Textbox Scroller

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Poll Results

The results of the poll question, "Do you want to pay higher school property taxes for a new $1,400,000 synthetic track?":

No -65%

Yes - 35%

Site statistics indicated a number of Yes votes from mail.oleysd.k12.pa.us.

This is an unscientific poll, but the results would probably be the same if there were a referendum vote on the same topic.

The information will be presented to the school board.

There will be more polls. The first one was a great success.

The paper reports that the district recently agreed to pay additional engineering fees over the original $39,000 architect charges for the track!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Numbers Don't Match

Dr. Warren Moser, the acting business manager made a revised budget presentation to the school board and to the overflow audience of concerned taxpayers on March 21,2006.

He presented a lower set of figures for the 2006 budget than was presented to the board on February 27,2006.

The new budget for 2006 will be $25,596,702. This is an increase of $2,046,644 over the 2005 budget of $23,550,058 that was sent to the state by the district.

Dr. Moser says the millage increase necessary to pay for the 2006 spending is 2.18 mills.

The problem arises when you divide the revenue generated by a mill of taxes or $677,000 into the $2,046,644 increase. The millage calculates to 3.023 mills not the 2.18 mills advertised.

Whether the millage is 3.023 or 2.18 mills, either is excessive.

Adding to the confusion in the presentation was the format change from February 27,2006 meeting.

Significant expense figures either were deleted or added and thereby created confusion for the audience to compare previous information.

Dr. Moser wants to transfer $53,975 from the Cafeteria Fund to the General Fund.

The Cafeteria Fund is showing loses. This accounting maneuver would have the Cafeteria Fund showing a profit.

Transferring expenses to the General Fund has the effect of increasing taxes.

The board was asked to consider having a private firm run the cafeteria to save money. The suggestion just to look at a proposal was flatly rejected with no real explanation.

Last, but not least, is that the figures presented at the March 21,2006 meeting did not cover the cost of the proposed $1,400,000 track.

Based on the new spending increases and the cost of the track, the possible millage increase is 5.64 mills!

The property owner currently paying school property taxes of $2,150 per $100,000 assessed value could be paying $2,714 per $100,000 of assessed value.

We cannot afford these increases. We need to let the board hear our voices.

Oley Citizen Watch Dogs Reduce the Budget

The early involvement of the concerned citizens had a profound effect on the spending requests of the district.

At the March 21,2006 Budget and Finance Meeting, the administration had to cut a significant amount from their 2006 spending proposal presented at the February 27,2006 meeting.

They originally wanted to increase spending by $2,797,901, but the school superintendent cut the request to approximately to $2,416,674 or a reduction of $381,227.

The reason the spending increase number in this article is different from that in the article,"The Numbers Don't Match" is that Dr. Moser changed format and content of the budget presentation.

He never fully addressed the disposition of $2,109,880 "Known Increases" expenses revealed at the February 27,2006 meeting

This reduction would never have happened had the community not voiced their concerns to the board. The meetings packed with overtaxed property owners affect the budget process.

The administration still needs to cut far more from their wish list.

Friday, March 17, 2006

We Must Make Change Ourselves

The politicians in Harrisburg, both Republican and Democratic, have turned their backs on homeowners.

They are more interested in sneaking through pay increases in the dark of night or fattening their pensions, than helping families and seniors keep their homes.

The Oley Valley School District School Board mirrors the same attitude. They clearly demonstrated at the March 15,2006 meeting, they have only contempt for taxpayer concerns.

Whether it is a board member trying to intimidate a speaker with a camera or stonewalling questions about the budget, the district appears determined to conduct business as usual.

There were attempts of empathy with tokenism remarks, but actions speak louder than words.

We must make change ourselves

Oley School District Taxpayers


We face a possible....

26% Increase in Property Taxes !!


$2,150 Per $100,000 Per Assessed Value

2006-2007 Proposed

$2712 Per $100,000 Assessed Value

Attend Next Budget and Finance Meeting

Tuesday March 21, 2006

7:00 PM

Administration Building Boardroom

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Oley School Board Stonewalls Budget Requests

A room of full of taxpayers attending a meeting looking for answers about the ominous 2006 school budget, were met with silence, intimidation, and indifference by the Oley Valley School District school board.

The board often criticizes people who ask questions about district spending in June when the budgets are passed. They get a lecture about not being involved in the process sooner.

Last night, the community gets involved in March, and we told it is too early to ask questions about the budget.

The truth of the matter is that the board does not want to answer any questions about this budget.

Bottom line, the citizens of the Oley Valley School District face a 6.46 mill increase in school property taxes!

Those who attended the meeting were shocked by what they saw and heard. They came not believing the flyers posted in the community about the budget. Last night they realize the gravity of the situation.

The next budget meeting is Tuesday, March 21,2006 at 7:00 PM in the Administration Building Boardroom.

Come join us and let your voice be heard. Tell your friends and neighbors.

At the request of people who attended the meeting, the contents of a speech made to the board are being posted for the community to review.

"The Budget and Finance meeting held on February 27th revealed the most outlandish spending requests in recent memory. The district wants to increase spending by $2,797,901.

This wish list is not state or federally mandated, but rather a compilation of previous board decisions whose bill has come due.

