Oley Valley School Board Winks at Right to Know Law

The Oley Valley School District is continuing its plan to prevent the public from participating in the educational process.
Despite the Reading Eagle editorials and the taxpayers carrying signs packing board meetings supporting Free Speech, the school board recently approved a policy to restrict public comment at the regular board meetings.
Speakers are now limited to three minutes, topics to thirty minutes, and statements can be cut off for any reason by the presiding officer.
The anti-public strategy of the school board continues because the Policy Committee, headed by Robert Cappa plans to make access to Public Records prohibitive.
The current fee schedule for copies of Public Records is ten cents per copy. The district wants to charge twenty five cents a copy and an hourly retrieval rate.
A Public Record is already on file with the district in a format of their convenience.
The Pennsylvania Right to Know Law says;
Amending the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L. 390, No. 212), entitled An act requiring certain records of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions and of certain authorities and other agencies performing essential governmental functions, to be open for examination and inspection by citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; authorizing such citizens under certain conditions to make extracts, copies, photographs or photostats of such records; and providing for appeals to the courts of common pleas, further providing for definitions, for examination and inspection and for extracts, copies or photostats; providing for denial of access to public records, for redaction, for response to requests for access and for final agency determinations; further providing for appeal from denial of right; and providing for court costs and attorney fees, for penalty and for immunity.
The political subdivision, in this case the school district may charge “reasonable” copying fees. It can also charge for requests of information put in a format that is different from district in-file records.
But charging an hourly rate for information that should be in the district possession and taxes have already been incurred to create and store that paperwork, appears to be an attempt by the board to skirt the Right to Know Law of Pennsylvania.
At the September 13, 2006 combined board meeting, the citizens discovered the plot to charge exorbitant fees for Public Records.
Dr. Zackon was asked if they planned to charge an hourly rate, he said “No”. But at the September 20, 2006 meeting, he recants by saying “..He does not know” if they plan to charge for labor.
Over $6,000,000 in off-budget funds while the board raises taxes, the school budget, the monthly Treasurer Report depicting activities in these off-budget funds, the teachers’ contract, the Superintendent’s contract, the little known Medical Pool Fund, are just a few the topics the board does not like to discuss with the taxpayers.
These and other areas of interest will not be available because the board plans to make them too expensive for review.
The community has every right to see their Public Records and not to be gouged in the process.
The next Policy Meeting is Monday, October 9, 2006, at 7:00PM in the Administration Building Boardroom.
Thank God! We can all rest easy now. It's official. Our school board knows it all.
Their continuing efforts to discourage any participation, asking questions, clarification of complicated facts, points in only one direction.
Walmart...$4.00 prescriptions
Regular Joe........ up to hundreds per month.
Oley teachers and their whole families........................?
Oley Board...check out what Walmart's doing right. If you want to keep gouging us with sky high taxes, at least try to run your business like a business.
Maybe you should hire IMPORTED TEACHERS.
Same college education
raised with respect for elders
impressive test scores
more incentive to come to work because that is why they were hired...to WORK!
In the real business world, the bosses don't get a raise if the company is not making progress, turning a buck.
Oley Valley puts lid on lease! What the heck is going on now Heckman! Violation after violation! How can you live with yourself! Get off board! Todays paper B2! Rolaids or Whiskey we need something!
Wow what a meeting I missed. Here the boards goes again violating the Sunshine Law! What is this Nextel agreement about? What is so secret about it? Like everything else spend our money but God forbid you ask a question! Shame, shame. Barb Bieber what do you think of this Nextel agreement? Would you have voted for it? Let us know drop us a line!
Barb Bieber? Do we know her?
Weather forecast for Oley, Pa
No SUNSHINE in site...by a vote of 9 to nothing
What the HECK...MAN?
Calling all board members:
You don't like what the Reading Eagle prints?
Be a man, go in person and tell them how you feel. Wear your fancy hat and be looking sharp, you could be a star by tonight's evening news!
you forgot one on the weather forecast:
Hot Air flowing across board room table.
That's right.
Pray tell???
Big question:
If the board has nothing to hide, then why does it seem as though everything is such a big secret? It's always best to lay your cards on the table....for everyone to see.
When the cards are not on the table, does that mean there's too many jokers in the deck?
Policy 801 concerning public records was presented to the board as a first reading. That means that the policy committee first saw it within the last 10 days, already with suggested changes, and has not evaluated it or recommended any changes themselves. Al was at our last meeting and knows that we first received it in its current version and we have not made any changes pending board and public comment. The only "plot" he can refer to must be his own. It also specifically states,as it always has stated, that "the district shall not assess any fees for staff time or resources used to evaluate a request for access to public records." The suggested cost per page has been presented to us with a recommendation that we increase the charge to 25 cents for each page. Is that unreasonable considering the cost of copiers and supplies? The district (you and I) will continue to pay the labor costs involved in preparing material requested, as well as replies to accusations made by the same small group of people. FYI, the amount of time thus spent is occasionally a matter of hours and even days. Is that a waste of their time and our money since nothing seems to result from these digging for dirt expeditions? Should they have to pay for the labor involved in responding to false accusations of malfeasance?
As for the Nextel agreement violating the sunshine law, as accused by someone who wasn't even at the meeting, what else is new? Do you really have to know anything before you comment on it? The reason for the secrecy, AT THIS TIME, was explained- and probably misinterpreted by some.When it is able to be explained, I predict an acute outbreak of foot in mouth disorder in unrepentent accusers. If I may correct another "fact" recently pulled out of an empty bag,my wife and I are paying the full cost of our medical insurance. Also, I was not attacking the senior citizen on the last blog for unhappy financial planning results. I was merely pointing out, as he seemed to relate, that extraneous financial and medical disasters are the main cause of most senior's plights. The constant blaming of school taxes as THE reason for their situation is a misrepresentation by the school and school board attackers. I don't like paying school and county taxes but at least I don't see the money being wasted the way the far, far greater state and federal direct and indirect collections are. To claim they are wasted based on PSSA test scores, which are usually at least as good as anyone else's,doesn't seem to make sense. Are PSSA scores really related to a "good" overall education or just to a lot of time and effort spent juicing up PSSA scores at the expense of other more important information? Is the education provided in Oley and Pa really worse than in other states who use their own test and have proficiency rates of 98-100% already? Etc.
Malfeasance? hehehe
You crack us up!
"my wife and I are paying the full cost of our medical insurance..."
Sure, and I'm Bill Clinton!
Here's one to look up:
Mr. Cappa,
Why on earth would you tell anyone who pays your medical insurance? It's not anyone's business but yours. If someone asked me who pays my medical insurance, I would be too embarrassed to tell them. But that's only because I don't have any medical insurance. So far, I am fairly healthy. I get up every day and still have a pulse. You know what that means, right? I'm still a living, breathing taxpayer.
Old Man River
Just one question. How come when people get a little bit of power bestowed upon them, in no time flat, they turn into a mirror image of Adolph Hitler?
"The only "plot" he can refer to must be his own. It also specifically states, as it always has stated, that "the district shall not assess any fees for staff time or resources used to evaluate a request for access to public records."
Perhaps, Mr. Cappa did not the take time to read the last page, the last sentence regarding Fee Structure of Public Records No. 801.
The sentence reads as follows "Cost to provide the asked for material, other than paper, should be reasonable and determined by the Superintendent "
When Dr. Zackon was quizzed on this sentence's meaning, he refused to answer the question.
He also refused to answer the question if the change refers to an hourly charge.
The board's history regarding their assurances that Policy changes are nothing more than innocent revisions needs to be measured against the experience of what happened to the Freedom to Speech rights when they voted for revising Public Participation at meetings.
"my wife and I are paying the full cost of our medical insurance..."
This is confusing. Does that mean the full cost of an independant policy covering the retired teacher, her spouce, and any and all minor children?
I am not sure if that is what you meant, sir. Or did "full cost" mean the entire amount required by the union to continue family coverage? That figure, if that is the one you wrote in reference to, would be pocket change in comparison to an actual independant policy provided by a completely different company, with no union affiliation.
If that is the case, a completely separate policy with a company that is not affiliated with the union benefits made available to current and retired employees of our fine school, is quite commendable on your part. Quite a savings to the taxpayers. Many would wonder why, of course, your family would have chosen to provide insurance at your own expense, at this time in your lives. Assuming all along, that you are no different than any other employee or elligable family thereof, enjoying, nay, sucking up like a massive Hoover vacuum...every last available benefit offered, provided, and, in fact, GUARANTEED, by the good old UNION. Now, that surely would be strange. It surely would. I think with the above explanation, many would question your statement. Of course, it's not our business who or whom pays the bills in your family. We don't need to know how your medical coverage is handled. If you're a doctor, maybe you'll just do everything yourself! We only ask questions like those I've asked, when we read something that could be taken two ways or have a hidden meaning. Who knows, maybe I read too many detective books, and you look up too many "big words."
