PSSA Test Scores Fumble the Ball
The school district sent a letter home to the parents claiming "Good News" for PSSA test results.
This proclamation needs a close look.
The PSSA tests students in Math and Reading proficiency. The grade classifications are Advanced, Proficient, Basic, and Below Basic. The scores are expressed as a percentage of students taking the test.
For example, if there are 100 students taking the test, 25 graded Advanced, 25 graded Proficient, 25 graded Basic, and 25 graded Below Basic, then each represents a percentage of students tested. Therefore, 25% were Advanced, 25% were Proficient, 25% Basic, and 25% Below Basic.
Each year the district must improve the test results in the Adequate Yearly Progress report. If the district fails to meet AYP standards, parents have the right to remove their child from the school and the district faces oversight from the state.
By 2014 all students must reach Proficiency.
Year 2002
5th Grade: Below Proficient
Math: 42.1 %
Reading: 26.2%
8th Grade: Below Proficient
Math: 33.2 %
Reading: 29.2%
11th Grade: Below Proficient
Math: 44%
Reading: 33.2%
Year 2006
5th Grade: Below Proficient
Math: 32.3% Below Proficient
Reading: 33.6% Below Proficient
8th Grade: Below Proficient
Math: 36.2%
Reading: 18.3%
11th Grade: Below Proficient
Math: 51.3%
Reading: 26.9%
Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education
Comparing the years 2002 to 2006, either the Math or the Reading scores are scoring lower in 2006 than they were in 2002.
The 2002 and 2006 11th grade results are very troubling. The district is sending students into the world unprepared to compete for jobs and a higher education.
As this rate, the district needs to make drastic changes to meet the state educational compliance by 2014.
In the same years, the taxpayers spent a total $81,291,356.80 for Oley Valley School District education.
Total Expenditures:
2002 - $17,516,145,96
2003 - $19,821,377.44
2004 - $20,893,683.20
2005- $23,066,150.00
Source: Pennsylvania Department of Education
Millions have been spent on improving education, yet independant test scores are not
reflecting the investment.
This performance is not "Good News". The school board and the superintendent are responsible for these poor results.
In the private sector, they would be replaced.
They need to be replaced now if they even think they will survive until 2014. The scores are horrible! The state will take the school district over if they continue to get these scores from the state tests the children take. It has been long overdue that education must come before anything extra! You are failing the children and over taxing the public.
Oops! You forgot some information!! Here you go, I'll help you out a little bit.
2005/2006 Met AYP
2004/2005 Making Progress
2003/2004 School Improvement
2002/2003 Warning
Wait, what is this? Could it be progress?!? Yes, yes, in fact it is progress. This year, Oley Valley met the AYP criteria. I think you forgot to add that to your website. I'm sure it was just an oversight!
For the curious of heart.... check the website:
Then, check various Berks County schools, including Wyomissing and Wilson. Check the fluctuations in scores from year to year. Check Oley's scores in the years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005. You will find that there are natural fluctuations in the scores from year to year. Also, check the 3rd and 4th grade scores. I think they were mistakenly omitted as well.
In other words, the school as a whole is making adequate yearly progress for the first time. That is an accomplishment. Kudos to the board and the staff!!!!!!!!!
Many of us are proud of you!
As for 100% of students scoring proficient by 2014... it will never happen. It goes against the laws of nature. Did you ever hear of the bell curve? Like it or not, it's real folks.
With the money spent on education, 75% of the students should be testing above average. The problem is that the new education mindset is that "all students can achieve to the same standard in all subjects." The basic premise is flawed. Instead of grouping children by levels of achievement -- so those needing more time and extra help can receive it, and those who excell can be challenged and move ahead at their own level -- we mix intellectual, achievement and skill levels into all classes. This serves to discourage who can't achieve to the same level of others, and boors and frustrates those who want to and can do more advanced work. It's a system doomed to fail.
Anyone who would crow about students in the Oley District (or any priviledged district) to be assessed as "adequate" must be delusional if they think that's something to be proud of.
The solution: Go back to grouping students by abilities; go back to making sure foundational knowledge in core subjects is firmly established before the students move onto more abstract disciplines. Teach phonics. The English language is 94% phonetic. Instead of having students memorize the 6% exceptions to the rules, the latest reading systems have children memorizing their "word lists," which is the equivalent to trying to memorize the dictionary. That is why students are "losing their ability to read" by 9th grade, where remedial reading teachers are needed. This is outrageous and completely unacceptable. When this is pointed out, we are told we are not "educators" and we couldn't possibly know this.
We are told that today's society is so complex for children that they can't be expected to learn like other generations. Hog wash! The children of the depression knew how to read, write and do math ... many educated in one-room schools and substandard facilities by today's standards. This was the generation that went through abject poverty and grew up to one of the most personally and financially successful generations in the history of the United States. They fought to keep the world free in World War II at great personal sacrifice. This generation that had few advantages and many hardships didn't resort to drugs and complaining that it was too hard. They pulled themselves up by their boot straps and did what had to be done.
There are no excuses for today's abyssmal education. If a foreign power came into this country and inflicted this on our children, it would be considered an act of war. What do our educrats do? They whine, complain, and make excuses.
It's time for them to start earning their money at society's and the children's great expense.
It's time for solutions, edurats. We've had it with the excuses.
To Overtaxed...and all readers:
Successful school systems are being run EXACTLY as you have just described.
By the end of 2nd grade, a successfully run school system knows right where each child functions. 3rd graders get placed in classes with like abilities, and it's easier and more effective to allow the more advanced to continue in that direction. Children needing more attention to reading skills, etc, are grouped accordingly and brought up to speed together.
In "our" day, starting in 7th grade, we strived to be recognized on THE HONOR ROLL, AND THE DISTINGUISHED HONOR ROLL. Our teachers were both strict and dedicated. So were our parents. By the 2nd marking period, a very large percentage of the school least...on the honor roll. These serious students were not just the "brains" or college bound kids. EVERY KID WANTED TO BE ON THE HONOR ROLL. Do we have that drive NOW?
In my day, we did not NEED a PSSA report to achieve the needed results for success. We had something else:
1. Teachers that would crawl into a hole if they had failing students.
2. Parents that raised their own children and attended nearly every school event to proudly view their child's progress.
3. Adults that only needed to glance at the children/students and get immediate attention
We did not have:
1. calculators
2. computers and video games
3. tv with 160 channels
4. grief councelors
Our sports programs were called gym class. The sports were seasonal. We learned every sport with available equipment, during gym class.
After school sports were never attended unless the student was 100% up to date with all classroom responsibilities.
Detentions were extremely rare. Expelled students were unheard of. That was something you heard about in "some other school," and certainly not yours.
Here's my question:
In what way is our current school system considered to be making progress? We don't get impressed by fluctuating figures that hint at possibilities that our teachers are actually getting the job done.
I refuse to hear comments about this generation having it so much tougher than others. Life is ALWAYS tough, if you want good things. Don't complain that "now both parents HAVE to work, so we can't be with our children to help." You should have thought of that before you brought your children into this world. They are your responsibility until they are out on their own. We pay the school to educate them, and YOU are supposed to do the rest. If you can't afford 2 kids, have one, etc. Many people feel the school is a babysitting service. Keep the kids there for all sorts of after school activities and let EVERYONE pay the price. That's not fair. Period. Pushing for new tracks, football teams,etc. Super! Exercise is great for everyone. Pushing for ME to pay for your kid's after school activities via higher tax rates is wrong. I pay my fair share, willingly. I pay for the brains department, the parents should pay for the sports extras. Where is the mystery there?
Final note:
My "old" generation paid approximately 75% less school taxes to achieve results that far exceed anything listed on the charts today.
Hardly anyone "went" to a school board meeting, because our school boards already knew what they were doing. The results were seen in our students' success.
Now, how can we be expected to pay more, get less, and shut up? THAT IS HOW YOU MAKE US FEEL, MR. AND MRS. SCHOOL BOARD.
Hey that photo!
AYP is nothing to be proud about!
We need more then AYP every year. When yo look at the grade pssa scores 51% of juniors last year did not make proficient. Look at the 5th grade scores. 2 years ago they were in the 80% range and now they are in the 60% range. What are we doing to the children? We need to teach them the way they expect to be taught. They need to be able to succeed in life and go off to college or trade school or get a good paying job. Stop this talk that ayp is something great.
When the board thinks they're doing a good job, and the only ones that agree with them are the teachers, something is very, very wrong.
"Wait, what is this? Could it be progress?!? Yes, yes, in fact it is progress. This year, Oley Valley met the AYP criteria."
Comparing the district to the AVP 2006 goal of only 54% of students testing Proficient in Math and only 45% Proficient in Reading is absurd.
Since when do below mediocre standards become reason for celebration?
The community has invested $81,291,356.60 in education, in just a few years. At that price, the scores should be at least 90% proficient.
