The Middle School Lawsuit

According to a steel contractor, the Oley School District owes them $1,437,309, interest, penalties, attorney’s fees, and costs associated under Pennsylvania Public Prompt Pay Act.
Amthor Steel entered into a contract on May 25, 2001 with the district to provide structural steel for the new Middle School. The amount of the contract was $1,850,200.
The contractor completed work prior to November 29, 2002. The district received and used the product in the Middle School, but refused to pay the remainder of the contract sighting delay costs and violation of the Pennsylvania Steel Purchasing Act.
Official communications about the dispute between the parties began in July 2002.
Amthor Steel filed for arbitration as prescribed by the contract terms on September 20, 2004. Initially, the district participated in arbitration, but then filed a motion in the Court of Common Pleas for a Declaratory Judgment on March 18, 2005.
The Oley Valley School District is requesting the court to have the dispute litigated rather than continuing with arbitration.
The details of this case are available at the County Courthouse.
Since the beginning of this year, the board told the community these records were not public information, yet the court papers were a Public Record on March 18, 2005.
According to comments at a public meeting, the school board appointed a Building Committee to oversee the Middle School construction.
The Committee consisted of three board members, and a person from the community.
However, the school board would direct any final actions.
The financial impact of this battle with the contractor is considerable. Besides the $1,437,309 and associated claim costs, is the reimbursement from the state. The district cannot request reimbursement from the state on school construction costs, which in this situation, may be worth over $1,000,000 until the litigation concludes.
The same dilemma exists with the $1,200,000 in the Capital Projects Fund. The board cannot access this fund until the dispute ends.
The court will decide on the law, but there are administrative questions that need resolution.
1.Why did the district continue to accept and install product from the contractor when they felt it did not meet contract specifications?
2.How did the district get a Certificate of Occupancy if the steel did not meet contract specification?
3.How can the district ask for state reimbursement for the construction if the steel is not meeting contract specification?
4.How much has the district spent so far on legal bills for this litigation?
5.The Capital Projects Fund has $1,200,000 for the dispute, yet the suit is for $$1,437,309, who will pay the difference if the board pays the claim?
At the October 11, 2006 Combined Meeting the board refused to answer these questions.
The Middle School construction process and subsequent contract negotiations deteriorated.
There was poor job oversight by the Building Committee and the Board. If they paid closer attention to the initial steel shipments, the community would probably not be facing a substantial lawsuit.
The decision to leave arbitration in favor of litigation could be an expensive mistake.
Unlike arbitration, we face the possibility of endless and expensive appeals in a courtroom. We are in a legal quagmire.
This board needs to roll up its sleeves and get involved rather than worrying about micro managing.
Is there no end to the board's bungling?
They continue to lie, lie, lie! It is getting out of control. They must be held accountable. This has been going on tooooooo many years.
As a member of the board prior to, during and after construction of the middle school, I never heard of a problem with the structural steel specifications. I was not a member of the Building Committee but the board was kept up to date on the litigation of this matter. The litigation resulted from the delay of delivery of the steel. Because of that delay, the project got behind schedule and other contractors experienced delays for which they charged the district. The board withheld payment to Amthor until we could recoup those charges from them. There was never any mention of the steel not meeting specifications. If that were true, the board would have filed suit against the archictural firm and project engineers. Perhaps the architects are not being held to account on this matter as they should be. Maybe they should have withheld payment from them, too, until this was resolved.
Thank you for a factual response. Unfortunately that is not what the bloggers want to hear. It is much more fun to just blame people.
"...Is there no end to the board's bungling?"
"...They continue to lie, lie, lie! It is getting out of control. They must be held accountable. This has been going on tooooooo many years."
However, I do agree with the bloggers that this type of issue concerning the taxpayers should not be hidden from the public. When these facts are not laid out for the public to formulate their own opinion, then it allows for groups of individuals to be creative in making up/reporting on the matter.
It would appear the court filings indicate PA Steel Purchasing Act violations. And a former board member did not know that this was an issue? I have no doubt that is true. It appears only a select few on this and previous boards have been privy to ALL vital information. It was that way, too, when I served on the board.
Omission of facts to some board members and all of the community who pay all the bills seems to be the way this district has operated for the past decade. Time for a change. But are there enough who understand fiscal responsibility and moral integrity left in the District who vote?
Another sad state of Oley Valley School District affairs -- kept from the light of day and those who pay.
Who was the other person besides the board members on the building committee when the middle school was being built?
Don't all board members know what is going on at all times regarding this district? Why are some kept in the dark?
"Don't all board members know what is going on at all times regarding this district? Why are some kept in the dark?"
No group of managers no everything about any business or organization. The board is structured like a business or any other organization. Each director takes on the role as the 'eyes and ears for all the board members' on various committees. Then they report to their peers on the board, with facts and opinion. At that point, the board members then vote on the topic based on the facts as the know them. There is a trust that must exist between the members for success. The members always have the right to question, table or vote down any proposal, if they feel more information is needed or if something is a bad idea.
Please do not think any board member should know everything. That would push the volunteer positions to full-time/part-time paid positions, which exist in the larger schools (Philly, Scanton and maybe even Reading). That is the last thing we need is another level of paid beaurecrats. On top of that, paying members would encourage even longer tenure and/or attempts for tenure!
I have never served on a school board, but have served on other boards (Not for Profit organizations) which have a similar composition of a board and various subcommittees.
I would gues or bet that Oley has at least 7 permanent sub committees and several tempory committees which all have at least a single board member as the laiason to the the whole board.
LB and RS can confirm if I am close to accurate.
I think your comments are fairly accurate. The reason there are Committee of the Whole meetings and Ececutive Sessions is to report back to every board member what is happening before each committee and update them on labor, personel and litigation issues. However, board members only know what they are told and I relayed to this blog exactly what I knew about that litigation...
"The litigation resulted from the delay of delivery of the steel...Because of that delay, the project got behind schedule and other contractors experienced delays for which they charged the district. The board withheld payment to Amthor until we could recoup those charges from them."
According to court records, the district signed a "No Damage For Delay Clause which effectively precludes recovery of the delay damages" OVSD seeks.
"There was never any mention of the steel not meeting specifications. "
On March 18, 2005, the district took the dispute out of arbitration and into court on the premise; the contractor violated the Pennsylvania Steel Products Procurement Act.
The district maintains the steel did not meet the specifications as described in the act, "melted and manufactured in the United States", therefore, they have the right to take the dispute out of arbitration and into court.
At this point, the only issue the court will decide is if the district’s interpretation of the Act is valid.
The contractor said they did comply with the Act.
The state of Pennsylvania Department of General Services - Procurement, Chapter 45, Section F - Waiver, directly addresses the use of recycled steel for state projects.
The Steel Products Procurement Act requirement may be waived by the head of the purchasing agency in writing.
As governing bodies in the state of Pennsylvania, the district and the state operate under the same polices.
The board can Waive under Section F, the requirement that the steel is “melted and manufactured in the United States”, but they choose not to exercise this privilege.
If the issue is not one of safety, as Board Directors, McCarthy and Heckman say, then why is the district not paying the bill?
It appears that rolling the dice in a courtroom on a technicality is risky and potentially disastrous.
Stick it! It is not fun to blame the board! But they need to be held accountable and stop hiding everything they do. We find out anyway and they cannot be trusted. The past and the present board over the past 5 years that I have been going to meetings have lied and not be honest with the public that pays the bills, besides the way they treat the public at meetings is a disgrace. They are not here on the board for the best interest of the children. No Way!
"At the October 11, 2006 Combined Meeting the board refused to answer these questions."
Of course they didn't answer your questions. Anyone with even a little bit of legal knowledge knows that someone in the midst of litigation cannot legally discuss any aspect of the case. Why would you expect them to answer those questions when you know they cannot legally answer them? ...or maybe you didn't know that... Didn't anyone explain that to you?
Why in the world do you have to be so condescending? Can't you rationally discuss this without taking such a superior attitude?