Yea Cappa, changing policies like you do is scary! You cannot tell us that the SUPER does not want to charge man hours for requests! Zackon and you want to make it impossible for the public to speak and get copies of materials of interest and concern. Your record speaks for itself. Hey .25 cents a copy is way to much! As Heckman has said we are a $25 million business, so there should be plenty of money for repairs, paper, ink etc. for the copy machines. Spend our money in the areas that they should be spent! Do you charge the teachers for copies? I have worked as an aide and I see alot of paper being wasted! Come to school and spend a day and you will see what I am talking about. You must have been a doctor at a funny farm your humor is getting old. Have fun at the fair! DO NOT EAT TO MANY FRIES! THEY ARE NOT TOOOOO GOOD FOR YOU! WATCH THAT BLOOD PREASURE! YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN IT IS YOUR TIME!
There's the business for the seniors to start up! "Oley Valley High School Rent-a-Copy-Machine!"
Don't forget to let every patron know that they're paying for each copy TWICE. Once in their taxes, and then your newfound cover charge to boot!
Your right on the MONEY! They will take our money anyway they can get it!
As a taxpayer, I wonder how much of my money was wasted because district employees spent hours at a time locating and copying documents. Thank goodness the district has finally realized this and taken action!
"When the cards are not on the table, does that mean there's too many jokers in the deck?"
Nah! They're all on the blog!
Pro-board bloggers... Feel free to demonstrate your mental agility and creative little remarks! Your postings are crystal clear. You have every right to express the FEAR that you're facing. Since the bloggers are on to the board's antics, does that scare you? That is how it appears!
Did you ever think you'd view comments posted by a retired doctor...telling people who pays HIS medical coverage? That is all the proof anyone would need. The fact that he is a current board member should say something. A professional would have kept his personal comments to himself. That is not about freedom of speech, that's about common sense. Having his children speak on his behalf completes the picture. What next? Maybe his minister or priest will come on here or to meetings and tell tales of strength and courage?
Opinion: A retired professional being married to a current or former school employee...DOES NOT BELONG ON THE SCHOOL BOARD.
A retired professional that IS on the school board, but acts unprofessionally, DOES NOT BELONG ON THE SCHOOL BOARD.
An adult of any background that can't control his rude comments DOES NOT BELONG ON THE SCHOOL BOARD.
To blogger 11:16:55
They are not copying documents for us. We bring our own equipment and paper and copy our own documents, and just for your information, all they have to do is pull these documents off a shelf or out of a file drawer.
The district employees are not assembling anything and they do not have to search for anything. The items that are requested are in file items and documents that they school district already has on hand, and they are reports that the district has to run for their own use, so there is no preparation for any of these documents.
Also, have you ever called the school district to try to speak to somebody?
They never answer their phones. They always let it go to voice mail, so they can find out who is calling, and it is not because they are doing work such as copying documents for the people who are requesting PUBLIC RECORDS.
Dr. Cappa is incorrect. We are looking at the same documents that the board examines and should examine.
No extra work is done to prepare any of the documents that are requested.
Dr. Cappa is again wrong about the copying policy. It already is $0.25 per copy. It has been $0.25 for the last few years. (I will double check how long) As usual, the chairperson of the policy committee does not know the policies.
I belive the state statute states that copies should be made for the going rate in the community, and King's charges $0.10/copy, so once again, Oley School District charges the higher fee, to deter people from making copies of PUBLIC RECORDS!
Perhaps Dr. Cappa, you were not paying attention when the OBJECTION to the Sunshine Law was made. The objection was not to the Nextel agreement, it was made because Mr. Heckman cut off public questions regarding the MOTION THAT WAS BEFORE THE BOARD, and according to the Sunshine Law, questions must be allowed before a vote is taken. Interestingly, up until September 20th, this topic was never discussed in public and suddenly appeared on the agenda, and the Board still would not answer any questions regarding the Nextel agreement. You and 7 others voted to spend taxpayer money for something you would not even discuss!
As for Mr. Heckman, your "you will just have to trust us" statement holds no water. Why would we trust the arrogant board to make any decisions on behalf of the taxpayers, when in the past you have proven time and time again that you cannot be trusted?
Perhaps Dr. Cappa and Mr. Heckman should read up on the law, and better yet, follow it.
Follow the law! That is right!
25 cents a copy? The information should be free. How many times do the taxpayers have to pay for the same thing? If the persons that wish personal copies to view off of the school property, and they bring their own paper, etc, where is the problem? As usual, the board making a big deal out of nothing.
Taxpayers pay for the copy machines, the copy paper, the people who operate the copiers, the electricity to run the copiers, maintenance on the copiers and still must pay to have copies made? Amazing!
"As a taxpayer, I wonder how much of my money was wasted because district employees spent hours at a time locating and copying documents. Thank goodness the district has finally realized this and taken action!"
The school board receives the information each meeting in their packets.
Any claim that it would take weeks or longer to locate the same Public Record is a case of misinformation.
In addition, the requesters bring their own portable copier and paper.
"...the requesters bring their own portable copier and paper...!"
Well, then, that's certainly a fact that Mr. Cappa skillfully omitted, isn't it? It would behoove the board to stick to what they already know as "the truth." Granted, it will be a new experience, but they can adjust!
The board needs to go to confession! The priests are available 15 minutes before each mass. I know Heckman and McCarthy are Catholic, so at least 2 can clear their evil intent! The Lord is watching and does not like what he is seeing! He will forgive you as he died for our salvation! You should take the time board to read the bible and look into the mirror.
OK Saint Mary.
Say what ever you want there, Chachi. You know Mary is right. What's your real problem? Does it bother you that Mary has a great family and a deep religious conviction? And she does not hide her faith!
She is at nearly every board meeting. Perhaps you'd like to address "Saint Mary" in person.
Saint Mary I never said I was perfect! But I also try not to mislead the public every month at board meetings. You continue to spin your agenda. You are not for helping the children and the public that pay the bills. Can you try in your heart to tell the truth at board meetings and have open discussion with the public. We are at the meetings to see what the district is doing with our money and our childrens education. Why do you feel so strongly against the concern citizens!
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with the board! Oley school board needs to let out all their anger and become happy people that want to talk to the public. When will this start to take place? When it does I would like to be the first one to see it.
Mary, you hit the nail right on the head. If they are not happy people, they will never be able to do their "job" efficiently.
Mary is right! Get happy, board! Telling the truth and being polite would also make US happy.
"You have every right to express the FEAR that you're facing."
No fear here, buddy, just an enjoyment of blogging and disagreeing when I choose to disagree! ;)
Looks like you all need a smile!
Saint Mary said... "We are at the meetings to see what the district is doing with our money and our childrens education."
Please tell us when you, personally were at a board meeting, or do you rely only on Al Jacobs and Cindy Smith to tell you what to think?
I think you all are so emotionally invested in believeing some evil conspiracy is happening in the Oley school district that you can't think reasonably. Is it conceiveable that things you don't know could be working for good? Is every school board member really an evil-doer?
Oley is probably somewhat mismanaged and does need to replace Zackon and Heckman, but it has the same issues as ever district in PA.
Step back, clear you head and pray for wisdom and clarity.
The last blogger must have been a board member or member of the administration, because no one else but Al, Cindy, a gentleman from BCIU and Mrs. Jordan were at the meeting.
Are we SURE that Oley is a DRUG FREE school district? Maybe the kids..(?)...but a lot of these blogs looks like somebody is chemically altered, and it's NOT working for you!
No smiley for you....
Excuse me, here you go again attacking the messenger. The reason I have not been at a board meeting since June or July is none of your business but if you feel the need to find out my children need me to bring them to their after school functions, ie: Civil Air Patrol which is part of the Air Force, Dance for my other 2 children. My husband goes one way and I go another. You know we are all out for the good of the children. Children are our future and it is good for them to experience different activities outside of the Valley. So I have my dear friends to tell me what is going on at the meetings and the newspaper. I have been going for 5 years and your record speaks for itself. So nothing surprises me. Maybe you are doing good things for the children but you ruin that with your policy changes and antics in the board room. I rather be with my children anyday.
Give credit where credit is due. Mom's like Mary put their kids first, every single day. Sorry, but that's not the rule with every parent. Some kids are dumped into daycare at a couple of months old, signed up for every school activity to keep the kids at school, and the parents pick them up when they're 17 or 18. If that is their only choice, I feel sorry for them, and their kids. Mary and many like her, are not in that loop.
Thank you , Mary & Andy Swartz, for giving 100% of what you've got...for your kids. And thank you to other parents that are doing the same.