"As for 100% of students scoring proficient by 2014... it will never happen. It goes against the laws of nature. Did you ever hear of the bell curve?"
Proficient does not mean perfect it means proficient. This is not a high standard at all.
A meaningful Bell Shaped Curve applies only to a test where perfect or 100% applies, not to 54% or 45%.
Sub par performance does not deserve top dollar or prizes.
If a student has an IQ that is less than average, it is very difficulty to be proficient in any school subject. As IQ lowers, so does the ability to perform successfully in the classroom. We will never see 100% of our students performing proficiently, nor should they be expected to do so. Our teachers should strive to teach all students to reach his/her highest potential. That does not mean that they will all reach the same level of proficiency. Just as I will never be proficient in the area of art, some students will never be proficient in the area of math. unfortunate, but true reality of life.
Teachers might agree with the board but so does the big spending parents of the high costs sports that they want in this district. A big new track, football, pool, what is next water polo!
Hey kids do not need to know how to read and write and do basic math, they just need sports says some parents. Lets see what happens to these sports kids in the future. Education must come first!
We pay the administration and the teachers enough money, work harder people, do it for the children and the future of our country. These children are the future.
and there are 9 board members that more than likely will never be a school.
Of all the reasons to work at Oley school, the children are not placed in the first position. It's a big letter "S" with a vertical slash through it.
That is what comes first.
"Oops! You forgot some information!! I'll help you out a little bit."
You call that progress? I hope you don't employ yourself in a profession that has any life or death connections.
You're seeing..."Look, she's alive!"
We're seeing, "How long has she been in a coma?"
Kind of like needing a doctor and wondering if you got one that cheated on the tests or actually studied.
You call those scores...progress?
Poor you. Poor kids.
"If a student has an IQ that is less than average, it is very difficulty to be proficient in any school subject. As IQ lowers, so does the ability to perform successfully in the classroom."
This must explain why test scores went down between 2002 and 2006 with the same students, IQ's dropping as they get older.
"We will never see 100% of our students performing proficiently, nor should they be expected to do so."
The state and federal government disagree with you. So much so, that education faces penalties and oversight for failure to meet objectives by 2014.
As soon as a school becomes difficient under the PSSA standards, a parent has the right to move their child to a better district.
Then watch the attitude towards reaching educational goals change.
"Our teachers should strive to teach all students to reach his/her highest potential. That does not mean that they will all reach the same level of proficiency."
Repeating, proficiency does not mean perfect. Setting low standards does not help the student in the short or long run.
"Just as I will never be proficient in the area of art, some students will never be proficient in the area of math. unfortunate, but true reality of life."
The PSSA is not testing for art, it is testing for the basics, Reading and Math.
The willingness to settle for less than proficient robs students of a future.
They will end up on social programs or worse.
Lack of proficiency? Hasn't bothered the teachers.
Show me the money is what they think about! Look another school district in Berks going out on strike on Tuesday and its because of the money!
Our teachers have a taste for money that is insatiable. No matter how much they get in raises, they are never satisfied. When they demand those raises, then we demand results.
"Kudos to the board and the staff!!!!!"
DID YOU MEAN Kudos FROM the board and the staff?
Your career as a spy is in great jeopardy......
..what the Heck?
We should begin the public bragging about our test scores when they are something to write home about. When the principal sees fit to spout off to the students about those test scores, it's not usually because he was happy with them.
anonymous yearly progress?
Hey, grief councelors would be a good idea for Oley. They could help explain the cold, hard facts of rising taxes and falling test scores. Then, pass out tissues as we write out our tax payments. There, I feel better already.
or SHOW ME THE MONKEY? Our test scores are NOT making news. The monkey boy did, though!
You must need really long arms to pat yourself on the back in such a proficient fashion.
If they stretch the rules for Oley Football the way they stretch the rules for Oley tests, I guess the goal posts will be around a mile apart and the football will have wings and a motor.
Kind of like marking on a curve..adapted to sports.
"...and there are 9 board members that more than likely will never be a school."
Then do a better job! November is just around the corner. Go ahead, step up to the plate!
Dear Oley Concerned Citizens,
Check back here in 2014. I guarantee you that the 100% profiency will not be attained. It is not possible, unless someone invents an IQ pill!
"go ahead, step up to the plate..."
Sorry, pal. Been there, done that. Good luck to anyone that feels they can withstand the abuse from BOTH sides of the plate.
"Repeating, proficiency does not mean perfect. Setting low standards does not help the student in the short or long run."
Proficiency does not mean perfect, but it most certainly does mean that a student is capable of at least average ability work. Many students are just not capable. Sad, but true. Teachers could teach them 24/7 and that fact will not change. Could it be possible that the federal government made a mistake? Probably not, since we all know that they make perfect (or should I say proficient) decisions!
*I guess I need to point out that the last statement was intended to be sarcastic.
"The PSSA is not testing for art, it is testing for the basics, Reading and Math."
It's called an analogy!
"DID YOU MEAN Kudos FROM the board and the staff?"
No, I did not. I am not a board member or a teacher. I meant Kudos to the board and staff! Although I have always thought that being a spy would be kind of fun! ;)
Spies that have FUN don't make it.
@ @
There's plenty of people in our area that are not even close to happy with the way the board runs our school system. Until they are willing to do something about it, nothing will ever change. It's that "fear of retribution" thing that keeps people's mouths shut. Too many stories out there about parents that speak up and kids that pay the price. Who truly wants to risk that?
"Spies that have FUN don't make it."
@ @
I suppose that's why I am not a spy! ;)
The wind is really picking up. Are we still supposed to get 6 inches of flooding rain now?
Here's a good question: Since we're all in this together, why on earth aren't we pulling in the same direction?
"I suppose that's why I'm not a spy!;)"
Is there something in your right eye? Perhaps your mascara ran, what with all this wind and rain! (Unless you're a guy, then we would hope it's engine grease or some other manly smudge)
The pssa is the only way the state can get a picture of what each school district is doing. Why should the state keep giving money and not see results, just like us why to we need to keep giving money and not see results? The school does not want to be held accountable at all. If this was a real business they would all be fired!
Zackon you can see what it is like on the unemployment line!
What is this another manager leaving the school district to go back to the place he was before he got here. Boy oh boy we are losing alot of people this year. I wonder why?
Every time you turn your head another person is leaving this district! It is very hard to work in this place when you have Zackon in charge!
Everyone reading this should also go get a copy of the Boyertown's packed with information you will NOT hear at our board meetings.If you have anything left after paying your taxes, go grab a copy!
Hey about adding:
"bored rhume" to that blackboard.
Is there an allocation in the new budget to install revolving doors in the administration building, or will this be a fund raiser?
Is the new business manager wearing those sneakers with the hidden roller skates in them, so she can make a speedy exit, like the last several have?
Welcome speech to new Oley employees:
Welcome to Oley School.
It's been nice knowing you.
Good Luck!
We'll miss you!
At the present time, Oley has NO plans to initiate a Football team.
Block that kick.
Hold that line.
Go-o-o-o-o Lynx-x-x-x Go-o-o-o
New Track? What new track?......
New Tax incentive:
Buy a pair of official Lynx cross-training shoes, get a buck off your taxes.
Enter our "Saturday Senior Run"
AKA: "the Sheriff Sale Sprint"
Sine up Johni & Su 4 R speshul reeding klas 2-day.
Oh yes the pro board members will say, Reading Eagle B3 today. Article will have this admin all smiles. But what is it they are all happy about? It looks like our last years 11th grade did not meet the state standards for math. Some of our grade just made it by a few percentage points. Is this something to be proud about? The standards this state has is a joke. Only 45% need to be reading at grade level and only 54 % in math. This is just about what Oley has going on here. Terrible state standards. We should try our hardest to have the kids performing above the state standards! Let Go Oley get your act together! We pay you good money we want a good return on our investment!
Average results or below should not mean big raises and benefit packages that can make the public sick with anger! In a real business the big guy and his associates would be out the door! The big guy would not be getting 5 year deals and big money. When the results are not good something must change, and your it Zackon!
Give The Skipper a raise, when the vessel's taking on water?
Yes yes yes!
Why are the teachers or board members not responding to the pssa scores? They must think we do not have any problems with the low scores. When the state comes knocking at the districts door then they will worry!
knock, knock, knockin' at Oley's Door....
"Why are the teachers or board members not responding to the pssa scores? They must think we do not have any problems with the low scores. When the state comes knocking at the districts door then they will worry!"
Probably because the state isn't knocking on Oley's door. By saying Oley has made AYP, they are saying they are satisfied.
But why are the parents apparently satisfied?
Parents are satisfied because for some unknown reason, they want to be satisfied.
Wait until their children enter the college/university world, and are in with students from around the country. That will be the telling time.
It happened to me. I found out quickly that what I learned at Oley was essentially nothing compared to what other students already had learned. I was not prepared for college classes.
These days we even have remedial classes from day one, as the colleges do not want to be targeted as the ones who allow their students to fail.