Of course they can answer the five questions that were posted on the blog. Anyone with even a little bit of legal knowledge knows that answering those questions would in no way be violating discussing aspects of the case. Didn't anyone explain that to you?
See? Although I prefer not to, I can be just as condescending. Now can we try to be more civil from here on?
To Al: Thanks for that info. I was not aware of the "No damage for Delay" clause that was signed and by March 15th I was off the board. I would think that the board would want to disseminate as much information about this as they can legally in order to muster public support and put down any misinformation. Oh well...
"Of course they didn't answer your questions. Anyone with a little bit of knowledge..."
There you have it. A cocky answer utilizing an equal amount of knowledge. Don't quit your day job.
the above comment was not aimed at Russ
Look at the past several posts. Why on earth would anyone actually want to run for school board?
Back to the past post:
"It's not just the kids that need to watch their weight...?"
You aren't kidding. We just moved here, and I've never seen so many rotund people. Does anyone ever read ingredients? More lard with your butter? More butter with your sour cream? More whipped cream on your ice cream? Clogging our way to the grave yard, one fasnacht at a time. Any food that makes your teeth feel like you are chewing a greasy flannel shirt just can't be any good for you.
Bickering legal people,
Are the facts of the case in the court records. Oley Concerned Citizen cited a lot of alligations that are in public records, and if someone was to read that, it is a no brainer, Oley loses.
I would hope that the judge is not so dumb as too allow such a no brainer to continue, unless there are many facts that are not part of the alligations, which would come to light when they receive their day in court. I would not believe that the school board made decisions based on their opinion, but made decisions based on the advice of their legal counsel (who it was back then ?)
I know its fun to jump to conclusions, but my cup is still half full.
"why why why why why said...
Look at the past several posts. Why on earth would anyone actually want to run for school board? "
Excellent question. Why would anyone want to take the verbal abuse, 2nd quessing, the speculating that every move you make has some evil intention to throw retired folks out onto the street? Not to mention the sneaky talking behind your back (I have witnessed) and people who pretend to be your friends just to get information from you.(I have been told first hand)
I personally know some of the current board members to be good honest people who truly want the best for the children of the district and the taxpayers.
But they suffer the same abuse as every other member and are called names and are painted with the same broad brush of red smear paint and labeled as uncaring and evil by people who KNOW it is not true. They are smeared with no apolgies or recognition of their good work.
Serving on the Oley school board is a thankless job.
To answer the original question... no one should want to run for Oley school board.
It aint worth it.
Hallalula and Amen !!
You are so right.
Let's see Al and his minions all run for school board next time and watch them freak out under the Oley Concerned Citizens blog abuse.
Wait a minute...I guess Al would take the blog off line to avoid any negative comments under his regime.
Ahh the refreshing comments of those who do not show their faces.
At least Al and others who attend the meetings do not hide behind closed doors.
I hope you have the money to pay for all the legal expenses of this lawsuit, because either way the taxpayers are going to pay.
You could always start your own blog if you don't like the way this one is run. Al could block any negative comments he wanted, including yours, but he doesn't. I wonder whether your blog would be so open.
If the board is so abused, then why are they still on the board? Nobody is twisting their arm to stay on! It would be great to see some new faces, people that really care! You cannot possibly go to board meetings and justify your comment that the board is out for the interest of the children.
Why don't you take a trip to the the Court House for yourself and look up the information.
However, then you might have to retract your statement.
Maybe the track and football kids!
Hey pro-boarders give us some real facts! You are attacking the messenger again!!!
Now your going to tell us that the courthouse is making things up! Oh please get a life! Wake up, this money that is sitting around regarding this lawsuit and the money this district is going to have to pay out for this is out of control. It could be used to lower our taxes and for education for the children. Hello I thought the board is out for the interest of the children. I do not think so.
Wow I just heard who the other person on the building committee was, and she is a wife of a current board member. What does she know about building a school? This district is nuts!!
Friday the 13th! Whewwwwwwwwwwwww
The concerned citizens would not freak out if they were on the board because they would do what is right for this district. Hard to swallow isn't it. Just to see some honesty and caring coming from a new board you could not stand it. Maybe then you would move away! Now that would be a day of celebration.
Who was the other person on the committee? Since the make-up of the committee is public knowledge you can name the person.
When others have run for board against the status quo, those not endorsed by the teachers unions received such an onslaught of condemnation, they were bound to lose. A local main line religion church entered the fray (on the pro-union/pro big spenders side) "from the pulpit."
The Pennsylvania State Teachers Association also conducted a telephone campaign to current and retired members, indicating those who weren't endorsed by the PSEA were against education, against children, part of a lunatic far right conspiracy group, etc.; and were encouraged to tell all their friends and family members who to vote for. I know this is true, because a retired teacher told me of the calls. In the last election, some teachers also sent home information to the parents about who to vote for via the children. This is also true, because people at the poles had the information with them.
What little person running for board for the good of the ENTIRE community could possibly afford to confront these kinds of HUGELY EXPENSIVE and unethical elections tactic against them? The status quo is very afraid of anyone coming on board who does not walk in lock-step with their elitist agenda.
This is much bigger than the Oley Valley School District. The Teachers unions will do all in their power to defeat anyone who does not support their agenda.
I am sure all board members believe what they are doing is best for the community as they want it to be reshaped. But those who claim to want to do what is right for all the people need to put votes to their statements. Because as Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"This is much bigger than the Oley Valley School District. The teachers unions will do all in their power to defeat anyone who does not support their agenda...."
I can't imagine anyone that would disagree with that statement, including every board member and every teacher. Anyone that would openly disagree would fit into one of these three categories:
The sad part is that ANY of those involved in the school board mess thinks anyone swallows their stories. If you're going to be a story teller, then be a GOOD story teller.
"I hope you have the money to pay for all the legal expenses of this lawsuit, because either way the taxpayers are going to pay."
According to the paper, the judge dismissed the case brought by the district.
Will this judge receive the same wrath from the board that the Lackawana judge received on his rendering about Sunshine Laws the board does not like?
The board took the case to court on March 18,2005. The exemptions to the referendum to raise taxes above the 4.1% rate of inflation for the 2007 budget does not cover litigation costs.
Therefore, where will these legal expenses be applied in the budget?
As previously stated, going into a courtroom is risky business, especially if it is on a technicality.
The board's next move needs the community's full attention.
It will be interesting to see what the lawyer's recommendation(s) are: Hopefully our counsel is compitent and that the board has followed their advice so far: Hopefully we will continue to make decisions based on counsel's sound advice, unless the public feels that we should only elect lawyers and not use outside counsel to guide us.
Did the old board(s) make legal judgements w/out the use of counsel, or is it safe to say the board has made most of its legal decisions based on the recommendations of counsel? That question is pointed towards RS and LB as well as any other current or former board members/bloggers. Based on the 'commentary of OCC', it sounds like the board has a coin flipping policy when it comes to such matters.
I can not imagine that the board (Past, present or future) would ever make decisions concerning the prospect of litigation and/or legal contracts w/out the help and reliance on counsel.
Anyways, have a great week end and keep up the banter,. If other don't reply, I will be forced to go to Zern's for equal entertainment.
So you think that the board's council is competent and gives "sound advice"? Such as in the case of Oley Valley School District vs. L Family? In case you aren't familiar with this case, on December 9, 2005 the OVSD initiated due process against a home school family to force a special needs evaluation to determine whether their child was eligible for special education services (against the wishes of the family). When the family's attorney pointed out to the school's attorney that the federal regulations had changed whereby schools were not allowed to do this the district withdrew the due process hearing in return for the family's promise to release the district from any financial responsibility.
Does this sound like good advice from the solicitor? Shouldn't he have done his homework prior to initiating due process? How much did this end up costing the district?
The board solicitor is there to give advice. That doesn't mean the board has to blindly follow it, especially if continuing litigation will become cost prohibitive.
By the way, we could do without your snide final paragraph.