NO THANK YOU...to the ones that could care less what their kids are up to. Sooner or later, you will know what they've been up to, and I hope you're not disappointed.
Again, three people at the meeting in a district with over 8,000 registered voters. Shame, shame, shame, shame, shame.
They sure found time and money to spend at the fair thought.
Spent time and money at the fair?
Hence the old saying....
"A fool and his money are soon parted..."
What on earth could anyone possibly want to buy at that fair? Greasy french fries? Partially cooked burgers, also swimming in fat? Sub-standard circus variety rides? Those ride attendants are how far from BCP? Right, I want my little kid's safety in the hands of the Manson look a likes.
"The last blogger must have been a board member or member of the administration, because no one else but Al, Cindy, a gentleman from BCIU and Mrs. Jordan were at the meeting."
That blogger never said he/she was at a board meeting. Just because he/she disagrees with some of the things some of you say, doesn't mean the blogger has to be a board member!
I, for one, am not a board member, and I argue the points made by many of you. People do disagree.
Retired teacher then!! Hey Dale!
A pro-board person that is getting a track, football team, pool or something else maybe is the person that wrote above. Love the board get a track!
Maybe not football or a pool yet but a new track for sure!
I saw the Reading Eagle the other day (didn't save the paper) and they mentioned something about Nextel?? or something the district was buying but did would not comment on. Does anyone know what they are buying? Got the feeling it was expensive and the Eagle reporter did not know for sure.
Maybe each student will be getting a nextel phone and they will call each other as they run around the new track. Or the track coach can call the runners and give them their instructions! Or the teachers can call in their pizza orders - call their stock brokers - make medical appointments - and just have an all around well communicated life. Yep, that's probably it!
or laptops for the kids!!!
Laptops? Why stop there? I think each student with an average of 80% or above, should qualify for a full scholarship, major medical, free class ring, personal trainer, multi-tasking tutors, and colored contacts.
"Argue the points"
Oh tell me now why you are calling
them points, they are FACTS and if you go to meetings you would hear them for yourself.
No, I do not argue over facts. It is the interpretation of these facts which leads to disagreement among us. Let's just stick with the term points.
Okay, teach!
If our board was totally honest, they would not stifle comments and questions. Their business should be an open book. That we don't have to pay for with our taxes, and then, again, at 25 cents per page.
Part of the reason why people question the board's actions is that the meetings are not easy to follow. We're not even sure if THEY can follow their leader. There should be strict term limits, including the president. Just like the other presidents.
One minute we're hearing about tests and new tracks, the next minute we're seeing janitors get perfect attendance awards and little Johnny getting an award for the biggest spitball in the world. Why on earth would those things take place at a board meeting? Why stop there, how about a few hula dancers wiggling through the room, a live demonstration of CPR by first graders, or a rendition of "God Bless America" performed by the Boy Scouts, and backed up by the original members of The Tijuana Brass? Maybe a juggling act and a sword swallower or three? And then, the entire Board can exit the room for a closed session meeting....on roller blades---each one's hands' on the next guys' hips, wearing black silk tophats and cracking their shiny, black canes on the table for their grande exit! Now THAT'S a Board meeting! Woo Hooooooooooo!
You missed something! The Senior Class should parade through each meeting wearing those trays that the hot dog vendors have at the ball games. Selling weenies, 2 gallon buckets of movie theatre pop corn, corn dogs, and have a cotton candy machine set up in the corner. Oh, and a fortune teller could predict the next tax increase..right down to the last cent! They will call him...
The Amazing Zackoni !
The Amazing Zackoni
Watch him pull a free trip to Europe...right out of one of those top hats!
Nuthin' up my sleeve!
To Really big Shoe who said "The Senior Class should parade through each meeting..." selling hot dogs and cotton candy. Sorry, they'd be out of business after one board meeting because NO ONE GOES TO BOARD MEETINGS. That is unless Cindy and Al can support the Oley corn dog industry.
Good night Eddie.
NOW there are only a few people attending. But step up the current entertainment format, and look out. They'll need to borrow those red flash lights from the volunteer firefighters, for parking the masses.
2006 Fall TV Line up...
Board = Leave it to Bieber
Bloggers = Court TV
Union = Ripley's Believe it or NOT!
Teachers = X FILES
Student Body = Lost in Space
Only a few people attending board meetings: you need an iron stomach to deal with the board.
3 minutes is not worth the gas and time to go to these meetings. We can speak as long as we want on the blog. We see the picture here. You do not want people to come to the meetings, so do not say only Cindy and Al go. God Bless them for showing up month after month and taking the abuse you throw at them. They are both very caring and concerned citizens of this valley. People should be thanking them for all the time they put into making this held district accountable and pushing for better education and a fair system. We all should be like them. The children are the future and we must protect them and make sure they are getting the education due to them by law.
Love the old tv shows
To St. Mary who wrote -
"3 minutes is not worth the gas and time to go to these meetings. We can speak as long as we want on the blog."
Thank you for proving my point that it is easier to have someone else go to meetings and that you depend on Al and Cindy to tell you what to think.
You also prove that you are more interested in blogging than going to board meetings to listen and ask questions for your self.
"A democracy will fall when carried on the back of the lazy."
- some guy in Oley.
Dear..."some guy in Oley..."
Didn't you used to be a doctor?
"A democracy will fall when carried on the back of the lazy..."
A fine thing to point out to people that work 12 MONTHS OF THE YEAR! You're right on the money! How's about a toast?
Since Cindy and Al are the only ones at the meeting, then it's clear that the posts are coming from board members. We're glad you're enjoying YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH!
Y'all come back now, ya hear?
...And for my next number, I'll pull a retired teacher...out of my hat! It's hard to tell, isn't it? So young, so well rested, so underworked, so overpaid. Don't like that comment? Well, it's still falling under FREE SPEECH.
....to suggest that Mary took an easier route than going and asking questions herself??? Well, you must be very new in town. Very, very new.
To Anonymous who said...
"Since Cindy and Al are the only ones at the meeting, then it's clear that the posts are coming from board members."
No I'm not a doctor or a board member. Hey maybe I'm the Reading Eagle reporter who has seen the awesome turnout Al Jacobs generates.
Go Oley Football !!!
heh, heh, heh....
This is almost funny. First we have someone telling bloggers who pays their family's medical coverage. Then we have a philosopher. And now...we have a reporter for the Reading Eagle. Perhaps you suffer from:
Commonly known as Early Retirement Syndrome. Symptoms may include:
feelings of extreme self-importance or superiority
refusal to allow people to have what they believe they've got a right to
feelings of being thrust into old age, and compensating by portraying classic signs of a childish brat
uncontrolable urges to repeatedly pat oneself on the back, no matter how difficult it is to reach your very own back, you never give up
a false sense of security revolving around a life-long drive to have a title
expressions of arrogance which are unsuccessfully hidden
There is no known cure for this syndrome, to date. But, marvelous treatments are being successfully administered throughout our fine land. The more often we witness people retiring at 50-55 years of age, the more complaints there are noted in these areas.
You people are not worth a dime! Hello go for football all you want and when your kid cannot get through college because Oley had to drop some educational programs for football do not come yelling no one will listen. I would come to meetings if I had the time and energy to listen to the bull every month. And yes Cindy and Al are very nice people and dear to me so if they go and no one if forcing them so what is the problem with them telling me the nonsense that when on at a meeting. I can read the paper and call the administration and go on their web site for info. I trust my friends to tell me and my children tell me plenty. They are in all 3 buildings you know! Your name must start with a C,D,R and if it doesn't oh well who cares anyway. Al and Cindy do not go to meetings for the fun of it they go to get the information on what the district is doing. Again why that such a problem. The facts speak for themselves. Find something else to complain about! Your getting old. Good Night Irene
Retire professional said:the board stopped the people from talking more than 3 minutes does that mean we have to pay for the stop watch too? They can get the stop watch from the track coach, they will not need it with the new track.
Well, it took me a moment or two, but I did figure out the stop watch thing. Momentarily, I was stumped as to why the coach would not need a stop watch at the new track. But then, it dawned on me. For what it's going to really cost for the track to be installed, the last blogger was correct. No stop watch will be needed for timing and improving the running times of our students. When they see all of those taxpayers chasing them around that track, they will be running like nothing you've ever seen in your life. The track will last forever, because their feet will barely be touching the ground!
Better re-think that stop-watch theory. Let the track coach use his fancy stop-watch. We can use an egg timer from the dollar store. The dollar store...just what the doctor ordered!
