors who are also naive to these facts about Oley. Thank-you neighbor and all of you who fight to stay a float to live here. If anyone can help with some feed-back it will help my paper and benefit us all! The more the public knows of its surroundings, the more others (even outsiders) come together to help win the battle. It effects us all in the long run. Especially our children! Thank-you!
To Anonymous:
I would be glad to help you in any way I can. If you want, you can e-mail me at and we can go from there.
Well, that's some catchy title for an essay!
Asking Dennis Leh about the Sunshine Law was a good idea. Others have mentioned that requests for information from Dennis Leh were not exactly speedy.
A few meetings had been cancelled this year, and I think the only ones that actually get notified are the board members, themselves. But, I could be wrong.
From what I understand, the Board did suggest that the taxpaying adults which attend meetings are always granted a period of time to ask questions. The problem is this: By the time they get around to hearing (not necessarily listening to) the questions, many of the subjects in question are pertaining to things that are too late to change. The board, which is neither wonderful or totally negligent, has a way of looking interested and/or concerned. But, after the meeting, they seem to pretty much do what they had intended to do in the first place. It's as if they are attempting to "pacify" the public. That, in fact, is what is going against the Board. Some members, not all, are arrogant and basically disagreeable with anything the public has to say. Others sit there and listen, but if you questioned any one of them on what exactly you just asked, don't be surprised if they are not able to answer your question. They're not listening! One board member even stated that he did not HAVE to listen. Perhaps you would be spending your time wisely if you check the archives of the Reading Eagle. The Letters to the Editor page is crammed with OPINIONS from Board members.
If you're suggesting in your quest for knowledge that anyone on here be bold enough to print the actual names of the offending board members, you probably won't see that.. If certain members of our Board are offended by being asked specific questions at meetings, they certainly would not want their names muddied in print, even on a blog. I can assure you that there are not many Board members that don't know about this blog. It is very, very easy to detect when they write anonymously on here. They give themselves away..ALMOST every time. Many readers will suspect that YOU are a plant! True, true! Oley Board has got us to that level. Face it, Hardly anyone goes to Board meetings. When someone new comes to a meeting, it does not take long to see that the BIG FISH in the LITTLE POND are totally consumed with their own accomplishments and titles. They do not realize that most of the general public respects the fact that someone runs for Board, knowing that it will require many hours and not everyone will like these board members. What they don't seem to understand is this: Although they are elected and they're all we've got...this does not mean the are always correct with their decisions.
By now, "college paper writer," you may think the taxpaying public that does (or did) attend any number of Board meetings, is a nit-picking bunch of folks that have nothing better to do with their time. If so, please stand corrected. Those attending meetings, as well as those behind the scenes, are concerned with several important issues:
1. Education of our children that is more that just passing grades.
2. Fiscal accountability. There's one heck of alot of money in the "kitty," yet nobody's talking!
3. When taxes go up year after year, and test grades are not going hand in hand with the money spent....SOMETHING IS WRONG.
4. When taxpaying citizens take the time out of THEIR BUSY SCHEDULES to attend meetings, and they have a legitimate question to ask the board, these citizens are SICK OF BEING PUSHED ASIDE FOR ANY REASON THE Board SEES FIT.
If you're writing this paper, and want to question the Board, consider asking them just how they would feel if we treated them the way they feel comfortable and justified treating us. Since it's common knowledge that the general public is known to them as "The Dark Side," exactly what is it that we are supposed to respect about the Board? We've all tried, and we're coming up dry.
Perhaps some of this information was helpful to you, and your college work. Are you new to computers? You can find answers to just about any question by entering the information on Google. Use 5 key-words, or less. As a matter of fact, if you ever have any spare time at all, you can locate some very, very intersting details via Google, and People Search USA. The more you use it, the more you learn. It's hard to argue with printed facts which can be cross-referenced.
Sorry for any typos or misspelled words, my dog at my glasses!
Oh, "you people"
Hey, wiseguy...
Don't forget how much of the revenue that runs this school...comes from...
TEACHERS in Oley, and everywhere, should take a gander at what other folks are making that work the same amount of hours and days a year as teachers are working. Hour for hour, teachers are paid far more than many positions. And, most of them are OFF TODAY...and all summer long...unlike those who work 5-6 days a week, all year long. And, we've noticed that TEACHERS are not overly concerned what WE pay for our health care, etc. If they are concerned or even minimally interested in how much the regular guys earn...they don't seem to show it.