The enormous budget request will be portrayed as critical to education, but a review suggests otherwise.

Adding more staff when school enrollment is down, new TV's, new cafeteria chairs because the current ones "pinch the posterior", New Television Studio equipment, new wireless connections in addition to existing land line connections, a new athletic trainer, a new scoreboard, a litany of new technology increases....the list goes on and on.

The individual making the technology request said " The board has created a monster.." when they engaged on the spending spree for technology.

Replacing unusable equipment is one thing, having the latest toy is another.

It gets worse, we discover that the $2,797,901 does not include the cost of a new track.

The new track costs have escalated from $350,000 to nearly a $1,400,000 facility, due to a $39,000 architect recommendation.

The supporters of this non-educational expenditure promised to provide at least half the cost. According to published reports, no funds have been received from this group to date.

A board member even said in the paper, taxes would not rise because of the track. Nonsense, the money will probably come from the Capital Reserve Fund, which was created with tax dollars. If the money is spent on the track, the Capital Reserve Fund will be replenished with new tax dollars.

We can't even tap the Capital Projects Fund of $1,200,000 to defray the 2006 capital spending because of a lingering lawsuit concerning the Middle School.

Based on the district's estimated revenues, the board cannot even pay for the new teachers contract, much less anything else.

The $2,797,901 budget request and the $1,400,000 facility are the district numbers presented to the public.

Adding the two figures, the total bill could be $4,197,901 of additional spending which represents a 6.46 mill increase!

When the board was asked at the budget meeting, " How are we going to fund over four million dollars of spending with only a half million of revenues? ", the board did not respond.

A potential 6.46 mill increase or anything close to that amount deserves honesty and candor from the board.

If they not agree with these numbers what are the numbers?

Saying it is too early to make predictions is absurd. How can you negotiate a teachers contract and give administrative pays increases without knowing your 2006 budget

We want answers now, not the day the budget is passed."

Friday, March 10, 2006

Disappearing Taxpayer Flyers

Concerned citizens are taking the time and incurring the expense to inform the Oley Valley School District taxpayers about the 2006 school budget.

They are placing flyers at various locations to alert the community about the potential impact of the district spending proposals.

Unfortunately, some have problems with Freedom of Speech when it comes to any discussions about the school district budget. Flyers are taken down or destroyed.

We are reproducing the flyer's contents on this blog in the interests of district information.

Oley School District Taxpayers


We face a possible....

26% Increase in Property Taxes !!


$2,150 Per $100,000 Per Assessed Value

2006-2007 Proposed

$2712.00 Per $100,000 Assessed Value

Attend Next School Board Meeting

Wednesday March 15, 2006

7:00 PM

Elementary School Library

Let Your Voice Be Heard


Friday, March 03, 2006

How Long Can We Afford To Live In The Oley Valley?

A number of citizens must be asking themselves, how long will they be able to stay in the area? School property taxes are rising at such a rate that homeowners cannot keep pace.

Whether they are seniors on fixed incomes or young families trying to make ends meet, people are worried about keeping their homes.

Oley Valley School District Millage:

Year - Millage - Tax Per Assessed Value

1999 - 14.08 Mills - $1408 Per $100,000
2000 - 14.93 Mills - $1493 Per $100,000
2001 - 16.70 Mills - $1670 Per $100,000
2002 - 18.69 Mills - $1869 Per $100,000
2003 - 19.68 Mills - $1968 Per $100,000
2004 - 20.75 Mills - $2075 Per $100,000
2005 - 21.50 Mills - $2150 Per $100,000
2006 - 27.12 Mills - $2712 Per $100,000 are the potential taxes for this year's budget.

When is this juggernaut of tax increases going to stop?

The Oley Valley School board cannot blame the state or the federal government for sweet heart teacher contracts, wish list spending, Taj Mahal buildings or grandiose athletic projects.

We are a small bedroom community and we expect the board to spend our hard earned tax dollars wisely.

School Board Members :

Robert A. Heckman
Ralph C. Richard
Mary Anne McCarthy
Barbara M. Bieber
Robert J. Cappa
Scarlette Z. Gotwals
Christopher M. Hannum
Kerry Madeira
David M. Maloney, Sr.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Oley School District Unveils A Sticker Shock Budget

The Oley Valley School District had a budget meeting on February 27, 2006. Attending the meeting were most of the school board members, along with the superintendant and the business manager.

The administration presented the 2006-2007 budget request. They want to increase spending by $2,797,901.22 over the 2005-2006 budget. In addition, the board is considering the building of a new sysnthetic track and field at a projected cost of $1,400,000.

The budget request and the new track/field represent a potential millage increase of 5.62 mills.

The Oley Valley School District millage is 21.50.

The homeowner pays $2,150 per $100,000 of assessed value. The 2006-2007 budget will raise the school property taxes to $2712.00 per $100,000 of assessed value or a 26% increase !!

A member of the audience asked the attending board members how they planned to finance such an enormous increase. The board did not respond.

We urge the citizens to attend the Oley Valley School District meeting on Wednesday, March 15,2006, 7:00 PM at the Oley Elementary School Library.

The citizens of the Oley Valley School District want a quality education at an affordable price, not blank check budgets.