Hello Dale, Rob, Carl and all the other pro-boarders
to: 7:07:44
Go Oley Football? Go where? Go to a fundraiser? Go to an emergency room? Go to a sports medicine doctor? Go to physical therapy? Go to the insurance claims adjuster? Go for a neck brace? Go to the poor house? Go to therapy because little Johnny didn't win? Go to the school board for uniforms? Go to the school board for transportation to games? Go to the school board for 14K gold Oley Superbowl rings? Go for broke? Is that the "Go Oley Football that you meant? How about GO OLEY YOUTH LEAGE FOOTBALL?
Re: Rob Cappa said...on 9/22/06
"Policy 801....that means we just saw it within the last 10 days, already with suggested changes..."
I am new to this and am wondering, who wrote policy 801? Nothing on here states who wrote the policy and why it's okay to change it. If that information is on this blog, I must have overlooked that part. It is a lot to read on here. I work a swing shift at the plant and can not plan on attending very many of the meetings, although I am new here and will try.
Someone wrote, "who wrote policy 801?"
Could Mr. Swisher who served 13 years on the school board and chaired the Policy Committee shed some light on this inquiry?
Mary, please slow down enough to punctuate your emotional outbursts.
In addition to Russ Swisher's tenure, Linda B., Barbara F. or Russ H. might be able to answer the question - who wrote 801?
Now I'm confused. Are pro-boarders the same as anti-bloggers?
No! That's something you take for constipation. And we all know who's full of ----
to 10:42:16...
Verbal attacks on Mary will not get her off the case. She was concerned about school board decisions long before you became a HECKler. Bloggers are not writing term papers here, they are venting any and all comments that can't be voiced at the board meetings. Nobody cares if every single word is spelled correctly, or if every period and comma are in the right place. We're focusing on CONTENT. The few jibs and jabs of humor that pop up here and there are made in an effort to draw attention to particular points of view. Again, not scripted for the evening news. It's OUR evening news, the news we don't get answers for at meetings. In my life, I'm certain that I've never been able to ask serious questions and explain them in detail....in 3 minutes. That is where Oley's board is dropping the ball. And, if anyone attended any given board meeting, they would see for themselves that there is no red carpet rolled out for the very people paying for the decisions of the board. Good, bad, or indifferent. The only time the board seems to be on suitable or professional behavior is when there's an uproar and large crowds of people show up at meetings. THEN, they retaliate by having multitudes of TEACHERS show up at those large meetings and obviously prompt them to ask leading questions of the board. So obvious, a child could see what was going on there. Of course, their own confidence is clearly shaken, since you see police cars trolling the parking lot. Police cars! Where are we now, Harlem?
So, "see-through blogger," blog all you want on here, blog to your hearts content. You deserve your freedom of speech as much as the next guy. But don't assume that your comments are not easily detected by anyone with, well, two eyes and reading skills. Remember "comprehension?" Grasping the meaning of something...like your blogs? The board may well attempt to control EVERYONE at board meetings, but they are NOT in control here. Here we ALL have freedom of speech. It's sad that our very own school system has driven it's taxpayers to such measures. Sad, and disgusting. But not disgusting enough to drive EVERYONE away. There have been countless verbal attacks on Al, Cindy, Mary, and many others printed on this blog. You know Al Jacobs could have removed any he did not see as suitable for print, including those attacking him. You did not see this happen though, did you? Al is to be commended for his convictions. Bloggers like yourself, however, are to be pittied.
The fact that the board does not think that the taxes are hurting senior citizens, young families, and many others that fall between those two groups of people, illustrates quite clearly where their priorities rest. It's as if the board room table is placed around a gigantic Monopoly board, and the members of the board are playing with "play money." Well, it's not a game. This is real money, earned by hard working people that do not want to be forced to give up all of their spare dollars in the name of "fancy extras" in the school system. Everyone knows that we pay taxes for our EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM, and it's not supposed to include items we, as a community, can not afford. Example: FOOTBALL. There is no way that it will get into our school system without costing BIG MONEY. Until the area makes allowances for industry to develop and prosper in Oley and vicinity, the board had better learn to stick to the basics.
The Oley Concerned Citizens’ blog created a medium where citizens can express their views on school district matters.
The information presented is a Public Record available to anyone who takes the time to request it.
Instead of presenting documented sources in comparison to the data, the supporters of the status quo, deny, belittle and attack. The presentation of the facts to the community is upsetting to those who oppose accountability.
A sixty percent increase in school property taxes with little or no educational results is “proficient” for the detractors of public awareness, but not to those forced from their homes because they are unable to pay these taxes.
The posting of yearly school budgets, PSSA test results, teacher and Superintendent contract terms, etc. is requiring the board and their supporters to answer questions from newly informed voters.
Board member, Robert Cappa spearheads an anti-accountability campaign with letters to the editor, harassing actions and comments at meetings, and now an anti-Free Speech community participation policy. He is working on making Public Records too expensive for the citizens to review.
The rest of the school board votes for his agenda.
The strategy to circle the wagons is for naught however, because the state and federal government instituted fiscal and educational controls.
School districts will have only so much to spend. They also must have satisfactory student test scores or face penalties, in other words, accountability.
Regardless of who sits on the board, they must meet standards that taxpayer groups demanded long ago.
The days of the blank check, feel good budgets are coming to a halt.
Some will get the message and some will not.
The concerned citizens reached their objective.
The Oley Concerned Citizens’ blog created a medium where citizens can express their views on school district matters.
The information presented is a Public Record available to anyone who takes the time to request it.
Instead of presenting documented sources in comparison to the data, the supporters of the status quo, deny, belittle and attack. The presentation of the facts to the community is upsetting to those who oppose accountability.
A sixty percent increase in school property taxes with little or no educational results is “proficient” for the detractors of public awareness, but not to those forced from their homes because they are unable to pay these taxes.
The posting of yearly school budgets, PSSA test results, teacher and Superintendent contract terms, etc. is requiring the board and their supporters to answer questions from newly informed voters.
Board member, Robert Cappa spearheads an anti-accountability campaign with letters to the editor, harassing actions and comments at meetings, and now an anti-Free Speech community participation policy. He is working on making Public Records too expensive for the citizens to review.
The rest of the school board votes for his agenda.
The strategy to circle the wagons is for naught however, because the state and federal government instituted fiscal and educational controls.
School districts will have only so much to spend. They also must have satisfactory student test scores or face penalties, in other words, accountability.
Regardless of who sits on the board, they must meet standards that taxpayer groups demanded long ago.
The days of the blank check, feel good budgets are coming to a halt.
Some will get the message and some will not.
The concerned citizens reached their objective.
Yes we did!
It is worth stating twice!
Back in the old West...they took matters into their own hands. They were not lazy. Nor did they swallow a line of horse manure a mile long. Nobody had time for that, and even less patience. Greedy land owners that tried to swindle the public, ended up near the wrong end of a smoking gun.
In all of these years, we've progressed to having "LEGAL smoking guns." The basic rules of nature have not changed. Power hungry people trying to order the average guy to do everything they say...or else!
Take a head count, folks. There's more Indians than there are chiefs. Everyone has their limits, and the power hungry types on the board are asking for this response to their tax hikes and 3 minute rules. You gloat over the fact that only a handful of folks show up to meetings? Bite your tongue, every year, this gets worse. Every year, budgets are getting stretched thinner and thinner. Every year, you will see more people than ever looking for justice. Some will get discouraged and leave. MOST will NOT.
Anyone that doubts that the spirit of the old West is not still around....take a trip this Friday night. To ZERN'S. Frankly, if serving on the school board, or any office, I think I'd be mighty serious about pleasing ALL of the public, not just the affluent.
Heed the advice of Saint Mary the Patron Saint of accountability. Have a blessed day.
Many thanks, Mary, for the blessings today.
Your most certainly welcome!
Citizens need only one person to record the events of a meeting.
The district needs nine school board members, a solicitor, a superintendent, assistant superintendent, business manager, the High School, Middle School, and Elementary School Principles, and a board secretary to do the same thing!
The district gives the cost of changing a light bulb new meaning.
If you use your imagination a little, those board room tables look a bit like the wagons circling.
Who needs an imagination? The only thing missing is the wheels. And fussy little kids.
Wait, it's just the wheels.
Congratulations to the National Honor Society members. These students have a great work ethic, determination, discipline, and great families. The encouragement from their families is what sets them apart. Congratulations, also, to any teachers that put their students first, and give teaching their top proirity, each and every day.
Yes, yes! A positive word on the very negative blog ring! I agree....kudos to the high achieving kids and hard working teachers!
...and I suppose I need to remind all of you that I am not a teacher, board member, administrator,..........
I've been away for a bit, but it's interesting to see that there are other anti-negative attitude bloggers on here! Nice to see! :)
I don't recall anyone on here criticizing hard working teachers or high achieving students. Even those hard working teachers are critical of the ones who just show up and go through the motions every day. The Mission Statement of the OVSD states that they are "committed to excellence in education" Excellence cannot be achieved until ALL teachers are hard working and ALL students are energized and challenged to do their best.