Although there are some great teachers around, it is very clear that most teachers chose a profession that offered them plenty of days off, great pay, and benefits that most others will never see. Well, "you teachers," (and YOUR UNION) are breaking the bank for this town. Somebody should "school" the lot of you.
I like the above comment, you are right on!
Next meeting is August 15th. come one and all. Show the board you care! 7pm administration building. Do not be afraid. The more the merrier. Keep the board held accountable.
In the event that the Board considers the meeting inconvenient for any and all Board members, in what way do they propose to notify interested attendees of their decision to CANCEL another meeting? Nobody likes a locked door.
After serving in the US Navy, my father completed his college education and became a teacher. To the best of my knowledge, he did not make what anyone would call a fabulous salary. He and mother both worked and supported our family of five. My father worked many part time jobs, all summer long, every summer, so as to supliment his teaching salary and make things the best they could be for Mother and the three children.
I am certain that his salary was average for the times.
Here is what I question..why does it seem that people that were going to school back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, were getting a pretty good education, and now we hear so many complaints that students are not learning all they need to get into college or just to survive out of high school? It's kind of odd that the more the teachers are paid, the less the students seem to learn. It's very odd, actually. Add to that the fact that teachers in my father's day were glad to have the job and stability of working for a school. Now, the teacher's contracts are similar to "negotiating contracts to play for the Philadelphia Eagles." Or, worse...
College writer:
Did you get any of the answers you were seeking?
I'm the college writer. Who ever asked me if I got all of the information I needed after I put the question out there, It seems everyone is upset about something. I'll put it all together and hope we can all resolve our problems and get along. I'm still in the process of writing and re-writing (drafting) the paper so if there is anything anyone else wants to say I will consider it. By the way I am 42 years old and not just a kid, well maybe sometimes. Thank you for your response to my original question. 8/12/06.
To college writer:
We're not upset with you! We're upset by the way things go or don't go with the board. Many bloggers are no strangers to board meetings, and that is where the frustration comes in. We've observed the board or served on the board for quite a while. Statements the board makes, like.."this is how it is at other schools..." frustrate all of us. We're not other schools, we're Oley. We care deeply about Oley. And if we have to put it this way, we PAY for Oley. We're no different than any other consumer. We like to get the most for our money, and like to know it's being spent wisely. Also, we like to have some sort of say as to how things should and should not be considered for purchase. *Track* etc.
That's a big ticket item for a very small school. The need for a new track seemed to have appeared from out of nowhere, and suddenly it was right up with with the same importance as any other decision. Dr. Cappa stated in the Reading Eagle more than a year ago, that it was an awful lot of money to spend on one thing.(not his exact words but close enough) He stated that if you want to run, there's several places in our area that you can find 3 or 4 miles to practice. Mr. Moore agreed with him. Well, what theory seems to have gone out the window!
Anyway, if you ever have time, go on the Reading Eagle's website, on the left hand column, scroll down until you see school district news. Click on that, and then on Oley Valley. The notes go back to meetings from 2002. Of course, if you're really bored, you can also check out the other school's board meeting notes.
Hope some of this has been helpful to you.
Oh, and 42 is a good age to realize you're not a kid! You're old enough to know all sorts of things kid's don't know, and young enough to enjoy! I'm over 60 and have no intention of slowing down. Or stopping!
Good luck on your paper! And congratulations on finding time in your busy schedule for your family AND furthering your education. It's not easy, but it surely is worth it!
Very nicely said up above!
I got a Helluva sense of humor, ain't I Corporal Briggs?
Hey, we're walkin'
Hey college writer,
No one's upset that 80% of the 2006 graduating class have been accepted and are on their way to many colleges, the rest are proudly entering the military or seeking employment following a wonderful VoTech program such as carpentry, plumbing, etc.
Come to a meeting and see the thronging masses who are outraged. Or should I say, the 4-6 of them who've made this their hobby.
And what's your hobby? Being a lap dog of the board? It doesn't matter how many are accepted or on their way to college. Check how many are still there after May 2007 or even December 2006. By the way, genius, the term Vo-Tech went out years ago. It's The Career and Technology Center now.
I would rather be on the side of 4 to 6 people who are right than 4 to 6 thousand who are wrong.
to the lap dog!