The "snide" final remark above clearly smacks OF Zern's. Perhaps that's where the blogger acquired said writing talents. Oddly enough, many patrons of places like Zern's find people like the above mentioned, equally entertaining. Sadly, some folks that put themselves on a level far greater than their actual accomplishments, find pleasure in gawking at country folks. God created us all as equals. Check it out, he even likes YOU. What a guy!
As a former board member, I could enumerate many instances when legal counsel was not wise counsel. The war stories would make your hair stand on end. However, prohibitions as to what can be shared from executive sessions does not allow me to do so.
You'll just have to trust me, common sense is often the "last" thing we received from many of the high priced legal and administration "experts - NOT."
By the way, many of us enjoy going to Zern's where real people are themselves. Gawking at the long time residents and natives of this agricultural valley and then mocking them for who they are is just about as uncouth as those who do so to the Amish community.
For those who think all of we natives just fell off the turnip truck, they could always move to Wyomissing and hang out at the King of Prussia Mall if that's more to your liking.
That attitude falls into the category of having an inferiority complex. Remember that little diagnosis? It's very simple, of course. The less satisfied you are with yourself, the more you tend to pick on those you consider different, less fortunate, or too "country."
It's a sad thing when people pick on those that appear to be different. Who says that YOU'RE not the one that's different? We will find these people all through our lives. Right from nursery school or kindergarten, within hours, you already know who's the boss and who's not getting picked for dodge ball.
Ditto what LB said...
Ditto what LB and RS said!! Our solicitor does not know the law. He was at the board meeting the other night reading the school law book right in front of us. It is scary that he works for other districts besides Oley! They all should be looking for a new guy or gal to call solicitor.
It is great to see that two past board members have the knowledge and honesty to talk to us about what is going on here and what went on during their time on the board. It is a shame and with great sadness that Linda was picked on none stop when she was on the board. Her heart and caring sure shows still to this day. God Bless her and Russ and the Oley Concern Citizens, as some people say OCC. Have a nice weekend.
Well, I do declare!
So much litigation.
Oh well, this "failure to pay" issue will eventually be lost in court by the school district, be paid, die out and seem insignificant when, in due course, there is finally public mention of the planned new high school building. Hopefully, the steel will all be home "grown" in that building. I wonder if the indoor swimming pool will be available to the public. We certainly hope the senior high football stadium will use natural turf.
And, by turning the beautiful farm land into developments of $75,000 houses (being sold for $350,000), student population will increase sufficiently to field both a football team and a swimming team.
Progress? Well, we'll need more school buildings and teachers, and assistant teachers, and teacher's assistants, and staff to oversee the bloated teaching staff - without an industrial tax base which might provide the necessary money to support the insatiable appetite of the educators.
Why do we do these things?
Must we submit to the greed of the Socialist Teachers Union and the fellow traveling school board? Or are there a few good discerning and educated men and women out there in blog land willing to actively campaign to "throw the bums out?
This site is a good place to "throw in your hat" if you think you could help change the direction of education in the OVSD.
It is pretty basic to recognize that if there has been a long term problem with the activities of the entrenched school board, maybe it is time to counter the teacher's union slate of candidates with a more conservative, none socialist, group who has education of students as the main goal of the OVSD.
"Of course they can answer the five questions that were posted on the blog. Anyone with even a little bit of legal knowledge knows that answering those questions would in no way be violating discussing aspects of the case. Didn't anyone explain that to you?"
Perhaps some of us appear to be condescending because the bloggers we respond to fall into two basic categories; arrogant and ignorant. Sorry Charlie, but it would be a poor legal move for the board to answer those questions. Of course they CAN answer the questions, but they would not be making a good legal judgement by doing so. They should not be EXPECTED to do so. about arrogance and reak of it!
After attending tonight's homecoming parade, it is becoming crystal clear why the newcomers to the Valley think money is no object. The cars that carried the homecoming queen hopefuls included the following: Porche; Jaguar; Mercedes; BMW; Corvettes; etc. The Porche belongs to a "student" in the high school. Guess it's now the natives cue to leave if we cannot pay taxes to these standards.
Glory be. The invasion is nearly complete. Woe to the Valley.
How can you people bash the board the way you do, then criticize those of us who disagree by saying we're automatically condescending, or born with a silver spoon? Some of you are just over-all angry people. I suggest that each and every one of you who spend hours each month bashing the board devote that time instead to becoming a board member. Throw the lousy no-good bums off, and show the Oley Valley what a wonderful difference you can make! I'm sure we'll suddenly see PSSA scores that are through the roof while at the same time, our taxes drop by hundreds of dollars. Come on, bashers! Make yourselves useful!
I for one am tired of this senseless abuse of people who may be truly trying to do the best they can. ...and don't tell me to move to Wyomissing or to stop looking at the blog. I am an Oley Valley resident and taxpayer, and I have the same rights as you!
Some of the comments some of you make are a disgrace to the Valley!
...just ask LB or RS.... I'm sure their tenure on the board resulted in lower taxes and higher scores! ...or did it?!? Oh, that's right, they were "just one voice" among the sea of scum!
A: We're not looking for a tax drop of "hundreds of dollars." We're looking for a tax drop of "thousands." This tax system is way out of control.
B: this blog is for EVERYONE--LIKE IT OR NOT.
C. "homecoming parade vehicles---" seeing is believing. Jethro done moved out and Bif lives here now. Gag me.
D. Russ and Linda can now tell just about everything they experienced while serving on the board. But, I bet there's some things they wish they didn't know, and those facts will never be revealed.
E: New high school building? Indoor swimming pool, etc??? Why would that surprise anyone? There's folks that have been planning for a very long time to develope "rich creep" housing in this area, and it WILL happen. Sooner or later, just sit back and watch. People don't spend millions of dollars making plans for things that are not going to take place.
At the risk of sounding arrogant or condescending the word is spelled REEK.
Thank you for those kind words...
I notice that none of these "the board is always right" people never address the issues brought before this blog. They don't answer any questions that Al raises or engage is legitimate debate. It all has to come down to name calling (and then accuse us of the same).
We are also told that, somehow, if we don't run for school board our questions and concerns are not valid. We aren't criticizing or questioning because we want to take over the board. We are doing so as Oley Concerned Citizens and taxpayers. I will not engage in personal attacks on individual board members but questioning certain actions by them should not have to result in personal attacks on us, either.
To Anonymous at 12:03 am:
Actually, taxes were the lowest in the county when we were on the board. No, I wasn't "one voice". I usually voted with the majority (and against Linda if that makes you feel better). I'm not proud of some of those votes but that is water under the dam.
"sea of scum"... how sad you have to attribute words like that to us. There are some fine people on this board as there were on the boards on which I served. Again, don't debate the issues, just try to demonize us.
Why, hells, bells; oncern with students owning Porsch automobile.
Why down here we buy all our pretty kids a new convertible for there 16'th birthday. Those kids whose parents can't afford to keep up with the oil men just sell drugs and buy their own.
Homecoming parade? Hot dog, how can you have a homecoming without a football game - you should see the thousands of people we get at our homecomings in rincky dink little towns when the 9 men teams get it on the grid iron. It is about team and town pride - not how many adults can walk along in a parade with a "marching" band.
1. oncern is really concern 2. "get it on on the gridiron"
Actually, "real" academic achievement and lower taxes were reality when Russ and I served on the board. Many things were proposed that a few of us on the board opposed so strongly that the items never got to the agenda. Of course, they were resurrected when the fiscal conservatives with the courage of their convictions left the board.
Furthermore, since that time, taxes have increasingly escalated and test scores have consistently plummeted. Today, we spend more and get less. Please, someone justify this to me.
I'll stand on my record any day. No vote was ever considered or cast in favor of any special interest groups. The good of the complete community was always the resolve. TO DO NO HARM was the consideration for EVERY vote.
The concerned citizens, Russ and I are constantly critized for our "facts;" while our detractors just call us names. How about you folks do some research and prove ours wrong. That's intelligent debate.
Angry people??? It seems the detractors of the concerned citizens and past board members are the angry ones. How about some facts. When you read facts, you flip out!