Trying to point out areas that need improvement isn't being negative. Ignoring the fact that there can be improvement, however, is naive. We could accomplish alot if we could get over this us vs. them hang-up (that includes the attitude of board members). We are not the "Dark Side", or the "other side" and you aren't the "anti-negative" side. We are all residents and taxpayers of the Oley Valley School District with the same goals. Educational excellence and fiscal accountability.
That's correct, RS.
Please note that "Proud Poppy" wrote:
"Congratulations, also, to ANY teachers that put their students first, and give teaching their TOP priority, EACH AND EVERY DAY."
I think Proud Poppy truly is proud of his grandchildren's achievements. I also think that it may have been a gentle hint where he wrote "any teachers" as opposed to ALL TEACHERS. And, The part where it says EACH AND EVERY DAY. "Excused absences" do not made for excellent teachers. Within reason, yes. Using them for whatever reason...and using all you're offered....stinks. Substitute teachers are not going to get the same results as the regular class teacher. Highly paid babysitters that read a weekly classroom plan, that's about it.
The "ANY" teacher part....also pretty clear. We'd like to think that Oley hires ONLY dedicated teachers, but everyone knows we don't. I have personally put 5 children through Oley schools. Many had good teachers. There were a few very good teachers. I can think of ONE great teacher, and the rest were average, if that. You will find out just how average that teacher was, when you go on to the next grade, and immediately have problems. If that's not enough, just wait until they're in college. There's where the students are put to the test, and they are only as good as the education that they received from grades 1-12.
I, too, congratulate our Honor Society stutents, and ALL responsible teachers that got them to see the light.
Thanks for your time, bloggers
To Poppy
You are right. We don't want SOME good teachers. We want ALL good teachers.
hello poppy
tell it like it is
all good teachers
tell them to work every school day unless they are sick, really sick
we are hiring a bunch of pansies, a excuse for everything and they stay home, still get paid. you teachers never wouldhave cut it in the world I worked in for my whole career. ever hear of sink of swim? you would need two rafts.
My mom was a 5th grade teacher in the city. I do not ever remember her taking a day off, except to go to a funeral. She taught in the 60s, 70s. and 80s. Saw plenty of good kids, and plenty that had problems at home. She would tell us about some of their family problems, and I know she helped whenever it was the right thing to do, not stepping into family matters, etc. My mom was loved by lots of students and their families. I hope we still have teachers around that fit the same description as what my mom was like. She loved her job. For the most part, she was not paid anywhere near what they now make, but she still gave 100% of what she had to give, and I am proud of her.
"To Poppy
You are right. We don't want SOME good teachers. We want ALL good teachers."
Well, nice idea, but it won't happen. It's another fact of life. Are all pastors good, or all surgeons, or all mechanics. There is not a school district in existence that hires ALL good teachers. It is a goal, I'm sure, but one that realistically will not be achieved....not here, not anywhere
To the writer who thinks "a bunch of pansies" are teaching our students I issue a challenge - sit in a classroom for an entire day and then come back with a report. Consider being a guest speaker in an area of expertise. Volunteer with Junior Achievement and teach a curriculum component. Then come back and speak from experience. Can't put in that kind of time? Try volunteering in the cafeteria for a few hours. "Pansies" that's a term used by those speaking from a distance.
"sit in the back of a classroom for a day....consider being a guest....speaker.....volunteer.....then come back and speak from experience..."
Your assumption that one has NOT done the volunteer acts within our school's walls, leads myself and others to only one conclusion....
Key words:
And don't forget, half of assume... is... ass.
Read Reading Eagle A10 today, Oley Valley School Board in violation of the Sunshine Act again!
always great to see you're school's name in the paper....but not for violations!
Always great to see your school have its name in the paper? No, not always. Not when it's for violations of THE SUNSHINE ACT.....AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN. Why not just put up a billboard on 73 and tell all the taxpayers that way...we don't care about you! We only care about your money.
"Read Reading Eagle A10 today, Oley Valley School Board in violation of the Sunshine Act again!"
The school board's arrogance affects the taxpayer.
They pass a policy designed to restrict public particpation and intend to approve a policy that prohibits access to public records.
The community is persona non grata about information that raises their property taxes.
Now, they are flirting with lawsuits about Sunshine and Right to Know Laws.
The board needs to read House Bill 1 about controls on school spending.
The exemptions to the referendum do not cover mismanagement.
"Your assumption that one has NOT done the volunteer acts within our school's walls, leads myself and others to only one conclusion...."
I agree with the writer who suggested volunteerism. I think his or her assumption is correct because anyone who has volunteered in a classroom (and I have) CERTAINLY knows without a doubt that teachers can not be categorized as "pansies!!!" ...not that anyone is deserving of such a derogatory label for that matter!
"And don't forget, half of assume... is... ass."
...another comment that is very telling!
To those who think the school board is violating the Sunshine Act:
Is it not true that you are able to speak for an unrestricted amount of time at committee meetings? Yes, it is in fact true! Therefore, your right to speak is addressed. Thank goodness the board saw fit to put a limit on the endless ranting and slander that occurs by the same few people during the main board meeting!! I too would have done the same. I've heard from countless people that a few people (the same repetitive bloggers on here)tend to unleash a barrage of repetitive babble and insults over and over again. Good for you, board members, for putting a stop to this utter nonsense!!!!
Is it possible to ADD one meeting a month? It would be for the public to ask questions...all the questions they want or need to ask...with no time limits.
A relaxed format would be nicer and more productive. "User friendly." No gavel, no "us against them."
If the board was truly offering sufficient time for people to ask questions, then we would not have the tension that's there, now. How many times have you seen new people come to board meetings, show up once or twice, and then you never see them again? It's not because they don't care. It's because the feeling of those meetings does not invite you back for more. If that is the intent of the board, shame on them.
Hey "Once a Month"
Please read the comment just above yours @ 5:27:44PM. That person is exactly correct. There is plenty of time for all comments at the multiple comittee meetings every month.
Adding another meeting would result in the same few people attending.
What specifically are you looking for at a schoolboard meeting that is designed to carry out business of the district? Would snacks be nice?
What exactly am I looking for at a school board meeting?
Guess what, pal, you don't get it at a school board meeting in OLEY, and apparently, you don't get it here, either.
There's a three word phrase that settles the whole thing, though. And here it is:
Is it possible to add informal meetings for questions? Yes, and if you were not aware of the subcommittee meetings and the combined committee meeting, try attending those. Also there are SIX additional meetings held each year which are informal meetings to answer questions: Township Supervisors Meeting - next scheduled for 10/19 and School Board Advisory Meeting - next scheduled for 11/7. Although they usually have low turnout, they are open to the public. Check district calendar and advertisements - show up!
Respect is earned, not demanded!
And complaints without knowledge is foolish.
Well, then, let's all send out a hearty, down-home WELCOME to the Oley Valley.
Did any of the bloggers ever consider the fact that someone blogging on here could be NEW to the community? I guess not. And it's a wonder anyone would want to be new to a community that seems to be so hostile, in so many ways.
I, myself, an not new to the area. But if I were looking for a place to settle, and I managed to stumble onto this blog and read more than a few lines, I think I'd just keep on rambling along life's highway, until I found a more suitable place to call "HOME".
Why does it seem as though there is so much static between the board and EVERYONE that's not a teacher? Pretty shabby.
Jiminy Cricket! The person who asked about the new meeting that was just for QUESTIONS??? Was that so wrong with asking that question? I don't think there's anything wrong with asking. How else do we ever learn anything? Maybe the guy or lady was new to the area and didn't know! Give them a break!
Now I know what that "ASSume" thing was about! The pro-board gang does assume that we all should already know all the rules. ASSume nothing, they were right.
It's becomming more and more clear that our board, and those that benefit directly from the decisions of the board, are EXTREMELY DEFENSIVE about the way things are handled by the board, and they certainly don't want to encourage questions that could lead people in the direction of questioning the $$$$$ decisions. It's all about the dough.
"Respect is earned, not demanded..."
Well, Sherlock, that goes both ways. I've been to more than one meeting at the board room where there is anything BUT respect coming from selected members' ignorant mouths. And, to add insult to injury, the head of the board does NOTHING to correct, change, or even acknowledge the fact that they've got board members that are just plain rude. There's a reason for that. The whole world respects crazy people. They learn to give them plenty of space. So, Sherlock, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
To anynomous blogger:
"To those who think the school board is violating the Sunshine Act"
Perhaps you should read the Sunshine Law in its entirety. The Sunshine Law has many components to it, not just the time allowance for taxpayers to ask questions.