In Ruscombmanor Township, we agree with the last post. Having mama and papa shove you into college doesn't mean you're going to STAY in college, or make anything of yourself. It only means that you have ENTERED college. There is a gigantic welcome mat at the door of every college. If you look close enough, you see the big dollar sign at each side of it. Getting into college takes some brains, and a lot of money. Everyone has some brains, some people have a lot of money, and few have the background through their public school experience to COMPLETE college. Here's a question for you: How many students complete college in four years? In your spare time, why not look up those facts? Also, try talking to some freshmen at Kutztown, or any college, and hear what they have to say. Many are in total shock as to how DIFFICULT it is, and it's not at all what they expected. Exactly who is supposed to prepair them for that shock? We thought it was OUR SCHOOL SYSTEM.
The "thronging masses," do not care and will not care to take time out of their schedules to go to our school board meetings for a few simple reasons:
1. People that pay their rising taxes in Oley...with ease...won't go to the bother to attend meetings. It is of NO interest to most citizens as to how the school is run. As long as their budget has no problem with the taxes, there IS no problem.
2. People with children out of school, again, no interest there.
3. People with NO children..s/a above.
Now you get to the remainder of the crowd:
1. People with children in Oley School.
2. People with financial challenges.
3. People with children in Oley School AND financial challenges.
Well, then, that about sums it up, doesn't it? Face it, anyone that attends a Board meeting, even one time, can see the Board is 100% in favor of THE BOARD. Their pathetic attempts to please the folks attending meetings is clear.
They don't want the public there, they don't want to hear or listen to their questions. Period.
As for students proudly entering the Military:
Horray for them. They've got the guts to do what our parents and grandparents did, and they are to be commended.
As those students go...
Over hill, over Dale
and they hit the dusty trail...
May all the citizens of the Oley Valley School District pray for those that have taken the challenge to defend our country.
Anyone can get into college. Their efforts, however, are self serving. It takes the ones that are a cut above the rest of the crowd to join the Military. Those that choose the Military, and are accepted, are the ones that get our attention. Any guidance from Oley School and the parents is highly praised from this end of town. These students are the real future for our country. Take time to be thankful for all those students that have chosen this pathway. They are thinking of YOU first! THEY LEARNED THAT FROM THEIR LOVING PARENTS!!!
"I would rather be on the side of 4 to 6 people who are right than 4 to 6 thousand who are wrong."
And here's where the problem lies . . . the minority claim to speak on behalf of the majority.
The self-appointed watchdog minority wishes to overturn everything that the publicly elected board is doing "because they know what the people want." It just doesn't fly when the majority are satisfied.
don't be silly, there ain't hardly no minorities in oley at all
Well, that sure sounds like the writer was not in the Military. You need to think twice on all aspects concerning further education. We should know that Oley is not the bottom of the barrel. Nobody thinks that way. But the few that attend meetings do know that there are plenty of folks that are not at all satisfied with how things are going. Sadly, laziness has let alot of this get to where it's at now. Too lazy to go to meetings.
I said, "when the Majority are satisfied."
And no, I have no military background.
Too lazy to go to meetings? Probably just satisfied.
Too lazy to get out to vote, now sadly that may be true.
There was no need to state that you have no military background. It was already clear.
All the Vets that I know have no problem getting out to vote. All we ever needed to do was tour places where voting was not an option.
Thank you to all the parents that are involved with their children's education. You're making the best military recruits. They already have discipline!
I'd worry more about the ones that never show up at a school board meeting, that I would about the few that do.
I aggree with discipline in the home makes it difficult in school, and for the military. You won't last a week without discipline.
You can always tell the recruits that come from families with military backgrounds. They are a breeze to train and are 100% dependable. You never forget what you learn in the military.
The problem that keeps creeping up here seems to have something to do with the gender of the people attending the board meetings. Often, people have a problem understanding how women like Mary and Cindy can do all the things they do, and still have the time, interest, and concern to attend board meetings. They are the type of women that might intimidate people, because they can think on their feet and have the guts to go forth on their own, to better the education for their children AND everyone elses. Next time you see them in public, take a moment to thank them for all they do for our community. They are not the type that need a pat on the back, but sometimes it's nice to know that other people acknowledge your efforts.
Or, you may tell them right here, on this blog.
You do it like this:
See, that was really easy! And there was not one nasty word or thought involved in the entire comment. Makes me feel good, how about you?
Too lazy to go to meetings? Lazy has nothing to do with it. It's a health issue. You go there, they make you sick!