Why do you think many of us have to take sublevel math courses and English courses before we can start the regular college school year?
I offer a big heartfelt thank you to Oley, where one should not stand near the doors at the end of the school day as the teachers stampede out the doors!
......"as teachers stampede out the doors....."
You are being painfully honest with all you posted above. We did not attend Oley schools, but we have 6 children that did. 4 continued to college, two to trade schools. As parents, we were mistakenly under the impression that all was well with our children's "well rounded" educational foundation. Young parents, beware. All is not as it seems. Our sons went on to Kutztown and Millersville. We'd have alot more money left in our savings account if we did not have to add extra YEARS to their higher education. Our sons did not get all that they needed by the end of 12th grade, but we were never told different. Seeing report cards with an array of A's and B's mixed in amongst flowery compliments of their progress. In retrospect, it was my wife and myself that should have taken some extra classes. Classes on how to determine what our kids REALLY needed before going to college. We are giving little thanks to the system which was run by the Oley Schools. Friendly...YES. Picturesque...YOU BET. Honestly filling the need of EVERY STUDENT....NOT A SHOT. This has never changed. A handful of teacher's pets getting the good treatment, and the rest can just fall through the cracks? We don't want to hear the bull about one child does not excell at all subjects. Our tax dollars are paying for EVERY KID to get a FULL EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE.
What's with our teachers? We've read that we have "coaches" to try to get older kids..."9th graders" to finally learn how to read?
"Coaches?" Our teachers are getting paid twice what many other people earn and can't get the job done? If that's the case, they should stampede out that front door, get in their cars, and KEEP GOING. Do you know what we've ended up with? Products of our own environment.
Very true!
Unhappy pappy, I would love for you to come to an Oley Board meeting and tell the board what you have said of this blog. They need to hear this loud and clear! You should like a great caring parent. I say you and your wife did a good job with the facts that were presented to you. How would you have ever known any different.
Thanks for coming on this blog and sharing your story!
We have several grandchildren which we love deeply, and pray every night that they have a world that is kind, considerate, and safe. It's both remarkable and sad to admit that we are relieved that none of them attend Oley Schools. Had our grown children decided to stay in the immediate area, I am sure we'd have great cause for concern. My wife and I travel alot to visit the families in various states. We have not ruled out attending board meetings in person, when possible.
We've read several of the posts on this blog and paid particular attention to some people trying to get help or relief for all senior citizens that may be able to use the help. It's nice that some people care enough to even mention this fact.
Here is another idea for your reading audience...
How about a fund to repay all the extra years all of us paid for additional college courses which should have been part of our children's public school experience, but were not? Of course this is almost like writing comedy, isn't it? According to our illustrious leaders in this school system, our graduates are as good as it's going to get.
Well, it's Sunday morning, we've already gone to church, but after thinking about how this makes us feel, we probably have to go back!
God Bless Pappy!
Hey why isn't any pro-board, teachers or administration writing to us in response to the poor pssa scores. Are they enjoying the weekend away at some vacation resort or something they can afford. We are here cleaning up from the storm! Changes are coming!
Does not matter how far away the staff goes for those "much needed vacations," because the real problems aren't going away, they are following YOU.
Oh no! Run teachers! The taxpayers are after YOU!
Pop Quiz:
Q: What's smaller than the crowd praising the staff at Oley?
A: The crowd that wants to PAY for the new track.
Q: Dick wants a shiny, new track. Jane wants a shiny, new track. Who wants to pay for the shiny, new track?
A: Dick?
B: Jane?
C: Somebody Else?
(C) Yes, you're correct if you picked option "C." The answer is always "Somebody Else."
Choices to fund a shiny, new track:
A: "Swiss Bank Funds"
B: "Emergency Funds"
C: "Taxpayer Funds"
D: "Taxpayer's new, higher rate funds.
E: "Taxpayer's former food money"
F: "Taxpayer's former slush fund"
A: That's right! The answer is C, D, E, AND F! See how easy finance is, when you have so many great choices?
Many people want, long for, a new track.
Nobody actually wants, longs for,
higher taxes.
Many current Oley taxpayers are Oley graduates. Now, what does that say for Oley Schools? Why do you think WE are stupid? Our wishes, dreams, and desires can NOT always come from "somebody else's pocketbook." We know it, why don't you?
If you're not doing your job, Oley Staff, then the track is for YOU. RUN, RUN, RUN!
Reading revue:
In an effort to "save" something, anything....
You may save TIME.
For SWIMMING POOL, s/a above
New High School, s/a above
New Teacher Contract, s/a above
The following courses have been cancelled:
See how easy it is to SAVE!
You get a star. A big, shiny, gold star!
If you noticed that there's a difference between these words:
You see, the current theories for tax and spend could only be taken as comedy. They are laughing all the way to the bank. Don't expect to see any of "them" on the trip to the poor house.
Happy LABOR Day
If you are enjoying today as a "day-off" a little history google search; you may be surprised.
Some of us were educated elsewhere, so we're not surprised. Or amused. What was once a great idea, is now twisted and abused. Sure, the unions got the 7 year old kids out of factories. The way the union has things now, are they planning on further lowering their standards by allowing a younger crowd of workers pay into the union pot?
Hear that whooshing noise? It's tax dollars getting sucked right out of our wallets. There goes some now.
Unions are great to have. When someone does not do their job the right way, they'll protect that employee, as long as they're contributing to the dues.
yadda yadda yadda
You need YOUR union, for obvious reasons.
yadda yadda yadda
Just finished reading the post about looking up "Labor Day" on Google. Which part was supposed to surprise us? Was it all the rules, regulations, and double talk? Most adults know exactly what the unions of today have done "TO" this country. It's no longer what the unions have done "for" the country. Not in the union, do a little more research....
Wonder why cars cost as much as they do? People making $20+ an hour to turn a screw. Anyone with eyes could see this over 30 years ago. Let's all thank the unions for allowing us to pay $30,000 to $40,000+ for any decent car. Check out the school parking lot, it's loaded with them.
By the way, I didn't see any cute little snapshots on that google article showing somebody's toothless grandma paying for YOUR dental work, did you? She's gumming scrambled eggs, and you're carving what cut of beef? Well, I'm sure that good 'ole grandma hopes you.....enjoy it.
When unions came into being, the robber barons and abuse of child labor pretty much brought them upon themselves. However, the pendulum has swung completely in the other direction. We now need a taxpayers union to protect us from the labor unions.
In the beginning the unions gave the workers a fair shake. Now, greed has taken the place of common sense and concern for our childrens' and country's future -- which is very bleak. We have been buried from within.
"You need YOUR union, for obvious reasons."
That deserves another yadda yadda yadda
Yadda...looked that up on my online dictionary. It says: No results were found. Then, it showed your picture.
Your union has turned you into a BULLY.
We ALL have free speech.
While enjoying mine I state:
Your greed is not a dirty little secret. It's easy to detect. Near the end of every contract, the taxpayers see the greed behind every detail.
If it's become bothersome for you to read our free speech, just go back to your mirror and admire the image you've created for yourself. That's sure some example you're setting for OUR CHILDREN.
Has "staff" been instructed to avoid making posts on this site? If so, then we must be reading the slanted ramblings of the retired.
Sure there are retired ones blogging. It's not like they're out there volunteering their time to do anything else.
FYI..If teaching is such a tufffff job, how come the newly retired teachers still look
Are they waiting for delayed stress to set in?
Right on! Board members and a retired teacher are writing all the non-factual junk. We are the ones with the facts! And yes one lives in the Oley District and is friends with the board president and is retired from the Reading School District. So yadda, yadda yourself.
he he he he he........
"yadda" is so creepy sounding. Don't you mind sounding creepy? Who would want to sound so creepy?
People if you can call them that, they have nothing better to write. The facts of this blog speak for themselves. The pro-board side do not have anything to write. Facts are the facts!
In case anyone is interested, there is a Curriculum Committee meeting this evening at 6:00pm and the Property and Transportation Committee meets at 7:00.
Are you going?
"Yadda...looked that up on my online dictionary. It says: No results were found. Then, it showed your picture.
Your union has turned you into a BULLY."
Oh, my! One thinks one knows when in fact one is quite naive! My union? If you only knew!
P.S. Nor am I a school board member!
"Yadda...looked that up on my online dictionary. It says: No results were found. Then, it showed your picture.
Your union has turned you into a BULLY."
Oh, my! One thinks one knows when in fact one is quite naive! My union? If you only knew!
P.S. Nor am I a school board member!
Oh, and by the way...
yadda, yadda, yadda!! ;)
"Right on! Board members and a retired teacher are writing all the non-factual junk. We are the ones with the facts!"
Well, I for one am not a teacher, nor am I retired, nor am I a board member (or from Reading or friends with the president). Therefore, according to your statement above, I am the one with the facts!
Of course I knew that all along!