Well, guess what. It ISN'T ALL ABOUT YOU. Sometime, somewhere in this life you will NOT ALWAYS get your way. It's time to grow up and have a little consideration for your less fortunate fellow man.
"At the risk of sounding arrogant or condescending the word is spelled REEK.
Thank you for those kind words..."
You are most certainly welcome! Thank you as well, kind sir, for so wonderfully proving my point!!
"Actually, "real" academic achievement and lower taxes were reality when Russ and I served on the board."
You are kidding, correct?
For RS and LB.
I remember a skit the "Odessey of the Mind" special interest group students, a Heckman innovation, put on for a "public" school board meeting during your tenure. The theme was the glorification of suicide. OVHS education at its sickest. Did you, at that time, object to the inmates running the institution? Crap like that presentation should have been reserved for one of your executive, closed door sessions.
"The concerned citizens, Russ and I are constantly critized for our "facts;" while our detractors just call us names. How about you folks do some research and prove ours wrong. That's intelligent debate."
It's been presented on here numerous times, but it is ignored! Look back at the blogs. I've found plenty of examples. ...want me to cut and paste?
Actually, I stand corrected. It was the murder of the elderly that was glorified, not suicide.
I voted against Odyssey of the Mind because it spent far too much money for a few students without any measurable results for the system. Don't blame me.
The individuals you want to address on Odyssey of the mind and other questionable programs are not Russ and me. You seem to blame us for the vote and actions of the people you probably voted for.
I have and plan to continue to be respectful in my comments, especially those directed at RS and LB. However, I do have a question about some of the posts concerning the "newcomers"
I was at the parade last evening, and wasn't taken back by the cars that were involved, but was offended by the fact that the girls were put in such a disrespectful activity as to 'campaign' in such a public manner. What an insult. Homecoming queen is supposed to be the most popular girl. Not a public campaign and election.
As for 'newcommers' vs. traditional valley residents. It amazes me that those 'old-time' residents hold a grudge against those who purchase property from the oley natives at an inflated price, and then hold a greater grudge for not adopting the immediate culture. I am not angry at the newcommers, I am angry at the old-timers that sold to developers, the local officials that permitted the divisions, and all the residents that voted for those that allowed it.
I want my school to stay small! I do not want to be Daniel Boone, SV, Exeter, B-heights, etc. I want Oley to stay small. The board is burden with adopting to the needs of the expanding population, therefore, lets stop the expansion and allow our quaint existance to stay quaint.
This post is not targeted at anyone or any group of anyone's. It is an attempt to discuss the true root of a serious problem - an out of control school system.
glorification of murder of the elderly? I have no idea what you are talking about. I can assure you I would not have sat still one minute watching such a skit. I'm real sorry I missed that one...
To anonymous at 11:47:35AM:
No, she isn't kidding. Taxes during our tenure on the board were either the lowest or within the bottom three in the county. Also, it was the administration that presented the budgets to us that held taxes in check. We settled one union contract without the need for high priced attorneys or union representatives muddying the waters. Three board members sat down with three members of the local union and got the job done. We saved the taxpayers thousands in attorney fees, fact finding and arbitration costs. We worked for the benefit of the children, taxpayers, and staff.
You can try to belittle what Linda and I did on the board but the facts speak for themselves.
And the facts are the facts!! Hard to swallow all the good Russ and Linda did and still do!
Homecoming parade? What a strange tradition. Years back, I doubt if any "contestants" got carted around town in a car that cost more than the original price tag on "our" homes. Remember when it was fantastic to drive a CHEVY or a FORD?
Better yet, start having homecoming parades for our U.S. MILITARY...
Nothing's wrong with high school spirit, but honoring our citizens that have DONE something to be honored for, would be great!
God bless our students and our Military, one and all.
Forms will be available soon at the Bureau of Elections - step right up and put your name on the ballot. Five seats will be up for election on the school board next year. Let's see who'll step up to the challenge they place before the current board.
Step right up? Well, once we get past the banana peels, we'll state our business. You know, board members that stay on the board must love the abuse. Maybe there's fringe benefits we're not aware of? It's not likely that any current board members would divulge those actual facts.
Anyone that's on the board, wanted to be there. Anyone that stays on the board, wants to be there. It's not that hard to figure it out, is it?
So then, are those bloggers extending the offer to run for board, board members themselves? Only The Shadow Knows........
Funny how "just one voice" can become powerful enough to make major changes when one wants to take credit! hmmm!
step right up, step right up....
for RS
It is, or course, a possibility that you were not at the school board meeting when those attending were treated to the "Odessey of the Mind" production, written and directed by OVHS students, with "technical" help from a "teacher advisor", which dispatched a useless elderly man and buried him under the floor of his cabin. Other board members, who do not deny their presence, many teachers, and quite a few taxpayers were present for the event. No one got up and walked out. The students received praise and well wishes from the Chairman, teachers and advisors present for their "origionality". It may be lost upon the majority, but some do recognize tne pro abortion, pro assisted suicide, and pro mercy killing indoctrination fostered within public school "programs" such as Odessey. It truly is indoctrination vice education!
for LB
Thank you for voting against this "mind control" program.
Can you expand on the union negotiation. I have never heard any details about how these negotiations go. Has it always taken place behind closed doors, or has the public ever been invited to pass comment on the 'proposals', prior to the acceptance of such offers?
The reason I ask is I spent some time of the school's web site, and was in disbelief in the number of 'staff' that are professionals, but are not 'homeroom' teachers. When did our school district get so many of these 'specialists', and do these non-homeroom teachers have a significant impact on the contract deal, or are they treated in the exact same manner as the the normal teachers. (e,g,: reading specialists, etc.)
Insight into the matter would be appreciated.
Here is a little insight into some of what you have asked.
We have all those employees listed and more.
As mentioned in past blogs, we have floaters called in and scheduled for every day of our school year. These people are called in and scheduled just in case they are needed, not always because they are needed.
They are paid substitute teaching rates which range anywhere from $75.00 a day up to, I believe, $95.00 a day. What these particular people do doing the day, I have no idea.
We have more people hanging around school than we actually have working.
Why is this allowed?
To check what I have said, please check the substitute call-in logs at the school district. All this information and more is available to the public.
In the last school year, in the first 110 days of school that children were in attendance, I again repeat that there were 1,144 substitutes called in to our school district. This did not include the "FLOATERS" to which I referenced above.
This all comes at a hefty price to our taxpayers. For those first 110 days of last school year, Oley spent at a minimum of $85,000, and some of these days are not charged against the teacher out. This money is in addition to the teachers getting paid for those days.
That could have been $85,000 that could have been used toward the track, etc., that Oley plans to build, but has yet to say how they are going to pay for it.
It is incredible. Someone demands to know what Russ and Linda accomplished when they were on the board. Then when they tell people about the tax situation and what they voted for and against, they are told they are prideful for sharing the facts they were asked for in the first place.
Does any person out there know how much the Boyertown track cost and how much was contributed by the public??
Getting a pledge and cash in hand are two different things.
Has the civic group set up an account for donations??
They can call the school board and arrange a presentation of the check at a public meeting, at which time the board can take action.
However, the board will probably end up paying 90%.
50% donations
50% school board
Actual 90% board 10% donations.
Oley Math at its best
What did Linda and Russ accomplish while serving on the school board?
I don't have that answer, but I can tell you this much. I have lived here all my life, and until this present board was running the show, WE NEVER WANTED OR NEEDED A BLOG TO BLOW OF STEAM. Every board has to deal with things the general public will not like. This board, however, seems to be trying to set some sort of record. Snide remarks abound. Most don't make eye contact with you, and the ones that do make you wish they hadn't.
Well, gotta go stir my SOUP.
Happy dieting, Oley taxpayers.....
Glad to see Dr Cappa, retired, is on line today signing in as no soup 4 you.
...more likely that you never had a blog because they have just recently become available to the general computer user.
Just recently became available to the general computer user? No! Really?
I stated that we didn't NEED a blog back then. But we sure NEED it now.
To the last blogger:
Those answering you did not properly read what you wrote. It is very apparent that you are not Dr. Cappa.