That is true they do make you sick. I have been very ill after leaving a board meeting. Thanks also for the kind comments you gave to myself and Cindy. I feel that Cindy and Al are the ones that really get all the credit for all of their hard work and effort on behalf of all the people in this district. Thank you to both Cindy and Al. I am the person who helps out when I can but Cindy and Al have worked many extra hours of there already busy lives to better this district and keep this board held accountable for their votes and actions. God Bless them both!
A sincere Thank You to each and every veteran who has served this country.
Thanking Al almost goes without saying, but we say it here, too. THANKS, AL!
We can never thank a veteran of the armed forces too many times. Even if we are not in favor of what they are doing abroad, they are doing what they're instructed to do by our President. Their job is never easy, and is often unpleasant. We all hope and pray that in the end, each place the USA goes, we leave the people of Iraq, etc, a better place to live. We all deserve that, and it's not always easy.
That's exactly why events that seem like small change to some people, are not that way for others. When you think of it, participating in the planning and executing of GOOD ideas for our children's schools, is at the very basic level of government. Ignore that level, you may as well kiss the rest goodbye.
God Bless all the men and women in the military. Keep them safe. God Bless all the young adults that are in college in the ROTC and academy programs that are preparing to go into the military after graduation. Our future service men and women are our children of today. Keeping them well educated and getting them prepared for what the future might hold for them is all our responsibility. The board must spend our money on the children all the children not just the ones in sports! We cannot fail them!
Funny how a little patriotism and a pinch of religion shuts up the roudy crowd that horns in on here.
Well, we're patriotic and also not afraid to state that we're Christians!
Thank God tonight for your many blessings, including your right to FREE SPEECH!
Dr. Zackons stepson coaching our new football program, now what does that mean? Is the school board for football or not? Here goes more tax dollars for a non-educational item!
What football program? Where did you get this information? How is it "our new football program"? Please provide more details.
Russ Swisher, go behind the middle school and you will see the goals, the children are already in uniform and I just heard in 2 years they want to have a JV team in the middle school and 4 years a varisty team at the high school. They have over 100 boys learning to play football. Who is paying for the maintenance of the fields? Who is paying for the insurance? Then I here Zackon's stepson is one of the coaches. Then I hear that this fall the coaches and parents that have started this youth football program are going to give a presentation to the board. There you go! It is just a matter of time that our tax dollars will be going toward football. You will see!! Bye for now!
endposts not goals sorry!
Thanks for all that "good news". I know this is an issue that will never go away until the people who want football get their way. With the exception of two or three board members (at the most) they just do not have the will to stand up and say "NO" to football.
I outlined my objections in previous posts so I won't go into them here. What any of us believe will probably not matter. Our opinions are just scorned anyway. Since most on the board are against anything we are in favor of maybe we should lobby FOR a football program. That way we could be sure the board would vote against it...
Your funny but true!
More like the majority of the board never says NO, they have no back bone! I said this before, I do not know how they sleep at night. They must be on sleeping drugs! I cannot see them sleeping soundly with the way they vote and the way they treat people. I would think they have nightmares!
This must be our calling, to keep finding things out and asking the board questions they do not want to hear. God wants us to keep this board held accountable, and he knows its hard work to do this! At least I can sleep at night! I always try to do whats right for the education of this district!
Boy the way Glenn Miller played....
Songs that made the Hit Parade...
Yep, this school is surely "ALL IN THE FAMILY..."
And, a strange family it is!
C'mon everybody...all sing along now...
If only there was a catchy word that rhymed with Zackon...
Would that be just what the Doctor ordered? Kind of like drumming up business.
House Bill 39 now places some controls on school board spending.
The law tells the board they cannot spend any more than a rate of inflation index.
If they want to spend more than this index they must have voter approval via a back-end referendum.
There are ten exemptions to the referendum. None of them include vast sums of money for non-educational expenses such as sports.
A tab is being run up with a new synthetic track, and now football.
It is incumbent on those who want these activities to answer a question.
What educational programs do they plan to cut to pay for these non-educational, non-state mandated programs?
The referendum requires a choice, athletics or education.
The days of the blank check budgets are over.
What educational things do they intend to cut? NONE, they intend to ADD sports items and raise taxes, yet again.
Rendell and the rest of the dummies up in Harrisburg should of voted in the commonwealth causus plan. Eliminate all property taxes for an increase of sales tax was the way to go. The board has to stop spending like they have been or there will be nobody left in this valley! Education comes first! Get in through your heads!
I heard the same thing about the football program and that Dr. Zackon's stepson is coaching the children. The above comments are good ones. Does the board want to put a football program in this district or not? I also heard that there are no medical staff at the fields during the camps. Is that a liability! If a child gets hurt who is going to be responsibile?