I had the opportunity to surf around today, and found some interesting sites.
Go to: to see what Daniel Boone's folks are doing. I wondered why we weren't listed on their Other PA Tax Groups, although about 20 others are listed. Al, maybe you should send and email to the address: to connect. Also check out what another local group was able to do at:
Interesting! They seem to think the fault lies with the legislators
The state requires districts to provide an "appropriate education" to each child.
The problem with the PSSA testing is that it does not test for this standard.
Instead, each child in a particular grade level is tested by the same test. Every child, be they Special Ed., Regular Ed., or Gifted all receive the same scoring. Then grouped as Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic.
To make the results meaningful, we need to know what percentage of our students fall into the different intellectual levels to begin with.
Example: A 3rd grade Special Ed. student working at a 1st grade level still gets the 3rd grade test. That student may test at their personal peak performance but still score as Below Basic or Basic.
The results are skewed because the test and the scoring don't measure what the state requires - an "appropriate education."
Yes, yes! Well said!
Maybe and only maybe the special ed. children should not get the same pssa test as her grade but what about the other 99% of the children that are in that grade and do not test proficient on this test. Everybody else is of fault but the teachers, administration. Cut me a break. This district does not want any accountability but they want big pay and benefits. They do not care for the children they only want good scores so the district will look good and get state funding and but if it got really bad the state will take over. Yadda yourself. Come up with something else will you yadda is getting old. And if you are not a board member of retired teacher or a current teacher you sure act like one of them. Maybe you like the way this system is being run, below average test scores, big salaries and benefits, children being left back in 11th grade, children dropping out of school, wasteful spending of non-educational items, 7 years in a row tax increase. There is alot more but my hands are tired. Good Night!
Good morning! And...welcome back to the Oley Valley! Many of the past several blogs are why people LEAVE the Oley Valley.
"Yadda-dude..." .. Your brilliant comments go unnoticed without attaching your identity. Surely, anyone with such a keen handle on how things should be done in Oley, would want the recognition they so richly deserve! Yet you remain in the shadows, along with the rest of us. Have you something to hide?
Considering your expertise, the very least you could do is make up a name. Just to make us more comfortable with your excerpts of uncommon wisdom!
Here's a name you could use:
My wife and I are happy-go-lucky types of people. We never intended to say anything against our long time home town. However, comments like yours will prompt others to act in ways we're not accustomed.
Not a teacher? Not a board member? Not a friend of a board member? Okay, how about this one:
That's where I'd place my bet.
For as little as you seem to know about Al Jacobs, you, and everyone else, should take your hat off to Al for giving so much of his "FREE" time to research and deliver the information he's given for all to read and make their own decisions. Al is dedicated to this neighborhood for the good of the children, FIRST. Remember the children, yadda-dude? Or Dudess? What ever the case may be? You seem more interested in throwing stones than actually helping the kids.
I am sure Al Jacobs has not missed any of the organizations you've mentioned in your posts. If you have any questions, why not ask HIM? He's easy to find, and he does not hide behind anything. Or, ask Russ Swisher, he's quite easy to reach, too! Or Linda B. She's not hiding, either.
My wife and I had regular meetings with the staff at Oley, and were continually reassured that everything was up to par with our kids education. If anyone, ANYONE...doubts this, just chat with YOUR own children about 6 weeks into their first year of ANY COLLEGE. Make sure your kid is not living on Pepto-Bismol.
Oley's tax base should allow one more tiny-weenie business to set up camp here. A MOVING COMPANY. EXIT ONLY. They are forcing good people out of town, one by one. OLEY ONLY WANTS BIG MONEY NOW. Well, how many kings and queens want to move here, anyway?
Hey Hey everybody---
Oley is not up to anything NEW! They are just following the crowd.
First came...
Pepsi Lite!
Lite Beer
Lite Bread
Lite snacks
and now....
Nothing to bog the student down!
Track Update:
The architect presented the board members attending the Property and Transportation meeting last night, the current costs for the new, synthetic track.
The base cost is $880,606. The seven alternate configurations from the base range from $769,423 to $1,360,606.
There are less expensive options for refurbishing the track but the board is not reviewing them.
In light of the troubling PSSA test results, the board plans to continue spending large amounts of money on non-state mandated, non-educational boondoggles.
Those board members who vote for this extravagance are not for education.
Hello and good morning to all, I still cannot believe that this school board and administration are still looking at spending up to 1.3 million on a new track and fields when the pssa scores keep going down. When is our money going to go to education? We are a small district that cannot keep spending on non-educational items. This has to stop. There are more options that are cheeper. What is wrong with this board? Time for change! And the pro-football parents that want to run for this board must realize education must come first.
"Example: A 3rd grade Special Ed. student working at a 1st grade level still gets the 3rd grade test. That student may test at their personal peak performance but still score as Below Basic or Basic.
The results are skewed because the test and the scoring don't measure what the state requires - an "appropriate education."
The state and federal government are putting more specific requirements on school districts because the educational results are not meeting business and academic standards.
Too many students had to be retrained for a job or remediated at college because they have not received the proper education.
We would not be seeing these state requirements unless the problem had become so bad, that something needed to be done.
The grades received from the current system were not an accurate accounting of the process, therefore, independent standards needed to be established to force the educators to be accountable.
The minute, the educators are allowed to establish a class of students they claim cannot meet proficiency, then the door is opened for abuse.
To say that 50% of students are not scoring proficient is a "skewed" result does not pass the test of credibility.
A football program in Oley Valley will push education back even further. With the new state laws something will have to be cut in order to fund football. What educational programs do you want to cut for football? We are at the low end now with education, next we will be called Oley Sports Complex instead of Oley Valley School District. I like sports do not get me wrong but in a district this size we need to get our priorities back to education first. Bring big business in here if you want big sports. The taxpayers should not have to pay for all the extras! We will have to start setting up tent houses on the new fields for the people that are losing their houses. How about that!
"...Bring big business in here if you want big sports. The taxpayers should not have to pay for all the extras!..."
Although most of us second and third generation residents would like too bring 'employers' to the Valley, we can't seem to get our township councils to relinquish control.
I don't want more houses in the area, but a chance to find a job to pay my income, fica and property taxes would be great. Being born into the area, I don't want to leave, but driving to KofP is no longer fun!
If I leave, I can't help take care of the grand parents, but if I stay, I can't take care of the grand parents. King's doesn't pay that well.
I recently read an interesting study concerning athletics and acedemics titled "A Question of Priorities: Athletic Budgets and Acedemic Performance." It was written in 2000 by Kenneth J. Meir and Scott Robinson of Texas A&M University.
They did an extensive study of high school athletics in Texas. Among their findings and conclusions were:
1. Overall student performance is reduced by expenditures on athletics.
2. Athletics are positive for individuals who participate but have negative consequences for those who do not.
3.Where school districts spend more on athletics, acedemic performance is lower.
If anyone wants to read this report they can "google" it on the internet. I'm sure a football program would be a positive thing for those few who participate but it would be a negative for the majority of students and faculty who do not. Here in Oley, redirecting funds from acedemics to athletics would deprive students and faculty of vital resources needed to learn and to teach. We owe it to our students and teachers to look long and hard at the costs and consequences before we rush in to any new sports programs.
I took your advice and hit the internet for articles. To my surprise, I found a huge amount of articles by (taxpayer funded university studies) that indicate negative aspects of sports on education. The humurous aspect of the google search is that for every article that touts a negative aspect, there is an article that contradicts the notion by stating that a strong sports program has equally definitive positive aspects.
Therefore the debate, using so called 'university studies' to support whatever your opinion is will only turn out to be a devisive debate of tit for tat.
You state that it is a positive for those who participate. I would agree with that statement as it relates to every aspect of the public education system. Thos who participate in music, art, computer Vo-Tech, higher math and other electives will undoubtfully benefit while those that do not make such elections will not.
Maybe sports and extracuricular activities should be mandated as a health and obsitey (spelling ?)matter. I just returned from the grocery store, and our community obviously does not understand the need for a healthy lifestyle.
It seems the leadership at Oley has forgotten the wisdom that says it is impossible to be all things to all people. No matter how many legitimate studies rs or anyone else brings to the Board, they aren't interested.
At last evening's Property and Transportation Committee meeting, it was apparent that although the taxpayers are chided for "not attending the committee meetings," when we do, our participation is not welcomed.
No input from anyone other than those supporting the "Athletic Facility" is wanted. We have a choice of designs ranging from "over" $1.3 million down to about $800,000. What happened to the "early" estimates. It's interesting that the center of the track, with recommended artificial turf, is the right size to facilitate a football field.
PSSA test scores at Oley are comparable to some troubled inner City schools, and yet we are forced to pay for additional "non mandated" and "non academic" escapades.
And Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Sort of like Oley's School Board.
Since I am always interested in both sides of an issue, could you give me one of the studies you refer to that concludes that a strong sports program has definitive positive aspects on acedemic results and test scores?