Point in fact - at the last board meeting a new item appeared on the agenda that was never discussed in PUBLIC. A question was asked of the board as to whether or not the board would be accepting questions regarding this issue, and they agreed that they would. However, when asked what the agenda item was about that they would be voting on, their reply was that they could not tell the public anything. And when a few more questions were asked, they insisted they did not have to answer them, would not answer them, and the cut off discussions, even though the public had more questions. They then took a vote, and that, my friend, was the violation of the Sunshine Law. They allowed two questions, to which they did not answer, then voted to approve taxpayer money to go ahead with whatever this little or BIG agenda item was.
As you for your comment regarding the Committee Meetings, obviously you have not attended one.
At the last three to four Policy Committee meetings, the new versions of the "policies in questoin" are handed out to the board members attending the meeting, but nothing is given to the public attending the meeting. Then on top of that, they do not even discuss what is on the papers, and then come board meeting time, again, nothing is discussed, so when exactly are we to find out about how they expect to change the policy?
At one of the policy committee meetings the committee actually sat there in silence for about 7 minutes and nothing was commented on, talked about, etc. There was complete silence. So sir/madam/school employee/board memter/administration member - how would you address a group who does not even discuss the changes to the policy until it comes before a final vote before the board?
Also, the questions that the taxpayers are asking are valid questions.
Most employess of this school district have it made. The administration feels the need to give things away at this school. There are benefits galore to be had when employed by the School District. Entire families of school district employees are covered for a very small payout from the employee. You all know who you are. I think it is deplorable that you say we slander the school district.
You know it's the truth, we know it's the truth and soon everyone will know it's the truth. Perhaps the possibility of the gravy train ending has you upset.
I ask you if you feel it is okay for the abundance of teacher absences last year within the Oley School District? Do you believe that it is okay for 45 teachers be approved to be absent on one given day, and not be charged for these absences? It is okay for 45 substitutes plus additional "floaters" to also be called to school every day to work at a rate of $70 to $90/day to sit around and work only if needed?
It is okay for Oley School District employees to get multiple personal days off, even more than appear in their contract?
It is okay for the School District to be constantly going to King's and spending the taxpayer's money for grocery items. I know that some of these items are used for Home Economics, but this occurs routinely in the check runs.
Is it okay for the school district to pay out thousands of dollars for an employee's education in a given year, and then have the employee up and quit and go somewhere else to work.
What do you think about the 8 business managers in almost 11 years in this district. Not knowing anything about this district and seeing this fact, certainly puts up a red flag.
Did the fact that the board approved $26,000,000 for inappropriate investment in unsecured and unregistered commercial paper bother you - all for the gain of a hundred or so thousand dollars?
Where we would be today had Oley lost the money like Boyertown or Daniel Boone?
The taxpayers of this school district would have to front the bill.
This school district has been fiscally mismanaged for the past 7 or so years. The audits tell the story, and by the way, they are online for everyone to view.
Go to the PA Auditor General site and click on school district, and then access audits, and you can pull up the last audit and see for yourself.
Now we even give $200 savings bonds to support staff who have perfect attendance. Quite a few earned these bonds, and that's great, except I never got a thank you for footing the bill. Perhaps we had a fundraiser to raise this money. Why should we have to financially reward people for attendance, when it is their job to be there. A job is a job is a job, and part of your job is being there to do it.
This school district is not in a positon to keep financially rewarding people for coming to work.
Why does everyone that works here have to have their hand out? Why can't their reward be just knowing that it is a job well done?
Everything in Oley comes down to MONEY, and the money is running out!
Thanks Cindy Smith for that re-cap of your life's quest to topple the Oley School Dist. administration.
To the above post:
Thank you for the time and effort you have put forth to compile the information that others are not able to accomplish on their own. Your efforts are not going unnoticed by the REAL people of Oley. We appreciate what you have done, as we appreciate all Al has done. The fact that someone with a functional brain is looking up facts that the board would prefer to keep buried...must be VERY upsetting to them. After all, they've got everything to gain by their secret ways. If they had nothing to gain, and nothing to hide, I bet there would be no blog needed.
Get off of Cindy's case. Are you that jealous of her drive and determination, or is it your paycheck you're worried about?
Yeah Good job Cindy. By the way, I thought you had a full time job, 5 kids but still found time to post this last 1,000 word blog all before bed time.
Do you remember your kids names?
It sure does seem that some of these anti-Oley types do have a tremendous amount of time to spend on this blog. Maybe they just have money to spare and really don't have to work. Just mud sling and accuse the "evil" school board.
Must be nice. Maybe they should get real jobs like TEACHERs.
"And complaints without knowledge is foolish."
Agreed! ...but then why do you continue to do it??
what kind of a dirtbag would write a comment like that? Never question how a working mother gets everything done. Just never question that. Anyone that has their doubts, has no clue as to how much a REAL working person can do in 24 hours.
It's so nice to see that the scummy bloggers have laid off of Mary's case for a night or two.
Cindy CHOSE to be the mother to her 5 children. They are very lucky to have a mom that is dedicated, hard working, caring, and not afraid of YOU.
Hard working people with good intentions have no problems sleeping.
How do YOU sleep?
"So, Sherlock, put that in your pipe and smoke it."
No thanks, I don't smoke! ;)
If anyone knows of any REAL jobs that give you the summer off, fabulous medical benefits, and a dandy retirement package, please post them in LARGE PRINT in the want ads. Or, be brave, and post them right on here, for FREE. You remember FREE...It's your favorite price, teach!
Welcome to Oley.
Oops, sorry, you're not really welcome. Unless you're a teacher, board member, or big business owner. In those cases...
Welcome to Oley!
"How do YOU sleep?"
Very well, thank you! And you????
Hi everybody!
I'm a lifelong Oley resident. Only two days ago, I came back from a vacation in Florida. I heard about this blog. Wow, this is just great! I didn't know where I wanted to go when I finally retired, but I know now.
Not here.
Then put that in your pipe, and ponder the thought.
"Oops, sorry, you're not really welcome. Unless you're a teacher, board member, or big business owner. In those cases..."
Sorry to hear you feel that way. I am none of those things and I feel very welcome, except of course by the bloggers with whom I disagree! hmmm!
I don't smoke, so therefore, I have no pipe.
Haven't posted anything for quite a while. Find it interesting that once again the messenger is attacked, yet no comments were made to contradict what was posted.
How about some answers to the questions posed or do you decline to answer on grounds that may incriminate you?
...anybody listen to Mike Faust? It's time to sing his favorite song...
No smoke
No pipe
No smiley
No happy
No joy
No pickle
No yadda
no chicken
No no no no no
"...You remember FREE...It's your favorite price, teach!"
Wait, I think you're confused. I don't hear any teachers complaining about the taxes that they pay. I think FREE is what some of you bloggers are looking for! Well, don't look for a free ride where my child is involved!
It's all a matter of honesty.
"They" honestly can't answer anything about the things that are brought up on the blog, or even at the meetings. Go to a meeting, watch the board members eyes when someone asks a question. It's like watching a table full of 3rd graders that ate the birthday cake before the party. Afraid to admit anything and also afraid to agree when they KNOW something is wrong, ever!
Don't forget ...
no snake comments
no scum labels
no arrogance remarks
no humor
Oh, wait, nevermind, they're all here!
What are the questions you want to debate? I'm game....throw them on over!!
The bloggers which appear to be "against" the board, have good reason to feel the way they do. The facts are well hidden by the board, but not well enough. People are stumbling upon some real doozies, and the strong arm of the Union can't quite shut the mouths of EVERy citizen. Try as they may.
The question was..."What are your credentials?"
Well, one of them is NOT your speedy reply!
Time for some biscotti and hot cocoa.
What's the word on this new track?
? ? ?
No, HONEY...don't BEE silly! You could get HIVES! A STICKY situation. You may have trouble COMBing your way through a mess like that. And you could get STUNG!
Big Business Owner, forget that. Oley doesn't want big business. Just want to keep that small town flavor, quaint, charming and historic...remember? Clean and Green.
You wanted feedback, here you go...
Statement: Perhaps you should read the Sunshine Law in its entirety. The Sunshine Law has many components to it, not just the time allowance for taxpayers to ask questions.
Feedback:I just did.
Statement: Point in fact - at the last board meeting a new item appeared on the agenda that was never discussed in PUBLIC. A question was asked of the board as to whether or not the board would be accepting questions regarding this issue, and they agreed that they would. However, when asked what the agenda item was about that they would be voting on, their reply was that they could not tell the public anything. And when a few more questions were asked, they insisted they did not have to answer them, would not answer them, and the cut off discussions, even though the public had more questions. They then took a vote, and that, my friend, was the violation of the Sunshine Law. They allowed two questions, to which they did not answer, then voted to approve taxpayer money to go ahead with whatever this little or BIG agenda item was.