And you are correct, we do need a blog now!
You're correct, too! We DO need a blog, and I'm certainly not a Doctor! (But I played one on TV) hahaha...see, now you KNOW I'm not that special Doc. I've got a sense of humor! Come to think of it, I've also got SENSE! But as a taxpayer in Oley, I only hope to hold on to some CENTS. Forget the dollars, they are in the tax payer's fund for the new track, football, swimming pool, reading coach funds, gel insoles for the teachers that stand all day, whoopie cushions for those that sit all day, putty scrapers for the senior citizens that "SMILE" so big and pretty, each day they pack their lunch bucket and head on off to work at the Oley School District-so they can get a "break" on their taxes, and there's the tax fund for Main Street residents that were, are, or will be employed and/or retired from the Oley School District. ...which is thoroughly disgusting...
Which reminds me...all these pro-board bloggers that claim there's no problems with seniors being able to pay their taxes, yet they offer them WORK to help pay their taxes...ANYONE ELSE THINK THAT'S A LITTLE STRANGE?
The SMILES program was put in place when I was on the board and I not only voted for it but was the person who proposed it in the first place. I did so because I recognized that seniors needed help with their taxes even back at that time. I also believed it gave them an opportunity to get in to the schools and provide their life experiences and wisdom to the students. I know that my idea is at odds with some here but, then, no one can agree on everything, can they? I remain proud of this accomplishment and would even like to see it expanded to include more people that could use help. Until the property tax is eliminated the SMILES program will at least provide some assistance to some who need it.
We are against the SMILES program we are stating that the school board today says they do not see seniors with problems in paying their taxes. That is wrong and they know it. Just look at the paper and see the tax deliquent list of people and the sales by sheriff takeovers. We have way more than a handful of seniors that could use help in paying the taxes.
That is we are not against
Your thoughts and intentions back the and now are right on. My parents participate in a similar program at their school, they truly enjoys the time with the kids. He also appreciates the $599 tax rebate.
I just think you are right on with the need to keep all segments involved in the community. As a kid, the seniors were always around, whether at the school or at the baseball fields, but they were always present, and generally ran all the kids activities. Otherwise the community will turn into a us versus them mentality. It is bad enough that that attitude surrounds us at the state and federal levels, but I would hate to see the Oley Valley be lowered to the that culture.
I didn't realize RS was so young. ".. seniors were always around...generally ran all the kids activities" Gad zeeks - the memories of anyone raised in the 40's and 50's - even into the 60's - is of kids organizing their own ball games, their own play if you will, without "control" of adults. We sorted it out ourselves and became responsible adults in part because we were permitted to make mistakes, permitted to argue the rules, permitted to have a winner of the contest, permitted to have the best player on our team, permitted to let the none athlete be the manager or water boy, permitted to play with used equipment and taped up wooden bats, permitted to settle our differences without adult interference, permitted to play on some pretty bad fields with names like "cow flop stadium", did I say permitted to have a winner, did I say permitted to not have a requirement toplay everone in every game. When an adult was around it was usually an older kid who showed us the ropes - our parents were working, not participating constantly in our play and other activities like doing our homework for us.
I doubt that there ever was, or ever will be, a better time to have been a kid than in the 50's and early 60's. Everything you wrote is soooo true. Sure seniors have always been around. Back then, though, we respected our grandparents and other "old people". We respected our parents and our teachers. We respected and loved our country, too. I would say that if there is one major thing missing today it is "respect". A community has a difficult time functioning without it and we are not doing much in the way of teaching it.
Well, Reverend Smith of the 50's became "Bud" in the 80's. One's friend's father and mother, addressed as Mr and Mrs Smith in the 50's, became Harry and Mabel to children in the 80's. The policeman of the 50's became the "pig" of the late 60's. You are right RS, it is a matter of respect.
And, it is not the student childrens fault.
It is the fault of the adults for defaulting on their responsibility to discipline at home when discipline was no longer permitted in the school, in the church, by a neighbor, by a property owner, by a store owner - by anyone - even the courts to a large extent.
Those early years just get better and better as I get older and see what we have today.
'a better time to have been a kid than in the 50's and early 60's.'
I hope that our society is NOT been so defeated. I hope, I pray that it aint true. Our only real accomplishements are the failures and successes of our children!
Today's policies and attitudes are not new, but have evolved over the past 20, 30, 40+ years.
Yes Sir, evolved in a downward spiral!
downward spiral is an understatement. A long, long, long, long, spiraling downward road.
Have not made any progress in many decades
When we were kids, we NEVER addressed an adult by their first name. Strangers were Mr. & Mrs., and family friends were called "Aunt Betty and Uncle John," never Betty and John. To this day, I feel "funny" calling them by their first names. When the adults allowed the children to "drop the formalities," they dropped a lot more than they thought they did. Shortly after that, school dress codes went out the window. Suddenly, it was okay for girls to wear JEANS to school. Okay, I must be really old, because I never wore jeans, or even dress pants to school. It was skirts and dresses, and they'd better come to at least the middle of your kneecap. Boys were expected to wear whatever pants their budget afforded, but wearing a belt was a MUST, punishable by detentions, if yours was missing. Too strict? NO, those were called RULES, and it was more than suggested that they be followed. The day the parents got together and told the school who was raising the kids, things slipped away, and that's when teaching became a profession akin to being a prison guard. Just keep 'em in line....
The changes were not for the better, and that's very sad.
A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below.
She shouts to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consults his portable GPS and replies, "You're in a hot air balloon,approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2346 feet above sea level.
You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
She rolls her eyes and says, "You must be a Conservative!"
"I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answers the balloonist, "everything you tell me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to do with your
information, and I'm still lost.
Frankly, you're not much help to me."
The man smiles and responds, "You must be a Liberal."
"I am," replies the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," says the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going.
You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you expect me to solve your problem.
You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it's my fault."
The problems all start at the top....Perhaps the family gene pool was already affected by some "nuke-ya-ler" disaster. Reactions can affect speech and eye sight. Where will he send our military next?
Here's the new TV slogan:
?_?G O T__?__ D R A F T ?_?
I'm not for sending anyone to Iraq unless they volunteer. However, in many European countries, at least one year in the military right after highschool for men is a mandatory part of citizenship.
There are a lot of American kids who could use at least one good year of discipline and reality before going out into the world on their own.
You're 100% correct. But learning discipline and respect should be and can be accomplished here, on our own soil. The scum-hole aka IRAQ is no place for Americans. Only propaganda sends them there. We have enough problems right here. You will never replace the lives that were wasted by us in that country. It's Vietnam... with sand.
Could we stay on message here? This blog is about Oley Schools, taxes, etc. not Iraq.
Sure thing! I'm guessing that NONE of our soon to be "grads" will have to be concerned with Iraq. After all, a 3rd generation of Americans can now deal with KOREA. But you're right. Oley school board does need to attend to the real issues here, like hiring teachers that are able to prepare our young men and women to do something besides "look good" on their first day of college, or the first of many minimum wage jobs.
Is there any way to benchmark the sucess of Oley Graduates. There is a lot of talk (typing) that refer to preparing our kids, or the blaten lack of such preparation, but is there truly any way to make an analytical judgement.
Does the senior class still send out surveys to the grad's at 1 year, 5 yrs. and 10 years and rate success?
If not, is there any rational way to do so? Looking at the screw off neighbor's kid doesn't do the trick.
Neighbor's kid? I know what you mean. My kids went to the same school, and they're fine. Our neighbor's children...all of them...are pathetic. 3 out of 4 adult children do not work, at all, and the stupid parents allow them to sponge off of them. What happens when the parents pass away? More problems for the rest of us to deal with?
Best way I can think of is to ask your adult children how their classmates made out. At least your own children will tell you the truth.
What game will they play tonight?
Truth or Consequences? What's My Line? The Price Is Right? To Tell The Truth? Break the Bank?
Come on out and see for yourself.
cable specials:
Truth "NO" Consequences
"What's my line"...of bull tonight?