Of course a student in the music or arts program will benefit from it and those who are not, will not. More would be able to benefit, however, if more funds were available to purchase instruments, equipment, uniforms, etc. The budget for music and art is paltry compared to that of athletics. Add football to that and the divide is even greater.
Believe me, I am not advocating cutting athletics. I'm sure you would agree, however, that we need to prioritize our expenditures and make sure we fully fund our acedemic requirements, our music and arts department and current athletic needs. That leaves one important question to be answered: After all those needs were met, where would the board get the funds for a football program?
Another big fat tax increase, that is what the board would do!
Listen to RUSS:
Prioritize our expendatures.
It's as simple as that! Why can't the general public and those in charge see that simple fact?
'The budget for music and art is paltry compared to that of athletics.'
I believe that if you include the non music education (outside of classroom)including instrument instruction, band, etc., is not paltry in comparison. It is my opinion that the activities such as the 'clarinet instruction' and 'flute instruction' that my daughters currently take is no different that the instruction that my son takes in high school basketball and my daughter in the field hockey.
I am not saying that the band and art are bad, but what I am saying is that the over all curriculm is failing to provide many cost effective educational values.
You, as well as others on this web site continue to refer to sport ativities as an unnecessary and unmandated activities.
As a former board member, I respectfully request what area's are mandated. The PSSA's do not go into foreign language, art, music, physical education, health, accounting, home economics,etc. Are these topics 'non-mandated', and should any or all of them be put on the budget chopping block.
I am not asking this question to be a antagonistic, I am truly asking to understand what is mandated and what is not. Oley schools and PA public schools have been failing for a long time. The failures are not advancing at a faster rate, but the evaluation methods and the communication of the failures are spreading faster.
With the understanding of art and music and several other topics which are listed above, are there any subjects that you believe should be eliminated. Assuming (I know this is extremely dangerous and unwise)that my understanding of mandated subjects is relatively accurate, why is music defended as an untouchable academic while the bowling team, golf team and other taught skills and athletics which require teamwork, thought process and overall sportsmanship are not?
The current sports programs are fine. We are talking about a large amount of money for football that this district cannot possibly fund without taking away education. The state is saying this. There will be a referendum that will say to you at the polls what do you want to cut?
OK, good questions.
First, I have never written that sports activities are unnecessary. I believe they ARE necessary. What isn't, however, is adding another, costly, sport to what we already have.
The amount of money budgeted for music IS paltry compared to that budgeted for sports. I remember one year the music department requested the purchase of some new instruments. They were denied but the athletic department got most of what they requested.
Most of the state and federal mandates are in the area of special education. Costs have been spiraling out of control for years. As the education establishment identifies more and more students as "special" the costs skyrocket. The board has always tried to be creative in trying to save and cut costs in this area but it's a losing battle.
Just as there are no sports that I would advocate eliminating, there are no acedemic programs that I think should be cut. As I have stated many times, though, now is not the time to add new, costly sports programs either. I realize that there are people running around Oley saying the Concerned Citizens want to eliminate sports or music but I am not one of them and I don't know anyone who does.
I would be very suspicious of anyone coming on this blog advocating those things. They would not represent my position nor that of the others I know here. They would no doubt be fakes who want to give us a bad rap.
Russ, you are right on the money, again. There are a few bloggers on here that are obviously not at all "concerned." They write things that are meant to insult, hurt, belittle the concerned citizens. And they think they are secretive in doing so. How pathetic is that?
I have read pretty much all that has been on here and it's really pretty clear where the genuine comments are coming from. They are coming from the bloggers that still have children in our schools and want them treated fairly. And, from lower income residents that, no matter what their age, are already having a tight squeeze with paying the taxes. We want the best education for all of our kids and would appreciate getting this while living here, not in the poor house. Can't make that any easier to understand than that, can we?
None of us want sports CUT. We want EXTRA sports dismissed from the roster, that's it. You want bigtime football, YOU pay for your child to play. What is wrong with that? That is what the Youth League is for, isn't it? For EXTRA SPORTS?? But now, we've got a handful of Daddies that want a school football team, and doggone it, they're going to stomp their feet and pound their fists on the table until they get what they want. easily agitated! Learning to lighten up and enjoy a sense of humor is one of the best things I did in life. I suggest that everyone give it a try! ;)
yadda yadda appear to enjoy other peoples pain. Are you a sadist?
Maybe you think it's just so hilarious that so many people are hurting and many will have to sell their homes because they can no longer to live in the community where they've spent their entire lives. Just so a bunch of greedy interlopers can have their wish lists fulfilled at the less fortunate's expense.
Forget a sense of humor. Get a conscience!
Urban Dictionary:
yadda yadda yadda
"Skipping a part of a story that you don't want to tell."
There you have it, direct from the Urban Dictionary online. Truer words were never spoken.
Yadda seems to know the whole story, but really does not want to tell it, or have it told. The truth hurts?
Direct replies feed your ravenous appetite for secret recognition. Please, watch your diet.
Educational and Fiscal Responsibility is what this blog is all about. If you're on this blog, you already know that. If you disagree with the Concerned Citizens, blog all you wish. We are in FAVOR of FREE SPEECH!
By the way, there's a few well known bloggers whose opinions are missing lately!
The article in the Eagle this morning concerning the new track made it sound as if the Oley Concerned Citizens were in favor of the track as long as it has lights and is open to the public. Has the position of the O.C.C. changed?
Once again, the "Reading Eagle" is guilty of selective reporting OR selective editing. I'd hate to blame the reporter, knowing whose side the Editor in Chief is on. His wife is also a recently retired school teacher.
So much for objectivity.
During the committee meeting, citizens questioned the costs, Staph infection issues related to artificial turf, greater incidence of more serious injuries on artificial turf, and presented studies on these issues. The questions as to lighting had to do with additional costs that taxpayers might incur as the taj mahal of athletic facilities unfolds. The committee was also questioned as to a certain Higgs law group we've been paying, and would not answer questions as to exactly why we've retained the law group. Were also asked the purpose of an executive session during the committee meeting, to which there was no clear answer ...contract negotiations was the reply. The question "what contract?" was ignored.
It is also worth noting, that although there was a quorem of board members in attendance, it didn't appear that anyone was taking minutes, which is a violation of the school code.
Once again, if you want ALL the FACTS, don't rely on the Reading Eagle or the school district. No wonder they have so many issues with this blog. It's the only place where full disclosure appears to be happening, and free speech is celebrated.
This board continually thumbs its nose at the Sunshine Law. Anytime an advertised meeting is held and a quorum is present minutes must be taken and those minutes must be available to the public. Also, reasons for executive sessions must be more specific than just "negotiations". Contract negotiations with the union is the only one allowed under the Sunshine Law. If other "negotiations" are going on then the public has the right to know what they are.
Unfortunately, this board conducts too much of their business in the shadows and behind closed doors. Unfortunately, too, is that we can do nothing about it.
Here we go again. I am calling the Eagle now and telling them to address the whole story not just the feel good ones. This district violates laws on a daily basis. One day we hope to see them walking out in handcuffs. That will be a day of celebration. They have been saying for months they are going into executive session for negotiations, cut me a big one. As we were told the teachers got their big contract passed last year so what negotiations are they talking about. I cannot believe they still continue to lie to the public. Mrs. McCarthy I am surprised at you for being in on this bad behavior of this board. Mr. Cappa you continue to put your foot in your mouth. Keep talking Cappa you are making this school district look more dumb each day.
"The article in the Eagle this morning concerning the new track made it sound as if the Oley Concerned Citizens were in favor of the track as long as it has lights and is open to the public. Has the position of the O.C.C. changed?"
The Reading Eagle article did not report the intent of the questions at the meeting about the cost of the track.
Query's about lighting were in regards to the additional costs over the high price of $1,360,606.
The public use question was for the purpose of refuting the absurd contention by some board members that the entire community would be lining up, pushing and shoving, to use the track.
The board is not looking at less expensive options for the track.
The community can ponder the motivations of the board's indifference to frugality.
One conclusion is that the track is part of the extensive public relations effort by the district.
A grandiose track to some is a symbol of educational achievement. It gets people elected to office, but does nothing for the future of the students.
Abysmal PSSA test results puncture a big hole in the feel good.
And this is one of the reasons why school boards howl at the state and federal mandated academic accountability requirements.
The Reading Eagle is sending alot of different reporters to the meetings. Everytime a reporter writes something about what the taxpayers know and think we never see that reporter back at the meetings again.
Twisting words again. Reading Eagle only puts half of the story in all the time. It is a surprise if you see any real facts being printed in the Reading Eagle. The editor stops the printing of the facts. I wonder what he does to the reporters that used to come to our meetings? Shut up and move on he most likely says. The minute the facts are printed the reporter goes bye-bye! The eagle is a one sided newspaper and the editors wife is a retired teacher. Conflict!