...If a child gets hurt???
In this heat, even adult players are dropping like flies. How smart is it to throw a uniform on a kid and shove him onto a football field in this heat? Why don't they start a few more teams while they're at it? ...
Future nurses team
Oley Jr. Chiropractic team
Midget Pre-Law
Italian Lawn Bowling team
Croquet my way team
The next school board meeting is August 16,2006 at 7:00 PM in the Administration Building boardroom.
The district said they were going to post the agenda for the meeting on their website. As of this posting, they have not meet their committment.
However, there will be questions from the taxpayers.
I was just informed that a board member Mrs. Bieber is putting her child in a private school this year, instead of our middle school. And Dr. Gotwals homes schools her child, wow I guess the board does not like the education in this district either! What up with that! Why can't these board members and the rest of them get solutions to the problems in this district. They have been on the board for a while now and nothing has changed.
Spend,spend,spend and what nothing is changed. Scores are low, outdated text books, kids dropping out, kids getting in trouble! No discipline! We need a major change in this district. Also low enrollment coming up but we had to build that middle school for one grade that is now in the high school. Now they will start saying there is no room.
Rob sent his kids to Oley. Maybe he needs to tell the other board members how this works. Believe in the Board you're serving on, and our school will be good enough for EVERY STUDENT.
Perhaps Rob would also like clarify the finer points of retirement. According to his daughter's post, her father is very, very active in community programs. Any news like that about our other board members? I think that's something we'd all like to hear about. Cleaning up with a canoe rental team, or whatever that was all about. And helping the Katrina victims rebuild homes, that's all wonderful. Passing out food vouchers, etc. All time consuming and quite commendable. Was any of that mentioned in a speech while he was running for this office? Just wondering. And what do the other board members have to brag about? This would be interesting community news, too. Let's hear all the news about our board members, after all, they're running the school's check book, and ours, too.
Thats right!
I am a parent of a football player and I can also say that Dr. Zackon's stepson is coaching the new football program in Oley. I was surprised to see him there.
So then, does this man actually seem like the best person for the position, or were there no other applicants from which to choose? Was anything posted in any or several locations as to this position being available? I know a bit about football, raised 4 sons, and might not have minded getting in on something like this. Now, it's too late? This sure is a tight little circle in Oley. Things seem to resemble covert maneuvers? We moved here only 3 years ago, but my wife and I have noticed similar events, and they all seem to be connected to the Oley school system. Do you have to be an "outsider" to notice these things?
This isn't a football program being run by the school district, is it? There are no football programs affiliated with the district. Therefore the district would have nothing to do with hiring coaches or running the program. In this case it would be no different than if Dr. Zackon's step-son coached a little league baseball team. If he wants to coach a football team and the people running the program want him then I see no problem with it. It has nothing to do wih the school district.
Football has not come to the Oley Valley School District and, as one board member recently assured me, isn't going to. I think the phrase they used was "over my dead body". I am holding them to that...
Russ, you're on the ball, I'll tell you. We heard no concrete evidence as to a football team or anything like it. Frankly, why would anyone be so quick to condem Zackon's son, step-son, which ever, when he's doing something to help the youth? Beats me!
This school district has enough problems to deal with and try to correct, or at least improve upon them, so we certainly don't need anyone encouraging rumors that do nothing but start riots. Unless, of course, any of us need the plaque blasted out of our veins, and no longer have health care benefits. In that case, the rumor mill is a great idea. You read this stuff and can almost hear the blood pressure across the quaint village of Oley, going through the roof.
Hey, did you guys hear they're offering creative Play-Doh classes for any student that can afford the $5.00 starter kit? Just kidding! ahahhahaha. See how silly the rumors can be?
Well you will see football in both the middle school and high school the latest 4 years from now. They are using our fields already and I have spoken to many parents that are involved in this program and they say the coaches are going to give a presentation to the board this fall and they are sure that they will get football in the school district. Why do you think they have started this to begin with. Look at all the stickers on the parents cars. It says Oley football inside a football. Russ do not believe all that this board says. Maybe one or two members do not want football but it will be passed you will see. Go behind the middle school tonight and talk to the football parents and they will tell you all this themselves. People do talk! The board hates that!