Feedback: Check subsection C!
Statement: At the last three to four Policy Committee meetings, the new versions of the "policies in questoin" are handed out to the board members attending the meeting, but nothing is given to the public attending the meeting. Then on top of that, they do not even discuss what is on the papers, and then come board meeting time, again, nothing is discussed, so when exactly are we to find out about how they expect to change the policy?
Feedback: Did you ask for a copy of the policy? Apparently someone had a copy, because there sure are a lot of blog comments about it. You could always listen to the discussion at the regular board meeting, then ask your questions at the policy meeting relating to that question. viola! free, unrestricted public feedback available to you,and you, and me too!
Statement: At one of the policy committee meetings the committee actually sat there in silence for about 7 minutes and nothing was commented on, talked about, etc. There was complete silence. So sir/madam/school employee/board memter/administration member - how would you address a group who does not even discuss the changes to the policy until it comes before a final vote before the board?
Feedback: It is madam, thank you, and none of the other labels. I would discuss it by asking the questions that I have and by giving my opinions. If they were silent, then that must have been a golden opportunity for you to speak.
Statement: Also, the questions that the taxpayers are asking are valid questions.
Feedback: Some are, some aren't. I've heard plenty of stories! ...and no I'm still not on the board, or a teacher, or administrator.... but word sure does spread about the inappropriate bevavior at the board meeting by some of the same few.
Statement: Most employess of this school district have it made. The administration feels the need to give things away at this school.
Feedback: That is certainly opinion and not a fact. The request was that someone respond to the facts.
Statement: There are benefits galore to be had when employed by the School District. Entire families of school district employees are covered for a very small payout from the employee.
Feedback: The benefits Oley Valley teachers receive is comparable to teachers across the county.
Statement: I think it is deplorable that you say we slander the school district.
Feedback: Another opinion. I also think it is deplorable that you slander the district. (yes, that too is an opinion)
Statement: You know it's the truth, we know it's the truth and soon everyone will know it's the truth. Perhaps the possibility of the gravy train ending has you upset.
Feedback: (sigh) Yet another opinion! ...but as a sidenot, I wasn't planning on riding the gravy train, so its ending means not a thing to me!
Statement: I ask you if you feel it is okay for the abundance of teacher absences last year within the Oley School District? Do you believe that it is okay for 45 teachers be approved to be absent on one given day, and not be charged for these absences?
Feedback: 45 in a day is a lot, but I can't jump to judgement without knowing the facts. Was there a PSSA workshop? What was the date? Was it flu season? There are certainly some legitimate causes.
Statement: It is okay for 45 substitutes plus additional "floaters" to also be called to school every day to work at a rate of $70 to $90/day to sit around and work only if needed?
Feedback: Floaters are used to cover meetings that are required by law such as IEP meetings, chapter 15 meetings, etc (see, I too can do my research!)and they are called in when they are needed
Statement: It is okay for Oley School District employees to get multiple personal days off, even more than appear in their contract?
Feedback: It is okay for any employee to get multiple personal days off. Some districts give as many as 6 or 7. Oley gives less. Personal days over and above the amount listed in the contract are not given ...unless it is without pay....no loss to the taxpayer.
Statement: It is okay for the School District to be constantly going to King's and spending the taxpayer's money for grocery items. I know that some of these items are used for Home Economics, but this occurs routinely in the check runs.
Feedback: Yes, of course it is okay. The home-ec class routinely needs food supplies. So do other classes...for example, if my child's kindergarten class was learning about produce grown in PA, providing an assortment of produce for them to sample would be an effective way to teach that concept.
Statement: Is it okay for the school district to pay out thousands of dollars for an employee's education in a given year, and then have the employee up and quit and go somewhere else to work.
Feedback: That is perhaps a bit unethical on the part of the employee, but it is a common practice in schools and business across the country. It is STANDARD practice, not just Oley practice.
Statement: What do you think about the 8 business managers in almost 11 years in this district. Not knowing anything about this district and seeing this fact, certainly puts up a red flag.
Feedback: Business managers tend to change schools quite often. Perhaps Oley doesn't pay their business managers enough to keep them!
Statement: Did the fact that the board approved $26,000,000 for inappropriate investment in unsecured and unregistered commercial paper bother you - all for the gain of a hundred or so thousand dollars?
Feedback: Are you speaking of a district investment?.... Are you saying the district made a hundred or so thousand dollars from this investment?
Statement:Where we would be today had Oley lost the money like Boyertown or Daniel Boone?
Feedback: I don't understand...I thought you just said Oley gained money? Apparently they made better investment decisions than those other districts. That's something to be happy about, certainly not complaint worthy!
Statement:The taxpayers of this school district would have to front the bill.
Feedback: Well, we didn't have to... :)
Statement: This school district has been fiscally mismanaged for the past 7 or so years. The audits tell the story, and by the way, they are online for everyone to view.
Go to the PA Auditor General site and click on school district, and then access audits, and you can pull up the last audit and see for yourself.
Feedback: Been there, done that! The last one was clean. What are you referring to?
Statement: Now we even give $200 savings bonds to support staff who have perfect attendance. Quite a few earned these bonds, and that's great, except I never got a thank you for footing the bill. Perhaps we had a fundraiser to raise this money. Why should we have to financially reward people for attendance, when it is their job to be there. A job is a job is a job, and part of your job is being there to do it.
Feedback: My husband receives a similar bonus...so does my mother. Neither of them work for a school district. I'm sure the payback outweighs the cost.
Statement: This school district is not in a positon to keep financially rewarding people for coming to work.
Feedback: Why not?
Statement: Why does everyone that works here have to have their hand out? Why can't their reward be just knowing that it is a job well done?
Feedback: Oh, my! not another opinion....
Statement:Everything in Oley comes down to MONEY, and the money is running out!
Feedback: Where have all the facts gone?
A willingness to debate, a decent amount of intelligence, a knowledge of research and methods necessary to obtain the facts, a keen interest in our country's educational system....
...and yours?
Thanks above for the great feedback! I appreciate the effort.
You have a child in Kindergarten, and you're up posting lengthy FEEDBACK at 11:14 p.m.? You must be very energetic! Kudos to the MADAME that can type volumes of slanted replies, so late at night, and still be a suitable mumsie come breakfast time. I hope that the saggy eyebags don't scare your little one!
I've got the same ones that you listed! I think we all do. I have a few I didn't see listed on your blog.
That does not mean being cheap.
That does not mean that I don't want to pay my taxes, either. It means that there are always ways of saving money. The school board seems to be challanged with that "thrift" issue. For most schools, that's because they are working with somebody else's money. I have to work with MY money, so that makes you one of two things:
I'm a single parent, not by choice. I have two children that are college bound. I work one full time job, and take in computer work which I do in spare time, here in my home. I will do whatever it takes to make my family safe, healthy, successful, and happy. I could not make any of that possible if I spent my income carelessly. Like any decent parent, my kids come first. The more I can do for them, the better we all like it.
It sure is upsetting to see some of the posts on here. I can see both sides, on certain issues. I'm thankful for the blog! I have about ZERO extra time to attend meetings. I am not sure if I could stay awake if I were sitting through hours of lenghly meetings in a board room, at night! I'd probably get booted out for snoring.
I think Oley has some great teachers. I think they also have a real problem with certain things, like teachers that take "off" an awfully lot. My kids have probelms with homework on the nights that a sub was in there. Yes, it is noticible.
I think, and this is just an OPINION, that the idea of a very informal meeting for questions only, was a good idea. From what I've heard, the structure of the board meetings is kind of intimidating for the question process. For those that want to beat a dead horse on one particular issue, the board is right...think up a new question, or drop it, one or the other. But for those that have questionst they feel are not being answered, the QUESTIONS ONLY meeting would probaby be a great asset. It would also get the community together for SOMETHING besides the Oley Fair and the truck crew breakfasts.
This is an interesting feedback coming from someone within the district. One could not have possibly obtained all the information overnight to questions posed on my blog, unless you were fed the information by someone.
The audit I was referring to was not clean. I am not talking about the yearly audits (AFR) that you are speaking of. I am talking about the audit that appears on the internet, on the PA Auditor General's website. I gave directions on how to obtain this audit for view.
Perhaps you should take a look. You can also obtain the audit prior to that from the Auditor General. That, too, was not clean.
As for speaking at policy committe meetings, we could not ask questions because no one talked about anything, and no, we were not give the particular changes until two weeks after the policy meeting, at the end of the Board meeting, where again, things were not discussed.