As always, I appreciate your respectful answer. I appreciate that I attempt to ask questions in a thoughtful manner, and you respectfully reply. To this I am very appreciative.
However, I do not necessarily agree with a lot of the views and opinions that you, LB and Al believe in. However, that is what makes our country great. We can disagree.
You replied:
"...I would be very suspicious of anyone coming on this blog advocating those things. They would not represent my position nor that of the others I know here. They would no doubt be fakes who want to give us a bad rap..."
Many of the postings on this blog also ...[do] not represent positions of various other groups or like minded individuals that may have interests that are not in line with many of the regular blog posters.
I am not thrilled with the school's record, in many catagories. I am in favor of making many changes. But I believe that a benchmark is needed for evaluating change. In the past I have read and wrote about the stupidity of the PSSA tests as an evaluation tool. If we place any credence in those tests, then we need to change the curriculm to teach to the test. However, if we don't change the curriculm accordingly (which we have not to the best of my knowlege), then to utilize the scores (good or bad) as a means of evaluation and public ridicule is senseless and silly.
As a local and now a parent, I look at the work environment around me and think what will my child need to succeed in life. To me the discipline and team oriented skills taught and stressed in youth and high school sports programs are crucial. I might have this opinion because I go to work every day, six days a week, and realize that without my co-workers/teammates and without teamwork and work discipline, I could not succeed in my job.
Other items that I find of grave concern is the fact that our children are not exposed to foreign language, spanish specifically, while in elementary school. Whether we like it or not, our local landscape is changing. Eight to ten years ago, this topic was addressed in the strategic plan. Never implemented. These are the area's that concern me.
However, RS I again thank you for you responsible, diplomatic an adult answer.
To anonymous:
I remember many times that the board discussed including foreign language in the elementary school curriculum. It would have required hiring qualified teachers and finding the time during an already short instructional day to hold the classes. After all, we might have to cut in to time set aside for self-esteem and anti-bullying instruction. I don't know if language has been added in the elementary school in the three years since I have been off the board but I would have no objection to it being added if it could be funded without adding to the already heavy tax burden.
Wow the Reading Eagle surprised us when they wrote about Cappa and the freedom of speech policy. It was amazing that they agreed with us. At least they got that right.
"This district violates laws on a daily basis. One day we hope to see them walking out in handcuffs. That will be a day of celebration."
You've got to be kidding me!?!?
You will see! Of course the district would be in a bad situtation if that happened, but the way they shuffle money around and lie all the time and violate the sunshine law what do you think nothing is going to happen. The state dept. of education already has been in touch with this district on issues. Get with it will you.
Why would anyone think OLEY is above the law? You can only stretch the truth so board....sooner or later, your number will be up. No yaddas in the world will be able to get them out of it....
Heard that you'll never get a completely fair deal with the Eagle as long as the big cheese is getting his health care through our tax dollars.
...'splaine it, Luceeeee.....
Walking out in handcuffs?
"Urban Dictionary:
yadda yadda yadda
"Skipping a part of a story that you don't want to tell."
There you have it, direct from the Urban Dictionary online. Truer words were never spoken."
How interesting that there is such an uproar over three words that have such a bland definition!
...quite telling indeed!
Hello Cappa your back!
The statement:
"so easily agitated! Learning to lighten up and enjoy a sense of humor is one of the best things I did in life. I suggest that everyone give it a try! ;)"
The reply:
"yadda yadda appear to enjoy other peoples pain. Are you a sadist?
Maybe you think it's just so hilarious that so many people are hurting and many will have to sell their homes because they can no longer to live in the community where they've spent their entire lives. Just so a bunch of greedy interlopers can have their wish lists fulfilled at the less fortunate's expense.
Forget a sense of humor. Get a conscience!"
Did you really read my statement above? Suggesting that people lighten up and enjoy a little humor is sadistic? Do you seriously equate my statement with a lack of conscience?
I think it's pretty safe to say that the vast majority of the bloggers who disagree with the "concerned citizens" group have a conscience that is well functioning. It is one matter to delight in someone losing a home. it is quite another matter to employ humor and yes, even sarcasm, into a blog filled with debate. I, for one, would never take pleasure in someone's pain or suffering. I do, however enjoy humor, sarcasm, and engaging in debate!
...and on that note, I'll end with a yadda, yadda, yadda!
(in other words, ...and on and on and on)
Smile, be happy!
(for those of you who are so inclined to suggest that "smile, be happy" implies that I am happy that people are suffering in any way, sorry, but you'll have to grasp at another straw!) I simply mean, "smile, be happy!" It won't hurt, really!
Oh, my! There must be so many Cappas!
Yadda defender...nice try. You must have been the only one that showed up at your college debates.
"yadda yadda," is not the problem. Although those words written in succession kind of gag country folks. Most commonly used in areas that are heavily congested with Jewish & like influences. You know, like on Seinfeld? It was FUNNY on Seinfeld. Pal, you're no Jerry Seinfeld. Wanny "fit" in with that atmosphere?...
Hop on the Bus, Gus....
Hit the Pike, Mike...
Take a new trail, Dale.. trail, Dale.. trail, Dale..
Sorry, need a new record player for this one, seems to have a big DEFECT....
okay whats suppose to be wrong with the reading eagle paper now.
Try reading it!
One sided liberal newspaper that very rarely puts in the facts on what is going on in school districts. We go through news reporters from the Eagle every month or two. The moment they try to report the facts we lose them.
Hop on the Bus, Gus....
Hit the Pike, Mike...
Take a new trail, Dale.. trail, Dale.. trail, Dale..
and on one final note, yadda yadda yadda!
Have a great day, folks!
To blogger 9/08/2006 05:06:48 AM
My, my! Aren't we feeling nasty today!?! Take a nice pill, please!
Never relied on "nice pills" to handle life, did you?
Well then, what was nasty about the blog you referred to? We read it here and nothing looks nasty to us. It looks like someone tried to point out a few things, that's all. Like that yadda yadda thing can get kind of thick, ya know? Nothing wrong with "Seinfeld" types of people talking like that, and when they do, they're funny! Sometimes the comedy writing should be left to the professionals, right? The line..."You're no Jerry Seinfeld..." I think that was like a take off on..."You're no Jack Kennedy." And of course, hit the trail dale....s/a out of date! Although we didn't quite understand the debating thing. Well, it's a blog, what the heck?
You know, when you go to NYC, you see and hear things you don't experience anywhere else. New Yorkers are funny. Really funny. They love you, or they hate you, and there is never any guess work! Maybe we could skip the yadda lines but keep the rest. Maybe New York has something. At least up there, they don't seem to leave you guessing. We moved to the Oley area from DC, several years ago. Our kids went into culture shock. Many things were better here, but some things we really missed. We told our kids, "That's why they make cars!" For the most part, we loved Oley instantly. Every town has a few things to deal with, but as a whole, we think we made a good move coming here. Our Grandchildren are attending school now, and we are hoping for great things to be available for them, just like they were for our kids. Now, we hope that's nice and cheery enough for each and every blogger on here! Smile! God Loves YOU! Pip Pip, Cheerio! Party horns....toot, toot! :}
Sorry for the smiley above, that tooting party horn blew my mustache up in the air!
"Never relied on "nice pills" to handle life, did you?"
I'm nice enough without them! :) I do wish such thing existed though! I would like to see them prescribed for some of the bloggers!
Relax, smile, have a pickle! :)
Ah, pickles....breakfast of champions!
Well, then, as I crunch away on a "Mrs. Fanning's Bread and Butter Pickle sandwich," I can't help but agree with you, or anyone, about the "half-sours," and worse. Maybe they are eating too many pickles, and the sodium is interfering with their health? Bet we'll never know!
DC offers a great vegetarian snack:
Giant slab of crusty French, enough Philly Cream Cheese to sink a boat, and your choice of Kosher or Sweet pickles on top. The line is never short! Never saw that at the Oley Fair. But you can't get Oley Fair Fries in DC!
God bless one and all, have a great weekend!
to the smilers
Even a case of happy pills would not help someone that is broke now that they paid their school taxes. Where do the smiles come from now? Hard to relax if you can't feed your kids, in the name of sending them to a school where we think more of new tracks and football, than we do of seeing that those that live here can afford to stay. No pills.
No smiles.
No bad attitude, just realistic.
The system needs help. Now.
We know God loves us. We also know God would not have much good to say about secret planning by the board and those in favor of robbing us blind.
I agree with the smilers! :)
And for this blogger:
"Hard to relax if you can't feed your kids, in the name of sending them to a school where we think more of new tracks and football, than we do of seeing that those that live here can afford to stay."
For the sake of goodness, if you know someone in this position, give them a helping hand! In good times or bad, with a healthy attitude, love for ALL of our neighbors, and trust in God, we can keep smiling! :) :)
to :) :)
I doubt if you need to waste any more of your time suggesting that someone give "a helping hand," to someone that is having problems paying the rising taxes AND feeding their family.