I guess I might be naive but I really believe this board has at least five solid votes to stop a football program. However,you might be right in saying that there could be a program within four years. If new, pro-football, people are elected to the board in 2007 then it will be a done deal. The next school board election just might be a referendum on football at OV. I don't think the people out there behind the schools represent the sentiment of the majority of voters in the district. The people I have spoken to (especially senior citizens) are totally against a football program. More will be, too, if they are ever told what it will cost.
This will be the central issue in 2007 for voters to decide the make-up of the board.
UpDate: Public Participation Policy
The board had a meeting last night and they had a "second reading" on the policy regarding public comment rules at the regular school board meeting.
Despite all the posturing about how the board wants to hear from the community, the Policy Committee, headed by Mr. Cappa, made it clear the taxpayers are not welcome at meetings.
The board did not have the decency to discuss the revision. Instead, they voted approval of the revision without comment.
A new school board with a new attitude would do wonders for Free Speech.
Heck year. The football magnet on the parents cars read: Oley Valley time to play inside a football. A fundraiser has started and the football children have to sell mugs, etc. and they all say Oley Valley Football nothing says youth league program only. Here we go, keep healthy for the fight if you do not want football in the valley. Time will tell like everything else!
Free speech is an American way of life. Go live in another country Cappa if you do not like people talking, or better yet say good-bye to the board, go home!
Nasty,nasty! Thats the board for you. Vote before talking the issues out. Was all the board members at the meeting for the vote? If someone was not at the meeting how does that person feel about the policy change? Lets ask!
To Oley Concerned Citizens:
Was the vote unanimous? I guess the next step is to wait until they try to enforce it and then file a writ of summons for violation of the Sunshine Law.
I checked the OVSD web site and it still doesn't have the board agenda for last evening's meeting on it. It states that they will post the agenda prior to each meeting. Someone is dropping the ball over there...
...someone is dropping the ball over there.....
You're right.'s a
There is absolutely no reason why the current issues of the Board are not entered on the school website well in advance of each meeting. What sense does it make to have a school website which is filled with incorrectly spelled words, typos, and out of date information?
Don't pick on the school board so much. Maybe they don't have anyone capable of entering the school board news and current issues on the school website. Or maybe the ran out of Zackons.
Before you know it, each board member will be required to sport a little black mustache. Or, do they already?
Maybe we need to start each school board meeting with a rousing chorus of:
Hey, what have we got to lose? They suggested that they didn't want to hear our questions. I don't recall anyone stating that we're not aloud to SING!
To anyone who believes the Oley School Board will honestly welcome questions and comments from the community:
Go to the meetings and watch each board member. Watch their eyes. They look like a bunch of 5th graders that just snuck their first cigarette. They try TOO hard to look trustworthy. Have any doubts? Read the figures on your tax bills. Then, read the fine print of the test scores. A peculiar comparison is what you'll find.
New school motto:
Welcome to Oley Valley School
If you like to run fast and play ball, you'll love it here! If SPORTS AND HIGH EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS are your priorities, keep driving... other communities are just a few miles away. They've got the tax base for both, Oley does not. Since they "closed" the Oley Valley to any new businesses that could kick in tax dollars, please inform us who is supposed to keep up with a rapidly rising tax rate like this?
Well, at least he knows what face to look for when he tries to get a food voucher.
What a terrible person that DOC is. To say that to another human being is evil. The DOC must not be human. He must be like the tin man, HAS NO HEART! His poor family to have to live with someone like that. He also said at a board meeting he would like to take from peoples 401K and retirement benefits to pay taxes. Now he can take from his own wives retirement package. Have a great retirement Mrs. Cappa, living with the DOC! Our prayers at with you!
Instead of saying Welcome to Oley Valley we need to tell this board go home and let someone else run this district that know what they are doing, people that are not puppets to Zackon and Heckman. They really need to go away with Cappa!
tap our 401K's to pay our taxes? We need more information on that statement. Who said that? Who heard them say that? Is it in the minutes of a meeting? THAT SHOULD BE FRONT PAGE NEWS FOR THE READING EAGLE. WHAT NEXT? CONCENTRATION CAMPS?
The good old Doc said that many times at board meetings! We just blowed him off! He talks all kinds on nonsense!
Actually what I said was in reference to tax switching from property tax to sales tax or property tax to income tax. None of this is reform, it is just taking money from one of your pockets instead of the other.If you are going to attribute statements, at least try to get them right--if that's of any importance to you. "If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools"
In answer to the question of why we reinvented the wheel with the disputed policy: we actually got copies of 14 (not just 4) of the other school district policies and took pretty much the most common and sensible portions of them.
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