"The Price is Right"..about where the board says it will be.
"To Tell The Truth" well, not yet, but there's always next year.
"Break the Bank" ..I think that's spelled wrong. I think it's Break the Back"
The show will finish up with a guest appearance by James Brown, singing..."I FEEL GOOD"
No repeat chorus is expected.
Smile, it's football season!
With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, it is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person, which almost went unnoticed last week.
Larry LaPrise, the man that wrote "The Hokey Pokey" died peacefully at the age of 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in. And that's when the trouble started.
You know it's funny.
I really like the new comedy/ joke format here on the blog.
Now I can tell my friends about it!
I was getting tired of the concerned citizen whiners anyway.
Keep the jokes coming!
(I know - I'm the joke) took the words right out of your mouth Mary.
Many of you would like nothing better than to to turn this blog into a comedy club. That way you can ignore the real issues and pretend everything is wonderful. If you want comedy go start your own blog.
I see in this morning's paper that the Exeter School Board is giving their Concerned Citizens the same rude treatment that the OVSB gives to ours.
A touch of comedy can make a point. But total comedy = total lack of respect for these facts:
Oley School District can't prove that they are fiscally or educationally responsible. It's that easy.
Also - it's very easy to see when someone "just" got a computer. Old jokes that were circulated a few years ago, but they're new to those that are also new. Old doesn't work. Not even when people are PAYING for comedy.
Positive Note: I just read the eagle's on line sports page, and I was glad to see that the Lynx won in field hockey. I do not a darn thing about the game, but in reading the article, it sounds that the coach is teaching pride , commitment and respect to those girls.
Nobody can be successful at anything unless they are taught those types of characteristics. I don't think I know any of the girls on the team, or the coach, but for a system to be consistent year in and year out tells me that the girls on the team has learned how to be part of an organization and to respect one another and their opponents. They/we should be proud.
I only wish that the people that I work for and work with had such an attitude.
Again, just wanted to point out a positive and give credit when due.
I heard about their latest victory on the radio, first thing this morning. It's great, and surely something to be proud of, which we are! Good going Oley Girls!
Mary was working today and has not been on this blog is days, until now. Mary has not written on here in a long time and is very busy working. Do not care anymore to complain about the system. Do not put my name with anything on here. Thank you in advance.
USMC sing along
Over Hill
over Dale...
Okay, now everybody...
in not is
I think this blog is running out of gas.
We're in luck. King's is giving away $2.00 coupons for gas! All together now!
We are not running out of anything! We have plenty of gas, brains and facts..... more news coming.......
Extra, Extra read all about it.....
I hope you don't have too much gas! ;)
Vincent Van Gogh had a really large family. Here's a listing of some of the lessor known ones...
The brother who bleached all his clothes white .. Hue Gogh
The sister who wore a mini skirt to dance in bars ... Go Gogh
The real obnoxious brother .......... Please Gogh
The brother who ate prunes ............ Gotta Gogh
The cousin that moved to Illinois ......... Chicah Gogh
Nephew that drove a stage coach .......... Wells Far Gogh
Aunt who was a good dancer .............. Tan Gogh
Dearest blogger - 10:23:46,
Your talents for posting "funny" little stories and jokes has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for your interest in attempting to bring a lighter side to the heartbreak of rising taxes and falling test scores. The blog "regulars" have given up many necessities in an effort to pay their taxes, even though the higher taxes have not shown us higher PSSA scores. We did not, however, give up the ability to "call 'em as we see 'em." Here, on our blog, we've all got one thing in common: Freedom of speech. I'm glad that I have the freedom to state, right here, that your efforts to take up time and space on the blog, by repeating lengthy and boring jokes, is a pathetic attempt to cast a diversion. Sir, or madam, your efforts are failing. The Oley Concerned Citizens have many things in common. One of which is the ability to smell a rat.
To "better mouse trap" (whatever that is supposed to mean)
- Did you hear the one about the uptight woman from Oley? She was so serious and tense that she became constipated and took her toilet paper back to King's for a refund.
- Build a Better Blog
Since March 2, 2006 with our first post of Oley School District Unveils a Sticker Shock Budget, there have been 9,981 vistors and 15,481 page reads!
The blog continues to grow.
Significant blog upgrades are in the works.
"better mouse trap"
"what ever that's supposed to mean?"
If you have to ask "that" question, you must be locally educated.
Our blog site has had nearly 10,000 posts.
In all that reading, I've only seen ONE posting including this:
1. constipated
2. toilet paper
3. Oley Football
Go Oley Football, GO!
Yeah, really...go.
And spare us the details....
"One of which is the ability to smell a rat."
Sniff, sniff....really, where oh where? ;)
Oley football certainly is the up and coming sport! Football, football....rah rah rah!
There once were some old jocks from Oley
who claimed football was both great and holy.
Their taxes were soaring
their test scores were boring
but said taxpayers should fund the sport solely.
There once were some folks from the valley.
Who said,"Down with the schools, let us rally!"
All good things were put down.
As they paced with a frown.
But there numbers were too low to tally!
There once was a town full of teachers,
enough to fill all of the bleachers.
They stomped their feet twice
to get everything nice,
nit-picking all minute features.
Hello Blogger 10:18:31
We are not fighting good things for the school, and this includes, sports.
Your parents might have been able to give you everything that you wanted when you were little and spoiled, but now you are adults and obviously spoiled, and need to provide your wants and desires with your own money.
If you can pay for it, then pay for it. However, I can not, as my family comes first, and my children get fed before I hand out my money to you!
Instead of coming after the taxpayers for every little thing and then on top of that belittling us when we ask pertinent questions, why don't you ask the school board to try and conserve their money and tighten their budget. Ask them where they are spending all our money.
Was the Butler's Pantry catering really needed this summer?
Who got the really huge new media center up at the school district. Is in it in the classroom for the children, or is it in the teacher's lounge? There are computer purchases all over the check runs. Where are these computers? Who has the new digital camera that was purchased?
What about the 10+ floaters who are called in every day at the rate of $75/day +. I ask to do what. Just in case someone needs help. We even pay our substitutes and guest teachers, and floaters, a full day's pay, even if they go home sick one hour after the beginning of the day. How about pro-rating it and just letting them get paid for the time worked?
All these things add up and Every little bit counts!
again I say, had we been managed properly over the last 10 years, this school district might have been able to give these items to the children of this district.
Folks, you need to ask where the money has gone, and we are trying to show you. And don't forget the law suit with the middle school.
You need to ask the district how the Nextel agreement is going to monetarily benefit our school district. This motion was passed at a board meeting, and we were told that the board could not disclose any facts relating to this arrangement. We were told to TRUST the board. Who dropped the ball on the construction of the middle school? Again, they had our money and now refuse to pay the steel contractor.
With over $800,000 in cost over-runs, the money that they thought they would have left over, they do not have, and are trying to get out of paying a bill that they(which transfers over to WE, the taxpayers) owe.
Is the Nextel agreement going to fly back in our faces. There is a monetary committment on the part of the district for this arrangement. HOW MUCH IS IT? THE BOARD WILL NOT TELL US. However, we have every right to know, as they are using our money to put into this agreement.
Also, for all you middle school parents who are not aware, there is a serious health-related issue in our middle school locker rooms, as on Wednesay, sewage was spewing and puddled from a drain on the floor.
This is not the first time this has happened. There are horrible odors that come from the drains also.
We were told it's because the showers are not used in the locker rooms.
When I went to school, you had to take a shower after every gym class. Now because the period are so short there is not enough time to take a shower.
We need to get back on task, as does every other school distrct in this state, and make the education of our children the top priority.
The previous post contained many questions that EVERYONE should be concerned with, not just a handful of people.
If we were to narrow down the field to just a few of those an attempt to get even a couple of actual answers, heres the ones I'd like to know about:
1. Why are periods so short that it's no longer possible to take a shower after gym class? If this was done in an effort to squeeze all the necessary classes into a school day, and allow the teachers to fly out of the door at the end of the day, as quickly as the students, it sounds WRONG. If the scheduling department sees fit to cut gym class short, so short they have no time for showers, then opting for taxpayer funded items like a new track and football sounds wrong, too. The board's implication that nobody would know the difference, or care, is at once, insulting and comical. Yet, no laughing matter.