You can't hide behind smileys and expect to fool everyone.
You should not assume that people have not already extended helping hands. Your suggestion makes it seem like it's something new to YOU.
Finally, don't put God's good name in conversations that you have chosen to grace with your special comments. God asks us to look past people's short comings. You make that quite a challenge, but we true Christians will put forth our best effort. God also taught us to use our talents in ways that benefit everyone. The way our taxes are affecting the public, it's lopsided at best. None of us expects to get off the hook with taxes. We only want what's best for the students, at fair prices. You may label us any way you wish. WE know what we are dealing with, and we'll continue to strive for what is right.
Can I get an AMEN?
How sad! It is truly difficult for some to see the goodness of life, and yes, the goodness of God! Debate taxes all you want, but don't criticize someone for reminding you that there is still a lot to be thankful for!
Go get a cup of coffee
I'll speak for myself, my conscience is clear, my hands do the Lord's work, every day of my life, and He knows this. Whenever I'm able to do more, I do. I thank God that I'm able to do so. I pray to God that I'm never in the boat that some are in right now, really pinched for funds. I'm blessed with better than average health and a great family. None of us have a problem with anything in Oley, EXCEPT the arrogant Board and it's obvious followers.
I don't see anyone posting on here that is not seemingly thankful for our many blessings. I see people that are looking for the same thing Al Jacobs is working for:
fiscal responsibility. The best education for the best price. It's that simple, where is the question? If you're paying attention to all the facts, then you missed that part.
Amen to the blog above. You are right on! Your great!
Al and the rest of us do want the best for the children and the public. This board needs to be held accountable for what they are doing to this district. What side of your brain is not working? Hey pro-board Dale, Football parents, Track parents, Pool parents, New High School Parents, New Administration Building whats next? How about education for the 2,000 or more or less students that sit in the classrooms everyday. What is so hard to figure out people, we need education to come first and we need our taxes not to be out of control for non-educational items and legal problems that the school district caused. Stop messing with our money. People cannot take this abuse of power anymore. Start doing your job or you will be fired. Do not think your job status cannot change. It can! Board members start voting for the good of the public. How can YOU sleep at night.
Mr. Coffee is right on. We all know the reason for this blog is to get our school on it's feet, responsibly. Raising the taxes ever year is not proving a thing. It only proves that we have no clue as to how to hire and KEEP business managers. No clue as to the financial burdon that is saddling our young couples and seniors. We don't need any smiley freaks telling US to offer those down and out people a hand. You attempt to make it look as though nobody around Oley is in jeopardy of losing their homes. Well, kiddo, you're way off target on that one. Way, way off. There's many a family facing financial struggles and that is not a secret. Oley is not totally poulated with yuppies. Plenty of residents are regular old country folks that work at local offices, drive trucks, work in restaurants, etc. Health care premiums in OUR checks are also putting a hurting on our families. That is why we're ever so slightly concerned by the demands of the union as to what benefits the teachers are to get. There's no secret about that. We work 12 months of the year, and get very few days off. For the days a teacher works in a year, and the amount of hours, they've got some nerve stomping their little feet to get more, more, more. Like was already stated, if they want to use the excuse that they deserve these benefits because..."you don't know what it's like to teach this kids today!!!!!" Well, we did not force you to do this for a living. You chose it!
If you have some constructive ideas on how we can keep our board's spending in line, please, let us know. Better yet, show your smiley face at a board meeting or two. Just wear your grandma's old Heinz Pickle Pin on your lapel, so we don't confuse you with the other stranger that might show up.
Thanks! Really, thanks, and may you have no trouble finding your way to the administration building. If your horse is lame, call a cab. Or ask someone for a ride. It will be just like someone offering you a sympathetic ear!
Don't forget to
s m i l e
:) :) :)
4:23 p.m.
We don't need your input on seeing the blessings we've all had bestowed upon us. Our eyes are wide open. God blessed us with a brain, too, and if our math skills are not all they should be, he allowed the invention of the blessed calculator! With a cheap calculator, we can add up the many misguided funds and if we don't like the answers we get, WE can go into a private session! It's called the VOTING BOOTH! Don't get too comfy in those chairs, Mr. and Mrs. Board Member!
The voting booth! I love it. That IS our closed session! Close the curtain....and vote 'em out!
Heck yea! Heckman is going bye-bye! 17+ years of this board is way toooooo long. Gotwals, Medeira, Bieber, Cappa and Heckman are all up! Remember these names and do not vote for them again. They are no good. They have increased your taxes year after year and our pssa scores are still not making the grade they should. The standards of this state is so bad and we cannot even make them. Our children are the ones that are suffering under this current board and administration. Remember the names above and DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM!
I'm sure the board members who are up for election would be more than happy to have you take their place! Step right up!
If someone in Oley is in jeopardy of losing his/her home, there is a lot more to the problem than having to pay school taxes. As for the board members being responsible for all the financial woes of the citizens...If the board were to reduce all spending beyond that which is required, school taxes would still be high. Who is responsible for that? Our paid, elected state officials. The whole system needs to be revamped. You are targeting the wrong people. Express your opinions to the elected officals. In the meantime:
Don't hate
Help your neighbors
Have a good laugh
Does anyone care that Dr. Zackon, his wife, the Spanish teacher and her husband and two friends get a FREE TRIP to Spain at the expense of the students who went on this trip?
Does anyone care that in the first 110 days of the last school year, we had 1,144 teacher absences, most of which were not for illness, but approved by the Superintendent for days off, and not charged against the teacher?
Does anyone care that 1,144 substitute teachers were called in for these teachers, with most of these classes not being taught at a minimum cost to the taxpayers of $70,000.
Does anyone care that every day the Oley School District has FLOATERS come in to work in addition to the substitute teachers/guest teachers at the cost of a minimum of $70/day, with a pay raise every ten days?
Does anyone care that 45 teachers were absent on one given day (several times)in the last school year?
Does anyone care that a guest teacher be called in as a floater with no specific duties, just to hang around in case they are needed, and if not needed, go to the teacher's lounge to watch ESPN, and get paid for it routinely along with being a relative of the Superintendent?
Does anyone care that a substitute teacher who reported for work and then left sick at 8:30 a.m. gets paid for a full day, and is not even an employee with any benefits?
Does anyone care that the school district improperly invested $26,000,000 in unregistered and unsecured funds?
Does anyone care that the school district inaccurately reports the money available in the General Fund during budget formation meetings?
Does anyone care that the school district did not present the General Fund Budget in the correct form to the taxpayers at the meeting where the budget was approved, yet signed a form given to the PA Department of Education stating that they did indeed in fact present the budget the correct way?
Does anyone care that this school district continually hires multiple family members within the district?
Does anyone care that most employees can receive extra benefits (personal days off, travel expenses, etc.) at the discretion of the Superintendent?
Does anyone care that several district employees recently left employment at the district and were paid for courses that they took this past year to the tune of thousands of dollars?
Does anyone care that the the disbursements on the Treasurer's Report never match the bills that are approved by the School Board.
Does anyone care that the school district misrepresents postings on the Fund Balance Transfer sheet that must be presented for to the auditors for the annual financial reoprt?
Does anyone care that the school district incorrectly codes descriptions in their check runs?
Does anyone care that the teachers are teaching to the PSSA tests and not covering the items that should be taught?
Does anyone care that their high school children cannot read and write?
Does anyone care that their high school children cannot do math?
Does anyone care that the teachers continually have their hands out for MORE, MORE MORE and want to do LESS, LESS LESS?
If you do not care, perhaps you should all step up to the plate and set up a monetary fund for the above.
This school district has no qualms about asking the taxpayers to pay for every whim they desire.
Who keeps check that Dr. Zackon is in his office doing his job, and not travelling around shooting the breeze? There seems to be a lot of travel documented every month for our illustrious leader.
As a matter of fact, there seems to be a lot of travel reimbursement for quite a few of the employees. There also appears to be a lot of teacher reimbursement for supplies every month.
Does anyone care that the Oley School District has a callous disregard for any questions posed to them by the taxpayers?
To those of you who do not believe that the above items mentioned did indeed happen, take a trip to the administration building, ask to see the check register, ask to see the minutes from the board meetings, ask to see the audits, ask to see the attendence reports or lack of them, and make the decision for yourself.
to the above post:
Anyone that reads your post and still thinks the blame lies with our paid legislators.. DOES NOT CARE.
You are corrrect when stating the available records upon request for viewing, produce these facts.
As mentioned in a previous post..."the paid legislation" is where the problems lie......
true AND false. Yes, legislation has the power to change things. But don't be in a real rush to see that happen.
We are supposed to confront OUR LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD for matters directly concerning the Board. But when we do, we're all but laughed out of the room.
There is NO real welcome mat for coming to a board meeting, participating at a board meeting, and/or expecting to see a change for the betterby doing so. Show up, open your mouth, and here's the change you can expect to see: your child singled out in school, in a negative way. No secret here, countless parents will verify that fact. My children went to Oley 20 years ago, I see nothing has changed.