The absences that I speak about on the blog occur routinely during the school year, and they are not for illness. They have an A - which according to the key at the bottom of the substitute call in sheet means approved, and are not charged against the teacher or employee. They were not for PSSA tests. We have had floaters called in for almost every day in the school year, and I do have copies of this list that I am working from.
Do you?
Perhaps I should scan them in for your review.
Cindy -
You are like a blind woman feeling around an elephant. You'd swear it is a fire hose but last month you thought it was a tree.
What the heck kind of comment is that? This is very uncalled for! She has facts that you do not like her stating. What is your problem? The facts or the fact that they are now becoming public? It is about time that people in this district start giving a damm or their is going to be trouble down the road. Cindy is not out to topple the district she wants the truth and the honesty and accountability from this board and administration. Why don't you start coming to meetings and ask questions and stop bashing people. You are a no-life! Why would Cindy want to topple a school district that her 5 kids are in? You are a stupid fool and you write things like you are a pre-schooler. Dale, Rob, Rob's wife, Carl or whoever the person is you are making this district topple not Cindy!
Being in the Reading Eagle every other day is not something to be laughing about! Fix the problems that you created!
Cindy, you're doing the right thing. You must be, look how you're shaking up the troops! If they had nothing to hide, then your research would not matter to them one bit.
The detractors of educational accountability might be interested in a comment made by Tim Allwein, the Pennsylvania School Boards Association lobbyist.
He stated that "failing" districts affect property values in the Pottstown Mercury article "Report:Post-Labor Day school start in PA. worth millions".
"If a district gets targeted as a "failing district", people don't want to move there, property values decline".
There mere act of making PSSA scores available to the public, either through discussions at meetings or Public Records requests make the status quo supporters uncomfortable.
The board is implementing plans to make information of any kind difficult if not impossible to obtain.
Candid discussions about the educational performance should not be a problem, unless there is something to hide.
If the future of the students is not important to some, maybe, a big hit in the wallet will garner a different reaction.
A friend directed me to this blog thinking I might find it interesting and in line with some of my viewpoints. After reading through the articles and comments, I need to know a few ground rules prior to participating.
1) Do we hate all board members or just some?
2) Do we hate teachers because of their salaries or because they don't teach well?
3) Can we assume that none of us had the opportunity to choose teaching as a profession?
4) Are stay-at-home moms good or are they filthy-rich millionaires born with a silver spoon?
5) If one hasn't lived here for 30 years and has been accepted and isn't a teacher, board member etc
is one not allowed to be a blogger?
6) Must we hate township supervisors because no business has moved into the Valley despite zoning specific to local business?
7) If I agree with some aspects of concern but not all, am I then fair game for ridicule?
8) Is football, track, and physical education an evil or is there some merit to being physically fit?
9) Do we believe that being nasty to those who feel differently from us will gain us respect?
10) Lastly, are the majority of us 'anonymous' because we lack courage or because we lack house insurance to clean up the stones that are thrown after the insults?
"You have a child in Kindergarten, and you're up posting lengthy FEEDBACK at 11:14 p.m.?"
It was a hypothetical, oh wise one! ;)
"This is an interesting feedback coming from someone within the district. One could not have possibly obtained all the information overnight to questions posed on my blog, unless you were fed the information by someone."
Very interesting statement! In other words, what you are saying is that you are capable of obtaining information, but someone else is not!!! Who is to say that the information was obtained overnight????? I don't need to be "fed." I'm smart enough to feed myself!! How about you?? ;)
"The absences that I speak about on the blog occur routinely during the school year, and they are not for illness. They have an A - which according to the key at the bottom of the substitute call in sheet means approved, and are not charged against the teacher or employee."
You mean that you actually take the time to go to the school and look at the sub sheet? No offense intended, but it sounds like you may need to spice up your life a little bit! You must be very bored. Remember, a little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. Full knowledge of a situation, on the other hand can be quite beneficial. Unfortunately, in this case you appear to have the former. For example, if you walk into a business, gather a few documents, and talk to a few employees you may make a judgement about that business without knowing the "full story." Trying to obtain knowledge about a district by taking such desperate measures as looking at a sub list can surely create a false picture. I am shocked that a school district would even allow you to do that. I certainly don't think they should!
"You are a no-life!"
Oh goodness! We're getting nasty again! I've heard of a low-life, but a no-life?....well, that must be an interesting state! ;)
"You are a stupid fool and you write things like you are a pre-schooler."
As for the above comment, I think we're all better off just letting that one slide on by!
"Dale, Rob, Rob's wife, Carl or whoever the person is you are making this district topple not Cindy!"
Nice try, but no cigar!
"If a district gets targeted as a "failing district", people don't want to move there, property values decline".
Well, then thank goodness Oley Valley is not a "failing district!"
Do not say Cindy has too much time on her hands writing the facts, it looks like you have way more time insulting the concern citizens instead of caring about this district. You continue to attack the messenger.
Look who's on the ballot >>
Dr. Suess
Dr. Laura
Dr. Phil
Dr. Spock
Dr. kevorkian
Dr. Casey
Dr. Kildare
Dr. Hook
Dr. Dolittle
It's FRIDAY...woo hoo
lighten up folks!
No joke...
Thank GOD Oley is not in the news like other schools. God bless the parents and family of the poor principal that was shot and killed. God help us all. This world is not in very good shape, we better all count our blessings and work TOGETHER. The world provides enough enemies, why create any out of misunderstandings and mis-information? Stick together, America!
"Thank GOD Oley is not in the news like other schools.."
Bus driver takes kids to Washington, son of prominent citizen requires SWAT team....
Swat team? Is that ancient history?
I believe the substitute call in list is a public record.
Are you saying that the public should not have access to it, and why?
Speaking for the whole platoon....THEY WORK FOR US. We expect them to come to work. They are supposed to call off sick, if they're SICK. You know. Like any other job. As for the public records...why not? If someone wants to know who's getting paid to NOT WORK, why should anyone object to that information being public?
No one was objecting to the release of public records. If you read the comment (I mean REALLY read it) and think about what it says, maybe you'll get the point. Then again....maybe not.
I agree that these lists should not be available for unrestricted access - simply because people like the blogger above create their own conclusions about data without being given an explanation. Raw data such as this cannot be accurately interpreted by someone who has little understanding of the system. A few bloggers are designating themselves as experts when in fact they only have some of the facts. As another blogger pointed out, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
"You are a blind person feeling around an elephant. You'd swear it's a fire hose but last month you thought it was a tree."
Exactly, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Maybe those who claim to know the TRUTH don't see the whole picture.
...and we all know who is claiming to know the truth! Just read the blogs!
"You are a blind person feeling around an elephant. You'd swear it's a fire hose but last month you thought it was a tree."
I must say, that is a very creative way of making a valid point!
"Bus driver takes kids to Washington, son of prominent citizen requires SWAT team...."
The blogger above the one who made this comment made a very good point. Is it really that hard to focus on some good? It must be awfully depressing to always focus on the negative.
By the way, I think you need a smile! :)
Last week you thought it was an empty board room. Today, you think it's filled with caring board members. Well, which is it?
It's filled with the usual board members, and scant few complaining citizens.
Don't worry, be happy!
hey one person or two that have nothing better to do then attack the messenger again, why don't you go do some volunteer work.
"I agree that these lists should not be available for unrestricted access - simply because people like the blogger above create their own conclusions about data without being given an explanation. Raw data such as this cannot be accurately interpreted by someone who has little understanding of the system. A few bloggers are designating themselves as experts when in fact they only have some of the facts. As another blogger pointed out, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing."
The school board has every opportunity to answer questions and clarify information retrieved from the district.
They choose not only to stonewall, but instead, institute a policy to prevent public discourse.
Now they are working on a policy to make Public Records too expensive for review.
How do you explain a 60% increase in property taxes with little or no improvement in independent test scores?
How do you explain over $6,000,000 in off-budget funds and still raise taxes?
How do you explain new track bids, which are not looking at the least expensive alternatives?
How do you explain the district did not get millions in reimbursement from the state for the Middle School project yet?
They do not want to explain anything.
You do not need to be a rocket scientist to draw conclusions from the obvious.
The bottom line is that the state and federal government agree with our goal of "fiscal and educational accountability".
The board(s) ran their schools so badly that finally fiscal and educational controls are now in place.
If the district does not adhere to these standards, they will face penalties.
There will be no more making excuses for failure from any source.
There will be no more ignoring citizens’ pleas for restraint, because these laws will not bother with self-serving platitudes from the board or pseudo intellectuals, but instead implement remedy.
"hey one person or two that have nothing better to do then attack the messenger again, why don't you go do some volunteer work."
First of all, who's attacking? Having trouble with a little input from another point of view? Secondly, I for one, do volunteer.
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