2. If students are doing so little in gym class that they don't mind dressing without showers, then the gym teachers are not doing their jobs, either.
3. If my granddaughter brings home ANY unnecessary illness via "poop on the school floors," someone will have a lot of explaining to OUR lawyers. It should not matter at all if the showers are never used, as far as any stench in the air goes. But, if any plumbing experts feel that stagnant water in the traps could be the cause, which lazy employee does not have the time to turn the showers on every day, for a few minutes. Only cold water would be needed to flush those lines. Cold water, an alert employee's hand, and a few minutes. I guess the SMILING SENIOR CITIZENS could handle that one.
Smile! :)
An easy solution for those willing to show no concern for anyone.
Was that approved? At what meeting was that voted on? I must have missed the headline, I wasn't aware that it happened.
I rely on this blog for factual information - is this true? The last I heard was that several options were put out for bid.
The Middle School students still spend 15 minutes every day in A-A. There's your shower time.
A track project was voted on at the February 8, 2006 board meeting. They voted to install a new track and have plans drawn up.
The school board voted on prices for the project from $880,606 up to and including $1,360,606.
MaryAnne McCarthy is quoted in the Reading Eagle, from the April 12, 2006, board meeting as saying:
"The board will stand behind its earlier decision to fund at least 50% of the cost."
The board never assigned an amount they would OK, just that they would pay for at least half of ANY AMOUNT THAT THEY DECIDED ON!
This has left them wide open to approve any amount that they want to, so while they might not go with the $1.4 million track, how do you think they will proceed?
They have the authority to go with the highest priced project.
I hope you weren't thinking that they would vote on whether or not to install the track until after they got bids, because they voted in the track whether or not this district could afford it, AND WE CAN'T!
Looks like Oley works from the final project and then proceeds backwards.
No more A/A in the middle school!! They dropped it this year! Backwards to forwards does not seem like the right way to do things!!
Pardon my ignorance, but what is "A/A"?
A/A is Advisor/Advisee.
This was the last period of every school day last year.
About 4 years ago, they did not have enough advisors, so they had the custodians in charge of a group of kids.
My son tells me that this year they have added time to each class since they no longer have A/A.
Perhaps they should have added the time to the gym periods so that the children could take showers after gym class.
An easy solution for those willing to show no concern for anyone."
Someone simply makes the statement, "smile" and that's the response they get!?!? What a frame of mind!!
It's not the comment, "smile," it's the implication that everything is "A-OK" here in our school district. Wake up sweetie pie, wake up! Okay, wake up, smile, then wake up the rest of the way, and smell the coffee.
Oh blogger with those smiley faces
Tripping on your own shoe laces
Plant the seed with deceit
Then the lengthy retreat
While leaving tell-all traces
You got it!
My goodness you people are harsh! I simply meant, "smile!" There seems to be an awful lot of negative emotion on here, and I was reminding you that although you have your disagreements, it's okay to smile! ...really, it is!
"Oh blogger with those smiley faces
Tripping on your own shoe laces
Plant the seed with deceit
Then the lengthy retreat
While leaving tell-all traces"
Deceit, retreat, tell-all traces? Do you really think everyone on here is part of a conspiracy? I wrote that and I simply meant, "smile." No conspiracy, no deceit, and no retreat. As for tell-all traces (I can only guess what you mean by that). positive comment, and I get pounced upon by ravenous bloggers.
God Bless the school board members!
Good night Rob.
Good night Dale.
"one positive comment?"
We realize that many are pressed for time, but the one word "smile" comment probably needed a little more explanation. Here's a tip sheet which you may follow at your leasure:
1. SMILE:) GOD loves you!
2. SMILE...We're much better off than the countries where our soldiers are serving.
3. confuses people.
4. SMILE...Our President is allowing more of our soldiers to give the ultimate sacrifice. God bless their grieving families.
5. SMILE...gas prices are down. They're only twice what they were a few years back.
6. SMILE...senior citizens are giving their school tax dollars to greedy teachers and overpaid staff. After all, who needs food and medical expenses, anyway?
7. SMILE...Oley has raw sewage coming up the drains and creeping towards unsuspecting students, teachers and staff.
8. SMILE..board members and staff read ALL of this, and then attempt to look themselves in the mirror. Windex is available in most stores, buy some and use it. Your mirrors seem to have a thick film covering them.
9. SMILE...Nextel is calling.
10. SMILE...there are many "behind the scenes" bloggers, and we're taking notes......
10. SMILE...there are many "behind the scenes" bloggers, and we're taking notes......
What is this supposed to mean?
Can you identify all bloggers on the supposedely anonymous site?
Are all viewers to this site on some list now?
Can we expect to be assigned our own personal "concerned citizen" stalker?
Should I now expect my mail box to get smashed or eggs thrown at my house if I don't agree with the concerned citizens?
The "concerned citizens" are a ravenous, paranoid bunch that sees conspiracies everywhere.
God help the "evil snake people" board members.
Oh yeah, don't forget to buy some Nextel stock, whatever the big Oley purchase is will send the stock price to the moon!!!
Stalkers? Wow, nothing says SMILE quite like accusing someone of stalking. Taking notes means...we're paying attention to the school board FACTS. Maybe you should try that, between smiling and accusing....
"Are all viewers on this site on some list now?" "Should I now expect my mail box to get smashed or eggs thrown at my house...?""Can you identify all bloggers on the supposedly anonymous site?"
And you are calling Concerned Citizens paranoid who see conspiracies everywhere??? Hmmmmm...
I agree with rs, and with the 10 tips list...
If you choose to react with words like "stalker" then it's clear that you are overly nervous about something, or many things. Cross Concerned Citizens off of your list of organizations to worry about...WE'RE ALL ABOUT BEING RESPONSIBLE. And HONEST. And for the good of the entire community. If you are in need of any further explanation, email Al Jacobs, as he would be able to explain, in detail, what this blog is all about.
Thank you for your time.
to hmmmmmmm...
"should I now expect my mailbox to get smashed or eggs thrown at my house if I don't agree with the concerned citizens....?"
Congratulations! You win the prize for the most pathetic come-back. We feel sorry for you, and we'll keep you in our prayers:
Dear God,
Please love and protect our disturbed blogger(s), and protect their anonymity. Please protect their mailbox(es) and could you see to it that the eggs that may have been considered for throwing at somebody's house, instead, go to feeding the hungry. God, we know you are pretty busy with WAR, FAMINE, AND FOOTBALL PRAYERS, BUT IF YOU FIND TIME IN YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE, COULD YOU PLEASE DELIVER US ALL FROM EVIL, LIKE YOU ALWAYS HAVE? Oh, and could you please guide our teachers in the path of suitable education? Our children deserve the best we can give them.
Thank you , GOD, for all of our many blessings. Small classrooms, gym classes with showers, and a great deal with NEXTEL phones!
Can I get an AMEN?
Dear Bloggers,
Is the OCC planning to join the 23 other similar groups across the state to petition for real reform. I have read many postings on other web sites from our surrounding schools' taxpayer organizations, and found them quite interesting. The 23 organizations banded together to form the PA Cyber coalition, (or something like that), and they focus of many or most of the same and similar fiscal responsibility and lagging educational accomplishments as discussed on this blog. They have many of the same issues as Oley does, and they are trying to approach it in a lobbying manner, to put pressure on legislatures.
We differ somewhat with more blogging guided towards specific topics, but in the end, fiscal responsibility, while improving the educational standards are still the keys.
If the organizer(s) of this forum do not plan to proceed in that direction, can someone explain why? I read many of the posts, including a stop teacher strike web site/organization, as well as many other interesting and unique idea's to correct the school funding issues.
I believe the writer who made the "stalker" comment was being SARCASTIC.
Maybe you humorless concerned citizens ought to get away from being hunched over your nasty little computers and go outside for some fresh air.