We're no different than any other small town. A couple of big fish in the little pond will do their best to run things to THEIR BENEFIT. Like it or not, we all know that is the story.
Be it ever so humble....
there's no place like home....
Unless you live in the Oley School District....where the Knights of the Board Room table are doing their best to make your humble home get sold to someone that can afford the tax dollars that they want to play with.
The people in Harrisburg did not tell the school board to pay for a new track and possibly a football program. These are not mandated items coming from the state. Hey people call Harrisburg Dept. of Education and they will tell you all they know about Oley. They have been fined for sloppy bookkeeping from the auditor general. We are well known in Harrisburg. This school district is in a terrible situtation thanks to the BIG FISH AND HIS FOLLOWERS. And yes he does go to Spain every other year and why is that? We have many parents that would like to go and they are told they cannot. Why should the spanish teacher get to invite her friends, Dr. Z and his wife for free. The students are paying for them, like it or not this is the truth. The next trip is in the amount of $2,600 and the spanish teacher said it will most likely go up higher. If Zackon and anyone else wants to go to Spain they need to pay for it with their own money, not the students.
Are these "free" loaders showing 1099's for Federal Income Tax purposes? Maybe the IRS should be asked to look into this. If they are, no problem.
If not -- it's time they pay the piper.
Open your eyes, people! Look at the truth, not just that part of it that you want to see. Oley is a wonderful place, and the schools are on par with schools across the state. These things are national problems. Not Oley problems!
The school is average or below the state standards. If you think PA standards are good enough you are stupid. To say that only 1/2 of the class needs to be proficient in math and reading is a big fat joke. This district should have the scores way above the standards this state requires. Oh please we do not care about any other school district in this state but the ones our children are in. Oley does have BIG PROBLEMS that other schools do not have. Get with it will you.
To Blogger 04:05:12 PM
Is that how you talk to your family, friends, and neighbors? ...or just people who disagree with you? ...says a lot!
"Oh please we do not care about any other school district in this state but the ones our children are in."
Sounds a little bit selfish to me!
Not Oley problems? ...I repeat someone else's blog...get with it.
If you are satisifed with your kid's school being on par with other schools..that's kind of pathetic. Dollar for dollar, we're paying a hefty price for the likes of "PAR."
If you think Oley is great, you must not be much of a traveler. Know anyone who's children were educated in other areas or other states? There is often NO comparison.
Oley is not terrible, but it could do a whole lot better. The worst part about Oley is the arrogant attitude that so many residents have. It's great to be proud of where you're living, but it's wrong to act like you're better than anyone around you. That IS Oley. That's Oley's biggest problem. Oley is average in nearly every way. Yet many people living here think their doo-doo doesn't stink.
Okay, here come the retorts from all the school teachers, executive's kids, board members, and other big time wannabes. Let it happen, Capn.
I do not talk the way you think I talked in the above blog. The facts of this district speak for themselves. If I am wrong I would not waste my time on this blog trying to tell the public of the news and facts of this district so they will be informed. If you do not like what is being said turn off your computer and pray for America and your family. I pray every night for people like you, America and my family that we will all be able to solve the problems of this district and this world. If you cannot pray I feel sorry for you. You have alot of time dogging people who tell the facts, find time to do something useful.
Amen to that!
I am STILL waiting for an answer.
If you do care, then you better start paying attention to things going on in this school district.
Everything mentioned is a FACT.
Some of us know they are facts. We're the ones pulling in the right direction. It's like a game of tug-of-war. This is what happens where there's too many people led astray by our board. The teachers are for the most part, a bunch of overpaid babysitters. They are not truly teaching. If they were, we would not have to even look at pssa scores, etc. Or, pay private tutors ourselves. What kind of deal is that? A handful of faithful citizens seeking fiscal responsibility and a proper education for ALL of our children, and the rest of the crowd either telling everyone we're NUTS, or siding with the school board. That falls under the lazy act. Too lazy to see what's wrong and do ANYTHING about it.
To the person that wrote the "do you care" blog....please know that some of us do. But we sure need more Indians, the board is all Chiefs.
That is right. I care also!
Aye yi yi! A lot of angry people here. I hope you find some good in life as the other people said
You're darned right there's a lot of angry people here. WE have plenty good in life, but it is not found in the satisfaction of knowing we're getting our money's worth with our taxes.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I complain every time I pay my sales tax and federal income tax. Jeez! The government is taxing me left and right!
This blog is not about state and federal tax, it's the school tax. The high, higher, highest school tax, which seems to provide...nothing.
it's amazing how transparent people's comments can be. Those well to do folks that have not a worry about funding their taxes...have such great things to offer for advice to those of us with less cash flow. You know, like telling us to get happy, have a pickle, keep smiling, find some good in life....
Well, dear bloggers of cheer and goodwill, hopefully you never have to pinch your last penny to get your kid's teeth fixed, clothe them properly, and possibly afford some decent food for 7 days each week. Where do you get the idea that everyone in Oley is gagging on the bucks? I think I need to meet these people and find out their secret, so I can stop worrying about making all of my bills on time and lend that big old helping hand to the folks they think do not exist.
Well if it's good old RC blogging, you've made a signed declaration that you don't have any income, so please be quiet. Unless, of course, that is a LIE too!
lie, lie, lie that is all they do. Hey Cappa and Dale B. find something useful to do, like volunteering and giving back to the community that has been dealing with you 2 for a long, long time. It is pay back time.
There are plenty of smiley face sites on the world wide web. This blog is about airing our grievances over an out of control board and school taxes which are harming everyone -- young families who can barely make ends meet; young couples who cannot afford a mortgage payment AND school taxes (it is keepng them OUT of the housing market, denying them the American dream to own a home); the elderly who see their live's work disappear in rising taxes, denying them the RIGHT to stay in the homes they've had all their lives.
It is also about a place to air grievances about the greed of those "living off of society." Those who think they are entitled to more than those they work for, and shouldn't be held to the same accountability as the taxpayers.
So, all of you who don't want to hear the sad, hard truths of reality or prefer to live in denial of what's erroding our society and way of life -- go find another site/blog. Maybe one where overpaid school administrators, teachers; politicians; retired physicians; and millionaire housewives hang out. They don't have a problem in the world -- the taxpayers are forced to see to that!
District Meetings of Interest :
Policy Committee
Monday, September 11, 2006, at 5:00 p.m.
Combined Committee Meeting
Wednesday, September 13, 2006, at 7:00 p.m.
School Board Meeting
Wednesday, September 20, 2006, at 7:00 p.m.
All the above will be at the Administration Building boardroom.
Hi Al, keep up the good work of informing the public of important meetings. Hope people will come.
...This blog is not about state and federal tax, it's the school tax. The high, higher, highest school tax, which seems to provide...nothing.
Great comment. However, thats how I feel about paying my federal ss tax, fed and state income tax, and the worst tax every levied, the EIT tax.
We are enjoying our freedom of speech because of people like the USMC Vietnam Vet. How about a heart-felt "thank you," to that vet?
The words written by the USMC Vet could not be any easier to understand.
"those living off society," is a statement that is crystal clear to anyone with a conscience. That apparently leaves out the greedy school teachers and board. Yes, it's greed, plain and simple. As long as they're managing to get their bigtime benefits and bucks, to Hell with the rest of us?
I'm an old Marine, but I'm not feeble or shy. I saw men die in the name of our freedom. They had courage and did what they did because they loved this country.
Stop passing the buck, board supporters. Our board CAN be more thrifty, more efficient, and accountable. We're all sick of being offered a smiley face and a pickle. Bet you did not learn that in the military.
Thanks WWII USMC vet and semper fi Vietnam vet!! I agree with both of you 100 per cent!
My Dad served in WWII in the U.S. Navy and flew off the Aircraft Carrier, USS Essex. Many of his squadron died in battle, a lucky handful came back. Your generation is the great generation! This baby boomer appreciates all you've done for our freedoms.
To Semper Fi Vietnam Vet. My husband is a USMC Vietnam vet. too! At least we know there are still some out there that understand the concept of freedoms that were "earned" at great sacrifice. It is a crying shame what citizens of our country are sinking to.
God bless our current service people and our Vets.
Did anybody drive by the elementary lately and see all those football players? There must be hundreds of them
Did anybody drive by the elementary and see all those football players? There must be hundreds of them
Did anybody drive by the Youth League and see all those soccer players? There must be hundreds of them.
Did anyone see all the ignorant blogs written on here by arrogant bozos that think we don't know who they are? There must be hundreds of them.
By the way, it's so nice of you to continue your arrogant blogging on September 11th. You may not be a teacher, but your class is showing.
Did anyone see all the money grabbing teachers entering the school this morning? There must be hundreds of them.
Did anyone see all the Zackons entering the school district this morning? There must be hundreds of them.
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