There once were some bloggers
from Oley,
who hated the school district solely.
They blogged day and night,
pretending to fight,
"for the children" they said,
acting pius and holy.
"Stalkers? Wow, nothing says SMILE quite like accusing someone of stalking. Taking notes means...we're paying attention to the school board FACTS. Maybe you should try that, between smiling and accusing...."
We're two different people, buddy! I do agree with the other writer though! :)
Pius? Is that a school down near Pottstown?
Hahaha....joking....sarcastic humor lives on and on....
I won't be "hunched over my nasty little computer" (what a pathetic comment)or getting some fresh air. I will be at the Administration building tonight along with the rest of the Oley Tax Study Commission deciding how to shift your taxes and whether to recommend a Personal Income Tax or raise the Earned Income Tax. At our last meeting there was one person in attendance from the community. Obviously very few people care...
"If the organizer(s) of this forum do not plan to proceed in that direction, can someone explain why? I read many of the posts, including a stop teacher strike web site/organization, as well as many other interesting and unique idea's to correct the school funding issues."
There were discussions with representative(s)of the state coalition of taxpayer groups about their goals.
They want to implement a bill that would eliminate school property taxes.
However, they want to scrape House Bill 1, our current tax system that contains referendum controls on district spending.
However, they want to scrape House Bill House Bill 1 in the hopes that the new reform will pass the House.
It would be a better option to change the school tax system all once, rather than gamble, the House, the Senate, and the Governor would sign such a package.
If their plan did not work, then we would be back to blank check, wish list spending budgets.
Otherwise, we would support a plan to make the system more equitable.
"Obviously very few people care..."
Except, of course, you rs! Isn't that right!?! ;)
*the above blog should read, "you, RS....
Oh how I enjoy reading the blogs from my fellow sarcastic bloggers! I love the sense of humor of many of you!
to 5:10:56
"I do agree with the other writer though:)"
Other writer? According to Al, we've about hit 10,000 blogs. Which "one" is the other writer?
I'm the other writer. I believe the school board needs some brushing up on reporting truthful facts to those that fund the very system they're attempting to run. I'm glad to know you agree with me.
with love,
Other Writer
What is going on here. Russ is saying he has to go to a meeting tonight to determine our what taxes are going to be changed under the new system the state has put into place and all you say is we think we care more than you. The concern citizens do care for all the people and children of this district, not like the feel gooders that only come to meetings when they want something from the board that is going to cost more of our hard earned tax dollars.
We are an educational institution not a blank check bank. Spending has to stop for items not mandated by the state. We cannot keep taxing people out of their homes and having people not to be able to pay for food, medicines, gas etc. What does the next year budget look like at this time? I hear the school board and administration are working on this now! Are we looking at a tax increase again?
I'm the UDDER writer. Let's not Milk the heck out of those smiley faces. We'll all need a trip to the chiropractor from tilting our heads on the angle to see the darned things.
Hey smiles give us some hard facts that you have! Tell us what you are doing to make this district the best it can be! Do you really care? Are you just bored all day that you have to put smiles on the computer. That does not look like a fact!
Hey folks, Mr. Smiley here! I was not agreeing with you, Mr. Naysayer, I was agreeing with my fellow enjoyers of sarcastic humor who share my dislike of the negativity and hatred expressed through this blog!
Oh, I see....RUSS is the person who is determining the amount of taxes to be paid! No, nevermind, that will only be the case if the taxes are lowered! Otherwise he will be "just one voice."
Hey, Mr. Smiley...
What are you, the Ricola cougher? hehehe....or I could be a woman....
Oh, pity the life a lonely person leads.....
He is with a group of other people of our district that were elected by our school to look at the best option of either a personal income tax or to increase the earned income tax to give us some relief in school property tax which will not be much if anything at all. This is not a easy task for anyone to deal with. The whole state tax system has to be changed fairly for all. Now is the time for swift tax reform. Vote for the people that want to finally changed the way we pay for education. Sign up now to vote in November. Deadline to sign up is October 31st. Let your vote by heard. We are Americans and we have the right to vote. We should taking voting very seriously.. Good Night one and all!
"Hey, Mr. Smiley...
What are you, the Ricola cougher? hehehe....or I could be a woman...."
Maybe I'm just not very bright, but I have no idea what you are saying here.
"....I was agreeing with my fellow enjoyers of sarcastic humor who share my dislike of the negativity and hatred expressed through this blog..."
Gosh! How often do you and your fellow enjoyers subject yourselves, willingly, to all of the negativity and hatred expressed through this blog? Or are the posts read aloud to you and yours, against your combined wills? Generally, that does not happen. That would be like how they used to try to get people to confess to crimes, etc. Like playing the same song on an old phonograph, day in and day out. Of course, now they call that RAP!
Soccor: a game played by left leaning socialist and communist mommies boys.
Football: a game played by red blooded american boys.
Which one is played at Oley?
Did you MEAN "SOCCER?"
kase closd....if wee Kan't spel the naim of the spordt, wy on erf R we stickin more kidz on the feeld?
Did you mean Mommie's?"
Kase closd
Did you mean American?
Even my cat knows that the word "American" is ALWAYS spelled with an upper case "A"....
go Oley English class.
And...if you're Hell-bent on having our kids beat the life out of each other, could we consider a gladiator team? Or, how about chariot races? The OLD track would be suitable for such events....
Chariot Races AND Gladiator events will qualify for a FREE shower---if our team wins.....
To anonymous at 07:49:48 PM:
No, genius, I am NOT the one who will determine the amount of taxes to be paid. If you were half as clever as you pretend to be you would know that the Oley Tax Study Commission is charged with recommending to the board whether to raise the Earned Income Tax (to be offset by reduction in Propery Taxes) or to implement a Personal Income Tax to be offset by reduced Property Taxes. The board can accept our recommendation or not, it's their decision. Whatever they decide will be on the May primary ballot for the citizens of the school district to approve or reject.
Instead of making snide comments about me (at least I volunteered to go on the Commission, where were you?) why don't you come to the public hearing in November and find out what's going on? Believe me, your taxes will be affected regardless of the option the board chooses. Or, maybe you don't care, that's OK, too.
'OCC said...However, they want to scrape House Bill 1, our current tax system that contains referendum controls on district spending.'
Al, Thanks for the information. I was not aware that the commonwealth caucus/PA Plan for future, or whatever name it is going by now doesn't have spending controls. I thought the original version did have spending caps in place.
However, the current Act 1, which does have the referrendum requirement in place, I believe that it contains a list of 8 or 9 exceptions to the referrendum clause, and it is my understanding that those exceptions (holes) are pretty big and ambigous. Therefore, is there any real referrendum requirement that has any real teeth, or is this just another Rendell take from the country and give to the city plan?
Additional thoughts or clarification on the current Act 1 as well as on the Comm. Caucus plan would be appreciated.
Now there's two blog spots for viewing...
the events over which we're all stewing...
So "smile pretty" for Al
just say "cheese" ...don't cry foul
a responsible board we're pursuing!
Dear RS,
It was SARCASM. I'm sorry, I guess you didn't understand!
RS, I see how you treat people on this blog. I can only imagine how you treated people who disagreed with you when you were on the school board. Were you this arrogant?
We just want to share our opinions too, dearie!
Soccor: a game played by left leaning socialist and communist mommies boys.
Football: a game played by red blooded american boys.
Which one is played at Oley?
Wow! And I thought there was no football team because there were too few students! With which political party is the cross-country team associated ... oh! yes the GREEN party?
Boy, oh Boy, my dyed in the red Republican husband and the rest of his soccer playing family are going to be very upset. Imagine, a game of finesse and skill being attributed to communists. I always associated them with stong-arm, wrestling type tactics.
"The Middle School Lawsuit" is the title.
So, what's new with the middle school law suit?
A game soccer players would be playing if football players participated.
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"Additional thoughts or clarification on the current Act 1 as well as on the Comm. Caucus plan would be appreciated."
Please go to the new blog for a response.
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